(function (factory) { typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('index', factory) : factory(); }((function () { 'use strict'; function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function (obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); } function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); } function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); } function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { if (_isNativeReflectConstruct()) { _construct = Reflect.construct; } else { _construct = function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { var a = [null]; a.push.apply(a, args); var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent, a); var instance = new Constructor(); if (Class) _setPrototypeOf(instance, Class.prototype); return instance; }; } return _construct.apply(null, arguments); } function _isNativeFunction(fn) { return Function.toString.call(fn).indexOf("[native code]") !== -1; } function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) { var _cache = typeof Map === "function" ? new Map() : undefined; _wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) { if (Class === null || !_isNativeFunction(Class)) return Class; if (typeof Class !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } if (typeof _cache !== "undefined") { if (_cache.has(Class)) return _cache.get(Class); _cache.set(Class, Wrapper); } function Wrapper() { return _construct(Class, arguments, _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor); } Wrapper.prototype = Object.create(Class.prototype, { constructor: { value: Wrapper, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); return _setPrototypeOf(Wrapper, Class); }; return _wrapNativeSuper(Class); } function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); } function _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it; if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || o[Symbol.iterator] == null) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function () {}; return { s: F, n: function () { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function (e) { throw e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function () { it = o[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function () { var step = it.next(); normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function (e) { didErr = true; err = e; }, f: function () { try { if (!normalCompletion && it.return != null) it.return(); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; } var animationQueue = {}; var Animation = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Animation() { _classCallCheck(this, Animation); } _createClass(Animation, null, [{ key: "slideUp", /** * Slide up aims to close an element. To do that, we take the height of the element, and set it to 0 to * force an animation */ value: function slideUp(element, callback) { var propertyToAnimate = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'height'; element.style[propertyToAnimate] = "".concat(element.scrollHeight, "px"); // Force previous height to allow CSS transition element.offsetHeight; // Force redraw element.style[propertyToAnimate] = 0; if (animationQueue[element.id]) { element.removeEventListener('transitionend', animationQueue[element.id]); delete animationQueue[element.id]; } var transitionEnded = function transitionEnded(event) { if (event.propertyName === 'height') { element.removeEventListener('transitionend', transitionEnded); (callback || function () {})(); } }; element.addEventListener('transitionend', transitionEnded); } /** * Slide down aims to open an element. To do that, you must make sure that the element you are trying to open * is set with height: 0; overflow: hidden in the CSS, and does not contain any padding nor margin. */ }, { key: "slideDown", value: function slideDown(element, callback) { var propertyToAnimate = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'height'; // To do the animation we temporarily hide it, check the height, and transition to it element.style[propertyToAnimate] = "".concat(element.scrollHeight, "px"); var transitionEnded = function transitionEnded(event) { if (event.propertyName === propertyToAnimate) { var defaultValue = 'auto'; if (propertyToAnimate === 'max-height') { defaultValue = 'none'; } element.style[propertyToAnimate] = defaultValue; // Allows the content to grow normally element.removeEventListener('transitionend', transitionEnded); delete animationQueue[element.id]; (callback || function () {})(); } }; element.addEventListener('transitionend', transitionEnded); animationQueue[element.id] = transitionEnded; } }]); return Animation; }(); /** * Various DOM helper */ var Dom = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Dom() { _classCallCheck(this, Dom); } _createClass(Dom, null, [{ key: "getSiblings", /** * Get all the previous and next siblings, optionally filtered by a selector */ value: function getSiblings(element, filter) { var includeSelf = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; var siblings = []; var currentElement = element; // Do the previous first while (currentElement = currentElement.previousElementSibling) { if (!filter || currentElement.matches(filter)) { siblings.push(currentElement); } } if (includeSelf) { siblings.push(element); } // Then the next side currentElement = element; while (currentElement = currentElement.nextElementSibling) { if (!filter || currentElement.matches(filter)) { siblings.push(currentElement); } } return siblings; } }]); return Dom; }(); var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; function getDefaultExportFromCjs (x) { return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, 'default') ? x['default'] : x; } function createCommonjsModule(fn, basedir, module) { return module = { path: basedir, exports: {}, require: function (path, base) { return commonjsRequire(path, (base === undefined || base === null) ? module.path : base); } }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } function commonjsRequire () { throw new Error('Dynamic requires are not currently supported by @rollup/plugin-commonjs'); } var browser = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = void 0; /** * DOM event delegator * * The delegator will listen * for events that bubble up * to the root node. * * @constructor * @param {Node|string} [root] The root node or a selector string matching the root node */ function Delegate(root) { /** * Maintain a map of listener * lists, keyed by event name. * * @type Object */ this.listenerMap = [{}, {}]; if (root) { this.root(root); } /** @type function() */ this.handle = Delegate.prototype.handle.bind(this); // Cache of event listeners removed during an event cycle this._removedListeners = []; } /** * Start listening for events * on the provided DOM element * * @param {Node|string} [root] The root node or a selector string matching the root node * @returns {Delegate} This method is chainable */ Delegate.prototype.root = function (root) { var listenerMap = this.listenerMap; var eventType; // Remove master event listeners if (this.rootElement) { for (eventType in listenerMap[1]) { if (listenerMap[1].hasOwnProperty(eventType)) { this.rootElement.removeEventListener(eventType, this.handle, true); } } for (eventType in listenerMap[0]) { if (listenerMap[0].hasOwnProperty(eventType)) { this.rootElement.removeEventListener(eventType, this.handle, false); } } } // If no root or root is not // a dom node, then remove internal // root reference and exit here if (!root || !root.addEventListener) { if (this.rootElement) { delete this.rootElement; } return this; } /** * The root node at which * listeners are attached. * * @type Node */ this.rootElement = root; // Set up master event listeners for (eventType in listenerMap[1]) { if (listenerMap[1].hasOwnProperty(eventType)) { this.rootElement.addEventListener(eventType, this.handle, true); } } for (eventType in listenerMap[0]) { if (listenerMap[0].hasOwnProperty(eventType)) { this.rootElement.addEventListener(eventType, this.handle, false); } } return this; }; /** * @param {string} eventType * @returns boolean */ Delegate.prototype.captureForType = function (eventType) { return ['blur', 'error', 'focus', 'load', 'resize', 'scroll'].indexOf(eventType) !== -1; }; /** * Attach a handler to one * event for all elements * that match the selector, * now or in the future * * The handler function receives * three arguments: the DOM event * object, the node that matched * the selector while the event * was bubbling and a reference * to itself. Within the handler, * 'this' is equal to the second * argument. * * The node that actually received * the event can be accessed via * 'event.target'. * * @param {string} eventType Listen for these events * @param {string|undefined} selector Only handle events on elements matching this selector, if undefined match root element * @param {function()} handler Handler function - event data passed here will be in event.data * @param {boolean} [useCapture] see 'useCapture' in * @returns {Delegate} This method is chainable */ Delegate.prototype.on = function (eventType, selector, handler, useCapture) { var root; var listenerMap; var matcher; var matcherParam; if (!eventType) { throw new TypeError('Invalid event type: ' + eventType); } // handler can be passed as // the second or third argument if (typeof selector === 'function') { useCapture = handler; handler = selector; selector = null; } // Fallback to sensible defaults // if useCapture not set if (useCapture === undefined) { useCapture = this.captureForType(eventType); } if (typeof handler !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Handler must be a type of Function'); } root = this.rootElement; listenerMap = this.listenerMap[useCapture ? 1 : 0]; // Add master handler for type if not created yet if (!listenerMap[eventType]) { if (root) { root.addEventListener(eventType, this.handle, useCapture); } listenerMap[eventType] = []; } if (!selector) { matcherParam = null; // COMPLEX - matchesRoot needs to have access to // this.rootElement, so bind the function to this. matcher = matchesRoot.bind(this); // Compile a matcher for the given selector } else if (/^[a-z]+$/i.test(selector)) { matcherParam = selector; matcher = matchesTag; } else if (/^#[a-z0-9\-_]+$/i.test(selector)) { matcherParam = selector.slice(1); matcher = matchesId; } else { matcherParam = selector; matcher = Element.prototype.matches; } // Add to the list of listeners listenerMap[eventType].push({ selector: selector, handler: handler, matcher: matcher, matcherParam: matcherParam }); return this; }; /** * Remove an event handler * for elements that match * the selector, forever * * @param {string} [eventType] Remove handlers for events matching this type, considering the other parameters * @param {string} [selector] If this parameter is omitted, only handlers which match the other two will be removed * @param {function()} [handler] If this parameter is omitted, only handlers which match the previous two will be removed * @returns {Delegate} This method is chainable */ Delegate.prototype.off = function (eventType, selector, handler, useCapture) { var i; var listener; var listenerMap; var listenerList; var singleEventType; // Handler can be passed as // the second or third argument if (typeof selector === 'function') { useCapture = handler; handler = selector; selector = null; } // If useCapture not set, remove // all event listeners if (useCapture === undefined) { this.off(eventType, selector, handler, true); this.off(eventType, selector, handler, false); return this; } listenerMap = this.listenerMap[useCapture ? 1 : 0]; if (!eventType) { for (singleEventType in listenerMap) { if (listenerMap.hasOwnProperty(singleEventType)) { this.off(singleEventType, selector, handler); } } return this; } listenerList = listenerMap[eventType]; if (!listenerList || !listenerList.length) { return this; } // Remove only parameter matches // if specified for (i = listenerList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { listener = listenerList[i]; if ((!selector || selector === listener.selector) && (!handler || handler === listener.handler)) { this._removedListeners.push(listener); listenerList.splice(i, 1); } } // All listeners removed if (!listenerList.length) { delete listenerMap[eventType]; // Remove the main handler if (this.rootElement) { this.rootElement.removeEventListener(eventType, this.handle, useCapture); } } return this; }; /** * Handle an arbitrary event. * * @param {Event} event */ Delegate.prototype.handle = function (event) { var i; var l; var type = event.type; var root; var phase; var listener; var returned; var listenerList = []; var target; var eventIgnore = 'ftLabsDelegateIgnore'; if (event[eventIgnore] === true) { return; } target = event.target; // Hardcode value of Node.TEXT_NODE // as not defined in IE8 if (target.nodeType === 3) { target = target.parentNode; } // Handle SVG elements in IE if (target.correspondingUseElement) { target = target.correspondingUseElement; } root = this.rootElement; phase = event.eventPhase || (event.target !== event.currentTarget ? 3 : 2); // eslint-disable-next-line default-case switch (phase) { case 1: //Event.CAPTURING_PHASE: listenerList = this.listenerMap[1][type]; break; case 2: //Event.AT_TARGET: if (this.listenerMap[0] && this.listenerMap[0][type]) { listenerList = listenerList.concat(this.listenerMap[0][type]); } if (this.listenerMap[1] && this.listenerMap[1][type]) { listenerList = listenerList.concat(this.listenerMap[1][type]); } break; case 3: //Event.BUBBLING_PHASE: listenerList = this.listenerMap[0][type]; break; } var toFire = []; // Need to continuously check // that the specific list is // still populated in case one // of the callbacks actually // causes the list to be destroyed. l = listenerList.length; while (target && l) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { listener = listenerList[i]; // Bail from this loop if // the length changed and // no more listeners are // defined between i and l. if (!listener) { break; } if (target.tagName && ["button", "input", "select", "textarea"].indexOf(target.tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1 && target.hasAttribute("disabled")) { // Remove things that have previously fired toFire = []; } // Check for match and fire // the event if there's one // // TODO:MCG:20120117: Need a way // to check if event#stopImmediatePropagation // was called. If so, break both loops. else if (listener.matcher.call(target, listener.matcherParam, target)) { toFire.push([event, target, listener]); } } // TODO:MCG:20120117: Need a way to // check if event#stopPropagation // was called. If so, break looping // through the DOM. Stop if the // delegation root has been reached if (target === root) { break; } l = listenerList.length; // Fall back to parentNode since SVG children have no parentElement in IE target = target.parentElement || target.parentNode; // Do not traverse up to document root when using parentNode, though if (target instanceof HTMLDocument) { break; } } var ret; for (i = 0; i < toFire.length; i++) { // Has it been removed during while the event function was fired if (this._removedListeners.indexOf(toFire[i][2]) > -1) { continue; } returned = this.fire.apply(this, toFire[i]); // Stop propagation to subsequent // callbacks if the callback returned // false if (returned === false) { toFire[i][0][eventIgnore] = true; toFire[i][0].preventDefault(); ret = false; break; } } return ret; }; /** * Fire a listener on a target. * * @param {Event} event * @param {Node} target * @param {Object} listener * @returns {boolean} */ Delegate.prototype.fire = function (event, target, listener) { return listener.handler.call(target, event, target); }; /** * Check whether an element * matches a tag selector. * * Tags are NOT case-sensitive, * except in XML (and XML-based * languages such as XHTML). * * @param {string} tagName The tag name to test against * @param {Element} element The element to test with * @returns boolean */ function matchesTag(tagName, element) { return tagName.toLowerCase() === element.tagName.toLowerCase(); } /** * Check whether an element * matches the root. * * @param {?String} selector In this case this is always passed through as null and not used * @param {Element} element The element to test with * @returns boolean */ function matchesRoot(selector, element) { if (this.rootElement === window) { return (// Match the outer document (dispatched from document) element === document || // The element (dispatched from document.body or document.documentElement) element === document.documentElement || // Or the window itself (dispatched from window) element === window ); } return this.rootElement === element; } /** * Check whether the ID of * the element in 'this' * matches the given ID. * * IDs are case-sensitive. * * @param {string} id The ID to test against * @param {Element} element The element to test with * @returns boolean */ function matchesId(id, element) { return id === element.id; } /** * Short hand for off() * and root(), ie both * with no parameters * * @return void */ Delegate.prototype.destroy = function () { this.off(); this.root(); }; var _default = Delegate; exports["default"] = _default; module.exports = exports["default"]; }); var Delegate = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(browser); var CollapsibleManager = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function CollapsibleManager() { _classCallCheck(this, CollapsibleManager); this.domDelegate = new Delegate(document.body); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(CollapsibleManager, [{ key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-collapsible"]:not([disabled])', this._toggleCollapsible.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('collapsible:toggle', this._toggleCollapsible.bind(this)); } /** * Toggle a given collapsible */ }, { key: "_toggleCollapsible", value: function _toggleCollapsible(event, target) { var _this = this; // If the target is null, it may be because someone has sent the global event "collapsible:toggle". If that the case // we can retrieve the toggle button by using the event.detail.id if (!target && event.detail) { target = document.querySelector("[aria-controls=\"".concat(event.detail.id, "\"]")); } var isOpen = target.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true', parentCollapsible = target.parentNode; if (isOpen) { this._close(parentCollapsible); } else { this._open(parentCollapsible); } // We make sure to close any siblings collapsible as well if (target.getAttribute('data-close-siblings') !== 'false') { Dom.getSiblings(parentCollapsible).forEach(function (collapsibleToClose) { return _this._close(collapsibleToClose); }); } } /** * Open a given collapsible */ }, { key: "_open", value: function _open(collapsible) { var toggleButton = collapsible.querySelector('[aria-controls]'); if (!toggleButton || toggleButton.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { return; // It's already open } var collapsibleContent = collapsible.querySelector("#".concat(toggleButton.getAttribute('aria-controls'))); toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); if (collapsibleContent.hasAttribute('aria-hidden')) { collapsibleContent.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); } Animation.slideDown(collapsibleContent, function () { if (toggleButton.hasAttribute('data-collapsible-force-overflow')) { collapsibleContent.style.overflow = 'visible'; } // If there is an autofocus field, we focus it var autofocusElement = collapsibleContent.querySelector('[autofocus]'); if (autofocusElement) { autofocusElement.focus(); } }); } /** * Close a given collapsible */ }, { key: "_close", value: function _close(collapsible) { var toggleButton = collapsible.querySelector('[aria-controls]'); if (!toggleButton || toggleButton.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'false') { return; // It's already closed } var collapsibleContent = collapsible.querySelector("#".concat(toggleButton.getAttribute('aria-controls'))); if (toggleButton.hasAttribute('data-collapsible-force-overflow')) { collapsibleContent.style.overflow = 'hidden'; } if (collapsibleContent.hasAttribute('aria-hidden')) { collapsibleContent.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); Animation.slideUp(collapsibleContent); } }]); return CollapsibleManager; }(); var CountrySelector = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function CountrySelector(countrySelect, provinceSelect) { _classCallCheck(this, CountrySelector); this.countrySelect = countrySelect; this.provinceSelect = provinceSelect; if (this.countrySelect && this.provinceSelect) { this._attachListeners(); this._initSelectors(); } } _createClass(CountrySelector, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { if (this.countrySelect) { this.countrySelect.removeEventListener('change', this._onCountryChangedListener); } } }, { key: "_initSelectors", value: function _initSelectors() { // Check first the default value of country var defaultCountry = this.countrySelect.getAttribute('data-default'); if (defaultCountry) { for (var i = 0; i !== this.countrySelect.options.length; ++i) { if (this.countrySelect.options[i].text === defaultCountry) { this.countrySelect.selectedIndex = i; break; } } } else { this.countrySelect.selectedIndex = 0; } var event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true }); this.countrySelect.dispatchEvent(event); // Then the province var defaultProvince = this.provinceSelect.getAttribute('data-default'); if (defaultProvince) { for (var _i = 0; _i !== this.provinceSelect.options.length; ++_i) { if (this.provinceSelect.options[_i].text === defaultProvince) { this.provinceSelect.selectedIndex = _i; break; } } } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._onCountryChangedListener = this._onCountryChanged.bind(this); this.countrySelect.addEventListener('change', this._onCountryChangedListener); } }, { key: "_onCountryChanged", value: function _onCountryChanged() { var _this = this; var selectedOption = this.countrySelect.options[this.countrySelect.selectedIndex]; if (!selectedOption) { return; } var provinces = JSON.parse(selectedOption.getAttribute('data-provinces') || '[]'); // First remove all options this.provinceSelect.innerHTML = ''; if (provinces.length === 0) { this.provinceSelect.closest('.form__input-wrapper').style.display = 'none'; return; } // We need to build the provinces array provinces.forEach(function (data) { _this.provinceSelect.options.add(new Option(data[1], data[0])); }); this.provinceSelect.closest('.form__input-wrapper').style.display = 'block'; } }]); return CountrySelector; }(); var Responsive = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Responsive() { _classCallCheck(this, Responsive); } _createClass(Responsive, null, [{ key: "matchesBreakpoint", value: function matchesBreakpoint(breakpoint) { switch (breakpoint) { case 'phone': return window.matchMedia('screen and (max-width: 640px)').matches; case 'tablet': return window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 641px) and (max-width: 1023px)').matches; case 'tablet-and-up': return window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 641px)').matches; case 'pocket': return window.matchMedia('screen and (max-width: 1023px)').matches; case 'lap': return window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1279px)').matches; case 'lap-and-up': return window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 1024px)').matches; case 'desk': return window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 1280px)').matches; case 'widescreen': return window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 1440px)').matches; case 'supports-hover': return window.matchMedia('(hover: hover) and (pointer: fine)').matches; } } }, { key: "getCurrentBreakpoint", value: function getCurrentBreakpoint() { if (window.matchMedia('screen and (max-width: 640px)').matches) { return 'phone'; } if (window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 641px) and (max-width: 1023px)').matches) { return 'tablet'; } if (window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1279px)').matches) { return 'lap'; } if (window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 1280px)').matches) { return 'desk'; } } }]); return Responsive; }(); var DesktopNavigation = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function DesktopNavigation(element, navigationLayout, openTrigger) { _classCallCheck(this, DesktopNavigation); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.delegateRoot = new Delegate(document.documentElement); this.useInlineNavigation = navigationLayout === 'inline'; this.isNavigationVisible = this.useInlineNavigation; this.openTrigger = openTrigger; // If we use a device that does not support hover, we force the open trigger to be on click (for instance iPad) if (!Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('supports-hover')) { this.openTrigger = 'click'; } this.openItems = []; this.dropdownActivationTimeouts = {}; this.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts = {}; this.DROPDOWN_TIMEOUT = 100; this._attachListeners(); if (this.useInlineNavigation) { this._setupInlineNavigation(); } } _createClass(DesktopNavigation, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off(); this.delegateRoot.off(); } }, { key: "onBlockSelect", value: function onBlockSelect(event) { var _this = this; if (!this.useInlineNavigation) { this._openNavigation(); } // We receive a reference to the mega-menu, but for simpler handling, we simulate as if the button was hovered. First, we must close // mega-menu if there is already one that is open Dom.getSiblings(event.target.parentNode, '.is-dropdown-open').forEach(function (openItem) { _this._deactivateDropdown(event, openItem.querySelector('[data-type="menuitem"][aria-haspopup]')); }); // The previousElementSibling is always the link itself this._activateDropdown(event, event.target.previousElementSibling); } }, { key: "onBlockDeselect", value: function onBlockDeselect(event) { if (!this.useInlineNavigation) { this._closeNavigation(); } // The deactivation is done on the wrapping div (so parentNode) this._deactivateDropdown(event, event.target.parentNode); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateElement.on('focusout', this._onFocusOut.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', this._onClick.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-menu"]', this._toggleNavigation.bind(this)); if (this.openTrigger === 'hover') { this.delegateElement.on('focusin', '[data-type="menuitem"][aria-haspopup]', this._activateDropdown.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('mouseover', '[data-type="menuitem"][aria-haspopup]', this._activateDropdown.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('mouseover', '[data-type="menu"][aria-hidden="false"]', this._blockDropdownDeactivation.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('focusout', '.is-dropdown-open', this._deactivateDropdown.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('mouseout', '.is-dropdown-open', this._deactivateDropdown.bind(this)); } else { this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-type="menuitem"][aria-haspopup]', this._toggleDropdown.bind(this)); } } /** * When the whole menu looses focus, it's automatically closed (in the case of condensed menu) */ }, { key: "_onFocusOut", value: function _onFocusOut(event) { // event.relatedTarget is the new target that receives focus if (event.relatedTarget !== null && !this.element.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { this._closeNavigation(); } } /** * We need to catch click outside the element to automatically close menu */ }, { key: "_onClick", value: function _onClick(event) { if (!this.element.contains(event.target)) { this._closeNavigation(); } } /** * Open the navigation (really make sense for condensed menu- */ }, { key: "_openNavigation", value: function _openNavigation() { // Inline navigation is always visible so there is nothing to open if (this.useInlineNavigation) { return; } this.element.querySelector('[data-action="toggle-menu"]').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); this.element.querySelector('[data-type="menu"]').setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); this.isNavigationVisible = true; } /** * Close the navigation (really make sense for condensed menu) */ }, { key: "_closeNavigation", value: function _closeNavigation() { var _this2 = this; if (!this.useInlineNavigation) { this.element.querySelector('[data-action="toggle-menu"]').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.element.querySelector('[data-type="menu"]').setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } this.isNavigationVisible = false; if (this.openTrigger === 'click') { var cloneOpenItems = this.openItems.slice(0); cloneOpenItems.forEach(function (item) { _this2._deactivateDropdown(event, item); }); } } /** * Toggle navigation */ }, { key: "_toggleNavigation", value: function _toggleNavigation(event) { if (this.isNavigationVisible) { this._closeNavigation(); } else { this._openNavigation(); } } /** * Toggle a dropdown */ }, { key: "_toggleDropdown", value: function _toggleDropdown(event, target) { // If the link is currently not expanded, we block the click if (target.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'false') { event.preventDefault(); } if (target.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { // If the link target is "#", by convention we close the dropdown, otherwise we just follow the link if (target.getAttribute('href') === '#') { event.preventDefault(); this._deactivateDropdown(event, target.closest('.is-dropdown-open')); } } else { this._activateDropdown(event, target); } } /** * Open a dropdown menu */ }, { key: "_activateDropdown", value: function _activateDropdown(event, target) { var _this3 = this; // If we are on click, we first need to close any other dropdown (if needed) if (this.openTrigger === 'click') { var cloneOpenItems = this.openItems.slice(0); cloneOpenItems.forEach(function (item) { if (!item.contains(target)) { _this3._deactivateDropdown(event, item); } }); } var menuToOpen = Dom.getSiblings(target, '[aria-hidden]')[0]; var callback = function callback() { target.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); target.parentNode.classList.add('is-dropdown-open'); menuToOpen.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); // If this menu was scheduled for deactivation, we remove the scheduling as it is now meant to open if (_this3.openTrigger === 'hover' && _this3.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts[menuToOpen.id]) { clearTimeout(_this3.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts[menuToOpen.id]); delete _this3.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts[menuToOpen.id]; } // If we are in inline navigation, we may be on the edge of the screen. If that's the case we check if any of the sub-sub-menu goes outside the screen. If // this is the case, sub-sub-menu will be displayed on the left if (_this3.useInlineNavigation) { var windowWidth = window.innerWidth, shouldOpenLeft = false; menuToOpen.querySelectorAll('.nav-dropdown').forEach(function (subSubMenu) { if (subSubMenu.getBoundingClientRect().right > windowWidth) { shouldOpenLeft = true; } }); if (shouldOpenLeft) { menuToOpen.classList.add('nav-dropdown--inverse'); } } target.closest('[data-type="menu"]').classList.add('nav-dropdown--glued'); if (menuToOpen.classList.contains('mega-menu')) { _this3._setupMegaMenu(menuToOpen); } if (_this3.openTrigger === 'click') { _this3.openItems.push(target.parentNode); } }; // If we are using on click, we can directly close, otherwise we apply a slight delay before closing the menu, // so that the deactivation could be cancelled if the mouse is back to the dropdown (which can happen when doing // horizontal movement) if (this.openTrigger === 'click') { callback(); } else { // Any other menu that has been scheduled for activation must be deactivated as it's now this one that is supposed to open for (var toDeactivate in this.dropdownActivationTimeouts) { if (this.dropdownActivationTimeouts.hasOwnProperty(toDeactivate)) { clearTimeout(this.dropdownActivationTimeouts[toDeactivate]); delete this.dropdownActivationTimeouts[toDeactivate]; } } callback(); /*this.dropdownActivationTimeouts[menuToOpen.id] = setTimeout(() => { callback(); delete this.dropdownActivationTimeouts[menuToOpen.id]; }, this.DROPDOWN_TIMEOUT);*/ } } /** * Close a dropdown menu */ }, { key: "_deactivateDropdown", value: function _deactivateDropdown(event, target) { var _this4 = this; // event.relatedTarget is the new target. This allows to make sure to only close the dropdown if we leave the containing div if (this.openTrigger === 'hover' && target.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { return; } var menuToClose = target.querySelector('[aria-hidden]'); var callback = function callback() { target.classList.remove('is-dropdown-open'); target.querySelector('[data-type="menuitem"]').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); var menuToClose = target.querySelector('[aria-hidden]'); menuToClose.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); target.closest('[data-type="menu"]').classList.remove('nav-dropdown--glued'); // If on click, we also close all sub-menus that may be open if (_this4.openTrigger === 'click') { target.querySelectorAll('.is-dropdown-open').forEach(function (item) { _this4._deactivateDropdown(event, item); var index = _this4.openItems.indexOf(item); if (index > -1) { _this4.openItems.splice(index, 1); } }); // It has been deactivated so we also remove this one var index = _this4.openItems.indexOf(target); if (index > -1) { _this4.openItems.splice(index, 1); } } }; // If we are using on click, we can directly close, otherwise we apply a slight delay before closing the menu, // so that the deactivation could be cancelled if the mouse is back to the dropdown (which can happen when doing // horizontal movement) if (this.openTrigger === 'click') { callback(); } else { this.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts[menuToClose.id] = setTimeout(function () { callback(); delete _this4.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts[menuToClose.id]; }, this.DROPDOWN_TIMEOUT); } } /** * This method allows to block the dropdown deactivation if the mouse is back on the element. This may happen for * instance when the customer does a kind of diagonal movement to the menu. While the mouse may leave the opening * item, we want the item to stay open */ }, { key: "_blockDropdownDeactivation", value: function _blockDropdownDeactivation(event, target) { if (this.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts[target.id] !== undefined) { clearTimeout(this.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts[target.id]); delete this.dropdownDeactivationTimeouts[target.id]; // If we blocked the deactivation, then we must also remove any pending menu that could have been scheduled to open for (var toDeactivate in this.dropdownActivationTimeouts) { if (this.dropdownActivationTimeouts.hasOwnProperty(toDeactivate)) { clearTimeout(this.dropdownActivationTimeouts[toDeactivate]); delete this.dropdownActivationTimeouts[toDeactivate]; } } } } /** * Set the maximum width allowed for the given mega-menu. For the inline style, it is always full width so nothing to do */ }, { key: "_setupMegaMenu", value: function _setupMegaMenu(megaMenu) { if (!this.useInlineNavigation) { var navDropdownWidth = megaMenu.closest('.nav-dropdown').clientWidth; megaMenu.style.maxWidth = Math.min(1400 - navDropdownWidth, parseInt(window.innerWidth - navDropdownWidth - 80)) + 'px'; } } /** * Fix inline navigation */ }, { key: "_setupInlineNavigation", value: function _setupInlineNavigation() { var _this5 = this; this.element.querySelectorAll('.mega-menu').forEach(function (megaMenu) { megaMenu.closest('.nav-bar__item').classList.add('nav-bar__item--static'); }); // If using the inline navigation, we also set up a mutation observer whenever a sub-sub-dropdown is open, in order // to calculate their distance from the top of the screen, so we can apply a max-height properly if ('MutationObserver' in window) { this.dropdownMenuObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutationList) { mutationList.forEach(function (mutation) { if (mutation.target.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'false') { // We set a CSS variable, so we can do various calculation in CSS mutation.target.style.setProperty('--distance-to-top', "".concat(mutation.target.getBoundingClientRect().top, "px")); } }); }); this.element.querySelectorAll('.nav-dropdown .nav-dropdown').forEach(function (item) { _this5.dropdownMenuObserver.observe(item, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['aria-hidden'] }); }); } } }]); return DesktopNavigation; }(); var CollectionFilterDrawer = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function CollectionFilterDrawer(options) { _classCallCheck(this, CollectionFilterDrawer); this.element = document.getElementById('mobile-collection-filters'); this.delegateRoot = new Delegate(document.documentElement); this.options = options; this.isOpen = false; if (this.element) { this._attachListeners(); } } _createClass(CollectionFilterDrawer, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateRoot.off(); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateRoot.on('click', '[aria-controls="mobile-collection-filters"][data-action="open-drawer"]', this.open.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', "#mobile-collection-filters [data-action=\"close-drawer\"]", this.close.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('collection-filter:close', this.close.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('click', this._detectOutsideClick.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('resize', this._computeDrawerHeight.bind(this)); } }, { key: "open", value: function open(event) { if (event) { event.stopPropagation(); } this._computeDrawerHeight(); this.isOpen = true; document.querySelector('[aria-controls="mobile-collection-filters"]').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); document.getElementById('mobile-collection-filters').setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); document.body.classList.add('no-mobile-scroll'); } }, { key: "close", value: function close(event) { if (event) { event.stopPropagation(); } this.isOpen = false; document.querySelector('[aria-controls="mobile-collection-filters"]').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); document.getElementById('mobile-collection-filters').setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); document.body.classList.remove('no-mobile-scroll'); } }, { key: "_computeDrawerHeight", value: function _computeDrawerHeight() { document.getElementById('mobile-collection-filters').querySelector('.collection-drawer').style.maxHeight = "".concat(window.innerHeight, "px"); } }, { key: "_detectOutsideClick", value: function _detectOutsideClick(event) { if (this.isOpen && !event.target.closest('.collection-drawer__inner')) { this.close(); } } }]); return CollectionFilterDrawer; }(); var ExitPopup = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ExitPopup(element) { _classCallCheck(this, ExitPopup); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.rootDelegateElement = new Delegate(document.body); this.options = JSON.parse(element.getAttribute('data-popup-settings')); this.hasOpenOnceInCurrentPage = false; // If the popup has been already displayed, we do not display it try { if (window.location.hash === '#exit-popup' && window.theme.pageType !== 'captcha') { this._openPopup(); } } catch (error) {// Some browsers (especially in private mode) throw an exception when trying to access local storage, so we protect ourselves here } this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(ExitPopup, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off(); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { var _this = this; this._onKeyPressedListener = this._onKeyPressed.bind(this); /* Some browsers like Android emit a mouseleave event when opening keyboard. This is too unreliable for touch devices */ if (!Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('supports-hover')) { return; } this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="close-popup"]', this._closePopup.bind(this)); document.body.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () { if (!_this.hasOpenOnceInCurrentPage) { if (!_this.options['showOnlyOnce'] || _this.options['showOnlyOnce'] && localStorage.getItem('themeExitPopup') === null) { _this._openPopup(); } } }); this._clickOutsideListener = this._checkClickOutside.bind(this); } }, { key: "_openPopup", value: function _openPopup() { if (!window.theme.isNewsletterPopupOpen) { this.element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); localStorage.setItem('themeExitPopup', 'true'); this.hasOpenOnceInCurrentPage = true; window.theme.isExitPopupOpen = true; this.delegateElement.on('click', this._clickOutsideListener); this.rootDelegateElement.on('keyup', this._onKeyPressedListener); } } }, { key: "_closePopup", value: function _closePopup() { this.element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); window.theme.isExitPopupOpen = false; this.delegateElement.off('click', this._clickOutsideListener); this.rootDelegateElement.off('keyup', this._onKeyPressedListener); } }, { key: "_checkClickOutside", value: function _checkClickOutside(event) { if (!this.element.contains(event.target) || this.element === event.target) { this._closePopup(); } } }, { key: "_onKeyPressed", value: function _onKeyPressed(event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { this._closePopup(); } } }]); return ExitPopup; }(); /** * Simple plugin that handles the loading bar actions * * This plugin uses delegate events so it's independent of the sections. */ var LoadingBar = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function LoadingBar() { _classCallCheck(this, LoadingBar); this.element = document.querySelector('.loading-bar'); if (this.element) { document.addEventListener('theme:loading:start', this._onLoadingStart.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('theme:loading:end', this._onLoadingEnd.bind(this)); this.element.addEventListener('transitionend', this._onTransitionEnd.bind(this)); } } _createClass(LoadingBar, [{ key: "_onLoadingStart", value: function _onLoadingStart() { this.element.classList.add('is-visible'); this.element.style.transform = 'scaleX(0.4)'; } }, { key: "_onLoadingEnd", value: function _onLoadingEnd() { this.element.style.transform = 'scaleX(1)'; this.element.classList.add('is-finished'); } }, { key: "_onTransitionEnd", value: function _onTransitionEnd(event) { if (event.propertyName === 'transform' && this.element.classList.contains('is-finished')) { this.element.classList.remove('is-visible'); this.element.classList.remove('is-finished'); this.element.style.transform = 'scaleX(0)'; } } }]); return LoadingBar; }(); var Accessibility = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Accessibility() { _classCallCheck(this, Accessibility); } _createClass(Accessibility, null, [{ key: "trapFocus", /** * Traps the focus in a particular container */ value: function trapFocus(container, namespace) { this.listeners = this.listeners || {}; // We check if there is an element with the attribute "autofocus" var elementToFocus = container.querySelector('[autofocus]') || container; container.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); elementToFocus.focus(); this.listeners[namespace] = function (event) { if (container !== event.target && !container.contains(event.target)) { elementToFocus.focus(); } }; document.addEventListener('focusin', this.listeners[namespace]); } /** * Removes the trap of focus in a particular container */ }, { key: "removeTrapFocus", value: function removeTrapFocus(container, namespace) { if (container) { container.removeAttribute('tabindex'); } document.removeEventListener('focusin', this.listeners[namespace]); } /** * Reset any previous trap focus */ }, { key: "clearTrapFocus", value: function clearTrapFocus() { for (var key in this.listeners) { if (this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(key)) { document.removeEventListener('focusin', this.listeners[key]); } } this.listeners = {}; } }]); return Accessibility; }(); /** * This class handles both the mini cart and the dedicated cart page. It's not the cleanest code on earth but works well :) */ var Cart = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Cart(element, options) { _classCallCheck(this, Cart); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.delegateRoot = new Delegate(document.documentElement); this.options = options; // Some developers blindly remove the DOM code for the cart, so we have to do a check here to make sure it is here if (!this.element) { return; } this.miniCartElement = this.element.querySelector('.mini-cart'); this.isMiniCartOpen = false; if (window.theme.pageType !== 'cart' && this.miniCartElement) { this.miniCartToggleElement = this.element.querySelector("[aria-controls=\"".concat(this.miniCartElement.id, "\"]")); this._checkMiniCartScrollability(); } this.itemCount = window.theme.cartCount; this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(Cart, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off(); this.delegateRoot.off(); window.removeEventListener('resize', this._calculateMiniCartHeightListener); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._calculateMiniCartHeightListener = this._calculateMiniCartHeight.bind(this); if (window.theme.pageType !== 'cart' && window.theme.cartType !== 'page') { this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-mini-cart"]', this._toggleMiniCart.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('keyup', this._checkMiniCartClose.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', this._onWindowClick.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('resize', this._calculateMiniCartHeightListener); } this.delegateRoot.on('click', '[data-action="decrease-quantity"]', this._updateQuantity.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', '[data-action="increase-quantity"]', this._updateQuantity.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('change', '.quantity-selector:not(.quantity-selector--product) .quantity-selector__value', this._updateQuantity.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('keyup', '.quantity-selector:not(.quantity-selector--product) .quantity-selector__value', this._updateQuantitySize.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('keydown', '.quantity-selector__value', this._blockEnterKey.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('product:added', this._onProductAdded.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('cart:refresh', this._onCartRefresh.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_toggleMiniCart", value: function _toggleMiniCart(event) { if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } if (this.isMiniCartOpen) { this._closeMiniCart(); } else { this._openMiniCart(); } } }, { key: "_openMiniCart", value: function _openMiniCart() { this.miniCartToggleElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); // If we are on mobile phone we also set the aria-expanded attribute to true on the icon state holder if (Responsive.getCurrentBreakpoint() === 'phone') { this.miniCartToggleElement.querySelector('.header__cart-icon').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } // Finally also set aria-hidden to false on controlled element this.miniCartElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); this.isMiniCartOpen = true; this._calculateMiniCartHeight(); // Trap the focus Accessibility.trapFocus(this.miniCartElement, 'mini-cart'); document.body.classList.add('no-mobile-scroll'); } }, { key: "_closeMiniCart", value: function _closeMiniCart() { this.miniCartToggleElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); // If we are on mobile phone we also set the aria-expanded attribute to true on the icon state holder if (Responsive.getCurrentBreakpoint() === 'phone') { this.miniCartToggleElement.querySelector('.header__cart-icon').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.miniCartElement.style.maxHeight = ''; } // Finally also set aria-hidden to false on controlled element this.miniCartElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); this.isMiniCartOpen = false; document.body.classList.remove('no-mobile-scroll'); } }, { key: "_checkMiniCartClose", value: function _checkMiniCartClose(event) { if (!this.isMiniCartOpen) { return; } if (event.key === 'Escape') { this._closeMiniCart(); } } }, { key: "_calculateMiniCartHeight", value: function _calculateMiniCartHeight() { if (Responsive.getCurrentBreakpoint() === 'phone') { if (this.isMiniCartOpen) { var maxHeight = window.innerHeight - document.querySelector('.header').getBoundingClientRect().bottom; this.miniCartElement.style.maxHeight = "".concat(maxHeight, "px"); // We also need to calculate the content part height to avoid any issue on Chrome var miniCartContentElement = this.miniCartElement.querySelector('.mini-cart__content'), miniCartRecapElement = this.miniCartElement.querySelector('.mini-cart__recap'); if (miniCartRecapElement) { miniCartContentElement.style.maxHeight = "".concat(maxHeight - miniCartRecapElement.clientHeight, "px"); } } else { this.miniCartElement.style.maxHeight = ''; this.miniCartElement.querySelector('.mini-cart__content').style.maxHeight = ''; } } else { this.miniCartElement.style.maxHeight = ''; this.miniCartElement.querySelector('.mini-cart__content').style.maxHeight = ''; } } /** * Change the quantity of the cart */ }, { key: "_updateQuantity", value: function _updateQuantity(event, target) { var _this = this; var parsedQuantity = 1; if (target.tagName === 'INPUT') { parsedQuantity = parseInt(target.value); } else { parsedQuantity = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-quantity')); } // If we are in "page" mode, we reload the page instead of doing that in Ajax to have a better compatibility with apps if (window.theme.cartType === 'page') { if (target.hasAttribute('data-href')) { window.location.href = target.getAttribute('data-href'); } else { window.location.href = "".concat(window.routes.cartChangeUrl, "?line=").concat(target.getAttribute('data-line'), "&quantity=").concat(parsedQuantity); } return; } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartChangeUrl, ".js"), { body: JSON.stringify({ line: target.getAttribute('data-line'), quantity: parsedQuantity }), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }).then(function (cart) { cart.json().then(function (content) { _this.itemCount = content['item_count']; _this._rerender(false).then(function () { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); }); }); }); event.preventDefault(); } }, { key: "_updateQuantitySize", value: function _updateQuantitySize(event, target) { target.setAttribute('size', Math.max(target.value.length, 2)); } }, { key: "_blockEnterKey", value: function _blockEnterKey(event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { return false; } } /** * This method is called internally to rerender the cart, based on the content returned by Shopify Ajax API. * We could save some performance by updating directly in JavaScript instead of doing a GET call to get the HTML * from Shopify, but by experience, this allows for easier app integration as it allows the Liquid to re-run * all the time and hence having easier logic. */ }, { key: "_rerender", value: function _rerender() { var _this2 = this; var scrollToTop = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; // Note: appending a timestamp is necessary as the polyfill on IE11 and lower does not support the "cache" property var url = ''; if (window.theme.pageType !== 'cart') { url = "".concat(window.routes.cartUrl, "?section_id=mini-cart"); } else { var cartSection = document.querySelector('[data-section-type="cart"]'); url = "".concat(window.routes.cartUrl, "?section_id=").concat(cartSection.getAttribute('data-section-id')); } return fetch(url, { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET', headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' } }).then(function (content) { content.text().then(function (html) { // We extract the data-item-count from the returned element var myDiv = document.createElement('div'); myDiv.innerHTML = html; myDiv = myDiv.firstElementChild; if (myDiv.firstElementChild && myDiv.firstElementChild.hasAttribute('data-item-count')) { _this2.itemCount = parseInt(myDiv.firstElementChild.getAttribute('data-item-count')); } _this2.element.querySelector('.header__cart-count').textContent = _this2.itemCount; if (window.theme.cartType !== 'page') { if (window.theme.pageType !== 'cart') { // Note: we could use outerHTML here but outerHTML does not update the reference to new object var tempElement = document.createElement('div'); tempElement.innerHTML = html; // When we re-render, we need to preserve the scroll position when content changes var miniCartItemListElement = _this2.miniCartElement.querySelector('.mini-cart__line-item-list'), scrollPosition = null; if (miniCartItemListElement) { scrollPosition = miniCartItemListElement.scrollTop; } _this2.miniCartElement.innerHTML = tempElement.querySelector('.mini-cart').innerHTML; var newMiniCartItemListElement = _this2.miniCartElement.querySelector('.mini-cart__line-item-list'); if (newMiniCartItemListElement && scrollPosition !== null) { newMiniCartItemListElement.scrollTop = scrollPosition; } _this2._checkMiniCartScrollability(); _this2._calculateMiniCartHeight(); _this2.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cart:rerendered')); } else { // The replacement of the DOM here could be made better and more resilient (maybe exploring using a virtual DOM approach in future?) var _tempElement = document.createElement('div'); _tempElement.innerHTML = html; var originalCart = document.querySelector('[data-section-type="cart"]'); originalCart.innerHTML = _tempElement.querySelector('[data-section-type="cart"]').innerHTML; if (scrollToTop) { window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); } _this2.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cart:rerendered', { bubbles: true })); } } }); }); } /** * Check if the mini-cart is scrollable */ }, { key: "_checkMiniCartScrollability", value: function _checkMiniCartScrollability() { var miniCartItemList = this.miniCartElement.querySelector('.mini-cart__line-item-list'); if (miniCartItemList && miniCartItemList.scrollHeight > miniCartItemList.clientHeight) { miniCartItemList.classList.add('is-scrollable'); } } /** * This callback is automatically called when a variant has been added, which allows us to open it and re-render */ }, { key: "_onProductAdded", value: function _onProductAdded(event) { var _this3 = this; this.itemCount += event.detail.quantity; /* Add the quantity added */ this._onCartRefresh().then(function () { if (window.theme.pageType !== 'cart') { // If we don't have the sticky header enabled, we scroll to top to make sure it is visible if (window.theme.cartType === 'drawer' && !_this3.options['useStickyHeader']) { window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); } if (window.theme.cartType === 'message' && event.detail.button) { event.detail.button.innerHTML = window.languages.productAddedShort; setTimeout(function () { event.detail.button.innerHTML = window.languages.productFormAddToCart; }, 1500); } if (window.theme.pageType !== 'cart' && window.theme.cartType === 'drawer') { _this3._openMiniCart(); } } }); } /** * Allows to refresh the mini-cart */ }, { key: "_onCartRefresh", value: function _onCartRefresh(event) { var scrollToTop = true; if (event && event.detail) { scrollToTop = event.detail.scrollToTop; } return this._rerender(scrollToTop).then(function () { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); }); } /** * We need to catch click outside the element to automatically close mini-cart */ }, { key: "_onWindowClick", value: function _onWindowClick(event) { if (this.miniCartElement && this.isMiniCartOpen && !this.element.contains(event.target)) { this._closeMiniCart(); } } }]); return Cart; }(); var MobileNavigation = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function MobileNavigation(element) { _classCallCheck(this, MobileNavigation); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.delegateRoot = new Delegate(document.documentElement); this.mobileMenuElement = this.element.querySelector('.mobile-menu'); this.mobileMenuToggleElement = this.element.querySelector("[aria-controls=\"".concat(this.mobileMenuElement.id, "\"]")); this.isOpen = false; this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(MobileNavigation, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off(); this.delegateRoot.off(); window.removeEventListener('resize', this._calculatMaxHeightListener); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._calculatMaxHeightListener = this._calculateMaxHeight.bind(this); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-menu"]', this._toggleMenu.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="open-panel"]', this._openPanel.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="close-panel"]', this._closePanel.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', this._onWindowClick.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('resize', this._calculatMaxHeightListener); } }, { key: "_toggleMenu", value: function _toggleMenu() { this.isOpen = !this.isOpen; this.mobileMenuToggleElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', this.isOpen ? 'true' : 'false'); this.mobileMenuElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', this.isOpen ? 'false' : 'true'); if (!this.isOpen) { this.mobileMenuElement.style.maxHeight = ''; // If closed, we need to close all sub-menus this.element.querySelectorAll('.mobile-menu__panel.is-open').forEach(function (item) { item.classList.remove('is-open'); }); document.body.classList.remove('no-mobile-scroll'); } else { // We need to restrict the height this._calculateMaxHeight(); document.body.classList.add('no-mobile-scroll'); } } }, { key: "_openPanel", value: function _openPanel(event, target) { target.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); this.element.querySelector("#".concat(target.getAttribute('aria-controls'))).classList.add('is-open'); } }, { key: "_closePanel", value: function _closePanel(event, target) { // We first get the panel to be closed var panelToClose = target.closest('.mobile-menu__panel.is-open'); panelToClose.classList.remove('is-open'); // Then update the ARIA attributes for button that control it this.element.querySelector("[aria-controls=\"".concat(panelToClose.id, "\"]")).setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } }, { key: "_calculateMaxHeight", value: function _calculateMaxHeight() { if (this.isOpen) { this.mobileMenuElement.style.maxHeight = "".concat(window.innerHeight - document.querySelector('.header').getBoundingClientRect().bottom, "px"); } } }, { key: "_onWindowClick", value: function _onWindowClick(event) { if (this.isOpen && !this.element.contains(event.target)) { this._toggleMenu(); } } }]); return MobileNavigation; }(); var ModalManager = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ModalManager() { _classCallCheck(this, ModalManager); this.domDelegate = new Delegate(document.body); this.activeModalsQueue = []; var activeModal = document.querySelector('.modal[aria-hidden="false"]'); if (activeModal) { this.activeModalsQueue.push(activeModal); } this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(ModalManager, [{ key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._onKeyPressedListener = this._onKeyPressed.bind(this); this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="open-modal"]', this._openModal.bind(this)); this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="close-modal"]', this._closeModal.bind(this)); // We allow any other code to force closing a modal by listening to the "modal:close" event document.addEventListener('modal:close', this._closeModal.bind(this)); this._clickOutsideListener = this._checkClickOutside.bind(this); // If there is already an active modal when the page is loaded, we directly attach the listener on outside click if (this.activeModalsQueue.length > 0) { document.documentElement.classList.add('is-locked'); this.domDelegate.on('click', this._clickOutsideListener); } } }, { key: "_openModal", value: function _openModal(event, target) { var _this = this; var modal = document.querySelector("#".concat(target.getAttribute('aria-controls'))); if (modal) { var onOpen = function onOpen(event) { if (event.propertyName === 'visibility') { modal.removeEventListener('transitionend', onOpen); Accessibility.trapFocus(modal, 'modal' + modal.id); _this.activeModalsQueue.push(modal); } }; modal.addEventListener('transitionend', onOpen); modal.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); document.documentElement.classList.add('is-locked'); this.domDelegate.on('click', this._clickOutsideListener); this.domDelegate.on('keyup', this._onKeyPressedListener); return false; // Prevent the event to be propagated to the clickOutsideListener immediately } } }, { key: "_closeModal", value: function _closeModal() { if (this.activeModalsQueue.length > 0) { var modalToClose = this.activeModalsQueue.pop(); var onClose = function onClose(event) { if (event.propertyName === 'visibility') { modalToClose.removeEventListener('transitionend', onClose); Accessibility.removeTrapFocus(modalToClose, 'modal' + modalToClose.id); // We emit an event saying it has closed, which can give the option to do cleanup modalToClose.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('modal:closed')); } }; modalToClose.addEventListener('transitionend', onClose); modalToClose.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); document.documentElement.classList.remove('is-locked'); this.domDelegate.off('click', this._clickOutsideListener); this.domDelegate.off('keyup', this._onKeyPressedListener); } } }, { key: "_checkClickOutside", value: function _checkClickOutside(event) { if (this.activeModalsQueue.length === 0) { return; } var modalToClose = this.activeModalsQueue[this.activeModalsQueue.length - 1]; if (modalToClose && (!modalToClose.contains(event.target) || modalToClose === event.target)) { this._closeModal(); } } }, { key: "_onKeyPressed", value: function _onKeyPressed(event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { this._closeModal(); } } }]); return ModalManager; }(); var NewsletterPopup = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function NewsletterPopup(element) { _classCallCheck(this, NewsletterPopup); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.rootDelegateElement = new Delegate(document.body); this.options = JSON.parse(element.getAttribute('data-popup-settings')); // If the popup has been already displayed, we do not display it try { if (window.location.hash === '#newsletter-popup' && window.theme.pageType !== 'captcha') { this._openPopup(); } else if (!this.options['showOnlyOnce'] || this.options['showOnlyOnce'] && localStorage.getItem('themePopup') === null) { setTimeout(this._openPopup.bind(this), this.options['apparitionDelay'] * 1000); } } catch (error) {// Some browsers (especially in private mode) throw an exception when trying to access local storage, so we protect ourselves here } this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(NewsletterPopup, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off(); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._onKeyPressedListener = this._onKeyPressed.bind(this); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="close-popup"]', this._closePopup.bind(this)); this._clickOutsideListener = this._checkClickOutside.bind(this); } }, { key: "_openPopup", value: function _openPopup() { if (!window.theme.isExitPopupOpen) { this.element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); localStorage.setItem('themePopup', 'true'); window.theme.isNewsletterPopupOpen = true; this.delegateElement.on('click', this._clickOutsideListener); this.rootDelegateElement.on('keyup', this._onKeyPressedListener); } } }, { key: "_closePopup", value: function _closePopup() { this.element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); window.theme.isNewsletterPopupOpen = false; this.delegateElement.off('click'); this.rootDelegateElement.off('keyup', this._onKeyPressedListener); } }, { key: "_checkClickOutside", value: function _checkClickOutside(event) { if (!this.element.contains(event.target) || this.element === event.target) { this._closePopup(); } } }, { key: "_onKeyPressed", value: function _onKeyPressed(event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { this._closePopup(); } } }]); return NewsletterPopup; }(); var fastdom = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { !function (win) { /** * Mini logger * * @return {Function} */ var debug = function () {}; /** * Normalized rAF * * @type {Function} */ var raf = win.requestAnimationFrame || win.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || win.mozRequestAnimationFrame || win.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (cb) { return setTimeout(cb, 16); }; /** * Initialize a `FastDom`. * * @constructor */ function FastDom() { var self = this; self.reads = []; self.writes = []; self.raf = raf.bind(win); // test hook } FastDom.prototype = { constructor: FastDom, /** * Adds a job to the read batch and * schedules a new frame if need be. * * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} ctx the context to be bound to `fn` (optional). * @public */ measure: function measure(fn, ctx) { var task = !ctx ? fn : fn.bind(ctx); this.reads.push(task); scheduleFlush(this); return task; }, /** * Adds a job to the * write batch and schedules * a new frame if need be. * * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} ctx the context to be bound to `fn` (optional). * @public */ mutate: function mutate(fn, ctx) { var task = !ctx ? fn : fn.bind(ctx); this.writes.push(task); scheduleFlush(this); return task; }, /** * Clears a scheduled 'read' or 'write' task. * * @param {Object} task * @return {Boolean} success * @public */ clear: function clear(task) { return remove(this.reads, task) || remove(this.writes, task); }, /** * Extend this FastDom with some * custom functionality. * * Because fastdom must *always* be a * singleton, we're actually extending * the fastdom instance. This means tasks * scheduled by an extension still enter * fastdom's global task queue. * * The 'super' instance can be accessed * from `this.fastdom`. * * @example * * var myFastdom = fastdom.extend({ * initialize: function() { * // runs on creation * }, * * // override a method * measure: function(fn) { * // do extra stuff ... * * // then call the original * return this.fastdom.measure(fn); * }, * * ... * }); * * @param {Object} props properties to mixin * @return {FastDom} */ extend: function extend(props) { if (_typeof(props) != 'object') throw new Error('expected object'); var child = Object.create(this); mixin(child, props); child.fastdom = this; // run optional creation hook if (child.initialize) child.initialize(); return child; }, // override this with a function // to prevent Errors in console // when tasks throw "catch": null }; /** * Schedules a new read/write * batch if one isn't pending. * * @private */ function scheduleFlush(fastdom) { if (!fastdom.scheduled) { fastdom.scheduled = true; fastdom.raf(flush.bind(null, fastdom)); } } /** * Runs queued `read` and `write` tasks. * * Errors are caught and thrown by default. * If a `.catch` function has been defined * it is called instead. * * @private */ function flush(fastdom) { var writes = fastdom.writes; var reads = fastdom.reads; var error; try { debug('flushing reads', reads.length); runTasks(reads); debug('flushing writes', writes.length); runTasks(writes); } catch (e) { error = e; } fastdom.scheduled = false; // If the batch errored we may still have tasks queued if (reads.length || writes.length) scheduleFlush(fastdom); if (error) { debug('task errored', error.message); if (fastdom["catch"]) fastdom["catch"](error);else throw error; } } /** * We run this inside a try catch * so that if any jobs error, we * are able to recover and continue * to flush the batch until it's empty. * * @private */ function runTasks(tasks) { var task; while (task = tasks.shift()) { task(); } } /** * Remove an item from an Array. * * @param {Array} array * @param {*} item * @return {Boolean} */ function remove(array, item) { var index = array.indexOf(item); return !!~index && !!array.splice(index, 1); } /** * Mixin own properties of source * object into the target. * * @param {Object} target * @param {Object} source */ function mixin(target, source) { for (var key in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) target[key] = source[key]; } } // There should never be more than // one instance of `FastDom` in an app var exports = win.fastdom = win.fastdom || new FastDom(); // jshint ignore:line // Expose to CJS & AMD module.exports = exports; }(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : commonjsGlobal); }); var OverflowScroller = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function OverflowScroller(element, options) { _classCallCheck(this, OverflowScroller); if (!element) { return; } this.element = element; this.options = options; this.lastKnownY = window.scrollY; this.currentTop = 0; this.initialTopOffset = options['offsetTop'] || parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(this.element).top); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(OverflowScroller, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { window.removeEventListener('scroll', this._checkPositionListener); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._checkPositionListener = this._checkPosition.bind(this); window.addEventListener('scroll', this._checkPositionListener); } }, { key: "_checkPosition", value: function _checkPosition() { var _this = this; fastdom.measure(function () { var bounds = _this.element.getBoundingClientRect(), maxTop = bounds.top + window.scrollY - _this.element.offsetTop + _this.initialTopOffset, minTop = _this.element.clientHeight - window.innerHeight + (_this.options['offsetBottom'] || 0); if (window.scrollY < _this.lastKnownY) { _this.currentTop -= window.scrollY - _this.lastKnownY; } else { _this.currentTop += _this.lastKnownY - window.scrollY; } _this.currentTop = Math.min(Math.max(_this.currentTop, -minTop), maxTop, _this.initialTopOffset); _this.lastKnownY = window.scrollY; }); fastdom.mutate(function () { _this.element.style.top = "".concat(_this.currentTop, "px"); }); } }]); return OverflowScroller; }(); var PopoverManager = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function PopoverManager() { _classCallCheck(this, PopoverManager); this.delegateElement = new Delegate(document.body); this.delegateRoot = new Delegate(document.documentElement); this.activePopover = null; this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(PopoverManager, [{ key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._onLooseFocusListener = this._onLooseFocus.bind(this); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-popover"]', this._togglePopover.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="show-popover-panel"]', this._showPanel.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', this._onWindowClick.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('popover:close', this._closeActivePopover.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('resize', this._windowResized.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_togglePopover", value: function _togglePopover(event, target) { var hasActivePopover = this.activePopover !== null, previousActivePopoverId = this.activePopover ? this.activePopover.id : null; // If the toggler has a "data-follow-link" attribute, we match against the breakpoint and redirect to the page if (target.hasAttribute('data-follow-link') && Responsive.matchesBreakpoint(target.getAttribute('data-follow-link'))) { return; } if (hasActivePopover) { this._closeActivePopover(); } if (!hasActivePopover || hasActivePopover && target.getAttribute('aria-controls') !== previousActivePopoverId) { this._openPopover(target); } event.preventDefault(); } }, { key: "_closeActivePopover", value: function _closeActivePopover() { this.activePopover.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); document.querySelector("[aria-controls=\"".concat(this.activePopover.id, "\"]")).setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.activePopover.removeEventListener('focusout', this._onLooseFocusListener); this.activePopover = null; } }, { key: "_openPopover", value: function _openPopover(target) { var element = document.getElementById(target.getAttribute('aria-controls')); target.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); // If we are on mobile phone we also set the aria-expanded attribute to true on the icon state holder if (Responsive.getCurrentBreakpoint() === 'phone') { element.style.height = "".concat(window.innerHeight - document.querySelector('.header').getBoundingClientRect().bottom, "px"); } else { element.style.height = ''; // If the popover contains a "panel-list", we set the height to the active panel var panelList = element.querySelector('.popover__panel-list'); if (panelList) { panelList.style.height = "".concat(panelList.clientHeight, "px"); } } this.activePopover = element; this.activePopover.addEventListener('focusout', this._onLooseFocusListener); } }, { key: "_showPanel", value: function _showPanel(event, target) { // If no active popover, we do nothing if (!this.activePopover) { return; } // Otherwise we get all the panels within the popover var panels = this.activePopover.querySelectorAll('.popover__panel'); panels.forEach(function (panel) { if (panel.id === target.getAttribute('aria-controls')) { panel.classList.add('is-selected'); panel.closest('.popover__panel-list').style.height = "".concat(panel.clientHeight, "px"); } else { panel.classList.remove('is-selected'); } }); } }, { key: "_onWindowClick", value: function _onWindowClick(event) { if (event.target.getAttribute('data-action') === 'toggle-popover' || event.target.closest('[data-action="toggle-popover"]')) { return; } if (this.activePopover && !this.activePopover.contains(event.target)) { this._closeActivePopover(); } } }, { key: "_onLooseFocus", value: function _onLooseFocus(event) { if (this.activePopover && event.relatedTarget !== null && !this.activePopover.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { this._closeActivePopover(); } } }, { key: "_windowResized", value: function _windowResized() { if (Responsive.getCurrentBreakpoint() === 'phone' && this.activePopover) { this.activePopover.style.height = "".concat(window.innerHeight - document.querySelector('.header').getBoundingClientRect().bottom, "px"); } } }]); return PopoverManager; }(); var ProductItemColorSwatch = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ProductItemColorSwatch(element) { _classCallCheck(this, ProductItemColorSwatch); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this._attachListeners(); this.recalculateSwatches(); } _createClass(ProductItemColorSwatch, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off(); window.removeEventListener('resize', this._recalculateSwatchesListener); } }, { key: "recalculateSwatches", value: function recalculateSwatches() { var _this = this; // If you have too many swatches, it will grow into more than one lines, which is not desirable. Instead, // we'd like to only show one line only, and show a "+X" if there are too many swatches fastdom.measure(function () { // For each swatch list we get the number of swatches, and make sure that we don't display more than 100% of // the width _this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-item__swatch-list').forEach(function (swatchList) { // Get the width of the swatch list (this is 100%) var currentWidth = swatchList.clientWidth, maxAllowedWidth = parseInt(Math.min(currentWidth, 200)); // A single swatch takes 30px, so let's figure out how many we can fit completely var maxFit = Math.floor(maxAllowedWidth / 30); // Now, we add a special class to the one after "maxFit" fastdom.mutate(function () { var colorSwatches = swatchList.querySelectorAll('.color-swatch'); // For each, we reset the attributes if needed colorSwatches.forEach(function (colorSwatch, index) { colorSwatch.classList.remove('color-swatch--view-more'); if (maxFit === index + 1 && maxFit !== colorSwatches.length) { colorSwatch.classList.add('color-swatch--view-more'); } }); }); }); }); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._recalculateSwatchesListener = this.recalculateSwatches.bind(this); this.delegateElement.on('change', '.product-item__swatch-list .color-swatch__radio', this._colorChanged.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('resize', this._recalculateSwatchesListener); } }, { key: "_colorChanged", value: function _colorChanged(event, target) { // We need to change the URL of the various links var productItem = target.closest('.product-item'), variantUrl = target.getAttribute('data-variant-url'); productItem.querySelector('.product-item__image-wrapper').setAttribute('href', variantUrl); productItem.querySelector('.product-item__title').setAttribute('href', variantUrl); // If we have a custom image for the variant, we change it var originalImageElement = productItem.querySelector('.product-item__primary-image'); if (target.hasAttribute('data-image-url') && target.getAttribute('data-media-id') !== originalImageElement.getAttribute('data-media-id')) { var newImageElement = document.createElement('img'); newImageElement.className = 'product-item__primary-image lazyload image--fade-in'; newImageElement.setAttribute('data-media-id', target.getAttribute('data-media-id')); newImageElement.setAttribute('data-src', target.getAttribute('data-image-url')); newImageElement.setAttribute('data-widths', target.getAttribute('data-image-widths')); newImageElement.setAttribute('data-sizes', 'auto'); // Replace the original node originalImageElement.parentNode.style.paddingBottom = "".concat(100.0 / newImageElement.getAttribute('data-image-aspect-ratio'), "%"); originalImageElement.parentNode.replaceChild(newImageElement, originalImageElement); } } }]); return ProductItemColorSwatch; }(); var Currency = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Currency() { _classCallCheck(this, Currency); } _createClass(Currency, null, [{ key: "formatMoney", /** * Format money values based on your shop currency settings * * @param {Number|string} cents - value in cents or dollar amount e.g. 300 cents or 3.00 dollars * @param {String} format - shop money_format setting * @return {String} value - formatted value */ value: function formatMoney(cents, format) { if (typeof cents === 'string') { cents = cents.replace('.', ''); } var placeholderRegex = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/, placeholderRegexG = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/g, formatString = format || '${{amount}}'; function defaultTo(value, defaultValue) { return value == null || value !== value ? defaultValue : value; } function formatWithDelimiters(number, precision, thousands, decimal) { precision = defaultTo(precision, 2); thousands = defaultTo(thousands, ','); decimal = defaultTo(decimal, '.'); if (isNaN(number) || number == null) { return 0; } // number = (number / 100.0).toFixed(precision); number = number.toFixed(precision); var parts = number.split('.'), dollarsAmount = parts[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + thousands), centsAmount = parts[1] ? decimal + parts[1] : ''; return dollarsAmount + centsAmount; } var value = ''; switch (formatString.match(placeholderRegex)[1]) { case 'amount': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2); break; case 'amount_no_decimals': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0); break; case 'amount_with_space_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, ' ', '.'); break; case 'amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ',', '.'); break; case 'amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ' '); break; case 'amount_with_comma_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, '.', ','); break; } if (formatString.indexOf('with_comma_separator') !== -1) { return formatString.replace(placeholderRegexG, value); } else { return formatString.replace(placeholderRegexG, value); } } }]); return Currency; }(); /** * This implementation allows to serialize a form */ var Form = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Form() { _classCallCheck(this, Form); } _createClass(Form, null, [{ key: "serialize", value: function serialize(form) { function stringKey(key, value) { var beginBracket = key.lastIndexOf('['); if (beginBracket === -1) { var _hash = {}; _hash[key] = value; return _hash; } var newKey = key.substr(0, beginBracket); var newValue = {}; newValue[key.substring(beginBracket + 1, key.length - 1)] = value; return stringKey(newKey, newValue); } var hash = {}; for (var i = 0, len = form.elements.length; i < len; i++) { var formElement = form.elements[i]; if (formElement.name === '' || formElement.disabled) { continue; } if (formElement.name && !formElement.disabled && (formElement.checked || /select|textarea/i.test(formElement.nodeName) || /hidden|text|search|tel|url|email|password|datetime|date|month|week|time|datetime-local|number|range|color/i.test(formElement.type))) { var stringKeys = stringKey(formElement.name, formElement.value); hash = Form.extend(hash, stringKeys); } } return hash; } }, { key: "extend", value: function extend() { var extended = {}; var i = 0; // Merge the object into the extended object var merge = function merge(obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { // If property is an object, merge properties if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[prop]) === '[object Object]') { extended[prop] = Form.extend(extended[prop], obj[prop]); } else { extended[prop] = obj[prop]; } } } }; // Loop through each object and conduct a merge for (; i < arguments.length; i++) { merge(arguments[i]); } return extended; } }]); return Form; }(); /** * Handle the store availability management. The parameter is the div that will hold the content. The function * "updateWithVariant" must be called whenever the variant is changed. */ var StoreAvailability = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function StoreAvailability(element) { _classCallCheck(this, StoreAvailability); this.element = element; if (!this.element) { return; } // We move the modal outside var modal = this.element.querySelector('.store-availabilities-modal'); if (modal) { document.body.appendChild(modal); } } _createClass(StoreAvailability, [{ key: "updateWithVariant", value: function updateWithVariant(variant) { if (!this.element) { return; // If the element to inject the store availability does not exist, we return immediately } // If the variant is null (for instance unavailable variant), we clear the container if (!variant) { this.element.textContent = ''; return; } // If we have a new variant we render the section this._renderAvailabilitySection(variant['id']); } }, { key: "_renderAvailabilitySection", value: function _renderAvailabilitySection(id) { var _this = this; // First we clear the previous content this.element.innerHTML = ''; // If there is already an element with the given modal we remove it first var availabilityModal = document.getElementById("StoreAvailabilityModal-".concat(id)); if (availabilityModal) { availabilityModal.remove(); } return fetch("".concat(window.routes.rootUrlWithoutSlash, "/variants/").concat(id, "?section_id=store-availability")).then(function (response) { return response.text().then(function (content) { var fakeDiv = document.createElement('div'); fakeDiv.innerHTML = content; fakeDiv.innerHTML = fakeDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML; if (fakeDiv.firstElementChild.getAttribute('data-count') === '0') { return; // Nothing to show } _this.element.innerHTML = fakeDiv.innerHTML; // In order for our modal system to work we have to append the modal to the body instead var availabilityModal = document.getElementById("StoreAvailabilityModal-".concat(id)); document.body.appendChild(availabilityModal); }); }); } }]); return StoreAvailability; }(); var ProductVariants = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ProductVariants(element, options) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, ProductVariants); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = options; var productJsonElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-product-json]'); // If we are using placeholder, there is no JSON so we wrap here! if (productJsonElement) { var jsonData = JSON.parse(productJsonElement.innerHTML); this.productData = jsonData['product']; this.productOptionsWithValues = jsonData['options_with_values']; this.variantsInventories = jsonData['inventories'] || {}; this.variantSelectors = this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-form__option[data-selector-type]'); this.masterSelector = this.element.querySelector("#product-select-".concat(this.productData['id'])); // We init value with the first selected variant this.productData['variants'].forEach(function (variant) { if (variant['id'] === jsonData['selected_variant_id']) { _this.currentVariant = variant; _this.option1 = variant['option1']; _this.option2 = variant['option2']; _this.option3 = variant['option3']; } }); this.storeAvailability = new StoreAvailability(this.element.querySelector('.product-meta__store-availability-container')); } this._updateSelectors(this.currentVariant); // We update the selectors on initial load to disable the sold out variants this._setupStockCountdown(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(ProductVariants, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off('click'); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateElement.on('change', '.product-form__single-selector', this._onOptionChanged.bind(this)); // this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="add-to-cart"]', this._addToCart.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('submit', 'form[action*="/cart/add"]', this._addToCart.bind(this)); } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CODE THAT HANDLE VARIANT CHANGES IN THE FRONT * * Please note that this code is highly dependant on the markup and classes, so make sure to NOT * edit this code * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * This callback is called whenever the variant changes and allows to update data about the active variant */ }, { key: "_onVariantChanged", value: function _onVariantChanged(previousVariant, newVariant) { // 1st: the prices this._updateProductPrices(newVariant, previousVariant); // 2th: update inventory this._updateInventory(newVariant, previousVariant); // 3th: update SKU this._updateSku(newVariant, previousVariant); // 4th: update the discount label (if necessary) this._updateDiscountLabel(newVariant, previousVariant); // 5th: update the unit price (if necessary) this._updateUnitPrice(newVariant, previousVariant); // 6th: update selectors this._updateSelectors(newVariant, previousVariant); // 7th: the add to cart button this._updateAddToCartButton(newVariant, previousVariant); // 8th: store availability this.storeAvailability.updateWithVariant(newVariant); // Finally, we send an event so that other system could hook and do their own logic this.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('variant:changed', { bubbles: true, detail: { variant: newVariant, previousVariant: previousVariant } })); // Allow system monitoring the name attribute to work this.masterSelector.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); } /** * Update the prices (optionally showing compare at price) */ }, { key: "_updateProductPrices", value: function _updateProductPrices(newVariant, previousVariant) { var productPrices = this.element.querySelector('.price-list'), currencyFormat = window.theme.currencyCodeEnabled ? window.theme.moneyWithCurrencyFormat : window.theme.moneyFormat; if (!productPrices) { return; // Sometimes merchant remove element from the code without taking care of JS... so let's be defensive } if (!newVariant) { productPrices.style.display = 'none'; } else { if (previousVariant && previousVariant['price'] === newVariant['price'] && previousVariant['compare_at_price'] === newVariant['compare_at_price']) { return; // The price do not have changed so let's return to avoid changing the DOM for nothing } productPrices.innerHTML = ''; if (newVariant['compare_at_price'] > newVariant['price']) { productPrices.innerHTML += "".concat(window.languages.productSalePrice, "").concat(Currency.formatMoney(newVariant['price'], currencyFormat), ""); productPrices.innerHTML += "".concat(window.languages.productRegularPrice, "").concat(Currency.formatMoney(newVariant['compare_at_price'], currencyFormat), ""); } else { productPrices.innerHTML += "".concat(window.languages.productSalePrice, "").concat(Currency.formatMoney(newVariant['price'], currencyFormat), ""); } productPrices.style.display = ''; } } /** * Update the inventory (if needed) */ }, { key: "_updateInventory", value: function _updateInventory(newVariant) { if (!this.options['showInventoryQuantity'] || !newVariant) { return; } var productFormInventoryElement = this.element.querySelector('.product-form__inventory'), variantInventoryManagement = this.variantsInventories[newVariant['id']]['inventory_management'], variantInventoryPolicy = this.variantsInventories[newVariant['id']]['inventory_policy'], variantInventoryQuantity = this.variantsInventories[newVariant['id']]['inventory_quantity'], variantInventoryMessage = this.variantsInventories[newVariant['id']]['inventory_message']; if (!productFormInventoryElement) { return; // Sometimes merchant remove element from the code without taking care of JS... so let's be defensive } productFormInventoryElement.classList.remove('inventory--high'); productFormInventoryElement.classList.remove('inventory--low'); if (newVariant['available']) { if (null !== variantInventoryManagement && variantInventoryPolicy === 'deny' && this.options['lowInventoryThreshold'] > 0) { if (variantInventoryQuantity <= this.options['lowInventoryThreshold']) { productFormInventoryElement.classList.add('inventory--low'); } else { productFormInventoryElement.classList.add('inventory--high'); } } else { productFormInventoryElement.classList.add('inventory--high'); } } // We also need to update the stock countdown if setup var stockCountdown = this.element.querySelector('.inventory-bar'); if (stockCountdown) { var stockCountdownProgress = Math.min(Math.max(variantInventoryQuantity / parseInt(stockCountdown.getAttribute('data-stock-countdown-max')) * 100.0, 0), 100); stockCountdown.classList.toggle('inventory-bar--hidden', stockCountdownProgress === 0); stockCountdown.firstElementChild.style.width = "".concat(stockCountdownProgress, "%"); } productFormInventoryElement.innerHTML = variantInventoryMessage; } /** * Update SKU */ }, { key: "_updateSku", value: function _updateSku(newVariant, previousVariant) { var productSku = this.element.querySelector('.product-meta__sku'); if (!productSku) { return; } var productSkuNumber = productSku.querySelector('.product-meta__sku-number'); if (!newVariant || newVariant['sku'] === '') { productSku.style.display = 'none'; } else { if (previousVariant && previousVariant['sku'] === newVariant['sku']) { return; // The SKU do not have changed so let's return to avoid changing the DOM for nothing } productSkuNumber.innerHTML = newVariant['sku']; productSku.style.display = ''; } } /** * Update the discount label */ }, { key: "_updateDiscountLabel", value: function _updateDiscountLabel(newVariant, previousVariant) { if (!window.theme.showDiscount) { return; // Nothing to do if discount label is configured to be hidden } var discountLabel = this.element.querySelector('.product-meta .product-label--on-sale'); // Some merchants have removed it from the code so we have to act defensive if (!discountLabel) { return; } if (!newVariant || !(newVariant['price'] < newVariant['compare_at_price'])) { discountLabel.style.display = 'none'; } else { // We compute the savings based on the setting var savings = null; if (window.theme.discountMode === 'percentage') { savings = "".concat(Math.round((newVariant['compare_at_price'] - newVariant['price']) * 100 / newVariant['compare_at_price']), "%"); } else { savings = "".concat(Currency.formatMoney(newVariant['compare_at_price'] - newVariant['price'], window.theme.moneyFormat), ""); } discountLabel.innerHTML = "".concat(window.languages.collectionOnSaleLabel.replace('{{savings}}', savings)); discountLabel.style.display = 'inline-block'; } } }, { key: "_updateUnitPrice", value: function _updateUnitPrice(newVariant, previousVariant) { var unitPriceMeasurement = this.element.querySelector('.unit-price-measurement'); if (!unitPriceMeasurement) { return; // Sometimes merchant remove element from the code without taking care of JS... so let's be defensive } if (!newVariant || !newVariant['unit_price_measurement']) { unitPriceMeasurement.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; } else { unitPriceMeasurement.parentNode.style.display = 'block'; unitPriceMeasurement.querySelector('.unit-price-measurement__price').innerHTML = Currency.formatMoney(newVariant['unit_price'], window.theme.moneyFormat); unitPriceMeasurement.querySelector('.unit-price-measurement__reference-unit').innerHTML = newVariant['unit_price_measurement']['reference_unit']; var unitPriceReferenceValue = unitPriceMeasurement.querySelector('.unit-price-measurement__reference-value'); unitPriceReferenceValue.innerHTML = newVariant['unit_price_measurement']['reference_value']; unitPriceReferenceValue.style.display = newVariant['unit_price_measurement']['reference_value'] === 1 ? 'none' : 'inline'; } } /** * Warehouse automatically adds a "disabled" state to sold out/unavailable variant. When we change the variant we have to recompute * all the selectors */ }, { key: "_updateSelectors", value: function _updateSelectors(newVariant) { var _this2 = this; // We apply a top-down approach where we first check the first option, second option and third option. If there is // more than one option, the value is considered "available" if there is at least one variant with this value // available (independently of the selected variant) var applyClassToSelector = function applyClassToSelector(selector, valueIndex, available) { var selectorType = selector.getAttribute('data-selector-type'); switch (selectorType) { case 'color': selector.querySelector(".color-swatch:nth-child(".concat(valueIndex + 1, ")")).classList.toggle('color-swatch--disabled', !available); break; case 'variant': selector.querySelector(".variant-swatch:nth-child(".concat(valueIndex + 1, ")")).classList.toggle('variant-swatch--disabled', !available); break; case 'block': selector.querySelector(".block-swatch:nth-child(".concat(valueIndex + 1, ")")).classList.toggle('block-swatch--disabled', !available); break; } }; if (this.variantSelectors && this.variantSelectors[0]) { // For the first option, the value is considered available if there is at least one variant available this.productOptionsWithValues[0]['values'].forEach(function (value, valueIndex) { applyClassToSelector(_this2.variantSelectors[0], valueIndex, _this2.productData['variants'].some(function (variant) { return variant['option1'] === value && variant['available']; })); // We now do the second level if (_this2.variantSelectors[1]) { _this2.productOptionsWithValues[1]['values'].forEach(function (value, valueIndex) { applyClassToSelector(_this2.variantSelectors[1], valueIndex, _this2.productData['variants'].some(function (variant) { return variant['option2'] === value && variant['option1'] === _this2.option1 && variant['available']; })); // And finally the third level if (_this2.variantSelectors[2]) { _this2.productOptionsWithValues[2]['values'].forEach(function (value, valueIndex) { applyClassToSelector(_this2.variantSelectors[2], valueIndex, _this2.productData['variants'].some(function (variant) { return variant['option3'] === value && variant['option1'] === _this2.option1 && variant['option2'] === _this2.option2 && variant['available']; })); }); } }); } }); } } /** * Update the add to cart */ }, { key: "_updateAddToCartButton", value: function _updateAddToCartButton(newVariant) { var addToCartButtonElement = this.element.querySelector('.product-form__add-button'), infoListElement = this.element.querySelector('.product-form__info-list'); if (!addToCartButtonElement) { return; // Sometimes merchant remove element from the code without taking care of JS... so let's be defensive } if (!newVariant) { addToCartButtonElement.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); addToCartButtonElement.classList.add('button--disabled'); addToCartButtonElement.classList.remove('button--primary'); addToCartButtonElement.removeAttribute('data-action'); addToCartButtonElement.innerHTML = window.languages.productFormUnavailable; infoListElement.style.display = 'none'; } else { infoListElement.style.display = 'block'; if (newVariant['available']) { addToCartButtonElement.removeAttribute('disabled'); addToCartButtonElement.classList.remove('button--disabled'); addToCartButtonElement.classList.add('button--primary'); addToCartButtonElement.setAttribute('data-action', 'add-to-cart'); addToCartButtonElement.innerHTML = window.languages.productFormAddToCart; } else { addToCartButtonElement.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); addToCartButtonElement.classList.add('button--disabled'); addToCartButtonElement.classList.remove('button--primary'); addToCartButtonElement.removeAttribute('data-action'); addToCartButtonElement.innerHTML = window.languages.productFormSoldOut; } } // We handle the smart payment button if (this.options['showPaymentButton']) { var paymentButtonElement = this.element.querySelector('.shopify-payment-button'); if (!paymentButtonElement) { return; // Some apps dynamically remove the dynamic checkout button from the code, so we add a guard here } if (!newVariant || !newVariant['available']) { paymentButtonElement.style.display = 'none'; } else { paymentButtonElement.style.display = 'block'; } } } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INTERNAL CODE THAT HANDLE VARIANT CHANGES * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Whenever an option is changed, this code fetch the corresponding active variant */ }, { key: "_onOptionChanged", value: function _onOptionChanged(event, target) { this['option' + target.getAttribute('data-option-position')] = target.value; // We update the selected value var selectedValueElement = target.closest('.product-form__option').querySelector('.product-form__selected-value'); if (selectedValueElement) { selectedValueElement.innerHTML = target.value; } // Finally, we get the new variant var previousVariant = this.currentVariant; this.currentVariant = this._getCurrentVariantFromOptions(); this._onVariantChanged(previousVariant, this.currentVariant); if (this.currentVariant) { if (this.options['enableHistoryState'] && history.replaceState) { var newUrl = "".concat(window.location.protocol, "//").concat(window.location.host).concat(window.location.pathname, "?variant=").concat(this.currentVariant.id); window.history.replaceState({ path: newUrl }, '', newUrl); } // We need to modify the hidden select that contain the id attribute as well this.masterSelector.querySelector('[selected]').removeAttribute('selected'); this.masterSelector.querySelector("[value=\"".concat(this.currentVariant['id'], "\"]")).setAttribute('selected', 'selected'); } } /** * Get the active variant based on the options */ }, { key: "_getCurrentVariantFromOptions", value: function _getCurrentVariantFromOptions() { var _this3 = this; var found = false; this.productData['variants'].forEach(function (variant) { if (variant['option1'] === _this3.option1 && variant['option2'] === _this3.option2 && variant['option3'] === _this3.option3) { found = variant; } }); return found || null; } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INTERNAL CODE THAT HANDLE PRODUCT ADD TO CART * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }, { key: "_addToCart", value: function _addToCart(event, target) { var _this4 = this; if (window.theme.cartType === 'page') { return; // When using a cart type of page, we just simply redirect to the cart page } event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form to be submitted event.stopPropagation(); // First, we switch the status of the button var btn = this.element.querySelector('[data-action="add-to-cart"]'); btn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); // Then we add the product in Ajax // var formElement = this.element.querySelector('form[action*="/cart/add"]'); fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartAddUrl, ".js"), { body: JSON.stringify(Form.serialize(target)), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }).then(function (response) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); if (response.ok) { btn.removeAttribute('disabled'); // We simply trigger an event so the mini-cart can re-render _this4.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('product:added', { bubbles: true, detail: { variant: _this4.currentVariant, quantity: parseInt(target.querySelector('[name="quantity"]').value) } })); // If we are in the context of quick view, we also force closing the modal if (_this4.options['isQuickView'] && window.theme.cartType === 'drawer') { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('modal:close')); } if (window.theme.cartType === 'message') { _this4._showAlert(window.languages.productAdded, 'success', btn); } } else { response.json().then(function (content) { _this4._showAlert(content['description'], 'error', btn); }); } }); event.preventDefault(); } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INTERNAL CODE THAT HANDLE PRODUCT ADD TO CART * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * In order to have a small animation when the inventory bar is visible, we setup an intersection observer */ }, { key: "_setupStockCountdown", value: function _setupStockCountdown() { var _this5 = this; // If there is an inventory bar, we trigger an intersection observer to add an animation var stockCountdown = this.element.querySelector('.inventory-bar'); if (stockCountdown) { var onStockCountdownVisible = function onStockCountdownVisible() { var variantInventoryQuantity = _this5.variantsInventories[_this5.currentVariant['id']]['inventory_quantity']; var stockCountdownProgress = Math.min(Math.max(variantInventoryQuantity / parseInt(stockCountdown.getAttribute('data-stock-countdown-max')) * 100.0, 0), 100); stockCountdown.classList.toggle('inventory-bar--hidden', stockCountdownProgress === 0); stockCountdown.firstElementChild.style.width = "".concat(stockCountdownProgress, "%"); }; if (window.IntersectionObserver) { var stockCountdownIntersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) { entries.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isIntersecting) { onStockCountdownVisible(); stockCountdownIntersectionObserver.disconnect(); } }); }); stockCountdownIntersectionObserver.observe(stockCountdown); } else { onStockCountdownVisible(); } } } }, { key: "_showAlert", value: function _showAlert(message, type, afterElement) { var messageElement = document.createElement('div'); messageElement.className = 'product-form__status-message'; messageElement.innerHTML = "

").concat(message, "

"); afterElement.removeAttribute('disabled'); afterElement.parentNode.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', messageElement); Animation.slideDown(messageElement); setTimeout(function () { Animation.slideUp(messageElement, function () { messageElement.remove(); }); }, 5500); } }]); return ProductVariants; }(); var ProductModel = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ProductModel(element) { _classCallCheck(this, ProductModel); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.delegateRoot = new Delegate(document.documentElement); this._attachListeners(); var stylesheet = document.createElement('link'); stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet'; stylesheet.href = 'https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/model-viewer-ui/assets/v1.0/model-viewer-ui.css'; document.head.appendChild(stylesheet); window.Shopify.loadFeatures([{ name: 'model-viewer-ui', version: '1.0', onLoad: this._setupModelViewerUI.bind(this) }, { name: 'shopify-xr', version: '1.0' }]); } _createClass(ProductModel, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() {} }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { var _this = this; this.element.querySelector('model-viewer').addEventListener('shopify_model_viewer_ui_toggle_play', function () { _this.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('model:played', { bubbles: true })); }); this.element.querySelector('model-viewer').addEventListener('shopify_model_viewer_ui_toggle_pause', function () { _this.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('model:paused', { bubbles: true })); }); } }, { key: "hasBeenSelected", value: function hasBeenSelected(isInitialLoading) { // As per guidelines, we only need to autoplay when it's not a touch device, and on desktop only if it's not the // initial loading if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('supports-hover') && !isInitialLoading) { this.modelUi.play(); } } }, { key: "hasBeenDeselected", value: function hasBeenDeselected() { // In all cases, we just turn it off this.modelUi.pause(); } }, { key: "_setupModelViewerUI", value: function _setupModelViewerUI() { this.modelElement = this.element.querySelector('model-viewer'); this.modelUi = new window.Shopify.ModelViewerUI(this.modelElement); } }]); return ProductModel; }(); var ProductVideo = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ProductVideo(element, enableVideoLooping) { _classCallCheck(this, ProductVideo); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.enableVideoLooping = enableVideoLooping; this.player = null; switch (this.element.getAttribute('data-media-type')) { case 'video': var stylesheet = document.createElement('link'); stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet'; stylesheet.href = 'https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/shopify-plyr/v1.0/shopify-plyr.css'; document.head.appendChild(stylesheet); window.Shopify.loadFeatures([{ name: 'video-ui', version: '1.0', onLoad: this._setupHtml5Video.bind(this) }]); break; case 'external_video': this._setupExternalVideo(); break; } } _createClass(ProductVideo, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { if (this.player) { this.player.destroy(); // Both Plyr and YouTube API use the same name } } }, { key: "hasBeenSelected", value: function hasBeenSelected(isInitialLoading) { // As per guidelines, we only need to autoplay when it's not a touch device, and on desktop only if it's not the // initial loading if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('supports-hover') && !isInitialLoading) { this.play(); } } }, { key: "hasBeenDeselected", value: function hasBeenDeselected() { this.pause(); } }, { key: "play", value: function play() { switch (this.element.getAttribute('data-media-type')) { case 'video': this.player.play(); break; case 'external_video': if (this.element.getAttribute('data-media-host') === 'youtube') { this.player.playVideo(); } else { this.player.player(); } // If we're using YouTube, we have to focus the parent div (as it's not possible to directly focus an iframe) this.element.focus(); break; } } }, { key: "pause", value: function pause() { switch (this.element.getAttribute('data-media-type')) { case 'video': this.player.pause(); break; case 'external_video': if (this.element.getAttribute('data-media-host') === 'youtube') { this.player.pauseVideo(); } else { this.player.pause(); } break; } } }, { key: "_setupHtml5Video", value: function _setupHtml5Video() { var _this = this; this.player = new Shopify.Plyr(this.element.querySelector('video'), { controls: ['play', 'progress', 'mute', 'volume', 'play-large', 'fullscreen'], loop: { active: this.enableVideoLooping }, hideControlsOnPause: true, clickToPlay: true, iconUrl: '//cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/shopify-plyr/v1.0/shopify-plyr.svg', tooltips: { controls: false, seek: true } }); this.player.on('play', function () { _this.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('video:played', { bubbles: true })); }); this.player.on('pause', function () { _this.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('video:paused', { bubbles: true })); }); } }, { key: "_setupExternalVideo", value: function _setupExternalVideo() { if (this.element.getAttribute('data-media-host') === 'youtube') { this._loadYouTubeScript().then(this._setupYouTubePlayer.bind(this)); } else if (this.element.getAttribute('data-media-host') === 'vimeo') { this._loadVimeoScript().then(this._setupVimeoPlayer.bind(this)); } } }, { key: "_setupYouTubePlayer", value: function _setupYouTubePlayer() { var _this2 = this; var playerLoadingInterval = setInterval(function () { if (window.YT !== undefined && window.YT.Player !== undefined) { _this2.player = new YT.Player(_this2.element.querySelector('iframe'), { videoId: _this2.element.getAttribute('data-video-id'), events: { onStateChange: function onStateChange(event) { if (event.data === 0 && _this2.enableVideoLooping) { event.target.seekTo(0); } } } }); clearInterval(playerLoadingInterval); } }, 50); } }, { key: "_loadYouTubeScript", value: function _loadYouTubeScript() { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var script = document.createElement('script'); document.body.appendChild(script); script.onload = resolve; script.onerror = reject; script.async = true; script.src = '//www.youtube.com/iframe_api'; }); } }, { key: "_setupVimeoPlayer", value: function _setupVimeoPlayer() { var _this3 = this; var playerLoadingInterval = setInterval(function () { if (window.Vimeo !== undefined && window.Vimeo.Player !== undefined) { _this3.player = new Vimeo.Player(_this3.element.querySelector('iframe')); clearInterval(playerLoadingInterval); } }, 50); } }, { key: "_loadVimeoScript", value: function _loadVimeoScript() { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var script = document.createElement('script'); document.body.appendChild(script); script.onload = resolve; script.onerror = reject; script.async = true; script.src = '//player.vimeo.com/api/player.js'; }); } }]); return ProductVideo; }(); var evEmitter = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /** * EvEmitter v1.1.0 * Lil' event emitter * MIT License */ /* jshint unused: true, undef: true, strict: true */ (function (global, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ /* globals define, module, window */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS - Browserify, Webpack module.exports = factory(); } else { // Browser globals global.EvEmitter = factory(); } })(typeof window != 'undefined' ? window : commonjsGlobal, function () { function EvEmitter() {} var proto = EvEmitter.prototype; proto.on = function (eventName, listener) { if (!eventName || !listener) { return; } // set events hash var events = this._events = this._events || {}; // set listeners array var listeners = events[eventName] = events[eventName] || []; // only add once if (listeners.indexOf(listener) == -1) { listeners.push(listener); } return this; }; proto.once = function (eventName, listener) { if (!eventName || !listener) { return; } // add event this.on(eventName, listener); // set once flag // set onceEvents hash var onceEvents = this._onceEvents = this._onceEvents || {}; // set onceListeners object var onceListeners = onceEvents[eventName] = onceEvents[eventName] || {}; // set flag onceListeners[listener] = true; return this; }; proto.off = function (eventName, listener) { var listeners = this._events && this._events[eventName]; if (!listeners || !listeners.length) { return; } var index = listeners.indexOf(listener); if (index != -1) { listeners.splice(index, 1); } return this; }; proto.emitEvent = function (eventName, args) { var listeners = this._events && this._events[eventName]; if (!listeners || !listeners.length) { return; } // copy over to avoid interference if .off() in listener listeners = listeners.slice(0); args = args || []; // once stuff var onceListeners = this._onceEvents && this._onceEvents[eventName]; for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { var listener = listeners[i]; var isOnce = onceListeners && onceListeners[listener]; if (isOnce) { // remove listener // remove before trigger to prevent recursion this.off(eventName, listener); // unset once flag delete onceListeners[listener]; } // trigger listener listener.apply(this, args); } return this; }; proto.allOff = function () { delete this._events; delete this._onceEvents; }; return EvEmitter; }); }); var getSize = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /*! * getSize v2.0.3 * measure size of elements * MIT license */ /* jshint browser: true, strict: true, undef: true, unused: true */ /* globals console: false */ (function (window, factory) { /* jshint strict: false */ /* globals define, module */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(); } else { // browser global window.getSize = factory(); } })(window, function factory() { // get a number from a string, not a percentage function getStyleSize(value) { var num = parseFloat(value); // not a percent like '100%', and a number var isValid = value.indexOf('%') == -1 && !isNaN(num); return isValid && num; } function noop() {} var logError = typeof console == 'undefined' ? noop : function (message) { console.error(message); }; // -------------------------- measurements -------------------------- // var measurements = ['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderTopWidth', 'borderBottomWidth']; var measurementsLength = measurements.length; function getZeroSize() { var size = { width: 0, height: 0, innerWidth: 0, innerHeight: 0, outerWidth: 0, outerHeight: 0 }; for (var i = 0; i < measurementsLength; i++) { var measurement = measurements[i]; size[measurement] = 0; } return size; } // -------------------------- getStyle -------------------------- // /** * getStyle, get style of element, check for Firefox bug * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=548397 */ function getStyle(elem) { var style = getComputedStyle(elem); if (!style) { logError('Style returned ' + style + '. Are you running this code in a hidden iframe on Firefox? ' + 'See https://bit.ly/getsizebug1'); } return style; } // -------------------------- setup -------------------------- // var isSetup = false; var isBoxSizeOuter; /** * setup * check isBoxSizerOuter * do on first getSize() rather than on page load for Firefox bug */ function setup() { // setup once if (isSetup) { return; } isSetup = true; // -------------------------- box sizing -------------------------- // /** * Chrome & Safari measure the outer-width on style.width on border-box elems * IE11 & Firefox<29 measures the inner-width */ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.width = '200px'; div.style.padding = '1px 2px 3px 4px'; div.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; div.style.borderWidth = '1px 2px 3px 4px'; div.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; var body = document.body || document.documentElement; body.appendChild(div); var style = getStyle(div); // round value for browser zoom. desandro/masonry#928 isBoxSizeOuter = Math.round(getStyleSize(style.width)) == 200; getSize.isBoxSizeOuter = isBoxSizeOuter; body.removeChild(div); } // -------------------------- getSize -------------------------- // function getSize(elem) { setup(); // use querySeletor if elem is string if (typeof elem == 'string') { elem = document.querySelector(elem); } // do not proceed on non-objects if (!elem || _typeof(elem) != 'object' || !elem.nodeType) { return; } var style = getStyle(elem); // if hidden, everything is 0 if (style.display == 'none') { return getZeroSize(); } var size = {}; size.width = elem.offsetWidth; size.height = elem.offsetHeight; var isBorderBox = size.isBorderBox = style.boxSizing == 'border-box'; // get all measurements for (var i = 0; i < measurementsLength; i++) { var measurement = measurements[i]; var value = style[measurement]; var num = parseFloat(value); // any 'auto', 'medium' value will be 0 size[measurement] = !isNaN(num) ? num : 0; } var paddingWidth = size.paddingLeft + size.paddingRight; var paddingHeight = size.paddingTop + size.paddingBottom; var marginWidth = size.marginLeft + size.marginRight; var marginHeight = size.marginTop + size.marginBottom; var borderWidth = size.borderLeftWidth + size.borderRightWidth; var borderHeight = size.borderTopWidth + size.borderBottomWidth; var isBorderBoxSizeOuter = isBorderBox && isBoxSizeOuter; // overwrite width and height if we can get it from style var styleWidth = getStyleSize(style.width); if (styleWidth !== false) { size.width = styleWidth + ( // add padding and border unless it's already including it isBorderBoxSizeOuter ? 0 : paddingWidth + borderWidth); } var styleHeight = getStyleSize(style.height); if (styleHeight !== false) { size.height = styleHeight + ( // add padding and border unless it's already including it isBorderBoxSizeOuter ? 0 : paddingHeight + borderHeight); } size.innerWidth = size.width - (paddingWidth + borderWidth); size.innerHeight = size.height - (paddingHeight + borderHeight); size.outerWidth = size.width + marginWidth; size.outerHeight = size.height + marginHeight; return size; } return getSize; }); }); var matchesSelector = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /** * matchesSelector v2.0.2 * matchesSelector( element, '.selector' ) * MIT license */ /*jshint browser: true, strict: true, undef: true, unused: true */ (function (window, factory) { if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(); } else { // browser global window.matchesSelector = factory(); } })(window, function factory() { var matchesMethod = function () { var ElemProto = window.Element.prototype; // check for the standard method name first if (ElemProto.matches) { return 'matches'; } // check un-prefixed if (ElemProto.matchesSelector) { return 'matchesSelector'; } // check vendor prefixes var prefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o']; for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { var prefix = prefixes[i]; var method = prefix + 'MatchesSelector'; if (ElemProto[method]) { return method; } } }(); return function matchesSelector(elem, selector) { return elem[matchesMethod](selector); }; }); }); var utils = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /** * Fizzy UI utils v2.0.7 * MIT license */ /*jshint browser: true, undef: true, unused: true, strict: true */ (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /*jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, matchesSelector); } else { // browser global window.fizzyUIUtils = factory(window, window.matchesSelector); } })(window, function factory(window, matchesSelector) { var utils = {}; // ----- extend ----- // // extends objects utils.extend = function (a, b) { for (var prop in b) { a[prop] = b[prop]; } return a; }; // ----- modulo ----- // utils.modulo = function (num, div) { return (num % div + div) % div; }; // ----- makeArray ----- // var arraySlice = Array.prototype.slice; // turn element or nodeList into an array utils.makeArray = function (obj) { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { // use object if already an array return obj; } // return empty array if undefined or null. #6 if (obj === null || obj === undefined) { return []; } var isArrayLike = _typeof(obj) == 'object' && typeof obj.length == 'number'; if (isArrayLike) { // convert nodeList to array return arraySlice.call(obj); } // array of single index return [obj]; }; // ----- removeFrom ----- // utils.removeFrom = function (ary, obj) { var index = ary.indexOf(obj); if (index != -1) { ary.splice(index, 1); } }; // ----- getParent ----- // utils.getParent = function (elem, selector) { while (elem.parentNode && elem != document.body) { elem = elem.parentNode; if (matchesSelector(elem, selector)) { return elem; } } }; // ----- getQueryElement ----- // // use element as selector string utils.getQueryElement = function (elem) { if (typeof elem == 'string') { return document.querySelector(elem); } return elem; }; // ----- handleEvent ----- // // enable .ontype to trigger from .addEventListener( elem, 'type' ) utils.handleEvent = function (event) { var method = 'on' + event.type; if (this[method]) { this[method](event); } }; // ----- filterFindElements ----- // utils.filterFindElements = function (elems, selector) { // make array of elems elems = utils.makeArray(elems); var ffElems = []; elems.forEach(function (elem) { // check that elem is an actual element if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } // add elem if no selector if (!selector) { ffElems.push(elem); return; } // filter & find items if we have a selector // filter if (matchesSelector(elem, selector)) { ffElems.push(elem); } // find children var childElems = elem.querySelectorAll(selector); // concat childElems to filterFound array for (var i = 0; i < childElems.length; i++) { ffElems.push(childElems[i]); } }); return ffElems; }; // ----- debounceMethod ----- // utils.debounceMethod = function (_class, methodName, threshold) { threshold = threshold || 100; // original method var method = _class.prototype[methodName]; var timeoutName = methodName + 'Timeout'; _class.prototype[methodName] = function () { var timeout = this[timeoutName]; clearTimeout(timeout); var args = arguments; var _this = this; this[timeoutName] = setTimeout(function () { method.apply(_this, args); delete _this[timeoutName]; }, threshold); }; }; // ----- docReady ----- // utils.docReady = function (callback) { var readyState = document.readyState; if (readyState == 'complete' || readyState == 'interactive') { // do async to allow for other scripts to run. metafizzy/flickity#441 setTimeout(callback); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback); } }; // ----- htmlInit ----- // // http://jamesroberts.name/blog/2010/02/22/string-functions-for-javascript-trim-to-camel-case-to-dashed-and-to-underscore/ utils.toDashed = function (str) { return str.replace(/(.)([A-Z])/g, function (match, $1, $2) { return $1 + '-' + $2; }).toLowerCase(); }; var console = window.console; /** * allow user to initialize classes via [data-namespace] or .js-namespace class * htmlInit( Widget, 'widgetName' ) * options are parsed from data-namespace-options */ utils.htmlInit = function (WidgetClass, namespace) { utils.docReady(function () { var dashedNamespace = utils.toDashed(namespace); var dataAttr = 'data-' + dashedNamespace; var dataAttrElems = document.querySelectorAll('[' + dataAttr + ']'); var jsDashElems = document.querySelectorAll('.js-' + dashedNamespace); var elems = utils.makeArray(dataAttrElems).concat(utils.makeArray(jsDashElems)); var dataOptionsAttr = dataAttr + '-options'; var jQuery = window.jQuery; elems.forEach(function (elem) { var attr = elem.getAttribute(dataAttr) || elem.getAttribute(dataOptionsAttr); var options; try { options = attr && JSON.parse(attr); } catch (error) { // log error, do not initialize if (console) { console.error('Error parsing ' + dataAttr + ' on ' + elem.className + ': ' + error); } return; } // initialize var instance = new WidgetClass(elem, options); // make available via $().data('namespace') if (jQuery) { jQuery.data(elem, namespace, instance); } }); }); }; // ----- ----- // return utils; }); }); var cell = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // Flickity.Cell (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, getSize); } else { // browser global window.Flickity = window.Flickity || {}; window.Flickity.Cell = factory(window, window.getSize); } })(window, function factory(window, getSize) { function Cell(elem, parent) { this.element = elem; this.parent = parent; this.create(); } var proto = Cell.prototype; proto.create = function () { this.element.style.position = 'absolute'; this.element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); this.x = 0; this.shift = 0; }; proto.destroy = function () { // reset style this.unselect(); this.element.style.position = ''; var side = this.parent.originSide; this.element.style[side] = ''; }; proto.getSize = function () { this.size = getSize(this.element); }; proto.setPosition = function (x) { this.x = x; this.updateTarget(); this.renderPosition(x); }; // setDefaultTarget v1 method, backwards compatibility, remove in v3 proto.updateTarget = proto.setDefaultTarget = function () { var marginProperty = this.parent.originSide == 'left' ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight'; this.target = this.x + this.size[marginProperty] + this.size.width * this.parent.cellAlign; }; proto.renderPosition = function (x) { // render position of cell with in slider var side = this.parent.originSide; this.element.style[side] = this.parent.getPositionValue(x); }; proto.select = function () { this.element.classList.add('is-selected'); this.element.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); }; proto.unselect = function () { this.element.classList.remove('is-selected'); this.element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); }; /** * @param {Integer} factor - 0, 1, or -1 **/ proto.wrapShift = function (shift) { this.shift = shift; this.renderPosition(this.x + this.parent.slideableWidth * shift); }; proto.remove = function () { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); }; return Cell; }); }); var slide = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // slide (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(); } else { // browser global window.Flickity = window.Flickity || {}; window.Flickity.Slide = factory(); } })(window, function factory() { function Slide(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.isOriginLeft = parent.originSide == 'left'; this.cells = []; this.outerWidth = 0; this.height = 0; } var proto = Slide.prototype; proto.addCell = function (cell) { this.cells.push(cell); this.outerWidth += cell.size.outerWidth; this.height = Math.max(cell.size.outerHeight, this.height); // first cell stuff if (this.cells.length == 1) { this.x = cell.x; // x comes from first cell var beginMargin = this.isOriginLeft ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight'; this.firstMargin = cell.size[beginMargin]; } }; proto.updateTarget = function () { var endMargin = this.isOriginLeft ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'; var lastCell = this.getLastCell(); var lastMargin = lastCell ? lastCell.size[endMargin] : 0; var slideWidth = this.outerWidth - (this.firstMargin + lastMargin); this.target = this.x + this.firstMargin + slideWidth * this.parent.cellAlign; }; proto.getLastCell = function () { return this.cells[this.cells.length - 1]; }; proto.select = function () { this.cells.forEach(function (cell) { cell.select(); }); }; proto.unselect = function () { this.cells.forEach(function (cell) { cell.unselect(); }); }; proto.getCellElements = function () { return this.cells.map(function (cell) { return cell.element; }); }; return Slide; }); }); var animate = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // animate (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, utils); } else { // browser global window.Flickity = window.Flickity || {}; window.Flickity.animatePrototype = factory(window, window.fizzyUIUtils); } })(window, function factory(window, utils) { var proto = {}; proto.startAnimation = function () { if (this.isAnimating) { return; } this.isAnimating = true; this.restingFrames = 0; this.animate(); }; proto.animate = function () { this.applyDragForce(); this.applySelectedAttraction(); var previousX = this.x; this.integratePhysics(); this.positionSlider(); this.settle(previousX); // animate next frame if (this.isAnimating) { var _this = this; requestAnimationFrame(function animateFrame() { _this.animate(); }); } }; proto.positionSlider = function () { var x = this.x; // wrap position around if (this.options.wrapAround && this.cells.length > 1) { x = utils.modulo(x, this.slideableWidth); x = x - this.slideableWidth; this.shiftWrapCells(x); } this.setTranslateX(x, this.isAnimating); this.dispatchScrollEvent(); }; proto.setTranslateX = function (x, is3d) { x += this.cursorPosition; // reverse if right-to-left and using transform x = this.options.rightToLeft ? -x : x; var translateX = this.getPositionValue(x); // use 3D tranforms for hardware acceleration on iOS // but use 2D when settled, for better font-rendering this.slider.style.transform = is3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateX + ',0,0)' : 'translateX(' + translateX + ')'; }; proto.dispatchScrollEvent = function () { var firstSlide = this.slides[0]; if (!firstSlide) { return; } var positionX = -this.x - firstSlide.target; var progress = positionX / this.slidesWidth; this.dispatchEvent('scroll', null, [progress, positionX]); }; proto.positionSliderAtSelected = function () { if (!this.cells.length) { return; } this.x = -this.selectedSlide.target; this.velocity = 0; // stop wobble this.positionSlider(); }; proto.getPositionValue = function (position) { if (this.options.percentPosition) { // percent position, round to 2 digits, like 12.34% return Math.round(position / this.size.innerWidth * 10000) * 0.01 + '%'; } else { // pixel positioning return Math.round(position) + 'px'; } }; proto.settle = function (previousX) { // keep track of frames where x hasn't moved if (!this.isPointerDown && Math.round(this.x * 100) == Math.round(previousX * 100)) { this.restingFrames++; } // stop animating if resting for 3 or more frames if (this.restingFrames > 2) { this.isAnimating = false; delete this.isFreeScrolling; // render position with translateX when settled this.positionSlider(); this.dispatchEvent('settle', null, [this.selectedIndex]); } }; proto.shiftWrapCells = function (x) { // shift before cells var beforeGap = this.cursorPosition + x; this._shiftCells(this.beforeShiftCells, beforeGap, -1); // shift after cells var afterGap = this.size.innerWidth - (x + this.slideableWidth + this.cursorPosition); this._shiftCells(this.afterShiftCells, afterGap, 1); }; proto._shiftCells = function (cells, gap, shift) { for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { var cell = cells[i]; var cellShift = gap > 0 ? shift : 0; cell.wrapShift(cellShift); gap -= cell.size.outerWidth; } }; proto._unshiftCells = function (cells) { if (!cells || !cells.length) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { cells[i].wrapShift(0); } }; // -------------------------- physics -------------------------- // proto.integratePhysics = function () { this.x += this.velocity; this.velocity *= this.getFrictionFactor(); }; proto.applyForce = function (force) { this.velocity += force; }; proto.getFrictionFactor = function () { return 1 - this.options[this.isFreeScrolling ? 'freeScrollFriction' : 'friction']; }; proto.getRestingPosition = function () { // my thanks to Steven Wittens, who simplified this math greatly return this.x + this.velocity / (1 - this.getFrictionFactor()); }; proto.applyDragForce = function () { if (!this.isDraggable || !this.isPointerDown) { return; } // change the position to drag position by applying force var dragVelocity = this.dragX - this.x; var dragForce = dragVelocity - this.velocity; this.applyForce(dragForce); }; proto.applySelectedAttraction = function () { // do not attract if pointer down or no slides var dragDown = this.isDraggable && this.isPointerDown; if (dragDown || this.isFreeScrolling || !this.slides.length) { return; } var distance = this.selectedSlide.target * -1 - this.x; var force = distance * this.options.selectedAttraction; this.applyForce(force); }; return proto; }); }); var flickity = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // Flickity main (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, evEmitter, getSize, utils, cell, slide, animate); } else { // browser global var _Flickity = window.Flickity; window.Flickity = factory(window, window.EvEmitter, window.getSize, window.fizzyUIUtils, _Flickity.Cell, _Flickity.Slide, _Flickity.animatePrototype); } })(window, function factory(window, EvEmitter, getSize, utils, Cell, Slide, animatePrototype) { var jQuery = window.jQuery; var getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle; var console = window.console; function moveElements(elems, toElem) { elems = utils.makeArray(elems); while (elems.length) { toElem.appendChild(elems.shift()); } } // -------------------------- Flickity -------------------------- // // globally unique identifiers var GUID = 0; // internal store of all Flickity intances var instances = {}; function Flickity(element, options) { var queryElement = utils.getQueryElement(element); if (!queryElement) { if (console) { console.error('Bad element for Flickity: ' + (queryElement || element)); } return; } this.element = queryElement; // do not initialize twice on same element if (this.element.flickityGUID) { var instance = instances[this.element.flickityGUID]; instance.option(options); return instance; } // add jQuery if (jQuery) { this.$element = jQuery(this.element); } // options this.options = utils.extend({}, this.constructor.defaults); this.option(options); // kick things off this._create(); } Flickity.defaults = { accessibility: true, // adaptiveHeight: false, cellAlign: 'center', // cellSelector: undefined, // contain: false, freeScrollFriction: 0.075, // friction when free-scrolling friction: 0.28, // friction when selecting namespaceJQueryEvents: true, // initialIndex: 0, percentPosition: true, resize: true, selectedAttraction: 0.025, setGallerySize: true // watchCSS: false, // wrapAround: false }; // hash of methods triggered on _create() Flickity.createMethods = []; var proto = Flickity.prototype; // inherit EventEmitter utils.extend(proto, EvEmitter.prototype); proto._create = function () { // add id for Flickity.data var id = this.guid = ++GUID; this.element.flickityGUID = id; // expando instances[id] = this; // associate via id // initial properties this.selectedIndex = 0; // how many frames slider has been in same position this.restingFrames = 0; // initial physics properties this.x = 0; this.velocity = 0; this.originSide = this.options.rightToLeft ? 'right' : 'left'; // create viewport & slider this.viewport = document.createElement('div'); this.viewport.className = 'flickity-viewport'; this._createSlider(); if (this.options.resize || this.options.watchCSS) { window.addEventListener('resize', this); } // add listeners from on option for (var eventName in this.options.on) { var listener = this.options.on[eventName]; this.on(eventName, listener); } Flickity.createMethods.forEach(function (method) { this[method](); }, this); if (this.options.watchCSS) { this.watchCSS(); } else { this.activate(); } }; /** * set options * @param {Object} opts */ proto.option = function (opts) { utils.extend(this.options, opts); }; proto.activate = function () { if (this.isActive) { return; } this.isActive = true; this.element.classList.add('flickity-enabled'); if (this.options.rightToLeft) { this.element.classList.add('flickity-rtl'); } this.getSize(); // move initial cell elements so they can be loaded as cells var cellElems = this._filterFindCellElements(this.element.children); moveElements(cellElems, this.slider); this.viewport.appendChild(this.slider); this.element.appendChild(this.viewport); // get cells from children this.reloadCells(); if (this.options.accessibility) { // allow element to focusable this.element.tabIndex = 0; // listen for key presses this.element.addEventListener('keydown', this); } this.emitEvent('activate'); this.selectInitialIndex(); // flag for initial activation, for using initialIndex this.isInitActivated = true; // ready event. #493 this.dispatchEvent('ready'); }; // slider positions the cells proto._createSlider = function () { // slider element does all the positioning var slider = document.createElement('div'); slider.className = 'flickity-slider'; slider.style[this.originSide] = 0; this.slider = slider; }; proto._filterFindCellElements = function (elems) { return utils.filterFindElements(elems, this.options.cellSelector); }; // goes through all children proto.reloadCells = function () { // collection of item elements this.cells = this._makeCells(this.slider.children); this.positionCells(); this._getWrapShiftCells(); this.setGallerySize(); }; /** * turn elements into Flickity.Cells * @param {Array or NodeList or HTMLElement} elems * @returns {Array} items - collection of new Flickity Cells */ proto._makeCells = function (elems) { var cellElems = this._filterFindCellElements(elems); // create new Flickity for collection var cells = cellElems.map(function (cellElem) { return new Cell(cellElem, this); }, this); return cells; }; proto.getLastCell = function () { return this.cells[this.cells.length - 1]; }; proto.getLastSlide = function () { return this.slides[this.slides.length - 1]; }; // positions all cells proto.positionCells = function () { // size all cells this._sizeCells(this.cells); // position all cells this._positionCells(0); }; /** * position certain cells * @param {Integer} index - which cell to start with */ proto._positionCells = function (index) { index = index || 0; // also measure maxCellHeight // start 0 if positioning all cells this.maxCellHeight = index ? this.maxCellHeight || 0 : 0; var cellX = 0; // get cellX if (index > 0) { var startCell = this.cells[index - 1]; cellX = startCell.x + startCell.size.outerWidth; } var len = this.cells.length; for (var i = index; i < len; i++) { var cell = this.cells[i]; cell.setPosition(cellX); cellX += cell.size.outerWidth; this.maxCellHeight = Math.max(cell.size.outerHeight, this.maxCellHeight); } // keep track of cellX for wrap-around this.slideableWidth = cellX; // slides this.updateSlides(); // contain slides target this._containSlides(); // update slidesWidth this.slidesWidth = len ? this.getLastSlide().target - this.slides[0].target : 0; }; /** * cell.getSize() on multiple cells * @param {Array} cells */ proto._sizeCells = function (cells) { cells.forEach(function (cell) { cell.getSize(); }); }; // -------------------------- -------------------------- // proto.updateSlides = function () { this.slides = []; if (!this.cells.length) { return; } var slide = new Slide(this); this.slides.push(slide); var isOriginLeft = this.originSide == 'left'; var nextMargin = isOriginLeft ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'; var canCellFit = this._getCanCellFit(); this.cells.forEach(function (cell, i) { // just add cell if first cell in slide if (!slide.cells.length) { slide.addCell(cell); return; } var slideWidth = slide.outerWidth - slide.firstMargin + (cell.size.outerWidth - cell.size[nextMargin]); if (canCellFit.call(this, i, slideWidth)) { slide.addCell(cell); } else { // doesn't fit, new slide slide.updateTarget(); slide = new Slide(this); this.slides.push(slide); slide.addCell(cell); } }, this); // last slide slide.updateTarget(); // update .selectedSlide this.updateSelectedSlide(); }; proto._getCanCellFit = function () { var groupCells = this.options.groupCells; if (!groupCells) { return function () { return false; }; } else if (typeof groupCells == 'number') { // group by number. 3 -> [0,1,2], [3,4,5], ... var number = parseInt(groupCells, 10); return function (i) { return i % number !== 0; }; } // default, group by width of slide // parse '75% var percentMatch = typeof groupCells == 'string' && groupCells.match(/^(\d+)%$/); var percent = percentMatch ? parseInt(percentMatch[1], 10) / 100 : 1; return function (i, slideWidth) { return slideWidth <= (this.size.innerWidth + 1) * percent; }; }; // alias _init for jQuery plugin .flickity() proto._init = proto.reposition = function () { this.positionCells(); this.positionSliderAtSelected(); }; proto.getSize = function () { this.size = getSize(this.element); this.setCellAlign(); this.cursorPosition = this.size.innerWidth * this.cellAlign; }; var cellAlignShorthands = { // cell align, then based on origin side center: { left: 0.5, right: 0.5 }, left: { left: 0, right: 1 }, right: { right: 0, left: 1 } }; proto.setCellAlign = function () { var shorthand = cellAlignShorthands[this.options.cellAlign]; this.cellAlign = shorthand ? shorthand[this.originSide] : this.options.cellAlign; }; proto.setGallerySize = function () { if (this.options.setGallerySize) { var height = this.options.adaptiveHeight && this.selectedSlide ? this.selectedSlide.height : this.maxCellHeight; this.viewport.style.height = height + 'px'; } }; proto._getWrapShiftCells = function () { // only for wrap-around if (!this.options.wrapAround) { return; } // unshift previous cells this._unshiftCells(this.beforeShiftCells); this._unshiftCells(this.afterShiftCells); // get before cells // initial gap var gapX = this.cursorPosition; var cellIndex = this.cells.length - 1; this.beforeShiftCells = this._getGapCells(gapX, cellIndex, -1); // get after cells // ending gap between last cell and end of gallery viewport gapX = this.size.innerWidth - this.cursorPosition; // start cloning at first cell, working forwards this.afterShiftCells = this._getGapCells(gapX, 0, 1); }; proto._getGapCells = function (gapX, cellIndex, increment) { // keep adding cells until the cover the initial gap var cells = []; while (gapX > 0) { var cell = this.cells[cellIndex]; if (!cell) { break; } cells.push(cell); cellIndex += increment; gapX -= cell.size.outerWidth; } return cells; }; // ----- contain ----- // // contain cell targets so no excess sliding proto._containSlides = function () { if (!this.options.contain || this.options.wrapAround || !this.cells.length) { return; } var isRightToLeft = this.options.rightToLeft; var beginMargin = isRightToLeft ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'; var endMargin = isRightToLeft ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight'; var contentWidth = this.slideableWidth - this.getLastCell().size[endMargin]; // content is less than gallery size var isContentSmaller = contentWidth < this.size.innerWidth; // bounds var beginBound = this.cursorPosition + this.cells[0].size[beginMargin]; var endBound = contentWidth - this.size.innerWidth * (1 - this.cellAlign); // contain each cell target this.slides.forEach(function (slide) { if (isContentSmaller) { // all cells fit inside gallery slide.target = contentWidth * this.cellAlign; } else { // contain to bounds slide.target = Math.max(slide.target, beginBound); slide.target = Math.min(slide.target, endBound); } }, this); }; // ----- ----- // /** * emits events via eventEmitter and jQuery events * @param {String} type - name of event * @param {Event} event - original event * @param {Array} args - extra arguments */ proto.dispatchEvent = function (type, event, args) { var emitArgs = event ? [event].concat(args) : args; this.emitEvent(type, emitArgs); if (jQuery && this.$element) { // default trigger with type if no event type += this.options.namespaceJQueryEvents ? '.flickity' : ''; var $event = type; if (event) { // create jQuery event var jQEvent = jQuery.Event(event); jQEvent.type = type; $event = jQEvent; } this.$element.trigger($event, args); } }; // -------------------------- select -------------------------- // /** * @param {Integer} index - index of the slide * @param {Boolean} isWrap - will wrap-around to last/first if at the end * @param {Boolean} isInstant - will immediately set position at selected cell */ proto.select = function (index, isWrap, isInstant) { if (!this.isActive) { return; } index = parseInt(index, 10); this._wrapSelect(index); if (this.options.wrapAround || isWrap) { index = utils.modulo(index, this.slides.length); } // bail if invalid index if (!this.slides[index]) { return; } var prevIndex = this.selectedIndex; this.selectedIndex = index; this.updateSelectedSlide(); if (isInstant) { this.positionSliderAtSelected(); } else { this.startAnimation(); } if (this.options.adaptiveHeight) { this.setGallerySize(); } // events this.dispatchEvent('select', null, [index]); // change event if new index if (index != prevIndex) { this.dispatchEvent('change', null, [index]); } // old v1 event name, remove in v3 this.dispatchEvent('cellSelect'); }; // wraps position for wrapAround, to move to closest slide. #113 proto._wrapSelect = function (index) { var len = this.slides.length; var isWrapping = this.options.wrapAround && len > 1; if (!isWrapping) { return index; } var wrapIndex = utils.modulo(index, len); // go to shortest var delta = Math.abs(wrapIndex - this.selectedIndex); var backWrapDelta = Math.abs(wrapIndex + len - this.selectedIndex); var forewardWrapDelta = Math.abs(wrapIndex - len - this.selectedIndex); if (!this.isDragSelect && backWrapDelta < delta) { index += len; } else if (!this.isDragSelect && forewardWrapDelta < delta) { index -= len; } // wrap position so slider is within normal area if (index < 0) { this.x -= this.slideableWidth; } else if (index >= len) { this.x += this.slideableWidth; } }; proto.previous = function (isWrap, isInstant) { this.select(this.selectedIndex - 1, isWrap, isInstant); }; proto.next = function (isWrap, isInstant) { this.select(this.selectedIndex + 1, isWrap, isInstant); }; proto.updateSelectedSlide = function () { var slide = this.slides[this.selectedIndex]; // selectedIndex could be outside of slides, if triggered before resize() if (!slide) { return; } // unselect previous selected slide this.unselectSelectedSlide(); // update new selected slide this.selectedSlide = slide; slide.select(); this.selectedCells = slide.cells; this.selectedElements = slide.getCellElements(); // HACK: selectedCell & selectedElement is first cell in slide, backwards compatibility // Remove in v3? this.selectedCell = slide.cells[0]; this.selectedElement = this.selectedElements[0]; }; proto.unselectSelectedSlide = function () { if (this.selectedSlide) { this.selectedSlide.unselect(); } }; proto.selectInitialIndex = function () { var initialIndex = this.options.initialIndex; // already activated, select previous selectedIndex if (this.isInitActivated) { this.select(this.selectedIndex, false, true); return; } // select with selector string if (initialIndex && typeof initialIndex == 'string') { var cell = this.queryCell(initialIndex); if (cell) { this.selectCell(initialIndex, false, true); return; } } var index = 0; // select with number if (initialIndex && this.slides[initialIndex]) { index = initialIndex; } // select instantly this.select(index, false, true); }; /** * select slide from number or cell element * @param {Element or Number} elem */ proto.selectCell = function (value, isWrap, isInstant) { // get cell var cell = this.queryCell(value); if (!cell) { return; } var index = this.getCellSlideIndex(cell); this.select(index, isWrap, isInstant); }; proto.getCellSlideIndex = function (cell) { // get index of slides that has cell for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { var slide = this.slides[i]; var index = slide.cells.indexOf(cell); if (index != -1) { return i; } } }; // -------------------------- get cells -------------------------- // /** * get Flickity.Cell, given an Element * @param {Element} elem * @returns {Flickity.Cell} item */ proto.getCell = function (elem) { // loop through cells to get the one that matches for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) { var cell = this.cells[i]; if (cell.element == elem) { return cell; } } }; /** * get collection of Flickity.Cells, given Elements * @param {Element, Array, NodeList} elems * @returns {Array} cells - Flickity.Cells */ proto.getCells = function (elems) { elems = utils.makeArray(elems); var cells = []; elems.forEach(function (elem) { var cell = this.getCell(elem); if (cell) { cells.push(cell); } }, this); return cells; }; /** * get cell elements * @returns {Array} cellElems */ proto.getCellElements = function () { return this.cells.map(function (cell) { return cell.element; }); }; /** * get parent cell from an element * @param {Element} elem * @returns {Flickit.Cell} cell */ proto.getParentCell = function (elem) { // first check if elem is cell var cell = this.getCell(elem); if (cell) { return cell; } // try to get parent cell elem elem = utils.getParent(elem, '.flickity-slider > *'); return this.getCell(elem); }; /** * get cells adjacent to a slide * @param {Integer} adjCount - number of adjacent slides * @param {Integer} index - index of slide to start * @returns {Array} cells - array of Flickity.Cells */ proto.getAdjacentCellElements = function (adjCount, index) { if (!adjCount) { return this.selectedSlide.getCellElements(); } index = index === undefined ? this.selectedIndex : index; var len = this.slides.length; if (1 + adjCount * 2 >= len) { return this.getCellElements(); } var cellElems = []; for (var i = index - adjCount; i <= index + adjCount; i++) { var slideIndex = this.options.wrapAround ? utils.modulo(i, len) : i; var slide = this.slides[slideIndex]; if (slide) { cellElems = cellElems.concat(slide.getCellElements()); } } return cellElems; }; /** * select slide from number or cell element * @param {Element, Selector String, or Number} selector */ proto.queryCell = function (selector) { if (typeof selector == 'number') { // use number as index return this.cells[selector]; } if (typeof selector == 'string') { // do not select invalid selectors from hash: #123, #/. #791 if (selector.match(/^[#\.]?[\d\/]/)) { return; } // use string as selector, get element selector = this.element.querySelector(selector); } // get cell from element return this.getCell(selector); }; // -------------------------- events -------------------------- // proto.uiChange = function () { this.emitEvent('uiChange'); }; // keep focus on element when child UI elements are clicked proto.childUIPointerDown = function (event) { // HACK iOS does not allow touch events to bubble up?! if (event.type != 'touchstart') { event.preventDefault(); } this.focus(); }; // ----- resize ----- // proto.onresize = function () { this.watchCSS(); this.resize(); }; utils.debounceMethod(Flickity, 'onresize', 150); proto.resize = function () { if (!this.isActive) { return; } this.getSize(); // wrap values if (this.options.wrapAround) { this.x = utils.modulo(this.x, this.slideableWidth); } this.positionCells(); this._getWrapShiftCells(); this.setGallerySize(); this.emitEvent('resize'); // update selected index for group slides, instant // TODO: position can be lost between groups of various numbers var selectedElement = this.selectedElements && this.selectedElements[0]; this.selectCell(selectedElement, false, true); }; // watches the :after property, activates/deactivates proto.watchCSS = function () { var watchOption = this.options.watchCSS; if (!watchOption) { return; } var afterContent = getComputedStyle(this.element, ':after').content; // activate if :after { content: 'flickity' } if (afterContent.indexOf('flickity') != -1) { this.activate(); } else { this.deactivate(); } }; // ----- keydown ----- // // go previous/next if left/right keys pressed proto.onkeydown = function (event) { // only work if element is in focus var isNotFocused = document.activeElement && document.activeElement != this.element; if (!this.options.accessibility || isNotFocused) { return; } var handler = Flickity.keyboardHandlers[event.keyCode]; if (handler) { handler.call(this); } }; Flickity.keyboardHandlers = { // left arrow 37: function _() { var leftMethod = this.options.rightToLeft ? 'next' : 'previous'; this.uiChange(); this[leftMethod](); }, // right arrow 39: function _() { var rightMethod = this.options.rightToLeft ? 'previous' : 'next'; this.uiChange(); this[rightMethod](); } }; // ----- focus ----- // proto.focus = function () { // TODO remove scrollTo once focus options gets more support // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus#Browser_compatibility var prevScrollY = window.pageYOffset; this.element.focus({ preventScroll: true }); // hack to fix scroll jump after focus, #76 if (window.pageYOffset != prevScrollY) { window.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset, prevScrollY); } }; // -------------------------- destroy -------------------------- // // deactivate all Flickity functionality, but keep stuff available proto.deactivate = function () { if (!this.isActive) { return; } this.element.classList.remove('flickity-enabled'); this.element.classList.remove('flickity-rtl'); this.unselectSelectedSlide(); // destroy cells this.cells.forEach(function (cell) { cell.destroy(); }); this.element.removeChild(this.viewport); // move child elements back into element moveElements(this.slider.children, this.element); if (this.options.accessibility) { this.element.removeAttribute('tabIndex'); this.element.removeEventListener('keydown', this); } // set flags this.isActive = false; this.emitEvent('deactivate'); }; proto.destroy = function () { this.deactivate(); window.removeEventListener('resize', this); this.allOff(); this.emitEvent('destroy'); if (jQuery && this.$element) { jQuery.removeData(this.element, 'flickity'); } delete this.element.flickityGUID; delete instances[this.guid]; }; // -------------------------- prototype -------------------------- // utils.extend(proto, animatePrototype); // -------------------------- extras -------------------------- // /** * get Flickity instance from element * @param {Element} elem * @returns {Flickity} */ Flickity.data = function (elem) { elem = utils.getQueryElement(elem); var id = elem && elem.flickityGUID; return id && instances[id]; }; utils.htmlInit(Flickity, 'flickity'); if (jQuery && jQuery.bridget) { jQuery.bridget('flickity', Flickity); } // set internal jQuery, for Webpack + jQuery v3, #478 Flickity.setJQuery = function (jq) { jQuery = jq; }; Flickity.Cell = Cell; Flickity.Slide = Slide; return Flickity; }); }); var unipointer = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /*! * Unipointer v2.3.0 * base class for doing one thing with pointer event * MIT license */ /*jshint browser: true, undef: true, unused: true, strict: true */ (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ /*global define, module, require */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, evEmitter); } else { // browser global window.Unipointer = factory(window, window.EvEmitter); } })(window, function factory(window, EvEmitter) { function noop() {} function Unipointer() {} // inherit EvEmitter var proto = Unipointer.prototype = Object.create(EvEmitter.prototype); proto.bindStartEvent = function (elem) { this._bindStartEvent(elem, true); }; proto.unbindStartEvent = function (elem) { this._bindStartEvent(elem, false); }; /** * Add or remove start event * @param {Boolean} isAdd - remove if falsey */ proto._bindStartEvent = function (elem, isAdd) { // munge isAdd, default to true isAdd = isAdd === undefined ? true : isAdd; var bindMethod = isAdd ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener'; // default to mouse events var startEvent = 'mousedown'; if (window.PointerEvent) { // Pointer Events startEvent = 'pointerdown'; } else if ('ontouchstart' in window) { // Touch Events. iOS Safari startEvent = 'touchstart'; } elem[bindMethod](startEvent, this); }; // trigger handler methods for events proto.handleEvent = function (event) { var method = 'on' + event.type; if (this[method]) { this[method](event); } }; // returns the touch that we're keeping track of proto.getTouch = function (touches) { for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) { var touch = touches[i]; if (touch.identifier == this.pointerIdentifier) { return touch; } } }; // ----- start event ----- // proto.onmousedown = function (event) { // dismiss clicks from right or middle buttons var button = event.button; if (button && button !== 0 && button !== 1) { return; } this._pointerDown(event, event); }; proto.ontouchstart = function (event) { this._pointerDown(event, event.changedTouches[0]); }; proto.onpointerdown = function (event) { this._pointerDown(event, event); }; /** * pointer start * @param {Event} event * @param {Event or Touch} pointer */ proto._pointerDown = function (event, pointer) { // dismiss right click and other pointers // button = 0 is okay, 1-4 not if (event.button || this.isPointerDown) { return; } this.isPointerDown = true; // save pointer identifier to match up touch events this.pointerIdentifier = pointer.pointerId !== undefined ? // pointerId for pointer events, touch.indentifier for touch events pointer.pointerId : pointer.identifier; this.pointerDown(event, pointer); }; proto.pointerDown = function (event, pointer) { this._bindPostStartEvents(event); this.emitEvent('pointerDown', [event, pointer]); }; // hash of events to be bound after start event var postStartEvents = { mousedown: ['mousemove', 'mouseup'], touchstart: ['touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'], pointerdown: ['pointermove', 'pointerup', 'pointercancel'] }; proto._bindPostStartEvents = function (event) { if (!event) { return; } // get proper events to match start event var events = postStartEvents[event.type]; // bind events to node events.forEach(function (eventName) { window.addEventListener(eventName, this); }, this); // save these arguments this._boundPointerEvents = events; }; proto._unbindPostStartEvents = function () { // check for _boundEvents, in case dragEnd triggered twice (old IE8 bug) if (!this._boundPointerEvents) { return; } this._boundPointerEvents.forEach(function (eventName) { window.removeEventListener(eventName, this); }, this); delete this._boundPointerEvents; }; // ----- move event ----- // proto.onmousemove = function (event) { this._pointerMove(event, event); }; proto.onpointermove = function (event) { if (event.pointerId == this.pointerIdentifier) { this._pointerMove(event, event); } }; proto.ontouchmove = function (event) { var touch = this.getTouch(event.changedTouches); if (touch) { this._pointerMove(event, touch); } }; /** * pointer move * @param {Event} event * @param {Event or Touch} pointer * @private */ proto._pointerMove = function (event, pointer) { this.pointerMove(event, pointer); }; // public proto.pointerMove = function (event, pointer) { this.emitEvent('pointerMove', [event, pointer]); }; // ----- end event ----- // proto.onmouseup = function (event) { this._pointerUp(event, event); }; proto.onpointerup = function (event) { if (event.pointerId == this.pointerIdentifier) { this._pointerUp(event, event); } }; proto.ontouchend = function (event) { var touch = this.getTouch(event.changedTouches); if (touch) { this._pointerUp(event, touch); } }; /** * pointer up * @param {Event} event * @param {Event or Touch} pointer * @private */ proto._pointerUp = function (event, pointer) { this._pointerDone(); this.pointerUp(event, pointer); }; // public proto.pointerUp = function (event, pointer) { this.emitEvent('pointerUp', [event, pointer]); }; // ----- pointer done ----- // // triggered on pointer up & pointer cancel proto._pointerDone = function () { this._pointerReset(); this._unbindPostStartEvents(); this.pointerDone(); }; proto._pointerReset = function () { // reset properties this.isPointerDown = false; delete this.pointerIdentifier; }; proto.pointerDone = noop; // ----- pointer cancel ----- // proto.onpointercancel = function (event) { if (event.pointerId == this.pointerIdentifier) { this._pointerCancel(event, event); } }; proto.ontouchcancel = function (event) { var touch = this.getTouch(event.changedTouches); if (touch) { this._pointerCancel(event, touch); } }; /** * pointer cancel * @param {Event} event * @param {Event or Touch} pointer * @private */ proto._pointerCancel = function (event, pointer) { this._pointerDone(); this.pointerCancel(event, pointer); }; // public proto.pointerCancel = function (event, pointer) { this.emitEvent('pointerCancel', [event, pointer]); }; // ----- ----- // // utility function for getting x/y coords from event Unipointer.getPointerPoint = function (pointer) { return { x: pointer.pageX, y: pointer.pageY }; }; // ----- ----- // return Unipointer; }); }); var unidragger = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /*! * Unidragger v2.3.1 * Draggable base class * MIT license */ /*jshint browser: true, unused: true, undef: true, strict: true */ (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /*jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, unipointer); } else { // browser global window.Unidragger = factory(window, window.Unipointer); } })(window, function factory(window, Unipointer) { function Unidragger() {} // inherit Unipointer & EvEmitter var proto = Unidragger.prototype = Object.create(Unipointer.prototype); // ----- bind start ----- // proto.bindHandles = function () { this._bindHandles(true); }; proto.unbindHandles = function () { this._bindHandles(false); }; /** * Add or remove start event * @param {Boolean} isAdd */ proto._bindHandles = function (isAdd) { // munge isAdd, default to true isAdd = isAdd === undefined ? true : isAdd; // bind each handle var bindMethod = isAdd ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener'; var touchAction = isAdd ? this._touchActionValue : ''; for (var i = 0; i < this.handles.length; i++) { var handle = this.handles[i]; this._bindStartEvent(handle, isAdd); handle[bindMethod]('click', this); // touch-action: none to override browser touch gestures. metafizzy/flickity#540 if (window.PointerEvent) { handle.style.touchAction = touchAction; } } }; // prototype so it can be overwriteable by Flickity proto._touchActionValue = 'none'; // ----- start event ----- // /** * pointer start * @param {Event} event * @param {Event or Touch} pointer */ proto.pointerDown = function (event, pointer) { var isOkay = this.okayPointerDown(event); if (!isOkay) { return; } // track start event position // Safari 9 overrides pageX and pageY. These values needs to be copied. flickity#842 this.pointerDownPointer = { pageX: pointer.pageX, pageY: pointer.pageY }; event.preventDefault(); this.pointerDownBlur(); // bind move and end events this._bindPostStartEvents(event); this.emitEvent('pointerDown', [event, pointer]); }; // nodes that have text fields var cursorNodes = { TEXTAREA: true, INPUT: true, SELECT: true, OPTION: true }; // input types that do not have text fields var clickTypes = { radio: true, checkbox: true, button: true, submit: true, image: true, file: true }; // dismiss inputs with text fields. flickity#403, flickity#404 proto.okayPointerDown = function (event) { var isCursorNode = cursorNodes[event.target.nodeName]; var isClickType = clickTypes[event.target.type]; var isOkay = !isCursorNode || isClickType; if (!isOkay) { this._pointerReset(); } return isOkay; }; // kludge to blur previously focused input proto.pointerDownBlur = function () { var focused = document.activeElement; // do not blur body for IE10, metafizzy/flickity#117 var canBlur = focused && focused.blur && focused != document.body; if (canBlur) { focused.blur(); } }; // ----- move event ----- // /** * drag move * @param {Event} event * @param {Event or Touch} pointer */ proto.pointerMove = function (event, pointer) { var moveVector = this._dragPointerMove(event, pointer); this.emitEvent('pointerMove', [event, pointer, moveVector]); this._dragMove(event, pointer, moveVector); }; // base pointer move logic proto._dragPointerMove = function (event, pointer) { var moveVector = { x: pointer.pageX - this.pointerDownPointer.pageX, y: pointer.pageY - this.pointerDownPointer.pageY }; // start drag if pointer has moved far enough to start drag if (!this.isDragging && this.hasDragStarted(moveVector)) { this._dragStart(event, pointer); } return moveVector; }; // condition if pointer has moved far enough to start drag proto.hasDragStarted = function (moveVector) { return Math.abs(moveVector.x) > 3 || Math.abs(moveVector.y) > 3; }; // ----- end event ----- // /** * pointer up * @param {Event} event * @param {Event or Touch} pointer */ proto.pointerUp = function (event, pointer) { this.emitEvent('pointerUp', [event, pointer]); this._dragPointerUp(event, pointer); }; proto._dragPointerUp = function (event, pointer) { if (this.isDragging) { this._dragEnd(event, pointer); } else { // pointer didn't move enough for drag to start this._staticClick(event, pointer); } }; // -------------------------- drag -------------------------- // // dragStart proto._dragStart = function (event, pointer) { this.isDragging = true; // prevent clicks this.isPreventingClicks = true; this.dragStart(event, pointer); }; proto.dragStart = function (event, pointer) { this.emitEvent('dragStart', [event, pointer]); }; // dragMove proto._dragMove = function (event, pointer, moveVector) { // do not drag if not dragging yet if (!this.isDragging) { return; } this.dragMove(event, pointer, moveVector); }; proto.dragMove = function (event, pointer, moveVector) { event.preventDefault(); this.emitEvent('dragMove', [event, pointer, moveVector]); }; // dragEnd proto._dragEnd = function (event, pointer) { // set flags this.isDragging = false; // re-enable clicking async setTimeout(function () { delete this.isPreventingClicks; }.bind(this)); this.dragEnd(event, pointer); }; proto.dragEnd = function (event, pointer) { this.emitEvent('dragEnd', [event, pointer]); }; // ----- onclick ----- // // handle all clicks and prevent clicks when dragging proto.onclick = function (event) { if (this.isPreventingClicks) { event.preventDefault(); } }; // ----- staticClick ----- // // triggered after pointer down & up with no/tiny movement proto._staticClick = function (event, pointer) { // ignore emulated mouse up clicks if (this.isIgnoringMouseUp && event.type == 'mouseup') { return; } this.staticClick(event, pointer); // set flag for emulated clicks 300ms after touchend if (event.type != 'mouseup') { this.isIgnoringMouseUp = true; // reset flag after 300ms setTimeout(function () { delete this.isIgnoringMouseUp; }.bind(this), 400); } }; proto.staticClick = function (event, pointer) { this.emitEvent('staticClick', [event, pointer]); }; // ----- utils ----- // Unidragger.getPointerPoint = Unipointer.getPointerPoint; // ----- ----- // return Unidragger; }); }); var drag = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // drag (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, flickity, unidragger, utils); } else { // browser global window.Flickity = factory(window, window.Flickity, window.Unidragger, window.fizzyUIUtils); } })(window, function factory(window, Flickity, Unidragger, utils) { utils.extend(Flickity.defaults, { draggable: '>1', dragThreshold: 3 }); // ----- create ----- // Flickity.createMethods.push('_createDrag'); // -------------------------- drag prototype -------------------------- // var proto = Flickity.prototype; utils.extend(proto, Unidragger.prototype); proto._touchActionValue = 'pan-y'; // -------------------------- -------------------------- // var isTouch = ('createTouch' in document); var isTouchmoveScrollCanceled = false; proto._createDrag = function () { this.on('activate', this.onActivateDrag); this.on('uiChange', this._uiChangeDrag); this.on('deactivate', this.onDeactivateDrag); this.on('cellChange', this.updateDraggable); // TODO updateDraggable on resize? if groupCells & slides change // HACK - add seemingly innocuous handler to fix iOS 10 scroll behavior // #457, RubaXa/Sortable#973 if (isTouch && !isTouchmoveScrollCanceled) { window.addEventListener('touchmove', function () {}); isTouchmoveScrollCanceled = true; } }; proto.onActivateDrag = function () { this.handles = [this.viewport]; this.bindHandles(); this.updateDraggable(); }; proto.onDeactivateDrag = function () { this.unbindHandles(); this.element.classList.remove('is-draggable'); }; proto.updateDraggable = function () { // disable dragging if less than 2 slides. #278 if (this.options.draggable == '>1') { this.isDraggable = this.slides.length > 1; } else { this.isDraggable = this.options.draggable; } if (this.isDraggable) { this.element.classList.add('is-draggable'); } else { this.element.classList.remove('is-draggable'); } }; // backwards compatibility proto.bindDrag = function () { this.options.draggable = true; this.updateDraggable(); }; proto.unbindDrag = function () { this.options.draggable = false; this.updateDraggable(); }; proto._uiChangeDrag = function () { delete this.isFreeScrolling; }; // -------------------------- pointer events -------------------------- // proto.pointerDown = function (event, pointer) { if (!this.isDraggable) { this._pointerDownDefault(event, pointer); return; } var isOkay = this.okayPointerDown(event); if (!isOkay) { return; } this._pointerDownPreventDefault(event); this.pointerDownFocus(event); // blur if (document.activeElement != this.element) { // do not blur if already focused this.pointerDownBlur(); } // stop if it was moving this.dragX = this.x; this.viewport.classList.add('is-pointer-down'); // track scrolling this.pointerDownScroll = getScrollPosition(); window.addEventListener('scroll', this); this._pointerDownDefault(event, pointer); }; // default pointerDown logic, used for staticClick proto._pointerDownDefault = function (event, pointer) { // track start event position // Safari 9 overrides pageX and pageY. These values needs to be copied. #779 this.pointerDownPointer = { pageX: pointer.pageX, pageY: pointer.pageY }; // bind move and end events this._bindPostStartEvents(event); this.dispatchEvent('pointerDown', event, [pointer]); }; var focusNodes = { INPUT: true, TEXTAREA: true, SELECT: true }; proto.pointerDownFocus = function (event) { var isFocusNode = focusNodes[event.target.nodeName]; if (!isFocusNode) { this.focus(); } }; proto._pointerDownPreventDefault = function (event) { var isTouchStart = event.type == 'touchstart'; var isTouchPointer = event.pointerType == 'touch'; var isFocusNode = focusNodes[event.target.nodeName]; if (!isTouchStart && !isTouchPointer && !isFocusNode) { event.preventDefault(); } }; // ----- move ----- // proto.hasDragStarted = function (moveVector) { return Math.abs(moveVector.x) > this.options.dragThreshold; }; // ----- up ----- // proto.pointerUp = function (event, pointer) { delete this.isTouchScrolling; this.viewport.classList.remove('is-pointer-down'); this.dispatchEvent('pointerUp', event, [pointer]); this._dragPointerUp(event, pointer); }; proto.pointerDone = function () { window.removeEventListener('scroll', this); delete this.pointerDownScroll; }; // -------------------------- dragging -------------------------- // proto.dragStart = function (event, pointer) { if (!this.isDraggable) { return; } this.dragStartPosition = this.x; this.startAnimation(); window.removeEventListener('scroll', this); this.dispatchEvent('dragStart', event, [pointer]); }; proto.pointerMove = function (event, pointer) { var moveVector = this._dragPointerMove(event, pointer); this.dispatchEvent('pointerMove', event, [pointer, moveVector]); this._dragMove(event, pointer, moveVector); }; proto.dragMove = function (event, pointer, moveVector) { if (!this.isDraggable) { return; } event.preventDefault(); this.previousDragX = this.dragX; // reverse if right-to-left var direction = this.options.rightToLeft ? -1 : 1; if (this.options.wrapAround) { // wrap around move. #589 moveVector.x = moveVector.x % this.slideableWidth; } var dragX = this.dragStartPosition + moveVector.x * direction; if (!this.options.wrapAround && this.slides.length) { // slow drag var originBound = Math.max(-this.slides[0].target, this.dragStartPosition); dragX = dragX > originBound ? (dragX + originBound) * 0.5 : dragX; var endBound = Math.min(-this.getLastSlide().target, this.dragStartPosition); dragX = dragX < endBound ? (dragX + endBound) * 0.5 : dragX; } this.dragX = dragX; this.dragMoveTime = new Date(); this.dispatchEvent('dragMove', event, [pointer, moveVector]); }; proto.dragEnd = function (event, pointer) { if (!this.isDraggable) { return; } if (this.options.freeScroll) { this.isFreeScrolling = true; } // set selectedIndex based on where flick will end up var index = this.dragEndRestingSelect(); if (this.options.freeScroll && !this.options.wrapAround) { // if free-scroll & not wrap around // do not free-scroll if going outside of bounding slides // so bounding slides can attract slider, and keep it in bounds var restingX = this.getRestingPosition(); this.isFreeScrolling = -restingX > this.slides[0].target && -restingX < this.getLastSlide().target; } else if (!this.options.freeScroll && index == this.selectedIndex) { // boost selection if selected index has not changed index += this.dragEndBoostSelect(); } delete this.previousDragX; // apply selection // TODO refactor this, selecting here feels weird // HACK, set flag so dragging stays in correct direction this.isDragSelect = this.options.wrapAround; this.select(index); delete this.isDragSelect; this.dispatchEvent('dragEnd', event, [pointer]); }; proto.dragEndRestingSelect = function () { var restingX = this.getRestingPosition(); // how far away from selected slide var distance = Math.abs(this.getSlideDistance(-restingX, this.selectedIndex)); // get closet resting going up and going down var positiveResting = this._getClosestResting(restingX, distance, 1); var negativeResting = this._getClosestResting(restingX, distance, -1); // use closer resting for wrap-around var index = positiveResting.distance < negativeResting.distance ? positiveResting.index : negativeResting.index; return index; }; /** * given resting X and distance to selected cell * get the distance and index of the closest cell * @param {Number} restingX - estimated post-flick resting position * @param {Number} distance - distance to selected cell * @param {Integer} increment - +1 or -1, going up or down * @returns {Object} - { distance: {Number}, index: {Integer} } */ proto._getClosestResting = function (restingX, distance, increment) { var index = this.selectedIndex; var minDistance = Infinity; var condition = this.options.contain && !this.options.wrapAround ? // if contain, keep going if distance is equal to minDistance function (d, md) { return d <= md; } : function (d, md) { return d < md; }; while (condition(distance, minDistance)) { // measure distance to next cell index += increment; minDistance = distance; distance = this.getSlideDistance(-restingX, index); if (distance === null) { break; } distance = Math.abs(distance); } return { distance: minDistance, // selected was previous index index: index - increment }; }; /** * measure distance between x and a slide target * @param {Number} x * @param {Integer} index - slide index */ proto.getSlideDistance = function (x, index) { var len = this.slides.length; // wrap around if at least 2 slides var isWrapAround = this.options.wrapAround && len > 1; var slideIndex = isWrapAround ? utils.modulo(index, len) : index; var slide = this.slides[slideIndex]; if (!slide) { return null; } // add distance for wrap-around slides var wrap = isWrapAround ? this.slideableWidth * Math.floor(index / len) : 0; return x - (slide.target + wrap); }; proto.dragEndBoostSelect = function () { // do not boost if no previousDragX or dragMoveTime if (this.previousDragX === undefined || !this.dragMoveTime || // or if drag was held for 100 ms new Date() - this.dragMoveTime > 100) { return 0; } var distance = this.getSlideDistance(-this.dragX, this.selectedIndex); var delta = this.previousDragX - this.dragX; if (distance > 0 && delta > 0) { // boost to next if moving towards the right, and positive velocity return 1; } else if (distance < 0 && delta < 0) { // boost to previous if moving towards the left, and negative velocity return -1; } return 0; }; // ----- staticClick ----- // proto.staticClick = function (event, pointer) { // get clickedCell, if cell was clicked var clickedCell = this.getParentCell(event.target); var cellElem = clickedCell && clickedCell.element; var cellIndex = clickedCell && this.cells.indexOf(clickedCell); this.dispatchEvent('staticClick', event, [pointer, cellElem, cellIndex]); }; // ----- scroll ----- // proto.onscroll = function () { var scroll = getScrollPosition(); var scrollMoveX = this.pointerDownScroll.x - scroll.x; var scrollMoveY = this.pointerDownScroll.y - scroll.y; // cancel click/tap if scroll is too much if (Math.abs(scrollMoveX) > 3 || Math.abs(scrollMoveY) > 3) { this._pointerDone(); } }; // ----- utils ----- // function getScrollPosition() { return { x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset }; } // ----- ----- // return Flickity; }); }); var prevNextButton = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // prev/next buttons (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, flickity, unipointer, utils); } else { // browser global factory(window, window.Flickity, window.Unipointer, window.fizzyUIUtils); } })(window, function factory(window, Flickity, Unipointer, utils) { var svgURI = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; // -------------------------- PrevNextButton -------------------------- // function PrevNextButton(direction, parent) { this.direction = direction; this.parent = parent; this._create(); } PrevNextButton.prototype = Object.create(Unipointer.prototype); PrevNextButton.prototype._create = function () { // properties this.isEnabled = true; this.isPrevious = this.direction == -1; var leftDirection = this.parent.options.rightToLeft ? 1 : -1; this.isLeft = this.direction == leftDirection; var element = this.element = document.createElement('button'); element.className = 'flickity-button flickity-prev-next-button'; element.className += this.isPrevious ? ' previous' : ' next'; // prevent button from submitting form http://stackoverflow.com/a/10836076/182183 element.setAttribute('type', 'button'); // init as disabled this.disable(); element.setAttribute('aria-label', this.isPrevious ? 'Previous' : 'Next'); // create arrow var svg = this.createSVG(); element.appendChild(svg); // events this.parent.on('select', this.update.bind(this)); this.on('pointerDown', this.parent.childUIPointerDown.bind(this.parent)); }; PrevNextButton.prototype.activate = function () { this.bindStartEvent(this.element); this.element.addEventListener('click', this); // add to DOM this.parent.element.appendChild(this.element); }; PrevNextButton.prototype.deactivate = function () { // remove from DOM this.parent.element.removeChild(this.element); // click events this.unbindStartEvent(this.element); this.element.removeEventListener('click', this); }; PrevNextButton.prototype.createSVG = function () { var svg = document.createElementNS(svgURI, 'svg'); svg.setAttribute('class', 'flickity-button-icon'); svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 100 100'); var path = document.createElementNS(svgURI, 'path'); var pathMovements = getArrowMovements(this.parent.options.arrowShape); path.setAttribute('d', pathMovements); path.setAttribute('class', 'arrow'); // rotate arrow if (!this.isLeft) { path.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(100, 100) rotate(180) '); } svg.appendChild(path); return svg; }; // get SVG path movmement function getArrowMovements(shape) { // use shape as movement if string if (typeof shape == 'string') { return shape; } // create movement string return 'M ' + shape.x0 + ',50' + ' L ' + shape.x1 + ',' + (shape.y1 + 50) + ' L ' + shape.x2 + ',' + (shape.y2 + 50) + ' L ' + shape.x3 + ',50 ' + ' L ' + shape.x2 + ',' + (50 - shape.y2) + ' L ' + shape.x1 + ',' + (50 - shape.y1) + ' Z'; } PrevNextButton.prototype.handleEvent = utils.handleEvent; PrevNextButton.prototype.onclick = function () { if (!this.isEnabled) { return; } this.parent.uiChange(); var method = this.isPrevious ? 'previous' : 'next'; this.parent[method](); }; // ----- ----- // PrevNextButton.prototype.enable = function () { if (this.isEnabled) { return; } this.element.disabled = false; this.isEnabled = true; }; PrevNextButton.prototype.disable = function () { if (!this.isEnabled) { return; } this.element.disabled = true; this.isEnabled = false; }; PrevNextButton.prototype.update = function () { // index of first or last slide, if previous or next var slides = this.parent.slides; // enable is wrapAround and at least 2 slides if (this.parent.options.wrapAround && slides.length > 1) { this.enable(); return; } var lastIndex = slides.length ? slides.length - 1 : 0; var boundIndex = this.isPrevious ? 0 : lastIndex; var method = this.parent.selectedIndex == boundIndex ? 'disable' : 'enable'; this[method](); }; PrevNextButton.prototype.destroy = function () { this.deactivate(); this.allOff(); }; // -------------------------- Flickity prototype -------------------------- // utils.extend(Flickity.defaults, { prevNextButtons: true, arrowShape: { x0: 10, x1: 60, y1: 50, x2: 70, y2: 40, x3: 30 } }); Flickity.createMethods.push('_createPrevNextButtons'); var proto = Flickity.prototype; proto._createPrevNextButtons = function () { if (!this.options.prevNextButtons) { return; } this.prevButton = new PrevNextButton(-1, this); this.nextButton = new PrevNextButton(1, this); this.on('activate', this.activatePrevNextButtons); }; proto.activatePrevNextButtons = function () { this.prevButton.activate(); this.nextButton.activate(); this.on('deactivate', this.deactivatePrevNextButtons); }; proto.deactivatePrevNextButtons = function () { this.prevButton.deactivate(); this.nextButton.deactivate(); this.off('deactivate', this.deactivatePrevNextButtons); }; // -------------------------- -------------------------- // Flickity.PrevNextButton = PrevNextButton; return Flickity; }); }); var pageDots = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // page dots (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, flickity, unipointer, utils); } else { // browser global factory(window, window.Flickity, window.Unipointer, window.fizzyUIUtils); } })(window, function factory(window, Flickity, Unipointer, utils) { function PageDots(parent) { this.parent = parent; this._create(); } PageDots.prototype = Object.create(Unipointer.prototype); PageDots.prototype._create = function () { // create holder element this.holder = document.createElement('ol'); this.holder.className = 'flickity-page-dots'; // create dots, array of elements this.dots = []; // events this.handleClick = this.onClick.bind(this); this.on('pointerDown', this.parent.childUIPointerDown.bind(this.parent)); }; PageDots.prototype.activate = function () { this.setDots(); this.holder.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick); this.bindStartEvent(this.holder); // add to DOM this.parent.element.appendChild(this.holder); }; PageDots.prototype.deactivate = function () { this.holder.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClick); this.unbindStartEvent(this.holder); // remove from DOM this.parent.element.removeChild(this.holder); }; PageDots.prototype.setDots = function () { // get difference between number of slides and number of dots var delta = this.parent.slides.length - this.dots.length; if (delta > 0) { this.addDots(delta); } else if (delta < 0) { this.removeDots(-delta); } }; PageDots.prototype.addDots = function (count) { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var newDots = []; var length = this.dots.length; var max = length + count; for (var i = length; i < max; i++) { var dot = document.createElement('li'); dot.className = 'dot'; dot.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Page dot ' + (i + 1)); fragment.appendChild(dot); newDots.push(dot); } this.holder.appendChild(fragment); this.dots = this.dots.concat(newDots); }; PageDots.prototype.removeDots = function (count) { // remove from this.dots collection var removeDots = this.dots.splice(this.dots.length - count, count); // remove from DOM removeDots.forEach(function (dot) { this.holder.removeChild(dot); }, this); }; PageDots.prototype.updateSelected = function () { // remove selected class on previous if (this.selectedDot) { this.selectedDot.className = 'dot'; this.selectedDot.removeAttribute('aria-current'); } // don't proceed if no dots if (!this.dots.length) { return; } this.selectedDot = this.dots[this.parent.selectedIndex]; this.selectedDot.className = 'dot is-selected'; this.selectedDot.setAttribute('aria-current', 'step'); }; PageDots.prototype.onTap = // old method name, backwards-compatible PageDots.prototype.onClick = function (event) { var target = event.target; // only care about dot clicks if (target.nodeName != 'LI') { return; } this.parent.uiChange(); var index = this.dots.indexOf(target); this.parent.select(index); }; PageDots.prototype.destroy = function () { this.deactivate(); this.allOff(); }; Flickity.PageDots = PageDots; // -------------------------- Flickity -------------------------- // utils.extend(Flickity.defaults, { pageDots: true }); Flickity.createMethods.push('_createPageDots'); var proto = Flickity.prototype; proto._createPageDots = function () { if (!this.options.pageDots) { return; } this.pageDots = new PageDots(this); // events this.on('activate', this.activatePageDots); this.on('select', this.updateSelectedPageDots); this.on('cellChange', this.updatePageDots); this.on('resize', this.updatePageDots); this.on('deactivate', this.deactivatePageDots); }; proto.activatePageDots = function () { this.pageDots.activate(); }; proto.updateSelectedPageDots = function () { this.pageDots.updateSelected(); }; proto.updatePageDots = function () { this.pageDots.setDots(); }; proto.deactivatePageDots = function () { this.pageDots.deactivate(); }; // ----- ----- // Flickity.PageDots = PageDots; return Flickity; }); }); var player = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // player & autoPlay (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(evEmitter, utils, flickity); } else { // browser global factory(window.EvEmitter, window.fizzyUIUtils, window.Flickity); } })(window, function factory(EvEmitter, utils, Flickity) { function Player(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.state = 'stopped'; // visibility change event handler this.onVisibilityChange = this.visibilityChange.bind(this); this.onVisibilityPlay = this.visibilityPlay.bind(this); } Player.prototype = Object.create(EvEmitter.prototype); // start play Player.prototype.play = function () { if (this.state == 'playing') { return; } // do not play if page is hidden, start playing when page is visible var isPageHidden = document.hidden; if (isPageHidden) { document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilityPlay); return; } this.state = 'playing'; // listen to visibility change document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilityChange); // start ticking this.tick(); }; Player.prototype.tick = function () { // do not tick if not playing if (this.state != 'playing') { return; } var time = this.parent.options.autoPlay; // default to 3 seconds time = typeof time == 'number' ? time : 3000; var _this = this; // HACK: reset ticks if stopped and started within interval this.clear(); this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { _this.parent.next(true); _this.tick(); }, time); }; Player.prototype.stop = function () { this.state = 'stopped'; this.clear(); // remove visibility change event document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilityChange); }; Player.prototype.clear = function () { clearTimeout(this.timeout); }; Player.prototype.pause = function () { if (this.state == 'playing') { this.state = 'paused'; this.clear(); } }; Player.prototype.unpause = function () { // re-start play if paused if (this.state == 'paused') { this.play(); } }; // pause if page visibility is hidden, unpause if visible Player.prototype.visibilityChange = function () { var isPageHidden = document.hidden; this[isPageHidden ? 'pause' : 'unpause'](); }; Player.prototype.visibilityPlay = function () { this.play(); document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilityPlay); }; // -------------------------- Flickity -------------------------- // utils.extend(Flickity.defaults, { pauseAutoPlayOnHover: true }); Flickity.createMethods.push('_createPlayer'); var proto = Flickity.prototype; proto._createPlayer = function () { this.player = new Player(this); this.on('activate', this.activatePlayer); this.on('uiChange', this.stopPlayer); this.on('pointerDown', this.stopPlayer); this.on('deactivate', this.deactivatePlayer); }; proto.activatePlayer = function () { if (!this.options.autoPlay) { return; } this.player.play(); this.element.addEventListener('mouseenter', this); }; // Player API, don't hate the ... thanks I know where the door is proto.playPlayer = function () { this.player.play(); }; proto.stopPlayer = function () { this.player.stop(); }; proto.pausePlayer = function () { this.player.pause(); }; proto.unpausePlayer = function () { this.player.unpause(); }; proto.deactivatePlayer = function () { this.player.stop(); this.element.removeEventListener('mouseenter', this); }; // ----- mouseenter/leave ----- // // pause auto-play on hover proto.onmouseenter = function () { if (!this.options.pauseAutoPlayOnHover) { return; } this.player.pause(); this.element.addEventListener('mouseleave', this); }; // resume auto-play on hover off proto.onmouseleave = function () { this.player.unpause(); this.element.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this); }; // ----- ----- // Flickity.Player = Player; return Flickity; }); }); var addRemoveCell = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // add, remove cell (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, flickity, utils); } else { // browser global factory(window, window.Flickity, window.fizzyUIUtils); } })(window, function factory(window, Flickity, utils) { function getCellsFragment(cells) { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); cells.forEach(function (cell) { fragment.appendChild(cell.element); }); return fragment; } // -------------------------- add/remove cell prototype -------------------------- // var proto = Flickity.prototype; /** * Insert, prepend, or append cells * @param {Element, Array, NodeList} elems * @param {Integer} index */ proto.insert = function (elems, index) { var cells = this._makeCells(elems); if (!cells || !cells.length) { return; } var len = this.cells.length; // default to append index = index === undefined ? len : index; // add cells with document fragment var fragment = getCellsFragment(cells); // append to slider var isAppend = index == len; if (isAppend) { this.slider.appendChild(fragment); } else { var insertCellElement = this.cells[index].element; this.slider.insertBefore(fragment, insertCellElement); } // add to this.cells if (index === 0) { // prepend, add to start this.cells = cells.concat(this.cells); } else if (isAppend) { // append, add to end this.cells = this.cells.concat(cells); } else { // insert in this.cells var endCells = this.cells.splice(index, len - index); this.cells = this.cells.concat(cells).concat(endCells); } this._sizeCells(cells); this.cellChange(index, true); }; proto.append = function (elems) { this.insert(elems, this.cells.length); }; proto.prepend = function (elems) { this.insert(elems, 0); }; /** * Remove cells * @param {Element, Array, NodeList} elems */ proto.remove = function (elems) { var cells = this.getCells(elems); if (!cells || !cells.length) { return; } var minCellIndex = this.cells.length - 1; // remove cells from collection & DOM cells.forEach(function (cell) { cell.remove(); var index = this.cells.indexOf(cell); minCellIndex = Math.min(index, minCellIndex); utils.removeFrom(this.cells, cell); }, this); this.cellChange(minCellIndex, true); }; /** * logic to be run after a cell's size changes * @param {Element} elem - cell's element */ proto.cellSizeChange = function (elem) { var cell = this.getCell(elem); if (!cell) { return; } cell.getSize(); var index = this.cells.indexOf(cell); this.cellChange(index); }; /** * logic any time a cell is changed: added, removed, or size changed * @param {Integer} changedCellIndex - index of the changed cell, optional */ proto.cellChange = function (changedCellIndex, isPositioningSlider) { var prevSelectedElem = this.selectedElement; this._positionCells(changedCellIndex); this._getWrapShiftCells(); this.setGallerySize(); // update selectedIndex // try to maintain position & select previous selected element var cell = this.getCell(prevSelectedElem); if (cell) { this.selectedIndex = this.getCellSlideIndex(cell); } this.selectedIndex = Math.min(this.slides.length - 1, this.selectedIndex); this.emitEvent('cellChange', [changedCellIndex]); // position slider this.select(this.selectedIndex); // do not position slider after lazy load if (isPositioningSlider) { this.positionSliderAtSelected(); } }; // ----- ----- // return Flickity; }); }); var lazyload = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // lazyload (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(window, flickity, utils); } else { // browser global factory(window, window.Flickity, window.fizzyUIUtils); } })(window, function factory(window, Flickity, utils) { Flickity.createMethods.push('_createLazyload'); var proto = Flickity.prototype; proto._createLazyload = function () { this.on('select', this.lazyLoad); }; proto.lazyLoad = function () { var lazyLoad = this.options.lazyLoad; if (!lazyLoad) { return; } // get adjacent cells, use lazyLoad option for adjacent count var adjCount = typeof lazyLoad == 'number' ? lazyLoad : 0; var cellElems = this.getAdjacentCellElements(adjCount); // get lazy images in those cells var lazyImages = []; cellElems.forEach(function (cellElem) { var lazyCellImages = getCellLazyImages(cellElem); lazyImages = lazyImages.concat(lazyCellImages); }); // load lazy images lazyImages.forEach(function (img) { new LazyLoader(img, this); }, this); }; function getCellLazyImages(cellElem) { // check if cell element is lazy image if (cellElem.nodeName == 'IMG') { var lazyloadAttr = cellElem.getAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload'); var srcAttr = cellElem.getAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload-src'); var srcsetAttr = cellElem.getAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload-srcset'); if (lazyloadAttr || srcAttr || srcsetAttr) { return [cellElem]; } } // select lazy images in cell var lazySelector = 'img[data-flickity-lazyload], ' + 'img[data-flickity-lazyload-src], img[data-flickity-lazyload-srcset]'; var imgs = cellElem.querySelectorAll(lazySelector); return utils.makeArray(imgs); } // -------------------------- LazyLoader -------------------------- // /** * class to handle loading images */ function LazyLoader(img, flickity) { this.img = img; this.flickity = flickity; this.load(); } LazyLoader.prototype.handleEvent = utils.handleEvent; LazyLoader.prototype.load = function () { this.img.addEventListener('load', this); this.img.addEventListener('error', this); // get src & srcset var src = this.img.getAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload') || this.img.getAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload-src'); var srcset = this.img.getAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload-srcset'); // set src & serset this.img.src = src; if (srcset) { this.img.setAttribute('srcset', srcset); } // remove attr this.img.removeAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload'); this.img.removeAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload-src'); this.img.removeAttribute('data-flickity-lazyload-srcset'); }; LazyLoader.prototype.onload = function (event) { this.complete(event, 'flickity-lazyloaded'); }; LazyLoader.prototype.onerror = function (event) { this.complete(event, 'flickity-lazyerror'); }; LazyLoader.prototype.complete = function (event, className) { // unbind events this.img.removeEventListener('load', this); this.img.removeEventListener('error', this); var cell = this.flickity.getParentCell(this.img); var cellElem = cell && cell.element; this.flickity.cellSizeChange(cellElem); this.img.classList.add(className); this.flickity.dispatchEvent('lazyLoad', event, cellElem); }; // ----- ----- // Flickity.LazyLoader = LazyLoader; return Flickity; }); }); var js = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /*! * Flickity v2.2.1 * Touch, responsive, flickable carousels * * Licensed GPLv3 for open source use * or Flickity Commercial License for commercial use * * https://flickity.metafizzy.co * Copyright 2015-2019 Metafizzy */ (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(flickity, drag, prevNextButton, pageDots, player, addRemoveCell, lazyload); } })(window, function factory(Flickity) { /*jshint strict: false*/ return Flickity; }); }); var flickityFade = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /** * Flickity fade v1.0.0 * Fade between Flickity slides */ /* jshint browser: true, undef: true, unused: true */ (function (window, factory) { // universal module definition /*globals define, module, require */ if ( module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(js, utils); } else { // browser global factory(window.Flickity, window.fizzyUIUtils); } })(commonjsGlobal, function factory(Flickity, utils) { // ---- Slide ---- // var Slide = Flickity.Slide; var slideUpdateTarget = Slide.prototype.updateTarget; Slide.prototype.updateTarget = function () { slideUpdateTarget.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.parent.options.fade) { return; } // position cells at selected target var slideTargetX = this.target - this.x; var firstCellX = this.cells[0].x; this.cells.forEach(function (cell) { var targetX = cell.x - firstCellX - slideTargetX; cell.renderPosition(targetX); }); }; Slide.prototype.setOpacity = function (alpha) { this.cells.forEach(function (cell) { cell.element.style.opacity = alpha; }); }; // ---- Flickity ---- // var proto = Flickity.prototype; Flickity.createMethods.push('_createFade'); proto._createFade = function () { this.fadeIndex = this.selectedIndex; this.prevSelectedIndex = this.selectedIndex; this.on('select', this.onSelectFade); this.on('dragEnd', this.onDragEndFade); this.on('settle', this.onSettleFade); this.on('activate', this.onActivateFade); this.on('deactivate', this.onDeactivateFade); }; var updateSlides = proto.updateSlides; proto.updateSlides = function () { updateSlides.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.options.fade) { return; } // set initial opacity this.slides.forEach(function (slide, i) { var alpha = i == this.selectedIndex ? 1 : 0; slide.setOpacity(alpha); }, this); }; /* ---- events ---- */ proto.onSelectFade = function () { // in case of resize, keep fadeIndex within current count this.fadeIndex = Math.min(this.prevSelectedIndex, this.slides.length - 1); this.prevSelectedIndex = this.selectedIndex; }; proto.onSettleFade = function () { delete this.didDragEnd; if (!this.options.fade) { return; } // set full and 0 opacity on selected & faded slides this.selectedSlide.setOpacity(1); var fadedSlide = this.slides[this.fadeIndex]; if (fadedSlide && this.fadeIndex != this.selectedIndex) { this.slides[this.fadeIndex].setOpacity(0); } }; proto.onDragEndFade = function () { // set flag this.didDragEnd = true; }; proto.onActivateFade = function () { if (this.options.fade) { this.element.classList.add('is-fade'); } }; proto.onDeactivateFade = function () { if (!this.options.fade) { return; } this.element.classList.remove('is-fade'); // reset opacity this.slides.forEach(function (slide) { slide.setOpacity(''); }); }; /* ---- position & fading ---- */ var positionSlider = proto.positionSlider; proto.positionSlider = function () { if (!this.options.fade) { positionSlider.apply(this, arguments); return; } this.fadeSlides(); this.dispatchScrollEvent(); }; var positionSliderAtSelected = proto.positionSliderAtSelected; proto.positionSliderAtSelected = function () { if (this.options.fade) { // position fade slider at origin this.setTranslateX(0); } positionSliderAtSelected.apply(this, arguments); }; proto.fadeSlides = function () { if (this.slides.length < 2) { return; } // get slides to fade-in & fade-out var indexes = this.getFadeIndexes(); var fadeSlideA = this.slides[indexes.a]; var fadeSlideB = this.slides[indexes.b]; var distance = this.wrapDifference(fadeSlideA.target, fadeSlideB.target); var progress = this.wrapDifference(fadeSlideA.target, -this.x); progress = progress / distance; fadeSlideA.setOpacity(1 - progress); fadeSlideB.setOpacity(progress); // hide previous slide var fadeHideIndex = indexes.a; if (this.isDragging) { fadeHideIndex = progress > 0.5 ? indexes.a : indexes.b; } var isNewHideIndex = this.fadeHideIndex != undefined && this.fadeHideIndex != fadeHideIndex && this.fadeHideIndex != indexes.a && this.fadeHideIndex != indexes.b; if (isNewHideIndex) { // new fadeHideSlide set, hide previous this.slides[this.fadeHideIndex].setOpacity(0); } this.fadeHideIndex = fadeHideIndex; }; proto.getFadeIndexes = function () { if (!this.isDragging && !this.didDragEnd) { return { a: this.fadeIndex, b: this.selectedIndex }; } if (this.options.wrapAround) { return this.getFadeDragWrapIndexes(); } else { return this.getFadeDragLimitIndexes(); } }; proto.getFadeDragWrapIndexes = function () { var distances = this.slides.map(function (slide, i) { return this.getSlideDistance(-this.x, i); }, this); var absDistances = distances.map(function (distance) { return Math.abs(distance); }); var minDistance = Math.min.apply(Math, absDistances); var closestIndex = absDistances.indexOf(minDistance); var distance = distances[closestIndex]; var len = this.slides.length; var delta = distance >= 0 ? 1 : -1; return { a: closestIndex, b: utils.modulo(closestIndex + delta, len) }; }; proto.getFadeDragLimitIndexes = function () { // calculate closest previous slide var dragIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length - 1; i++) { var slide = this.slides[i]; if (-this.x < slide.target) { break; } dragIndex = i; } return { a: dragIndex, b: dragIndex + 1 }; }; proto.wrapDifference = function (a, b) { var diff = b - a; if (!this.options.wrapAround) { return diff; } var diffPlus = diff + this.slideableWidth; var diffMinus = diff - this.slideableWidth; if (Math.abs(diffPlus) < Math.abs(diff)) { diff = diffPlus; } if (Math.abs(diffMinus) < Math.abs(diff)) { diff = diffMinus; } return diff; }; // ---- wrapAround ---- // var _getWrapShiftCells = proto._getWrapShiftCells; proto._getWrapShiftCells = function () { if (!this.options.fade) { _getWrapShiftCells.apply(this, arguments); } }; var shiftWrapCells = proto.shiftWrapCells; proto.shiftWrapCells = function () { if (!this.options.fade) { shiftWrapCells.apply(this, arguments); } }; return Flickity; }); }); var photoswipe = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { /*! PhotoSwipe - v4.1.3 - 2019-01-08 * http://photoswipe.com * Copyright (c) 2019 Dmitry Semenov; */ (function (root, factory) { { module.exports = factory(); } })(commonjsGlobal, function () { var PhotoSwipe = function PhotoSwipe(template, UiClass, items, options) { /*>>framework-bridge*/ /** * * Set of generic functions used by gallery. * * You're free to modify anything here as long as functionality is kept. * */ var framework = { features: null, bind: function bind(target, type, listener, unbind) { var methodName = (unbind ? 'remove' : 'add') + 'EventListener'; type = type.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) { if (type[i]) { target[methodName](type[i], listener, false); } } }, isArray: function isArray(obj) { return obj instanceof Array; }, createEl: function createEl(classes, tag) { var el = document.createElement(tag || 'div'); if (classes) { el.className = classes; } return el; }, getScrollY: function getScrollY() { var yOffset = window.pageYOffset; return yOffset !== undefined ? yOffset : document.documentElement.scrollTop; }, unbind: function unbind(target, type, listener) { framework.bind(target, type, listener, true); }, removeClass: function removeClass(el, className) { var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + className + '(\\s|$)'); el.className = el.className.replace(reg, ' ').replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); }, addClass: function addClass(el, className) { if (!framework.hasClass(el, className)) { el.className += (el.className ? ' ' : '') + className; } }, hasClass: function hasClass(el, className) { return el.className && new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(\\s|$)').test(el.className); }, getChildByClass: function getChildByClass(parentEl, childClassName) { var node = parentEl.firstChild; while (node) { if (framework.hasClass(node, childClassName)) { return node; } node = node.nextSibling; } }, arraySearch: function arraySearch(array, value, key) { var i = array.length; while (i--) { if (array[i][key] === value) { return i; } } return -1; }, extend: function extend(o1, o2, preventOverwrite) { for (var prop in o2) { if (o2.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (preventOverwrite && o1.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; } o1[prop] = o2[prop]; } } }, easing: { sine: { out: function out(k) { return Math.sin(k * (Math.PI / 2)); }, inOut: function inOut(k) { return -(Math.cos(Math.PI * k) - 1) / 2; } }, cubic: { out: function out(k) { return --k * k * k + 1; } } /* elastic: { out: function ( k ) { var s, a = 0.1, p = 0.4; if ( k === 0 ) return 0; if ( k === 1 ) return 1; if ( !a || a < 1 ) { a = 1; s = p / 4; } else s = p * Math.asin( 1 / a ) / ( 2 * Math.PI ); return ( a * Math.pow( 2, - 10 * k) * Math.sin( ( k - s ) * ( 2 * Math.PI ) / p ) + 1 ); }, }, back: { out: function ( k ) { var s = 1.70158; return --k * k * ( ( s + 1 ) * k + s ) + 1; } } */ }, /** * * @return {object} * * { * raf : request animation frame function * caf : cancel animation frame function * transfrom : transform property key (with vendor), or null if not supported * oldIE : IE8 or below * } * */ detectFeatures: function detectFeatures() { if (framework.features) { return framework.features; } var helperEl = framework.createEl(), helperStyle = helperEl.style, vendor = '', features = {}; // IE8 and below features.oldIE = document.all && !document.addEventListener; features.touch = 'ontouchstart' in window; if (window.requestAnimationFrame) { features.raf = window.requestAnimationFrame; features.caf = window.cancelAnimationFrame; } features.pointerEvent = !!window.PointerEvent || navigator.msPointerEnabled; // fix false-positive detection of old Android in new IE // (IE11 ua string contains "Android 4.0") if (!features.pointerEvent) { var ua = navigator.userAgent; // Detect if device is iPhone or iPod and if it's older than iOS 8 // http://stackoverflow.com/a/14223920 // // This detection is made because of buggy top/bottom toolbars // that don't trigger window.resize event. // For more info refer to _isFixedPosition variable in core.js if (/iP(hone|od)/.test(navigator.platform)) { var v = navigator.appVersion.match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/); if (v && v.length > 0) { v = parseInt(v[1], 10); if (v >= 1 && v < 8) { features.isOldIOSPhone = true; } } } // Detect old Android (before KitKat) // due to bugs related to position:fixed // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7184573/pick-up-the-android-version-in-the-browser-by-javascript var match = ua.match(/Android\s([0-9\.]*)/); var androidversion = match ? match[1] : 0; androidversion = parseFloat(androidversion); if (androidversion >= 1) { if (androidversion < 4.4) { features.isOldAndroid = true; // for fixed position bug & performance } features.androidVersion = androidversion; // for touchend bug } features.isMobileOpera = /opera mini|opera mobi/i.test(ua); // p.s. yes, yes, UA sniffing is bad, propose your solution for above bugs. } var styleChecks = ['transform', 'perspective', 'animationName'], vendors = ['', 'webkit', 'Moz', 'ms', 'O'], styleCheckItem, styleName; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { vendor = vendors[i]; for (var a = 0; a < 3; a++) { styleCheckItem = styleChecks[a]; // uppercase first letter of property name, if vendor is present styleName = vendor + (vendor ? styleCheckItem.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + styleCheckItem.slice(1) : styleCheckItem); if (!features[styleCheckItem] && styleName in helperStyle) { features[styleCheckItem] = styleName; } } if (vendor && !features.raf) { vendor = vendor.toLowerCase(); features.raf = window[vendor + 'RequestAnimationFrame']; if (features.raf) { features.caf = window[vendor + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendor + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } } } if (!features.raf) { var lastTime = 0; features.raf = function (fn) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function () { fn(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; features.caf = function (id) { clearTimeout(id); }; } // Detect SVG support features.svg = !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg').createSVGRect; framework.features = features; return features; } }; framework.detectFeatures(); // Override addEventListener for old versions of IE if (framework.features.oldIE) { framework.bind = function (target, type, listener, unbind) { type = type.split(' '); var methodName = (unbind ? 'detach' : 'attach') + 'Event', evName, _handleEv = function _handleEv() { listener.handleEvent.call(listener); }; for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) { evName = type[i]; if (evName) { if (_typeof(listener) === 'object' && listener.handleEvent) { if (!unbind) { listener['oldIE' + evName] = _handleEv; } else { if (!listener['oldIE' + evName]) { return false; } } target[methodName]('on' + evName, listener['oldIE' + evName]); } else { target[methodName]('on' + evName, listener); } } } }; } /*>>framework-bridge*/ /*>>core*/ //function(template, UiClass, items, options) var self = this; /** * Static vars, don't change unless you know what you're doing. */ var DOUBLE_TAP_RADIUS = 25, NUM_HOLDERS = 3; /** * Options */ var _options = { allowPanToNext: true, spacing: 0.12, bgOpacity: 1, mouseUsed: false, loop: true, pinchToClose: true, closeOnScroll: true, closeOnVerticalDrag: true, verticalDragRange: 0.75, hideAnimationDuration: 333, showAnimationDuration: 333, showHideOpacity: false, focus: true, escKey: true, arrowKeys: true, mainScrollEndFriction: 0.35, panEndFriction: 0.35, isClickableElement: function isClickableElement(el) { return el.tagName === 'A'; }, getDoubleTapZoom: function getDoubleTapZoom(isMouseClick, item) { if (isMouseClick) { return 1; } else { return item.initialZoomLevel < 0.7 ? 1 : 1.33; } }, maxSpreadZoom: 1.33, modal: true, // not fully implemented yet scaleMode: 'fit' // TODO }; framework.extend(_options, options); /** * Private helper variables & functions */ var _getEmptyPoint = function _getEmptyPoint() { return { x: 0, y: 0 }; }; var _isOpen, _isDestroying, _closedByScroll, _currentItemIndex, _containerStyle, _containerShiftIndex, _currPanDist = _getEmptyPoint(), _startPanOffset = _getEmptyPoint(), _panOffset = _getEmptyPoint(), _upMoveEvents, // drag move, drag end & drag cancel events array _downEvents, // drag start events array _globalEventHandlers, _viewportSize = {}, _currZoomLevel, _startZoomLevel, _translatePrefix, _translateSufix, _updateSizeInterval, _itemsNeedUpdate, _currPositionIndex = 0, _offset = {}, _slideSize = _getEmptyPoint(), // size of slide area, including spacing _itemHolders, _prevItemIndex, _indexDiff = 0, // difference of indexes since last content update _dragStartEvent, _dragMoveEvent, _dragEndEvent, _dragCancelEvent, _transformKey, _pointerEventEnabled, _isFixedPosition = true, _likelyTouchDevice, _modules = [], _requestAF, _cancelAF, _initalClassName, _initalWindowScrollY, _oldIE, _currentWindowScrollY, _features, _windowVisibleSize = {}, _renderMaxResolution = false, _orientationChangeTimeout, // Registers PhotoSWipe module (History, Controller ...) _registerModule = function _registerModule(name, module) { framework.extend(self, module.publicMethods); _modules.push(name); }, _getLoopedId = function _getLoopedId(index) { var numSlides = _getNumItems(); if (index > numSlides - 1) { return index - numSlides; } else if (index < 0) { return numSlides + index; } return index; }, // Micro bind/trigger _listeners = {}, _listen = function _listen(name, fn) { if (!_listeners[name]) { _listeners[name] = []; } return _listeners[name].push(fn); }, _shout = function _shout(name) { var listeners = _listeners[name]; if (listeners) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.shift(); for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].apply(self, args); } } }, _getCurrentTime = function _getCurrentTime() { return new Date().getTime(); }, _applyBgOpacity = function _applyBgOpacity(opacity) { _bgOpacity = opacity; self.bg.style.opacity = opacity * _options.bgOpacity; }, _applyZoomTransform = function _applyZoomTransform(styleObj, x, y, zoom, item) { if (!_renderMaxResolution || item && item !== self.currItem) { zoom = zoom / (item ? item.fitRatio : self.currItem.fitRatio); } styleObj[_transformKey] = _translatePrefix + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px' + _translateSufix + ' scale(' + zoom + ')'; }, _applyCurrentZoomPan = function _applyCurrentZoomPan(allowRenderResolution) { if (_currZoomElementStyle) { if (allowRenderResolution) { if (_currZoomLevel > self.currItem.fitRatio) { if (!_renderMaxResolution) { _setImageSize(self.currItem, false, true); _renderMaxResolution = true; } } else { if (_renderMaxResolution) { _setImageSize(self.currItem); _renderMaxResolution = false; } } } _applyZoomTransform(_currZoomElementStyle, _panOffset.x, _panOffset.y, _currZoomLevel); } }, _applyZoomPanToItem = function _applyZoomPanToItem(item) { if (item.container) { _applyZoomTransform(item.container.style, item.initialPosition.x, item.initialPosition.y, item.initialZoomLevel, item); } }, _setTranslateX = function _setTranslateX(x, elStyle) { elStyle[_transformKey] = _translatePrefix + x + 'px, 0px' + _translateSufix; }, _moveMainScroll = function _moveMainScroll(x, dragging) { if (!_options.loop && dragging) { var newSlideIndexOffset = _currentItemIndex + (_slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex - x) / _slideSize.x, delta = Math.round(x - _mainScrollPos.x); if (newSlideIndexOffset < 0 && delta > 0 || newSlideIndexOffset >= _getNumItems() - 1 && delta < 0) { x = _mainScrollPos.x + delta * _options.mainScrollEndFriction; } } _mainScrollPos.x = x; _setTranslateX(x, _containerStyle); }, _calculatePanOffset = function _calculatePanOffset(axis, zoomLevel) { var m = _midZoomPoint[axis] - _offset[axis]; return _startPanOffset[axis] + _currPanDist[axis] + m - m * (zoomLevel / _startZoomLevel); }, _equalizePoints = function _equalizePoints(p1, p2) { p1.x = p2.x; p1.y = p2.y; if (p2.id) { p1.id = p2.id; } }, _roundPoint = function _roundPoint(p) { p.x = Math.round(p.x); p.y = Math.round(p.y); }, _mouseMoveTimeout = null, _onFirstMouseMove = function _onFirstMouseMove() { // Wait until mouse move event is fired at least twice during 100ms // We do this, because some mobile browsers trigger it on touchstart if (_mouseMoveTimeout) { framework.unbind(document, 'mousemove', _onFirstMouseMove); framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--has_mouse'); _options.mouseUsed = true; _shout('mouseUsed'); } _mouseMoveTimeout = setTimeout(function () { _mouseMoveTimeout = null; }, 100); }, _bindEvents = function _bindEvents() { framework.bind(document, 'keydown', self); if (_features.transform) { // don't bind click event in browsers that don't support transform (mostly IE8) framework.bind(self.scrollWrap, 'click', self); } if (!_options.mouseUsed) { framework.bind(document, 'mousemove', _onFirstMouseMove); } framework.bind(window, 'resize scroll orientationchange', self); _shout('bindEvents'); }, _unbindEvents = function _unbindEvents() { framework.unbind(window, 'resize scroll orientationchange', self); framework.unbind(window, 'scroll', _globalEventHandlers.scroll); framework.unbind(document, 'keydown', self); framework.unbind(document, 'mousemove', _onFirstMouseMove); if (_features.transform) { framework.unbind(self.scrollWrap, 'click', self); } if (_isDragging) { framework.unbind(window, _upMoveEvents, self); } clearTimeout(_orientationChangeTimeout); _shout('unbindEvents'); }, _calculatePanBounds = function _calculatePanBounds(zoomLevel, update) { var bounds = _calculateItemSize(self.currItem, _viewportSize, zoomLevel); if (update) { _currPanBounds = bounds; } return bounds; }, _getMinZoomLevel = function _getMinZoomLevel(item) { if (!item) { item = self.currItem; } return item.initialZoomLevel; }, _getMaxZoomLevel = function _getMaxZoomLevel(item) { if (!item) { item = self.currItem; } return item.w > 0 ? _options.maxSpreadZoom : 1; }, // Return true if offset is out of the bounds _modifyDestPanOffset = function _modifyDestPanOffset(axis, destPanBounds, destPanOffset, destZoomLevel) { if (destZoomLevel === self.currItem.initialZoomLevel) { destPanOffset[axis] = self.currItem.initialPosition[axis]; return true; } else { destPanOffset[axis] = _calculatePanOffset(axis, destZoomLevel); if (destPanOffset[axis] > destPanBounds.min[axis]) { destPanOffset[axis] = destPanBounds.min[axis]; return true; } else if (destPanOffset[axis] < destPanBounds.max[axis]) { destPanOffset[axis] = destPanBounds.max[axis]; return true; } } return false; }, _setupTransforms = function _setupTransforms() { if (_transformKey) { // setup 3d transforms var allow3dTransform = _features.perspective && !_likelyTouchDevice; _translatePrefix = 'translate' + (allow3dTransform ? '3d(' : '('); _translateSufix = _features.perspective ? ', 0px)' : ')'; return; } // Override zoom/pan/move functions in case old browser is used (most likely IE) // (so they use left/top/width/height, instead of CSS transform) _transformKey = 'left'; framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--ie'); _setTranslateX = function _setTranslateX(x, elStyle) { elStyle.left = x + 'px'; }; _applyZoomPanToItem = function _applyZoomPanToItem(item) { var zoomRatio = item.fitRatio > 1 ? 1 : item.fitRatio, s = item.container.style, w = zoomRatio * item.w, h = zoomRatio * item.h; s.width = w + 'px'; s.height = h + 'px'; s.left = item.initialPosition.x + 'px'; s.top = item.initialPosition.y + 'px'; }; _applyCurrentZoomPan = function _applyCurrentZoomPan() { if (_currZoomElementStyle) { var s = _currZoomElementStyle, item = self.currItem, zoomRatio = item.fitRatio > 1 ? 1 : item.fitRatio, w = zoomRatio * item.w, h = zoomRatio * item.h; s.width = w + 'px'; s.height = h + 'px'; s.left = _panOffset.x + 'px'; s.top = _panOffset.y + 'px'; } }; }, _onKeyDown = function _onKeyDown(e) { var keydownAction = ''; if (_options.escKey && e.keyCode === 27) { keydownAction = 'close'; } else if (_options.arrowKeys) { if (e.keyCode === 37) { keydownAction = 'prev'; } else if (e.keyCode === 39) { keydownAction = 'next'; } } if (keydownAction) { // don't do anything if special key pressed to prevent from overriding default browser actions // e.g. in Chrome on Mac cmd+arrow-left returns to previous page if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } self[keydownAction](); } } }, _onGlobalClick = function _onGlobalClick(e) { if (!e) { return; } // don't allow click event to pass through when triggering after drag or some other gesture if (_moved || _zoomStarted || _mainScrollAnimating || _verticalDragInitiated) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }, _updatePageScrollOffset = function _updatePageScrollOffset() { self.setScrollOffset(0, framework.getScrollY()); }; // Micro animation engine var _animations = {}, _numAnimations = 0, _stopAnimation = function _stopAnimation(name) { if (_animations[name]) { if (_animations[name].raf) { _cancelAF(_animations[name].raf); } _numAnimations--; delete _animations[name]; } }, _registerStartAnimation = function _registerStartAnimation(name) { if (_animations[name]) { _stopAnimation(name); } if (!_animations[name]) { _numAnimations++; _animations[name] = {}; } }, _stopAllAnimations = function _stopAllAnimations() { for (var prop in _animations) { if (_animations.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { _stopAnimation(prop); } } }, _animateProp = function _animateProp(name, b, endProp, d, easingFn, onUpdate, onComplete) { var startAnimTime = _getCurrentTime(), t; _registerStartAnimation(name); var animloop = function animloop() { if (_animations[name]) { t = _getCurrentTime() - startAnimTime; // time diff //b - beginning (start prop) //d - anim duration if (t >= d) { _stopAnimation(name); onUpdate(endProp); if (onComplete) { onComplete(); } return; } onUpdate((endProp - b) * easingFn(t / d) + b); _animations[name].raf = _requestAF(animloop); } }; animloop(); }; var publicMethods = { // make a few local variables and functions public shout: _shout, listen: _listen, viewportSize: _viewportSize, options: _options, isMainScrollAnimating: function isMainScrollAnimating() { return _mainScrollAnimating; }, getZoomLevel: function getZoomLevel() { return _currZoomLevel; }, getCurrentIndex: function getCurrentIndex() { return _currentItemIndex; }, isDragging: function isDragging() { return _isDragging; }, isZooming: function isZooming() { return _isZooming; }, setScrollOffset: function setScrollOffset(x, y) { _offset.x = x; _currentWindowScrollY = _offset.y = y; _shout('updateScrollOffset', _offset); }, applyZoomPan: function applyZoomPan(zoomLevel, panX, panY, allowRenderResolution) { _panOffset.x = panX; _panOffset.y = panY; _currZoomLevel = zoomLevel; _applyCurrentZoomPan(allowRenderResolution); }, init: function init() { if (_isOpen || _isDestroying) { return; } var i; self.framework = framework; // basic functionality self.template = template; // root DOM element of PhotoSwipe self.bg = framework.getChildByClass(template, 'pswp__bg'); _initalClassName = template.className; _isOpen = true; _features = framework.detectFeatures(); _requestAF = _features.raf; _cancelAF = _features.caf; _transformKey = _features.transform; _oldIE = _features.oldIE; self.scrollWrap = framework.getChildByClass(template, 'pswp__scroll-wrap'); self.container = framework.getChildByClass(self.scrollWrap, 'pswp__container'); _containerStyle = self.container.style; // for fast access // Objects that hold slides (there are only 3 in DOM) self.itemHolders = _itemHolders = [{ el: self.container.children[0], wrap: 0, index: -1 }, { el: self.container.children[1], wrap: 0, index: -1 }, { el: self.container.children[2], wrap: 0, index: -1 }]; // hide nearby item holders until initial zoom animation finishes (to avoid extra Paints) _itemHolders[0].el.style.display = _itemHolders[2].el.style.display = 'none'; _setupTransforms(); // Setup global events _globalEventHandlers = { resize: self.updateSize, // Fixes: iOS 10.3 resize event // does not update scrollWrap.clientWidth instantly after resize // https://github.com/dimsemenov/PhotoSwipe/issues/1315 orientationchange: function orientationchange() { clearTimeout(_orientationChangeTimeout); _orientationChangeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (_viewportSize.x !== self.scrollWrap.clientWidth) { self.updateSize(); } }, 500); }, scroll: _updatePageScrollOffset, keydown: _onKeyDown, click: _onGlobalClick }; // disable show/hide effects on old browsers that don't support CSS animations or transforms, // old IOS, Android and Opera mobile. Blackberry seems to work fine, even older models. var oldPhone = _features.isOldIOSPhone || _features.isOldAndroid || _features.isMobileOpera; if (!_features.animationName || !_features.transform || oldPhone) { _options.showAnimationDuration = _options.hideAnimationDuration = 0; } // init modules for (i = 0; i < _modules.length; i++) { self['init' + _modules[i]](); } // init if (UiClass) { var ui = self.ui = new UiClass(self, framework); ui.init(); } _shout('firstUpdate'); _currentItemIndex = _currentItemIndex || _options.index || 0; // validate index if (isNaN(_currentItemIndex) || _currentItemIndex < 0 || _currentItemIndex >= _getNumItems()) { _currentItemIndex = 0; } self.currItem = _getItemAt(_currentItemIndex); if (_features.isOldIOSPhone || _features.isOldAndroid) { _isFixedPosition = false; } template.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); if (_options.modal) { if (!_isFixedPosition) { template.style.position = 'absolute'; template.style.top = framework.getScrollY() + 'px'; } else { template.style.position = 'fixed'; } } if (_currentWindowScrollY === undefined) { _shout('initialLayout'); _currentWindowScrollY = _initalWindowScrollY = framework.getScrollY(); } // add classes to root element of PhotoSwipe var rootClasses = 'pswp--open '; if (_options.mainClass) { rootClasses += _options.mainClass + ' '; } if (_options.showHideOpacity) { rootClasses += 'pswp--animate_opacity '; } rootClasses += _likelyTouchDevice ? 'pswp--touch' : 'pswp--notouch'; rootClasses += _features.animationName ? ' pswp--css_animation' : ''; rootClasses += _features.svg ? ' pswp--svg' : ''; framework.addClass(template, rootClasses); self.updateSize(); // initial update _containerShiftIndex = -1; _indexDiff = null; for (i = 0; i < NUM_HOLDERS; i++) { _setTranslateX((i + _containerShiftIndex) * _slideSize.x, _itemHolders[i].el.style); } if (!_oldIE) { framework.bind(self.scrollWrap, _downEvents, self); // no dragging for old IE } _listen('initialZoomInEnd', function () { self.setContent(_itemHolders[0], _currentItemIndex - 1); self.setContent(_itemHolders[2], _currentItemIndex + 1); _itemHolders[0].el.style.display = _itemHolders[2].el.style.display = 'block'; if (_options.focus) { // focus causes layout, // which causes lag during the animation, // that's why we delay it untill the initial zoom transition ends template.focus(); } _bindEvents(); }); // set content for center slide (first time) self.setContent(_itemHolders[1], _currentItemIndex); self.updateCurrItem(); _shout('afterInit'); if (!_isFixedPosition) { // On all versions of iOS lower than 8.0, we check size of viewport every second. // // This is done to detect when Safari top & bottom bars appear, // as this action doesn't trigger any events (like resize). // // On iOS8 they fixed this. // // 10 Nov 2014: iOS 7 usage ~40%. iOS 8 usage 56%. _updateSizeInterval = setInterval(function () { if (!_numAnimations && !_isDragging && !_isZooming && _currZoomLevel === self.currItem.initialZoomLevel) { self.updateSize(); } }, 1000); } framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--visible'); }, // Close the gallery, then destroy it close: function close() { if (!_isOpen) { return; } _isOpen = false; _isDestroying = true; _shout('close'); _unbindEvents(); _showOrHide(self.currItem, null, true, self.destroy); }, // destroys the gallery (unbinds events, cleans up intervals and timeouts to avoid memory leaks) destroy: function destroy() { _shout('destroy'); if (_showOrHideTimeout) { clearTimeout(_showOrHideTimeout); } template.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); template.className = _initalClassName; if (_updateSizeInterval) { clearInterval(_updateSizeInterval); } framework.unbind(self.scrollWrap, _downEvents, self); // we unbind scroll event at the end, as closing animation may depend on it framework.unbind(window, 'scroll', self); _stopDragUpdateLoop(); _stopAllAnimations(); _listeners = null; }, /** * Pan image to position * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @param {Boolean} force Will ignore bounds if set to true. */ panTo: function panTo(x, y, force) { if (!force) { if (x > _currPanBounds.min.x) { x = _currPanBounds.min.x; } else if (x < _currPanBounds.max.x) { x = _currPanBounds.max.x; } if (y > _currPanBounds.min.y) { y = _currPanBounds.min.y; } else if (y < _currPanBounds.max.y) { y = _currPanBounds.max.y; } } _panOffset.x = x; _panOffset.y = y; _applyCurrentZoomPan(); }, handleEvent: function handleEvent(e) { e = e || window.event; if (_globalEventHandlers[e.type]) { _globalEventHandlers[e.type](e); } }, goTo: function goTo(index) { index = _getLoopedId(index); var diff = index - _currentItemIndex; _indexDiff = diff; _currentItemIndex = index; self.currItem = _getItemAt(_currentItemIndex); _currPositionIndex -= diff; _moveMainScroll(_slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex); _stopAllAnimations(); _mainScrollAnimating = false; self.updateCurrItem(); }, next: function next() { self.goTo(_currentItemIndex + 1); }, prev: function prev() { self.goTo(_currentItemIndex - 1); }, // update current zoom/pan objects updateCurrZoomItem: function updateCurrZoomItem(emulateSetContent) { if (emulateSetContent) { _shout('beforeChange', 0); } // itemHolder[1] is middle (current) item if (_itemHolders[1].el.children.length) { var zoomElement = _itemHolders[1].el.children[0]; if (framework.hasClass(zoomElement, 'pswp__zoom-wrap')) { _currZoomElementStyle = zoomElement.style; } else { _currZoomElementStyle = null; } } else { _currZoomElementStyle = null; } _currPanBounds = self.currItem.bounds; _startZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel = self.currItem.initialZoomLevel; _panOffset.x = _currPanBounds.center.x; _panOffset.y = _currPanBounds.center.y; if (emulateSetContent) { _shout('afterChange'); } }, invalidateCurrItems: function invalidateCurrItems() { _itemsNeedUpdate = true; for (var i = 0; i < NUM_HOLDERS; i++) { if (_itemHolders[i].item) { _itemHolders[i].item.needsUpdate = true; } } }, updateCurrItem: function updateCurrItem(beforeAnimation) { if (_indexDiff === 0) { return; } var diffAbs = Math.abs(_indexDiff), tempHolder; if (beforeAnimation && diffAbs < 2) { return; } self.currItem = _getItemAt(_currentItemIndex); _renderMaxResolution = false; _shout('beforeChange', _indexDiff); if (diffAbs >= NUM_HOLDERS) { _containerShiftIndex += _indexDiff + (_indexDiff > 0 ? -NUM_HOLDERS : NUM_HOLDERS); diffAbs = NUM_HOLDERS; } for (var i = 0; i < diffAbs; i++) { if (_indexDiff > 0) { tempHolder = _itemHolders.shift(); _itemHolders[NUM_HOLDERS - 1] = tempHolder; // move first to last _containerShiftIndex++; _setTranslateX((_containerShiftIndex + 2) * _slideSize.x, tempHolder.el.style); self.setContent(tempHolder, _currentItemIndex - diffAbs + i + 1 + 1); } else { tempHolder = _itemHolders.pop(); _itemHolders.unshift(tempHolder); // move last to first _containerShiftIndex--; _setTranslateX(_containerShiftIndex * _slideSize.x, tempHolder.el.style); self.setContent(tempHolder, _currentItemIndex + diffAbs - i - 1 - 1); } } // reset zoom/pan on previous item if (_currZoomElementStyle && Math.abs(_indexDiff) === 1) { var prevItem = _getItemAt(_prevItemIndex); if (prevItem.initialZoomLevel !== _currZoomLevel) { _calculateItemSize(prevItem, _viewportSize); _setImageSize(prevItem); _applyZoomPanToItem(prevItem); } } // reset diff after update _indexDiff = 0; self.updateCurrZoomItem(); _prevItemIndex = _currentItemIndex; _shout('afterChange'); }, updateSize: function updateSize(force) { if (!_isFixedPosition && _options.modal) { var windowScrollY = framework.getScrollY(); if (_currentWindowScrollY !== windowScrollY) { template.style.top = windowScrollY + 'px'; _currentWindowScrollY = windowScrollY; } if (!force && _windowVisibleSize.x === window.innerWidth && _windowVisibleSize.y === window.innerHeight) { return; } _windowVisibleSize.x = window.innerWidth; _windowVisibleSize.y = window.innerHeight; //template.style.width = _windowVisibleSize.x + 'px'; template.style.height = _windowVisibleSize.y + 'px'; } _viewportSize.x = self.scrollWrap.clientWidth; _viewportSize.y = self.scrollWrap.clientHeight; _updatePageScrollOffset(); _slideSize.x = _viewportSize.x + Math.round(_viewportSize.x * _options.spacing); _slideSize.y = _viewportSize.y; _moveMainScroll(_slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex); _shout('beforeResize'); // even may be used for example to switch image sources // don't re-calculate size on inital size update if (_containerShiftIndex !== undefined) { var holder, item, hIndex; for (var i = 0; i < NUM_HOLDERS; i++) { holder = _itemHolders[i]; _setTranslateX((i + _containerShiftIndex) * _slideSize.x, holder.el.style); hIndex = _currentItemIndex + i - 1; if (_options.loop && _getNumItems() > 2) { hIndex = _getLoopedId(hIndex); } // update zoom level on items and refresh source (if needsUpdate) item = _getItemAt(hIndex); // re-render gallery item if `needsUpdate`, // or doesn't have `bounds` (entirely new slide object) if (item && (_itemsNeedUpdate || item.needsUpdate || !item.bounds)) { self.cleanSlide(item); self.setContent(holder, hIndex); // if "center" slide if (i === 1) { self.currItem = item; self.updateCurrZoomItem(true); } item.needsUpdate = false; } else if (holder.index === -1 && hIndex >= 0) { // add content first time self.setContent(holder, hIndex); } if (item && item.container) { _calculateItemSize(item, _viewportSize); _setImageSize(item); _applyZoomPanToItem(item); } } _itemsNeedUpdate = false; } _startZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel = self.currItem.initialZoomLevel; _currPanBounds = self.currItem.bounds; if (_currPanBounds) { _panOffset.x = _currPanBounds.center.x; _panOffset.y = _currPanBounds.center.y; _applyCurrentZoomPan(true); } _shout('resize'); }, // Zoom current item to zoomTo: function zoomTo(destZoomLevel, centerPoint, speed, easingFn, updateFn) { /* if(destZoomLevel === 'fit') { destZoomLevel = self.currItem.fitRatio; } else if(destZoomLevel === 'fill') { destZoomLevel = self.currItem.fillRatio; } */ if (centerPoint) { _startZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel; _midZoomPoint.x = Math.abs(centerPoint.x) - _panOffset.x; _midZoomPoint.y = Math.abs(centerPoint.y) - _panOffset.y; _equalizePoints(_startPanOffset, _panOffset); } var destPanBounds = _calculatePanBounds(destZoomLevel, false), destPanOffset = {}; _modifyDestPanOffset('x', destPanBounds, destPanOffset, destZoomLevel); _modifyDestPanOffset('y', destPanBounds, destPanOffset, destZoomLevel); var initialZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel; var initialPanOffset = { x: _panOffset.x, y: _panOffset.y }; _roundPoint(destPanOffset); var onUpdate = function onUpdate(now) { if (now === 1) { _currZoomLevel = destZoomLevel; _panOffset.x = destPanOffset.x; _panOffset.y = destPanOffset.y; } else { _currZoomLevel = (destZoomLevel - initialZoomLevel) * now + initialZoomLevel; _panOffset.x = (destPanOffset.x - initialPanOffset.x) * now + initialPanOffset.x; _panOffset.y = (destPanOffset.y - initialPanOffset.y) * now + initialPanOffset.y; } if (updateFn) { updateFn(now); } _applyCurrentZoomPan(now === 1); }; if (speed) { _animateProp('customZoomTo', 0, 1, speed, easingFn || framework.easing.sine.inOut, onUpdate); } else { onUpdate(1); } } }; /*>>core*/ /*>>gestures*/ /** * Mouse/touch/pointer event handlers. * * separated from @core.js for readability */ var MIN_SWIPE_DISTANCE = 30, DIRECTION_CHECK_OFFSET = 10; // amount of pixels to drag to determine direction of swipe var _gestureStartTime, _gestureCheckSpeedTime, // pool of objects that are used during dragging of zooming p = {}, // first point p2 = {}, // second point (for zoom gesture) delta = {}, _currPoint = {}, _startPoint = {}, _currPointers = [], _startMainScrollPos = {}, _releaseAnimData, _posPoints = [], // array of points during dragging, used to determine type of gesture _tempPoint = {}, _isZoomingIn, _verticalDragInitiated, _oldAndroidTouchEndTimeout, _currZoomedItemIndex = 0, _centerPoint = _getEmptyPoint(), _lastReleaseTime = 0, _isDragging, // at least one pointer is down _isMultitouch, // at least two _pointers are down _zoomStarted, // zoom level changed during zoom gesture _moved, _dragAnimFrame, _mainScrollShifted, _currentPoints, // array of current touch points _isZooming, _currPointsDistance, _startPointsDistance, _currPanBounds, _mainScrollPos = _getEmptyPoint(), _currZoomElementStyle, _mainScrollAnimating, // true, if animation after swipe gesture is running _midZoomPoint = _getEmptyPoint(), _currCenterPoint = _getEmptyPoint(), _direction, _isFirstMove, _opacityChanged, _bgOpacity, _wasOverInitialZoom, _isEqualPoints = function _isEqualPoints(p1, p2) { return p1.x === p2.x && p1.y === p2.y; }, _isNearbyPoints = function _isNearbyPoints(touch0, touch1) { return Math.abs(touch0.x - touch1.x) < DOUBLE_TAP_RADIUS && Math.abs(touch0.y - touch1.y) < DOUBLE_TAP_RADIUS; }, _calculatePointsDistance = function _calculatePointsDistance(p1, p2) { _tempPoint.x = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x); _tempPoint.y = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y); return Math.sqrt(_tempPoint.x * _tempPoint.x + _tempPoint.y * _tempPoint.y); }, _stopDragUpdateLoop = function _stopDragUpdateLoop() { if (_dragAnimFrame) { _cancelAF(_dragAnimFrame); _dragAnimFrame = null; } }, _dragUpdateLoop = function _dragUpdateLoop() { if (_isDragging) { _dragAnimFrame = _requestAF(_dragUpdateLoop); _renderMovement(); } }, _canPan = function _canPan() { return !(_options.scaleMode === 'fit' && _currZoomLevel === self.currItem.initialZoomLevel); }, // find the closest parent DOM element _closestElement = function _closestElement(el, fn) { if (!el || el === document) { return false; } // don't search elements above pswp__scroll-wrap if (el.getAttribute('class') && el.getAttribute('class').indexOf('pswp__scroll-wrap') > -1) { return false; } if (fn(el)) { return el; } return _closestElement(el.parentNode, fn); }, _preventObj = {}, _preventDefaultEventBehaviour = function _preventDefaultEventBehaviour(e, isDown) { _preventObj.prevent = !_closestElement(e.target, _options.isClickableElement); _shout('preventDragEvent', e, isDown, _preventObj); return _preventObj.prevent; }, _convertTouchToPoint = function _convertTouchToPoint(touch, p) { p.x = touch.pageX; p.y = touch.pageY; p.id = touch.identifier; return p; }, _findCenterOfPoints = function _findCenterOfPoints(p1, p2, pCenter) { pCenter.x = (p1.x + p2.x) * 0.5; pCenter.y = (p1.y + p2.y) * 0.5; }, _pushPosPoint = function _pushPosPoint(time, x, y) { if (time - _gestureCheckSpeedTime > 50) { var o = _posPoints.length > 2 ? _posPoints.shift() : {}; o.x = x; o.y = y; _posPoints.push(o); _gestureCheckSpeedTime = time; } }, _calculateVerticalDragOpacityRatio = function _calculateVerticalDragOpacityRatio() { var yOffset = _panOffset.y - self.currItem.initialPosition.y; // difference between initial and current position return 1 - Math.abs(yOffset / (_viewportSize.y / 2)); }, // points pool, reused during touch events _ePoint1 = {}, _ePoint2 = {}, _tempPointsArr = [], _tempCounter, _getTouchPoints = function _getTouchPoints(e) { // clean up previous points, without recreating array while (_tempPointsArr.length > 0) { _tempPointsArr.pop(); } if (!_pointerEventEnabled) { if (e.type.indexOf('touch') > -1) { if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 0) { _tempPointsArr[0] = _convertTouchToPoint(e.touches[0], _ePoint1); if (e.touches.length > 1) { _tempPointsArr[1] = _convertTouchToPoint(e.touches[1], _ePoint2); } } } else { _ePoint1.x = e.pageX; _ePoint1.y = e.pageY; _ePoint1.id = ''; _tempPointsArr[0] = _ePoint1; //_ePoint1; } } else { _tempCounter = 0; // we can use forEach, as pointer events are supported only in modern browsers _currPointers.forEach(function (p) { if (_tempCounter === 0) { _tempPointsArr[0] = p; } else if (_tempCounter === 1) { _tempPointsArr[1] = p; } _tempCounter++; }); } return _tempPointsArr; }, _panOrMoveMainScroll = function _panOrMoveMainScroll(axis, delta) { var panFriction, overDiff = 0, newOffset = _panOffset[axis] + delta[axis], startOverDiff, dir = delta[axis] > 0, newMainScrollPosition = _mainScrollPos.x + delta.x, mainScrollDiff = _mainScrollPos.x - _startMainScrollPos.x, newPanPos, newMainScrollPos; // calculate fdistance over the bounds and friction if (newOffset > _currPanBounds.min[axis] || newOffset < _currPanBounds.max[axis]) { panFriction = _options.panEndFriction; // Linear increasing of friction, so at 1/4 of viewport it's at max value. // Looks not as nice as was expected. Left for history. // panFriction = (1 - (_panOffset[axis] + delta[axis] + panBounds.min[axis]) / (_viewportSize[axis] / 4) ); } else { panFriction = 1; } newOffset = _panOffset[axis] + delta[axis] * panFriction; // move main scroll or start panning if (_options.allowPanToNext || _currZoomLevel === self.currItem.initialZoomLevel) { if (!_currZoomElementStyle) { newMainScrollPos = newMainScrollPosition; } else if (_direction === 'h' && axis === 'x' && !_zoomStarted) { if (dir) { if (newOffset > _currPanBounds.min[axis]) { panFriction = _options.panEndFriction; overDiff = _currPanBounds.min[axis] - newOffset; startOverDiff = _currPanBounds.min[axis] - _startPanOffset[axis]; } // drag right if ((startOverDiff <= 0 || mainScrollDiff < 0) && _getNumItems() > 1) { newMainScrollPos = newMainScrollPosition; if (mainScrollDiff < 0 && newMainScrollPosition > _startMainScrollPos.x) { newMainScrollPos = _startMainScrollPos.x; } } else { if (_currPanBounds.min.x !== _currPanBounds.max.x) { newPanPos = newOffset; } } } else { if (newOffset < _currPanBounds.max[axis]) { panFriction = _options.panEndFriction; overDiff = newOffset - _currPanBounds.max[axis]; startOverDiff = _startPanOffset[axis] - _currPanBounds.max[axis]; } if ((startOverDiff <= 0 || mainScrollDiff > 0) && _getNumItems() > 1) { newMainScrollPos = newMainScrollPosition; if (mainScrollDiff > 0 && newMainScrollPosition < _startMainScrollPos.x) { newMainScrollPos = _startMainScrollPos.x; } } else { if (_currPanBounds.min.x !== _currPanBounds.max.x) { newPanPos = newOffset; } } } // } if (axis === 'x') { if (newMainScrollPos !== undefined) { _moveMainScroll(newMainScrollPos, true); if (newMainScrollPos === _startMainScrollPos.x) { _mainScrollShifted = false; } else { _mainScrollShifted = true; } } if (_currPanBounds.min.x !== _currPanBounds.max.x) { if (newPanPos !== undefined) { _panOffset.x = newPanPos; } else if (!_mainScrollShifted) { _panOffset.x += delta.x * panFriction; } } return newMainScrollPos !== undefined; } } if (!_mainScrollAnimating) { if (!_mainScrollShifted) { if (_currZoomLevel > self.currItem.fitRatio) { _panOffset[axis] += delta[axis] * panFriction; } } } }, // Pointerdown/touchstart/mousedown handler _onDragStart = function _onDragStart(e) { // Allow dragging only via left mouse button. // As this handler is not added in IE8 - we ignore e.which // // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/event.button if (e.type === 'mousedown' && e.button > 0) { return; } if (_initialZoomRunning) { e.preventDefault(); return; } if (_oldAndroidTouchEndTimeout && e.type === 'mousedown') { return; } if (_preventDefaultEventBehaviour(e, true)) { e.preventDefault(); } _shout('pointerDown'); if (_pointerEventEnabled) { var pointerIndex = framework.arraySearch(_currPointers, e.pointerId, 'id'); if (pointerIndex < 0) { pointerIndex = _currPointers.length; } _currPointers[pointerIndex] = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY, id: e.pointerId }; } var startPointsList = _getTouchPoints(e), numPoints = startPointsList.length; _currentPoints = null; _stopAllAnimations(); // init drag if (!_isDragging || numPoints === 1) { _isDragging = _isFirstMove = true; framework.bind(window, _upMoveEvents, self); _isZoomingIn = _wasOverInitialZoom = _opacityChanged = _verticalDragInitiated = _mainScrollShifted = _moved = _isMultitouch = _zoomStarted = false; _direction = null; _shout('firstTouchStart', startPointsList); _equalizePoints(_startPanOffset, _panOffset); _currPanDist.x = _currPanDist.y = 0; _equalizePoints(_currPoint, startPointsList[0]); _equalizePoints(_startPoint, _currPoint); //_equalizePoints(_startMainScrollPos, _mainScrollPos); _startMainScrollPos.x = _slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex; _posPoints = [{ x: _currPoint.x, y: _currPoint.y }]; _gestureCheckSpeedTime = _gestureStartTime = _getCurrentTime(); //_mainScrollAnimationEnd(true); _calculatePanBounds(_currZoomLevel, true); // Start rendering _stopDragUpdateLoop(); _dragUpdateLoop(); } // init zoom if (!_isZooming && numPoints > 1 && !_mainScrollAnimating && !_mainScrollShifted) { _startZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel; _zoomStarted = false; // true if zoom changed at least once _isZooming = _isMultitouch = true; _currPanDist.y = _currPanDist.x = 0; _equalizePoints(_startPanOffset, _panOffset); _equalizePoints(p, startPointsList[0]); _equalizePoints(p2, startPointsList[1]); _findCenterOfPoints(p, p2, _currCenterPoint); _midZoomPoint.x = Math.abs(_currCenterPoint.x) - _panOffset.x; _midZoomPoint.y = Math.abs(_currCenterPoint.y) - _panOffset.y; _currPointsDistance = _startPointsDistance = _calculatePointsDistance(p, p2); } }, // Pointermove/touchmove/mousemove handler _onDragMove = function _onDragMove(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (_pointerEventEnabled) { var pointerIndex = framework.arraySearch(_currPointers, e.pointerId, 'id'); if (pointerIndex > -1) { var p = _currPointers[pointerIndex]; p.x = e.pageX; p.y = e.pageY; } } if (_isDragging) { var touchesList = _getTouchPoints(e); if (!_direction && !_moved && !_isZooming) { if (_mainScrollPos.x !== _slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex) { // if main scroll position is shifted – direction is always horizontal _direction = 'h'; } else { var diff = Math.abs(touchesList[0].x - _currPoint.x) - Math.abs(touchesList[0].y - _currPoint.y); // check the direction of movement if (Math.abs(diff) >= DIRECTION_CHECK_OFFSET) { _direction = diff > 0 ? 'h' : 'v'; _currentPoints = touchesList; } } } else { _currentPoints = touchesList; } } }, // _renderMovement = function _renderMovement() { if (!_currentPoints) { return; } var numPoints = _currentPoints.length; if (numPoints === 0) { return; } _equalizePoints(p, _currentPoints[0]); delta.x = p.x - _currPoint.x; delta.y = p.y - _currPoint.y; if (_isZooming && numPoints > 1) { // Handle behaviour for more than 1 point _currPoint.x = p.x; _currPoint.y = p.y; // check if one of two points changed if (!delta.x && !delta.y && _isEqualPoints(_currentPoints[1], p2)) { return; } _equalizePoints(p2, _currentPoints[1]); if (!_zoomStarted) { _zoomStarted = true; _shout('zoomGestureStarted'); } // Distance between two points var pointsDistance = _calculatePointsDistance(p, p2); var zoomLevel = _calculateZoomLevel(pointsDistance); // slightly over the of initial zoom level if (zoomLevel > self.currItem.initialZoomLevel + self.currItem.initialZoomLevel / 15) { _wasOverInitialZoom = true; } // Apply the friction if zoom level is out of the bounds var zoomFriction = 1, minZoomLevel = _getMinZoomLevel(), maxZoomLevel = _getMaxZoomLevel(); if (zoomLevel < minZoomLevel) { if (_options.pinchToClose && !_wasOverInitialZoom && _startZoomLevel <= self.currItem.initialZoomLevel) { // fade out background if zooming out var minusDiff = minZoomLevel - zoomLevel; var percent = 1 - minusDiff / (minZoomLevel / 1.2); _applyBgOpacity(percent); _shout('onPinchClose', percent); _opacityChanged = true; } else { zoomFriction = (minZoomLevel - zoomLevel) / minZoomLevel; if (zoomFriction > 1) { zoomFriction = 1; } zoomLevel = minZoomLevel - zoomFriction * (minZoomLevel / 3); } } else if (zoomLevel > maxZoomLevel) { // 1.5 - extra zoom level above the max. E.g. if max is x6, real max 6 + 1.5 = 7.5 zoomFriction = (zoomLevel - maxZoomLevel) / (minZoomLevel * 6); if (zoomFriction > 1) { zoomFriction = 1; } zoomLevel = maxZoomLevel + zoomFriction * minZoomLevel; } if (zoomFriction < 0) { zoomFriction = 0; } // distance between touch points after friction is applied _currPointsDistance = pointsDistance; // _centerPoint - The point in the middle of two pointers _findCenterOfPoints(p, p2, _centerPoint); // paning with two pointers pressed _currPanDist.x += _centerPoint.x - _currCenterPoint.x; _currPanDist.y += _centerPoint.y - _currCenterPoint.y; _equalizePoints(_currCenterPoint, _centerPoint); _panOffset.x = _calculatePanOffset('x', zoomLevel); _panOffset.y = _calculatePanOffset('y', zoomLevel); _isZoomingIn = zoomLevel > _currZoomLevel; _currZoomLevel = zoomLevel; _applyCurrentZoomPan(); } else { // handle behaviour for one point (dragging or panning) if (!_direction) { return; } if (_isFirstMove) { _isFirstMove = false; // subtract drag distance that was used during the detection direction if (Math.abs(delta.x) >= DIRECTION_CHECK_OFFSET) { delta.x -= _currentPoints[0].x - _startPoint.x; } if (Math.abs(delta.y) >= DIRECTION_CHECK_OFFSET) { delta.y -= _currentPoints[0].y - _startPoint.y; } } _currPoint.x = p.x; _currPoint.y = p.y; // do nothing if pointers position hasn't changed if (delta.x === 0 && delta.y === 0) { return; } if (_direction === 'v' && _options.closeOnVerticalDrag) { if (!_canPan()) { _currPanDist.y += delta.y; _panOffset.y += delta.y; var opacityRatio = _calculateVerticalDragOpacityRatio(); _verticalDragInitiated = true; _shout('onVerticalDrag', opacityRatio); _applyBgOpacity(opacityRatio); _applyCurrentZoomPan(); return; } } _pushPosPoint(_getCurrentTime(), p.x, p.y); _moved = true; _currPanBounds = self.currItem.bounds; var mainScrollChanged = _panOrMoveMainScroll('x', delta); if (!mainScrollChanged) { _panOrMoveMainScroll('y', delta); _roundPoint(_panOffset); _applyCurrentZoomPan(); } } }, // Pointerup/pointercancel/touchend/touchcancel/mouseup event handler _onDragRelease = function _onDragRelease(e) { if (_features.isOldAndroid) { if (_oldAndroidTouchEndTimeout && e.type === 'mouseup') { return; } // on Android (v4.1, 4.2, 4.3 & possibly older) // ghost mousedown/up event isn't preventable via e.preventDefault, // which causes fake mousedown event // so we block mousedown/up for 600ms if (e.type.indexOf('touch') > -1) { clearTimeout(_oldAndroidTouchEndTimeout); _oldAndroidTouchEndTimeout = setTimeout(function () { _oldAndroidTouchEndTimeout = 0; }, 600); } } _shout('pointerUp'); if (_preventDefaultEventBehaviour(e, false)) { e.preventDefault(); } var releasePoint; if (_pointerEventEnabled) { var pointerIndex = framework.arraySearch(_currPointers, e.pointerId, 'id'); if (pointerIndex > -1) { releasePoint = _currPointers.splice(pointerIndex, 1)[0]; if (navigator.msPointerEnabled) { var MSPOINTER_TYPES = { 4: 'mouse', // event.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE 2: 'touch', // event.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH 3: 'pen' // event.MSPOINTER_TYPE_PEN }; releasePoint.type = MSPOINTER_TYPES[e.pointerType]; if (!releasePoint.type) { releasePoint.type = e.pointerType || 'mouse'; } } else { releasePoint.type = e.pointerType || 'mouse'; } } } var touchList = _getTouchPoints(e), gestureType, numPoints = touchList.length; if (e.type === 'mouseup') { numPoints = 0; } // Do nothing if there were 3 touch points or more if (numPoints === 2) { _currentPoints = null; return true; } // if second pointer released if (numPoints === 1) { _equalizePoints(_startPoint, touchList[0]); } // pointer hasn't moved, send "tap release" point if (numPoints === 0 && !_direction && !_mainScrollAnimating) { if (!releasePoint) { if (e.type === 'mouseup') { releasePoint = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY, type: 'mouse' }; } else if (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches[0]) { releasePoint = { x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX, y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY, type: 'touch' }; } } _shout('touchRelease', e, releasePoint); } // Difference in time between releasing of two last touch points (zoom gesture) var releaseTimeDiff = -1; // Gesture completed, no pointers left if (numPoints === 0) { _isDragging = false; framework.unbind(window, _upMoveEvents, self); _stopDragUpdateLoop(); if (_isZooming) { // Two points released at the same time releaseTimeDiff = 0; } else if (_lastReleaseTime !== -1) { releaseTimeDiff = _getCurrentTime() - _lastReleaseTime; } } _lastReleaseTime = numPoints === 1 ? _getCurrentTime() : -1; if (releaseTimeDiff !== -1 && releaseTimeDiff < 150) { gestureType = 'zoom'; } else { gestureType = 'swipe'; } if (_isZooming && numPoints < 2) { _isZooming = false; // Only second point released if (numPoints === 1) { gestureType = 'zoomPointerUp'; } _shout('zoomGestureEnded'); } _currentPoints = null; if (!_moved && !_zoomStarted && !_mainScrollAnimating && !_verticalDragInitiated) { // nothing to animate return; } _stopAllAnimations(); if (!_releaseAnimData) { _releaseAnimData = _initDragReleaseAnimationData(); } _releaseAnimData.calculateSwipeSpeed('x'); if (_verticalDragInitiated) { var opacityRatio = _calculateVerticalDragOpacityRatio(); if (opacityRatio < _options.verticalDragRange) { self.close(); } else { var initalPanY = _panOffset.y, initialBgOpacity = _bgOpacity; _animateProp('verticalDrag', 0, 1, 300, framework.easing.cubic.out, function (now) { _panOffset.y = (self.currItem.initialPosition.y - initalPanY) * now + initalPanY; _applyBgOpacity((1 - initialBgOpacity) * now + initialBgOpacity); _applyCurrentZoomPan(); }); _shout('onVerticalDrag', 1); } return; } // main scroll if ((_mainScrollShifted || _mainScrollAnimating) && numPoints === 0) { var itemChanged = _finishSwipeMainScrollGesture(gestureType, _releaseAnimData); if (itemChanged) { return; } gestureType = 'zoomPointerUp'; } // prevent zoom/pan animation when main scroll animation runs if (_mainScrollAnimating) { return; } // Complete simple zoom gesture (reset zoom level if it's out of the bounds) if (gestureType !== 'swipe') { _completeZoomGesture(); return; } // Complete pan gesture if main scroll is not shifted, and it's possible to pan current image if (!_mainScrollShifted && _currZoomLevel > self.currItem.fitRatio) { _completePanGesture(_releaseAnimData); } }, // Returns object with data about gesture // It's created only once and then reused _initDragReleaseAnimationData = function _initDragReleaseAnimationData() { // temp local vars var lastFlickDuration, tempReleasePos; // s = this var s = { lastFlickOffset: {}, lastFlickDist: {}, lastFlickSpeed: {}, slowDownRatio: {}, slowDownRatioReverse: {}, speedDecelerationRatio: {}, speedDecelerationRatioAbs: {}, distanceOffset: {}, backAnimDestination: {}, backAnimStarted: {}, calculateSwipeSpeed: function calculateSwipeSpeed(axis) { if (_posPoints.length > 1) { lastFlickDuration = _getCurrentTime() - _gestureCheckSpeedTime + 50; tempReleasePos = _posPoints[_posPoints.length - 2][axis]; } else { lastFlickDuration = _getCurrentTime() - _gestureStartTime; // total gesture duration tempReleasePos = _startPoint[axis]; } s.lastFlickOffset[axis] = _currPoint[axis] - tempReleasePos; s.lastFlickDist[axis] = Math.abs(s.lastFlickOffset[axis]); if (s.lastFlickDist[axis] > 20) { s.lastFlickSpeed[axis] = s.lastFlickOffset[axis] / lastFlickDuration; } else { s.lastFlickSpeed[axis] = 0; } if (Math.abs(s.lastFlickSpeed[axis]) < 0.1) { s.lastFlickSpeed[axis] = 0; } s.slowDownRatio[axis] = 0.95; s.slowDownRatioReverse[axis] = 1 - s.slowDownRatio[axis]; s.speedDecelerationRatio[axis] = 1; }, calculateOverBoundsAnimOffset: function calculateOverBoundsAnimOffset(axis, speed) { if (!s.backAnimStarted[axis]) { if (_panOffset[axis] > _currPanBounds.min[axis]) { s.backAnimDestination[axis] = _currPanBounds.min[axis]; } else if (_panOffset[axis] < _currPanBounds.max[axis]) { s.backAnimDestination[axis] = _currPanBounds.max[axis]; } if (s.backAnimDestination[axis] !== undefined) { s.slowDownRatio[axis] = 0.7; s.slowDownRatioReverse[axis] = 1 - s.slowDownRatio[axis]; if (s.speedDecelerationRatioAbs[axis] < 0.05) { s.lastFlickSpeed[axis] = 0; s.backAnimStarted[axis] = true; _animateProp('bounceZoomPan' + axis, _panOffset[axis], s.backAnimDestination[axis], speed || 300, framework.easing.sine.out, function (pos) { _panOffset[axis] = pos; _applyCurrentZoomPan(); }); } } } }, // Reduces the speed by slowDownRatio (per 10ms) calculateAnimOffset: function calculateAnimOffset(axis) { if (!s.backAnimStarted[axis]) { s.speedDecelerationRatio[axis] = s.speedDecelerationRatio[axis] * (s.slowDownRatio[axis] + s.slowDownRatioReverse[axis] - s.slowDownRatioReverse[axis] * s.timeDiff / 10); s.speedDecelerationRatioAbs[axis] = Math.abs(s.lastFlickSpeed[axis] * s.speedDecelerationRatio[axis]); s.distanceOffset[axis] = s.lastFlickSpeed[axis] * s.speedDecelerationRatio[axis] * s.timeDiff; _panOffset[axis] += s.distanceOffset[axis]; } }, panAnimLoop: function panAnimLoop() { if (_animations.zoomPan) { _animations.zoomPan.raf = _requestAF(s.panAnimLoop); s.now = _getCurrentTime(); s.timeDiff = s.now - s.lastNow; s.lastNow = s.now; s.calculateAnimOffset('x'); s.calculateAnimOffset('y'); _applyCurrentZoomPan(); s.calculateOverBoundsAnimOffset('x'); s.calculateOverBoundsAnimOffset('y'); if (s.speedDecelerationRatioAbs.x < 0.05 && s.speedDecelerationRatioAbs.y < 0.05) { // round pan position _panOffset.x = Math.round(_panOffset.x); _panOffset.y = Math.round(_panOffset.y); _applyCurrentZoomPan(); _stopAnimation('zoomPan'); return; } } } }; return s; }, _completePanGesture = function _completePanGesture(animData) { // calculate swipe speed for Y axis (paanning) animData.calculateSwipeSpeed('y'); _currPanBounds = self.currItem.bounds; animData.backAnimDestination = {}; animData.backAnimStarted = {}; // Avoid acceleration animation if speed is too low if (Math.abs(animData.lastFlickSpeed.x) <= 0.05 && Math.abs(animData.lastFlickSpeed.y) <= 0.05) { animData.speedDecelerationRatioAbs.x = animData.speedDecelerationRatioAbs.y = 0; // Run pan drag release animation. E.g. if you drag image and release finger without momentum. animData.calculateOverBoundsAnimOffset('x'); animData.calculateOverBoundsAnimOffset('y'); return true; } // Animation loop that controls the acceleration after pan gesture ends _registerStartAnimation('zoomPan'); animData.lastNow = _getCurrentTime(); animData.panAnimLoop(); }, _finishSwipeMainScrollGesture = function _finishSwipeMainScrollGesture(gestureType, _releaseAnimData) { var itemChanged; if (!_mainScrollAnimating) { _currZoomedItemIndex = _currentItemIndex; } var itemsDiff; if (gestureType === 'swipe') { var totalShiftDist = _currPoint.x - _startPoint.x, isFastLastFlick = _releaseAnimData.lastFlickDist.x < 10; // if container is shifted for more than MIN_SWIPE_DISTANCE, // and last flick gesture was in right direction if (totalShiftDist > MIN_SWIPE_DISTANCE && (isFastLastFlick || _releaseAnimData.lastFlickOffset.x > 20)) { // go to prev item itemsDiff = -1; } else if (totalShiftDist < -MIN_SWIPE_DISTANCE && (isFastLastFlick || _releaseAnimData.lastFlickOffset.x < -20)) { // go to next item itemsDiff = 1; } } var nextCircle; if (itemsDiff) { _currentItemIndex += itemsDiff; if (_currentItemIndex < 0) { _currentItemIndex = _options.loop ? _getNumItems() - 1 : 0; nextCircle = true; } else if (_currentItemIndex >= _getNumItems()) { _currentItemIndex = _options.loop ? 0 : _getNumItems() - 1; nextCircle = true; } if (!nextCircle || _options.loop) { _indexDiff += itemsDiff; _currPositionIndex -= itemsDiff; itemChanged = true; } } var animateToX = _slideSize.x * _currPositionIndex; var animateToDist = Math.abs(animateToX - _mainScrollPos.x); var finishAnimDuration; if (!itemChanged && animateToX > _mainScrollPos.x !== _releaseAnimData.lastFlickSpeed.x > 0) { // "return to current" duration, e.g. when dragging from slide 0 to -1 finishAnimDuration = 333; } else { finishAnimDuration = Math.abs(_releaseAnimData.lastFlickSpeed.x) > 0 ? animateToDist / Math.abs(_releaseAnimData.lastFlickSpeed.x) : 333; finishAnimDuration = Math.min(finishAnimDuration, 400); finishAnimDuration = Math.max(finishAnimDuration, 250); } if (_currZoomedItemIndex === _currentItemIndex) { itemChanged = false; } _mainScrollAnimating = true; _shout('mainScrollAnimStart'); _animateProp('mainScroll', _mainScrollPos.x, animateToX, finishAnimDuration, framework.easing.cubic.out, _moveMainScroll, function () { _stopAllAnimations(); _mainScrollAnimating = false; _currZoomedItemIndex = -1; if (itemChanged || _currZoomedItemIndex !== _currentItemIndex) { self.updateCurrItem(); } _shout('mainScrollAnimComplete'); }); if (itemChanged) { self.updateCurrItem(true); } return itemChanged; }, _calculateZoomLevel = function _calculateZoomLevel(touchesDistance) { return 1 / _startPointsDistance * touchesDistance * _startZoomLevel; }, // Resets zoom if it's out of bounds _completeZoomGesture = function _completeZoomGesture() { var destZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel, minZoomLevel = _getMinZoomLevel(), maxZoomLevel = _getMaxZoomLevel(); if (_currZoomLevel < minZoomLevel) { destZoomLevel = minZoomLevel; } else if (_currZoomLevel > maxZoomLevel) { destZoomLevel = maxZoomLevel; } var destOpacity = 1, onUpdate, initialOpacity = _bgOpacity; if (_opacityChanged && !_isZoomingIn && !_wasOverInitialZoom && _currZoomLevel < minZoomLevel) { //_closedByScroll = true; self.close(); return true; } if (_opacityChanged) { onUpdate = function onUpdate(now) { _applyBgOpacity((destOpacity - initialOpacity) * now + initialOpacity); }; } self.zoomTo(destZoomLevel, 0, 200, framework.easing.cubic.out, onUpdate); return true; }; _registerModule('Gestures', { publicMethods: { initGestures: function initGestures() { // helper function that builds touch/pointer/mouse events var addEventNames = function addEventNames(pref, down, move, up, cancel) { _dragStartEvent = pref + down; _dragMoveEvent = pref + move; _dragEndEvent = pref + up; if (cancel) { _dragCancelEvent = pref + cancel; } else { _dragCancelEvent = ''; } }; _pointerEventEnabled = _features.pointerEvent; if (_pointerEventEnabled && _features.touch) { // we don't need touch events, if browser supports pointer events _features.touch = false; } if (_pointerEventEnabled) { if (navigator.msPointerEnabled) { // IE10 pointer events are case-sensitive addEventNames('MSPointer', 'Down', 'Move', 'Up', 'Cancel'); } else { addEventNames('pointer', 'down', 'move', 'up', 'cancel'); } } else if (_features.touch) { addEventNames('touch', 'start', 'move', 'end', 'cancel'); _likelyTouchDevice = true; } else { addEventNames('mouse', 'down', 'move', 'up'); } _upMoveEvents = _dragMoveEvent + ' ' + _dragEndEvent + ' ' + _dragCancelEvent; _downEvents = _dragStartEvent; if (_pointerEventEnabled && !_likelyTouchDevice) { _likelyTouchDevice = navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 1; } // make variable public self.likelyTouchDevice = _likelyTouchDevice; _globalEventHandlers[_dragStartEvent] = _onDragStart; _globalEventHandlers[_dragMoveEvent] = _onDragMove; _globalEventHandlers[_dragEndEvent] = _onDragRelease; // the Kraken if (_dragCancelEvent) { _globalEventHandlers[_dragCancelEvent] = _globalEventHandlers[_dragEndEvent]; } // Bind mouse events on device with detected hardware touch support, in case it supports multiple types of input. if (_features.touch) { _downEvents += ' mousedown'; _upMoveEvents += ' mousemove mouseup'; _globalEventHandlers.mousedown = _globalEventHandlers[_dragStartEvent]; _globalEventHandlers.mousemove = _globalEventHandlers[_dragMoveEvent]; _globalEventHandlers.mouseup = _globalEventHandlers[_dragEndEvent]; } if (!_likelyTouchDevice) { // don't allow pan to next slide from zoomed state on Desktop _options.allowPanToNext = false; } } } }); /*>>gestures*/ /*>>show-hide-transition*/ /** * show-hide-transition.js: * * Manages initial opening or closing transition. * * If you're not planning to use transition for gallery at all, * you may set options hideAnimationDuration and showAnimationDuration to 0, * and just delete startAnimation function. * */ var _showOrHideTimeout, _showOrHide = function _showOrHide(item, img, out, completeFn) { if (_showOrHideTimeout) { clearTimeout(_showOrHideTimeout); } _initialZoomRunning = true; _initialContentSet = true; // dimensions of small thumbnail {x:,y:,w:}. // Height is optional, as calculated based on large image. var thumbBounds; if (item.initialLayout) { thumbBounds = item.initialLayout; item.initialLayout = null; } else { thumbBounds = _options.getThumbBoundsFn && _options.getThumbBoundsFn(_currentItemIndex); } var duration = out ? _options.hideAnimationDuration : _options.showAnimationDuration; var onComplete = function onComplete() { _stopAnimation('initialZoom'); if (!out) { _applyBgOpacity(1); if (img) { img.style.display = 'block'; } framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--animated-in'); _shout('initialZoom' + (out ? 'OutEnd' : 'InEnd')); } else { self.template.removeAttribute('style'); self.bg.removeAttribute('style'); } if (completeFn) { completeFn(); } _initialZoomRunning = false; }; // if bounds aren't provided, just open gallery without animation if (!duration || !thumbBounds || thumbBounds.x === undefined) { _shout('initialZoom' + (out ? 'Out' : 'In')); _currZoomLevel = item.initialZoomLevel; _equalizePoints(_panOffset, item.initialPosition); _applyCurrentZoomPan(); template.style.opacity = out ? 0 : 1; _applyBgOpacity(1); if (duration) { setTimeout(function () { onComplete(); }, duration); } else { onComplete(); } return; } var startAnimation = function startAnimation() { var closeWithRaf = _closedByScroll, fadeEverything = !self.currItem.src || self.currItem.loadError || _options.showHideOpacity; // apply hw-acceleration to image if (item.miniImg) { item.miniImg.style.webkitBackfaceVisibility = 'hidden'; } if (!out) { _currZoomLevel = thumbBounds.w / item.w; _panOffset.x = thumbBounds.x; _panOffset.y = thumbBounds.y - _initalWindowScrollY; self[fadeEverything ? 'template' : 'bg'].style.opacity = 0.001; _applyCurrentZoomPan(); } _registerStartAnimation('initialZoom'); if (out && !closeWithRaf) { framework.removeClass(template, 'pswp--animated-in'); } if (fadeEverything) { if (out) { framework[(closeWithRaf ? 'remove' : 'add') + 'Class'](template, 'pswp--animate_opacity'); } else { setTimeout(function () { framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--animate_opacity'); }, 30); } } _showOrHideTimeout = setTimeout(function () { _shout('initialZoom' + (out ? 'Out' : 'In')); if (!out) { // "in" animation always uses CSS transitions (instead of rAF). // CSS transition work faster here, // as developer may also want to animate other things, // like ui on top of sliding area, which can be animated just via CSS _currZoomLevel = item.initialZoomLevel; _equalizePoints(_panOffset, item.initialPosition); _applyCurrentZoomPan(); _applyBgOpacity(1); if (fadeEverything) { template.style.opacity = 1; } else { _applyBgOpacity(1); } _showOrHideTimeout = setTimeout(onComplete, duration + 20); } else { // "out" animation uses rAF only when PhotoSwipe is closed by browser scroll, to recalculate position var destZoomLevel = thumbBounds.w / item.w, initialPanOffset = { x: _panOffset.x, y: _panOffset.y }, initialZoomLevel = _currZoomLevel, initalBgOpacity = _bgOpacity, onUpdate = function onUpdate(now) { if (now === 1) { _currZoomLevel = destZoomLevel; _panOffset.x = thumbBounds.x; _panOffset.y = thumbBounds.y - _currentWindowScrollY; } else { _currZoomLevel = (destZoomLevel - initialZoomLevel) * now + initialZoomLevel; _panOffset.x = (thumbBounds.x - initialPanOffset.x) * now + initialPanOffset.x; _panOffset.y = (thumbBounds.y - _currentWindowScrollY - initialPanOffset.y) * now + initialPanOffset.y; } _applyCurrentZoomPan(); if (fadeEverything) { template.style.opacity = 1 - now; } else { _applyBgOpacity(initalBgOpacity - now * initalBgOpacity); } }; if (closeWithRaf) { _animateProp('initialZoom', 0, 1, duration, framework.easing.cubic.out, onUpdate, onComplete); } else { onUpdate(1); _showOrHideTimeout = setTimeout(onComplete, duration + 20); } } }, out ? 25 : 90); // Main purpose of this delay is to give browser time to paint and // create composite layers of PhotoSwipe UI parts (background, controls, caption, arrows). // Which avoids lag at the beginning of scale transition. }; startAnimation(); }; /*>>show-hide-transition*/ /*>>items-controller*/ /** * * Controller manages gallery items, their dimensions, and their content. * */ var _items, _tempPanAreaSize = {}, _imagesToAppendPool = [], _initialContentSet, _initialZoomRunning, _controllerDefaultOptions = { index: 0, errorMsg: '
The image could not be loaded.
', forceProgressiveLoading: false, // TODO preload: [1, 1], getNumItemsFn: function getNumItemsFn() { return _items.length; } }; var _getItemAt, _getNumItems, _getZeroBounds = function _getZeroBounds() { return { center: { x: 0, y: 0 }, max: { x: 0, y: 0 }, min: { x: 0, y: 0 } }; }, _calculateSingleItemPanBounds = function _calculateSingleItemPanBounds(item, realPanElementW, realPanElementH) { var bounds = item.bounds; // position of element when it's centered bounds.center.x = Math.round((_tempPanAreaSize.x - realPanElementW) / 2); bounds.center.y = Math.round((_tempPanAreaSize.y - realPanElementH) / 2) + item.vGap.top; // maximum pan position bounds.max.x = realPanElementW > _tempPanAreaSize.x ? Math.round(_tempPanAreaSize.x - realPanElementW) : bounds.center.x; bounds.max.y = realPanElementH > _tempPanAreaSize.y ? Math.round(_tempPanAreaSize.y - realPanElementH) + item.vGap.top : bounds.center.y; // minimum pan position bounds.min.x = realPanElementW > _tempPanAreaSize.x ? 0 : bounds.center.x; bounds.min.y = realPanElementH > _tempPanAreaSize.y ? item.vGap.top : bounds.center.y; }, _calculateItemSize = function _calculateItemSize(item, viewportSize, zoomLevel) { if (item.src && !item.loadError) { var isInitial = !zoomLevel; if (isInitial) { if (!item.vGap) { item.vGap = { top: 0, bottom: 0 }; } // allows overriding vertical margin for individual items _shout('parseVerticalMargin', item); } _tempPanAreaSize.x = viewportSize.x; _tempPanAreaSize.y = viewportSize.y - item.vGap.top - item.vGap.bottom; if (isInitial) { var hRatio = _tempPanAreaSize.x / item.w; var vRatio = _tempPanAreaSize.y / item.h; item.fitRatio = hRatio < vRatio ? hRatio : vRatio; //item.fillRatio = hRatio > vRatio ? hRatio : vRatio; var scaleMode = _options.scaleMode; if (scaleMode === 'orig') { zoomLevel = 1; } else if (scaleMode === 'fit') { zoomLevel = item.fitRatio; } if (zoomLevel > 1) { zoomLevel = 1; } item.initialZoomLevel = zoomLevel; if (!item.bounds) { // reuse bounds object item.bounds = _getZeroBounds(); } } if (!zoomLevel) { return; } _calculateSingleItemPanBounds(item, item.w * zoomLevel, item.h * zoomLevel); if (isInitial && zoomLevel === item.initialZoomLevel) { item.initialPosition = item.bounds.center; } return item.bounds; } else { item.w = item.h = 0; item.initialZoomLevel = item.fitRatio = 1; item.bounds = _getZeroBounds(); item.initialPosition = item.bounds.center; // if it's not image, we return zero bounds (content is not zoomable) return item.bounds; } }, _appendImage = function _appendImage(index, item, baseDiv, img, preventAnimation, keepPlaceholder) { if (item.loadError) { return; } if (img) { item.imageAppended = true; _setImageSize(item, img, item === self.currItem && _renderMaxResolution); baseDiv.appendChild(img); if (keepPlaceholder) { setTimeout(function () { if (item && item.loaded && item.placeholder) { item.placeholder.style.display = 'none'; item.placeholder = null; } }, 500); } } }, _preloadImage = function _preloadImage(item) { item.loading = true; item.loaded = false; var img = item.img = framework.createEl('pswp__img', 'img'); var onComplete = function onComplete() { item.loading = false; item.loaded = true; if (item.loadComplete) { item.loadComplete(item); } else { item.img = null; // no need to store image object } img.onload = img.onerror = null; img = null; }; img.onload = onComplete; img.onerror = function () { item.loadError = true; onComplete(); }; img.src = item.src; // + '?a=' + Math.random(); return img; }, _checkForError = function _checkForError(item, cleanUp) { if (item.src && item.loadError && item.container) { if (cleanUp) { item.container.innerHTML = ''; } item.container.innerHTML = _options.errorMsg.replace('%url%', item.src); return true; } }, _setImageSize = function _setImageSize(item, img, maxRes) { if (!item.src) { return; } if (!img) { img = item.container.lastChild; } var w = maxRes ? item.w : Math.round(item.w * item.fitRatio), h = maxRes ? item.h : Math.round(item.h * item.fitRatio); if (item.placeholder && !item.loaded) { item.placeholder.style.width = w + 'px'; item.placeholder.style.height = h + 'px'; } img.style.width = w + 'px'; img.style.height = h + 'px'; }, _appendImagesPool = function _appendImagesPool() { if (_imagesToAppendPool.length) { var poolItem; for (var i = 0; i < _imagesToAppendPool.length; i++) { poolItem = _imagesToAppendPool[i]; if (poolItem.holder.index === poolItem.index) { _appendImage(poolItem.index, poolItem.item, poolItem.baseDiv, poolItem.img, false, poolItem.clearPlaceholder); } } _imagesToAppendPool = []; } }; _registerModule('Controller', { publicMethods: { lazyLoadItem: function lazyLoadItem(index) { index = _getLoopedId(index); var item = _getItemAt(index); if (!item || (item.loaded || item.loading) && !_itemsNeedUpdate) { return; } _shout('gettingData', index, item); if (!item.src) { return; } _preloadImage(item); }, initController: function initController() { framework.extend(_options, _controllerDefaultOptions, true); self.items = _items = items; _getItemAt = self.getItemAt; _getNumItems = _options.getNumItemsFn; //self.getNumItems; if (_getNumItems() < 3) { _options.loop = false; // disable loop if less then 3 items } _listen('beforeChange', function (diff) { var p = _options.preload, isNext = diff === null ? true : diff >= 0, preloadBefore = Math.min(p[0], _getNumItems()), preloadAfter = Math.min(p[1], _getNumItems()), i; for (i = 1; i <= (isNext ? preloadAfter : preloadBefore); i++) { self.lazyLoadItem(_currentItemIndex + i); } for (i = 1; i <= (isNext ? preloadBefore : preloadAfter); i++) { self.lazyLoadItem(_currentItemIndex - i); } }); _listen('initialLayout', function () { self.currItem.initialLayout = _options.getThumbBoundsFn && _options.getThumbBoundsFn(_currentItemIndex); }); _listen('mainScrollAnimComplete', _appendImagesPool); _listen('initialZoomInEnd', _appendImagesPool); _listen('destroy', function () { var item; for (var i = 0; i < _items.length; i++) { item = _items[i]; // remove reference to DOM elements, for GC if (item.container) { item.container = null; } if (item.placeholder) { item.placeholder = null; } if (item.img) { item.img = null; } if (item.preloader) { item.preloader = null; } if (item.loadError) { item.loaded = item.loadError = false; } } _imagesToAppendPool = null; }); }, getItemAt: function getItemAt(index) { if (index >= 0) { return _items[index] !== undefined ? _items[index] : false; } return false; }, allowProgressiveImg: function allowProgressiveImg() { // 1. Progressive image loading isn't working on webkit/blink // when hw-acceleration (e.g. translateZ) is applied to IMG element. // That's why in PhotoSwipe parent element gets zoom transform, not image itself. // // 2. Progressive image loading sometimes blinks in webkit/blink when applying animation to parent element. // That's why it's disabled on touch devices (mainly because of swipe transition) // // 3. Progressive image loading sometimes doesn't work in IE (up to 11). // Don't allow progressive loading on non-large touch devices return _options.forceProgressiveLoading || !_likelyTouchDevice || _options.mouseUsed || screen.width > 1200; // 1200 - to eliminate touch devices with large screen (like Chromebook Pixel) }, setContent: function setContent(holder, index) { if (_options.loop) { index = _getLoopedId(index); } var prevItem = self.getItemAt(holder.index); if (prevItem) { prevItem.container = null; } var item = self.getItemAt(index), img; if (!item) { holder.el.innerHTML = ''; return; } // allow to override data _shout('gettingData', index, item); holder.index = index; holder.item = item; // base container DIV is created only once for each of 3 holders var baseDiv = item.container = framework.createEl('pswp__zoom-wrap'); if (!item.src && item.html) { if (item.html.tagName) { baseDiv.appendChild(item.html); } else { baseDiv.innerHTML = item.html; } } _checkForError(item); _calculateItemSize(item, _viewportSize); if (item.src && !item.loadError && !item.loaded) { item.loadComplete = function (item) { // gallery closed before image finished loading if (!_isOpen) { return; } // check if holder hasn't changed while image was loading if (holder && holder.index === index) { if (_checkForError(item, true)) { item.loadComplete = item.img = null; _calculateItemSize(item, _viewportSize); _applyZoomPanToItem(item); if (holder.index === _currentItemIndex) { // recalculate dimensions self.updateCurrZoomItem(); } return; } if (!item.imageAppended) { if (_features.transform && (_mainScrollAnimating || _initialZoomRunning)) { _imagesToAppendPool.push({ item: item, baseDiv: baseDiv, img: item.img, index: index, holder: holder, clearPlaceholder: true }); } else { _appendImage(index, item, baseDiv, item.img, _mainScrollAnimating || _initialZoomRunning, true); } } else { // remove preloader & mini-img if (!_initialZoomRunning && item.placeholder) { item.placeholder.style.display = 'none'; item.placeholder = null; } } } item.loadComplete = null; item.img = null; // no need to store image element after it's added _shout('imageLoadComplete', index, item); }; if (framework.features.transform) { var placeholderClassName = 'pswp__img pswp__img--placeholder'; placeholderClassName += item.msrc ? '' : ' pswp__img--placeholder--blank'; var placeholder = framework.createEl(placeholderClassName, item.msrc ? 'img' : ''); if (item.msrc) { placeholder.src = item.msrc; } _setImageSize(item, placeholder); baseDiv.appendChild(placeholder); item.placeholder = placeholder; } if (!item.loading) { _preloadImage(item); } if (self.allowProgressiveImg()) { // just append image if (!_initialContentSet && _features.transform) { _imagesToAppendPool.push({ item: item, baseDiv: baseDiv, img: item.img, index: index, holder: holder }); } else { _appendImage(index, item, baseDiv, item.img, true, true); } } } else if (item.src && !item.loadError) { // image object is created every time, due to bugs of image loading & delay when switching images img = framework.createEl('pswp__img', 'img'); img.style.opacity = 1; img.src = item.src; _setImageSize(item, img); _appendImage(index, item, baseDiv, img); } if (!_initialContentSet && index === _currentItemIndex) { _currZoomElementStyle = baseDiv.style; _showOrHide(item, img || item.img); } else { _applyZoomPanToItem(item); } holder.el.innerHTML = ''; holder.el.appendChild(baseDiv); }, cleanSlide: function cleanSlide(item) { if (item.img) { item.img.onload = item.img.onerror = null; } item.loaded = item.loading = item.img = item.imageAppended = false; } } }); /*>>items-controller*/ /*>>tap*/ /** * tap.js: * * Displatches tap and double-tap events. * */ var tapTimer, tapReleasePoint = {}, _dispatchTapEvent = function _dispatchTapEvent(origEvent, releasePoint, pointerType) { var e = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'), eDetail = { origEvent: origEvent, target: origEvent.target, releasePoint: releasePoint, pointerType: pointerType || 'touch' }; e.initCustomEvent('pswpTap', true, true, eDetail); origEvent.target.dispatchEvent(e); }; _registerModule('Tap', { publicMethods: { initTap: function initTap() { _listen('firstTouchStart', self.onTapStart); _listen('touchRelease', self.onTapRelease); _listen('destroy', function () { tapReleasePoint = {}; tapTimer = null; }); }, onTapStart: function onTapStart(touchList) { if (touchList.length > 1) { clearTimeout(tapTimer); tapTimer = null; } }, onTapRelease: function onTapRelease(e, releasePoint) { if (!releasePoint) { return; } if (!_moved && !_isMultitouch && !_numAnimations) { var p0 = releasePoint; if (tapTimer) { clearTimeout(tapTimer); tapTimer = null; // Check if taped on the same place if (_isNearbyPoints(p0, tapReleasePoint)) { _shout('doubleTap', p0); return; } } if (releasePoint.type === 'mouse') { _dispatchTapEvent(e, releasePoint, 'mouse'); return; } var clickedTagName = e.target.tagName.toUpperCase(); // avoid double tap delay on buttons and elements that have class pswp__single-tap if (clickedTagName === 'BUTTON' || framework.hasClass(e.target, 'pswp__single-tap')) { _dispatchTapEvent(e, releasePoint); return; } _equalizePoints(tapReleasePoint, p0); tapTimer = setTimeout(function () { _dispatchTapEvent(e, releasePoint); tapTimer = null; }, 300); } } } }); /*>>tap*/ /*>>desktop-zoom*/ /** * * desktop-zoom.js: * * - Binds mousewheel event for paning zoomed image. * - Manages "dragging", "zoomed-in", "zoom-out" classes. * (which are used for cursors and zoom icon) * - Adds toggleDesktopZoom function. * */ var _wheelDelta; _registerModule('DesktopZoom', { publicMethods: { initDesktopZoom: function initDesktopZoom() { if (_oldIE) { // no zoom for old IE (<=8) return; } if (_likelyTouchDevice) { // if detected hardware touch support, we wait until mouse is used, // and only then apply desktop-zoom features _listen('mouseUsed', function () { self.setupDesktopZoom(); }); } else { self.setupDesktopZoom(true); } }, setupDesktopZoom: function setupDesktopZoom(onInit) { _wheelDelta = {}; var events = 'wheel mousewheel DOMMouseScroll'; _listen('bindEvents', function () { framework.bind(template, events, self.handleMouseWheel); }); _listen('unbindEvents', function () { if (_wheelDelta) { framework.unbind(template, events, self.handleMouseWheel); } }); self.mouseZoomedIn = false; var hasDraggingClass, updateZoomable = function updateZoomable() { if (self.mouseZoomedIn) { framework.removeClass(template, 'pswp--zoomed-in'); self.mouseZoomedIn = false; } if (_currZoomLevel < 1) { framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--zoom-allowed'); } else { framework.removeClass(template, 'pswp--zoom-allowed'); } removeDraggingClass(); }, removeDraggingClass = function removeDraggingClass() { if (hasDraggingClass) { framework.removeClass(template, 'pswp--dragging'); hasDraggingClass = false; } }; _listen('resize', updateZoomable); _listen('afterChange', updateZoomable); _listen('pointerDown', function () { if (self.mouseZoomedIn) { hasDraggingClass = true; framework.addClass(template, 'pswp--dragging'); } }); _listen('pointerUp', removeDraggingClass); if (!onInit) { updateZoomable(); } }, handleMouseWheel: function handleMouseWheel(e) { if (_currZoomLevel <= self.currItem.fitRatio) { if (_options.modal) { if (!_options.closeOnScroll || _numAnimations || _isDragging) { e.preventDefault(); } else if (_transformKey && Math.abs(e.deltaY) > 2) { // close PhotoSwipe // if browser supports transforms & scroll changed enough _closedByScroll = true; self.close(); } } return true; } // allow just one event to fire e.stopPropagation(); // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/wheel _wheelDelta.x = 0; if ('deltaX' in e) { if (e.deltaMode === 1 /* DOM_DELTA_LINE */ ) { // 18 - average line height _wheelDelta.x = e.deltaX * 18; _wheelDelta.y = e.deltaY * 18; } else { _wheelDelta.x = e.deltaX; _wheelDelta.y = e.deltaY; } } else if ('wheelDelta' in e) { if (e.wheelDeltaX) { _wheelDelta.x = -0.16 * e.wheelDeltaX; } if (e.wheelDeltaY) { _wheelDelta.y = -0.16 * e.wheelDeltaY; } else { _wheelDelta.y = -0.16 * e.wheelDelta; } } else if ('detail' in e) { _wheelDelta.y = e.detail; } else { return; } _calculatePanBounds(_currZoomLevel, true); var newPanX = _panOffset.x - _wheelDelta.x, newPanY = _panOffset.y - _wheelDelta.y; // only prevent scrolling in nonmodal mode when not at edges if (_options.modal || newPanX <= _currPanBounds.min.x && newPanX >= _currPanBounds.max.x && newPanY <= _currPanBounds.min.y && newPanY >= _currPanBounds.max.y) { e.preventDefault(); } // TODO: use rAF instead of mousewheel? self.panTo(newPanX, newPanY); }, toggleDesktopZoom: function toggleDesktopZoom(centerPoint) { centerPoint = centerPoint || { x: _viewportSize.x / 2 + _offset.x, y: _viewportSize.y / 2 + _offset.y }; var doubleTapZoomLevel = _options.getDoubleTapZoom(true, self.currItem); var zoomOut = _currZoomLevel === doubleTapZoomLevel; self.mouseZoomedIn = !zoomOut; self.zoomTo(zoomOut ? self.currItem.initialZoomLevel : doubleTapZoomLevel, centerPoint, 333); framework[(!zoomOut ? 'add' : 'remove') + 'Class'](template, 'pswp--zoomed-in'); } } }); /*>>desktop-zoom*/ /*>>history*/ /** * * history.js: * * - Back button to close gallery. * * - Unique URL for each slide: example.com/&pid=1&gid=3 * (where PID is picture index, and GID and gallery index) * * - Switch URL when slides change. * */ var _historyDefaultOptions = { history: true, galleryUID: 1 }; var _historyUpdateTimeout, _hashChangeTimeout, _hashAnimCheckTimeout, _hashChangedByScript, _hashChangedByHistory, _hashReseted, _initialHash, _historyChanged, _closedFromURL, _urlChangedOnce, _windowLoc, _supportsPushState, _getHash = function _getHash() { return _windowLoc.hash.substring(1); }, _cleanHistoryTimeouts = function _cleanHistoryTimeouts() { if (_historyUpdateTimeout) { clearTimeout(_historyUpdateTimeout); } if (_hashAnimCheckTimeout) { clearTimeout(_hashAnimCheckTimeout); } }, // pid - Picture index // gid - Gallery index _parseItemIndexFromURL = function _parseItemIndexFromURL() { var hash = _getHash(), params = {}; if (hash.length < 5) { // pid=1 return params; } var i, vars = hash.split('&'); for (i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { if (!vars[i]) { continue; } var pair = vars[i].split('='); if (pair.length < 2) { continue; } params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } if (_options.galleryPIDs) { // detect custom pid in hash and search for it among the items collection var searchfor = params.pid; params.pid = 0; // if custom pid cannot be found, fallback to the first item for (i = 0; i < _items.length; i++) { if (_items[i].pid === searchfor) { params.pid = i; break; } } } else { params.pid = parseInt(params.pid, 10) - 1; } if (params.pid < 0) { params.pid = 0; } return params; }, _updateHash = function _updateHash() { if (_hashAnimCheckTimeout) { clearTimeout(_hashAnimCheckTimeout); } if (_numAnimations || _isDragging) { // changing browser URL forces layout/paint in some browsers, which causes noticable lag during animation // that's why we update hash only when no animations running _hashAnimCheckTimeout = setTimeout(_updateHash, 500); return; } if (_hashChangedByScript) { clearTimeout(_hashChangeTimeout); } else { _hashChangedByScript = true; } var pid = _currentItemIndex + 1; var item = _getItemAt(_currentItemIndex); if (item.hasOwnProperty('pid')) { // carry forward any custom pid assigned to the item pid = item.pid; } var newHash = _initialHash + '&' + 'gid=' + _options.galleryUID + '&' + 'pid=' + pid; if (!_historyChanged) { if (_windowLoc.hash.indexOf(newHash) === -1) { _urlChangedOnce = true; } // first time - add new hisory record, then just replace } var newURL = _windowLoc.href.split('#')[0] + '#' + newHash; if (_supportsPushState) { if ('#' + newHash !== window.location.hash) { history[_historyChanged ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']('', document.title, newURL); } } else { if (_historyChanged) { _windowLoc.replace(newURL); } else { _windowLoc.hash = newHash; } } _historyChanged = true; _hashChangeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { _hashChangedByScript = false; }, 60); }; _registerModule('History', { publicMethods: { initHistory: function initHistory() { framework.extend(_options, _historyDefaultOptions, true); if (!_options.history) { return; } _windowLoc = window.location; _urlChangedOnce = false; _closedFromURL = false; _historyChanged = false; _initialHash = _getHash(); _supportsPushState = 'pushState' in history; if (_initialHash.indexOf('gid=') > -1) { _initialHash = _initialHash.split('&gid=')[0]; _initialHash = _initialHash.split('?gid=')[0]; } _listen('afterChange', self.updateURL); _listen('unbindEvents', function () { framework.unbind(window, 'hashchange', self.onHashChange); }); var returnToOriginal = function returnToOriginal() { _hashReseted = true; if (!_closedFromURL) { if (_urlChangedOnce) { history.back(); } else { if (_initialHash) { _windowLoc.hash = _initialHash; } else { if (_supportsPushState) { // remove hash from url without refreshing it or scrolling to top history.pushState('', document.title, _windowLoc.pathname + _windowLoc.search); } else { _windowLoc.hash = ''; } } } } _cleanHistoryTimeouts(); }; _listen('unbindEvents', function () { if (_closedByScroll) { // if PhotoSwipe is closed by scroll, we go "back" before the closing animation starts // this is done to keep the scroll position returnToOriginal(); } }); _listen('destroy', function () { if (!_hashReseted) { returnToOriginal(); } }); _listen('firstUpdate', function () { _currentItemIndex = _parseItemIndexFromURL().pid; }); var index = _initialHash.indexOf('pid='); if (index > -1) { _initialHash = _initialHash.substring(0, index); if (_initialHash.slice(-1) === '&') { _initialHash = _initialHash.slice(0, -1); } } setTimeout(function () { if (_isOpen) { // hasn't destroyed yet framework.bind(window, 'hashchange', self.onHashChange); } }, 40); }, onHashChange: function onHashChange() { if (_getHash() === _initialHash) { _closedFromURL = true; self.close(); return; } if (!_hashChangedByScript) { _hashChangedByHistory = true; self.goTo(_parseItemIndexFromURL().pid); _hashChangedByHistory = false; } }, updateURL: function updateURL() { // Delay the update of URL, to avoid lag during transition, // and to not to trigger actions like "refresh page sound" or "blinking favicon" to often _cleanHistoryTimeouts(); if (_hashChangedByHistory) { return; } if (!_historyChanged) { _updateHash(); // first time } else { _historyUpdateTimeout = setTimeout(_updateHash, 800); } } } }); /*>>history*/ framework.extend(self, publicMethods); }; return PhotoSwipe; }); }); function _typeof$1(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && _typeof(Symbol.iterator) === "symbol") { _typeof$1 = function _typeof$1(obj) { return _typeof(obj); }; } else { _typeof$1 = function _typeof$1(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(obj); }; } return _typeof$1(obj); } // This is not really a perfect check, but works fine. // From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/384286 var HAS_DOM_2 = (typeof HTMLElement === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof$1(HTMLElement)) === "object"; function isDOMElement(obj) { return HAS_DOM_2 ? obj instanceof HTMLElement : obj && _typeof$1(obj) === "object" && obj !== null && obj.nodeType === 1 && typeof obj.nodeName === "string"; } function addClasses(el, classNames) { classNames.forEach(function (className) { el.classList.add(className); }); } function removeClasses(el, classNames) { classNames.forEach(function (className) { el.classList.remove(className); }); } /* UNMINIFIED RULES const RULES = ` @keyframes noop { 0% { zoom: 1; } } @-webkit-keyframes noop { 0% { zoom: 1; } } .drift-zoom-pane.drift-open { display: block; } .drift-zoom-pane.drift-opening, .drift-zoom-pane.drift-closing { animation: noop 1ms; -webkit-animation: noop 1ms; } .drift-zoom-pane { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; pointer-events: none; } .drift-zoom-pane-loader { display: none; } .drift-zoom-pane img { position: absolute; display: block; max-width: none; max-height: none; } .drift-bounding-box { position: absolute; pointer-events: none; } `; */ var RULES = ".drift-bounding-box,.drift-zoom-pane{position:absolute;pointer-events:none}@keyframes noop{0%{zoom:1}}@-webkit-keyframes noop{0%{zoom:1}}.drift-zoom-pane.drift-open{display:block}.drift-zoom-pane.drift-closing,.drift-zoom-pane.drift-opening{animation:noop 1ms;-webkit-animation:noop 1ms}.drift-zoom-pane{overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0}.drift-zoom-pane-loader{display:none}.drift-zoom-pane img{position:absolute;display:block;max-width:none;max-height:none}"; function injectBaseStylesheet() { if (document.querySelector(".drift-base-styles")) { return; } var styleEl = document.createElement("style"); styleEl.type = "text/css"; styleEl.classList.add("drift-base-styles"); styleEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(RULES)); var head = document.head; head.insertBefore(styleEl, head.firstChild); } function throwIfMissing() { throw new Error("Missing parameter"); } function _classCallCheck$1(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties$1(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass$1(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties$1(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties$1(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } var BoundingBox = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function BoundingBox(options) { _classCallCheck$1(this, BoundingBox); this.isShowing = false; var _options$namespace = options.namespace, namespace = _options$namespace === void 0 ? null : _options$namespace, _options$zoomFactor = options.zoomFactor, zoomFactor = _options$zoomFactor === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$zoomFactor, _options$containerEl = options.containerEl, containerEl = _options$containerEl === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$containerEl; this.settings = { namespace: namespace, zoomFactor: zoomFactor, containerEl: containerEl }; this.openClasses = this._buildClasses("open"); this._buildElement(); } _createClass$1(BoundingBox, [{ key: "_buildClasses", value: function _buildClasses(suffix) { var classes = ["drift-".concat(suffix)]; var ns = this.settings.namespace; if (ns) { classes.push("".concat(ns, "-").concat(suffix)); } return classes; } }, { key: "_buildElement", value: function _buildElement() { this.el = document.createElement("div"); addClasses(this.el, this._buildClasses("bounding-box")); } }, { key: "show", value: function show(zoomPaneWidth, zoomPaneHeight) { this.isShowing = true; this.settings.containerEl.appendChild(this.el); var style = this.el.style; style.width = "".concat(Math.round(zoomPaneWidth / this.settings.zoomFactor), "px"); style.height = "".concat(Math.round(zoomPaneHeight / this.settings.zoomFactor), "px"); addClasses(this.el, this.openClasses); } }, { key: "hide", value: function hide() { if (this.isShowing) { this.settings.containerEl.removeChild(this.el); } this.isShowing = false; removeClasses(this.el, this.openClasses); } }, { key: "setPosition", value: function setPosition(percentageOffsetX, percentageOffsetY, triggerRect) { var pageXOffset = window.pageXOffset; var pageYOffset = window.pageYOffset; var inlineLeft = triggerRect.left + percentageOffsetX * triggerRect.width - this.el.clientWidth / 2 + pageXOffset; var inlineTop = triggerRect.top + percentageOffsetY * triggerRect.height - this.el.clientHeight / 2 + pageYOffset; if (inlineLeft < triggerRect.left + pageXOffset) { inlineLeft = triggerRect.left + pageXOffset; } else if (inlineLeft + this.el.clientWidth > triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width + pageXOffset) { inlineLeft = triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width - this.el.clientWidth + pageXOffset; } if (inlineTop < triggerRect.top + pageYOffset) { inlineTop = triggerRect.top + pageYOffset; } else if (inlineTop + this.el.clientHeight > triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height + pageYOffset) { inlineTop = triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height - this.el.clientHeight + pageYOffset; } this.el.style.left = "".concat(inlineLeft, "px"); this.el.style.top = "".concat(inlineTop, "px"); } }]); return BoundingBox; }(); function _classCallCheck$2(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties$2(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass$2(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties$2(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties$2(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } var Trigger = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Trigger() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; _classCallCheck$2(this, Trigger); this._show = this._show.bind(this); this._hide = this._hide.bind(this); this._handleEntry = this._handleEntry.bind(this); this._handleMovement = this._handleMovement.bind(this); var _options$el = options.el, el = _options$el === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$el, _options$zoomPane = options.zoomPane, zoomPane = _options$zoomPane === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$zoomPane, _options$sourceAttrib = options.sourceAttribute, sourceAttribute = _options$sourceAttrib === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$sourceAttrib, _options$handleTouch = options.handleTouch, handleTouch = _options$handleTouch === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$handleTouch, _options$onShow = options.onShow, onShow = _options$onShow === void 0 ? null : _options$onShow, _options$onHide = options.onHide, onHide = _options$onHide === void 0 ? null : _options$onHide, _options$hoverDelay = options.hoverDelay, hoverDelay = _options$hoverDelay === void 0 ? 0 : _options$hoverDelay, _options$touchDelay = options.touchDelay, touchDelay = _options$touchDelay === void 0 ? 0 : _options$touchDelay, _options$hoverBoundin = options.hoverBoundingBox, hoverBoundingBox = _options$hoverBoundin === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$hoverBoundin, _options$touchBoundin = options.touchBoundingBox, touchBoundingBox = _options$touchBoundin === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$touchBoundin, _options$namespace = options.namespace, namespace = _options$namespace === void 0 ? null : _options$namespace, _options$zoomFactor = options.zoomFactor, zoomFactor = _options$zoomFactor === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$zoomFactor, _options$boundingBoxC = options.boundingBoxContainer, boundingBoxContainer = _options$boundingBoxC === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$boundingBoxC; this.settings = { el: el, zoomPane: zoomPane, sourceAttribute: sourceAttribute, handleTouch: handleTouch, onShow: onShow, onHide: onHide, hoverDelay: hoverDelay, touchDelay: touchDelay, hoverBoundingBox: hoverBoundingBox, touchBoundingBox: touchBoundingBox, namespace: namespace, zoomFactor: zoomFactor, boundingBoxContainer: boundingBoxContainer }; if (this.settings.hoverBoundingBox || this.settings.touchBoundingBox) { this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox({ namespace: this.settings.namespace, zoomFactor: this.settings.zoomFactor, containerEl: this.settings.boundingBoxContainer }); } this.enabled = true; this._bindEvents(); } _createClass$2(Trigger, [{ key: "_preventDefault", value: function _preventDefault(event) { event.preventDefault(); } }, { key: "_preventDefaultAllowTouchScroll", value: function _preventDefaultAllowTouchScroll(event) { if (!this.settings.touchDelay || !this._isTouchEvent(event) || this.isShowing) { event.preventDefault(); } } }, { key: "_isTouchEvent", value: function _isTouchEvent(event) { return !!event.touches; } }, { key: "_bindEvents", value: function _bindEvents() { this.settings.el.addEventListener("mouseenter", this._handleEntry, false); this.settings.el.addEventListener("mouseleave", this._hide, false); this.settings.el.addEventListener("mousemove", this._handleMovement, false); if (this.settings.handleTouch) { this.settings.el.addEventListener("touchstart", this._handleEntry, false); this.settings.el.addEventListener("touchend", this._hide, false); this.settings.el.addEventListener("touchmove", this._handleMovement, false); } else { this.settings.el.addEventListener("touchstart", this._preventDefault, false); this.settings.el.addEventListener("touchend", this._preventDefault, false); this.settings.el.addEventListener("touchmove", this._preventDefault, false); } } }, { key: "_unbindEvents", value: function _unbindEvents() { this.settings.el.removeEventListener("mouseenter", this._handleEntry, false); this.settings.el.removeEventListener("mouseleave", this._hide, false); this.settings.el.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._handleMovement, false); if (this.settings.handleTouch) { this.settings.el.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._handleEntry, false); this.settings.el.removeEventListener("touchend", this._hide, false); this.settings.el.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._handleMovement, false); } else { this.settings.el.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._preventDefault, false); this.settings.el.removeEventListener("touchend", this._preventDefault, false); this.settings.el.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._preventDefault, false); } } }, { key: "_handleEntry", value: function _handleEntry(e) { this._preventDefaultAllowTouchScroll(e); this._lastMovement = e; if (e.type == "mouseenter" && this.settings.hoverDelay) { this.entryTimeout = setTimeout(this._show, this.settings.hoverDelay); } else if (this.settings.touchDelay) { this.entryTimeout = setTimeout(this._show, this.settings.touchDelay); } else { this._show(); } } }, { key: "_show", value: function _show() { if (!this.enabled) { return; } var onShow = this.settings.onShow; if (onShow && typeof onShow === "function") { onShow(); } this.settings.zoomPane.show(this.settings.el.getAttribute(this.settings.sourceAttribute), this.settings.el.clientWidth, this.settings.el.clientHeight); if (this._lastMovement) { var touchActivated = this._lastMovement.touches; if (touchActivated && this.settings.touchBoundingBox || !touchActivated && this.settings.hoverBoundingBox) { this.boundingBox.show(this.settings.zoomPane.el.clientWidth, this.settings.zoomPane.el.clientHeight); } } this._handleMovement(); } }, { key: "_hide", value: function _hide(e) { if (e) { this._preventDefaultAllowTouchScroll(e); } this._lastMovement = null; if (this.entryTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.entryTimeout); } if (this.boundingBox) { this.boundingBox.hide(); } var onHide = this.settings.onHide; if (onHide && typeof onHide === "function") { onHide(); } this.settings.zoomPane.hide(); } }, { key: "_handleMovement", value: function _handleMovement(e) { if (e) { this._preventDefaultAllowTouchScroll(e); this._lastMovement = e; } else if (this._lastMovement) { e = this._lastMovement; } else { return; } var movementX; var movementY; if (e.touches) { var firstTouch = e.touches[0]; movementX = firstTouch.clientX; movementY = firstTouch.clientY; } else { movementX = e.clientX; movementY = e.clientY; } var el = this.settings.el; var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var offsetX = movementX - rect.left; var offsetY = movementY - rect.top; var percentageOffsetX = offsetX / this.settings.el.clientWidth; var percentageOffsetY = offsetY / this.settings.el.clientHeight; if (this.boundingBox) { this.boundingBox.setPosition(percentageOffsetX, percentageOffsetY, rect); } this.settings.zoomPane.setPosition(percentageOffsetX, percentageOffsetY, rect); } }, { key: "isShowing", get: function get() { return this.settings.zoomPane.isShowing; } }]); return Trigger; }(); function _classCallCheck$3(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties$3(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass$3(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties$3(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties$3(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } // account for, just in case. var divStyle = document.createElement("div").style; var HAS_ANIMATION = typeof document === "undefined" ? false : "animation" in divStyle || "webkitAnimation" in divStyle; var ZoomPane = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ZoomPane() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; _classCallCheck$3(this, ZoomPane); this._completeShow = this._completeShow.bind(this); this._completeHide = this._completeHide.bind(this); this._handleLoad = this._handleLoad.bind(this); this.isShowing = false; var _options$container = options.container, container = _options$container === void 0 ? null : _options$container, _options$zoomFactor = options.zoomFactor, zoomFactor = _options$zoomFactor === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$zoomFactor, _options$inline = options.inline, inline = _options$inline === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$inline, _options$namespace = options.namespace, namespace = _options$namespace === void 0 ? null : _options$namespace, _options$showWhitespa = options.showWhitespaceAtEdges, showWhitespaceAtEdges = _options$showWhitespa === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$showWhitespa, _options$containInlin = options.containInline, containInline = _options$containInlin === void 0 ? throwIfMissing() : _options$containInlin, _options$inlineOffset = options.inlineOffsetX, inlineOffsetX = _options$inlineOffset === void 0 ? 0 : _options$inlineOffset, _options$inlineOffset2 = options.inlineOffsetY, inlineOffsetY = _options$inlineOffset2 === void 0 ? 0 : _options$inlineOffset2, _options$inlineContai = options.inlineContainer, inlineContainer = _options$inlineContai === void 0 ? document.body : _options$inlineContai; this.settings = { container: container, zoomFactor: zoomFactor, inline: inline, namespace: namespace, showWhitespaceAtEdges: showWhitespaceAtEdges, containInline: containInline, inlineOffsetX: inlineOffsetX, inlineOffsetY: inlineOffsetY, inlineContainer: inlineContainer }; this.openClasses = this._buildClasses("open"); this.openingClasses = this._buildClasses("opening"); this.closingClasses = this._buildClasses("closing"); this.inlineClasses = this._buildClasses("inline"); this.loadingClasses = this._buildClasses("loading"); this._buildElement(); } _createClass$3(ZoomPane, [{ key: "_buildClasses", value: function _buildClasses(suffix) { var classes = ["drift-".concat(suffix)]; var ns = this.settings.namespace; if (ns) { classes.push("".concat(ns, "-").concat(suffix)); } return classes; } }, { key: "_buildElement", value: function _buildElement() { this.el = document.createElement("div"); addClasses(this.el, this._buildClasses("zoom-pane")); var loaderEl = document.createElement("div"); addClasses(loaderEl, this._buildClasses("zoom-pane-loader")); this.el.appendChild(loaderEl); this.imgEl = document.createElement("img"); this.el.appendChild(this.imgEl); } }, { key: "_setImageURL", value: function _setImageURL(imageURL) { this.imgEl.setAttribute("src", imageURL); } }, { key: "_setImageSize", value: function _setImageSize(triggerWidth, triggerHeight) { this.imgEl.style.width = "".concat(triggerWidth * this.settings.zoomFactor, "px"); this.imgEl.style.height = "".concat(triggerHeight * this.settings.zoomFactor, "px"); } // `percentageOffsetX` and `percentageOffsetY` must be percentages // expressed as floats between `0' and `1`. }, { key: "setPosition", value: function setPosition(percentageOffsetX, percentageOffsetY, triggerRect) { var imgElWidth = this.imgEl.offsetWidth; var imgElHeight = this.imgEl.offsetHeight; var elWidth = this.el.offsetWidth; var elHeight = this.el.offsetHeight; var centreOfContainerX = elWidth / 2; var centreOfContainerY = elHeight / 2; var targetImgXToBeCentre = imgElWidth * percentageOffsetX; var targetImgYToBeCentre = imgElHeight * percentageOffsetY; var left = centreOfContainerX - targetImgXToBeCentre; var top = centreOfContainerY - targetImgYToBeCentre; var differenceBetweenContainerWidthAndImgWidth = elWidth - imgElWidth; var differenceBetweenContainerHeightAndImgHeight = elHeight - imgElHeight; var isContainerLargerThanImgX = differenceBetweenContainerWidthAndImgWidth > 0; var isContainerLargerThanImgY = differenceBetweenContainerHeightAndImgHeight > 0; var minLeft = isContainerLargerThanImgX ? differenceBetweenContainerWidthAndImgWidth / 2 : 0; var minTop = isContainerLargerThanImgY ? differenceBetweenContainerHeightAndImgHeight / 2 : 0; var maxLeft = isContainerLargerThanImgX ? differenceBetweenContainerWidthAndImgWidth / 2 : differenceBetweenContainerWidthAndImgWidth; var maxTop = isContainerLargerThanImgY ? differenceBetweenContainerHeightAndImgHeight / 2 : differenceBetweenContainerHeightAndImgHeight; if (this.el.parentElement === this.settings.inlineContainer) { // This may be needed in the future to deal with browser event // inconsistencies, but it's difficult to tell for sure. // let scrollX = isTouch ? 0 : window.scrollX; // let scrollY = isTouch ? 0 : window.scrollY; var scrollX = window.pageXOffset; var scrollY = window.pageYOffset; var inlineLeft = triggerRect.left + percentageOffsetX * triggerRect.width - elWidth / 2 + this.settings.inlineOffsetX + scrollX; var inlineTop = triggerRect.top + percentageOffsetY * triggerRect.height - elHeight / 2 + this.settings.inlineOffsetY + scrollY; if (this.settings.containInline) { if (inlineLeft < triggerRect.left + scrollX) { inlineLeft = triggerRect.left + scrollX; } else if (inlineLeft + elWidth > triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width + scrollX) { inlineLeft = triggerRect.left + triggerRect.width - elWidth + scrollX; } if (inlineTop < triggerRect.top + scrollY) { inlineTop = triggerRect.top + scrollY; } else if (inlineTop + elHeight > triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height + scrollY) { inlineTop = triggerRect.top + triggerRect.height - elHeight + scrollY; } } this.el.style.left = "".concat(inlineLeft, "px"); this.el.style.top = "".concat(inlineTop, "px"); } if (!this.settings.showWhitespaceAtEdges) { if (left > minLeft) { left = minLeft; } else if (left < maxLeft) { left = maxLeft; } if (top > minTop) { top = minTop; } else if (top < maxTop) { top = maxTop; } } this.imgEl.style.transform = "translate(".concat(left, "px, ").concat(top, "px)"); this.imgEl.style.webkitTransform = "translate(".concat(left, "px, ").concat(top, "px)"); } }, { key: "_removeListenersAndResetClasses", value: function _removeListenersAndResetClasses() { this.el.removeEventListener("animationend", this._completeShow, false); this.el.removeEventListener("animationend", this._completeHide, false); this.el.removeEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", this._completeShow, false); this.el.removeEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", this._completeHide, false); removeClasses(this.el, this.openClasses); removeClasses(this.el, this.closingClasses); } }, { key: "show", value: function show(imageURL, triggerWidth, triggerHeight) { this._removeListenersAndResetClasses(); this.isShowing = true; addClasses(this.el, this.openClasses); if (this.imgEl.getAttribute("src") != imageURL) { addClasses(this.el, this.loadingClasses); this.imgEl.addEventListener("load", this._handleLoad, false); this._setImageURL(imageURL); } this._setImageSize(triggerWidth, triggerHeight); if (this._isInline) { this._showInline(); } else { this._showInContainer(); } if (HAS_ANIMATION) { this.el.addEventListener("animationend", this._completeShow, false); this.el.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", this._completeShow, false); addClasses(this.el, this.openingClasses); } } }, { key: "_showInline", value: function _showInline() { this.settings.inlineContainer.appendChild(this.el); addClasses(this.el, this.inlineClasses); } }, { key: "_showInContainer", value: function _showInContainer() { this.settings.container.appendChild(this.el); } }, { key: "hide", value: function hide() { this._removeListenersAndResetClasses(); this.isShowing = false; if (HAS_ANIMATION) { this.el.addEventListener("animationend", this._completeHide, false); this.el.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", this._completeHide, false); addClasses(this.el, this.closingClasses); } else { removeClasses(this.el, this.openClasses); removeClasses(this.el, this.inlineClasses); } } }, { key: "_completeShow", value: function _completeShow() { this.el.removeEventListener("animationend", this._completeShow, false); this.el.removeEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", this._completeShow, false); removeClasses(this.el, this.openingClasses); } }, { key: "_completeHide", value: function _completeHide() { this.el.removeEventListener("animationend", this._completeHide, false); this.el.removeEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", this._completeHide, false); removeClasses(this.el, this.openClasses); removeClasses(this.el, this.closingClasses); removeClasses(this.el, this.inlineClasses); this.el.setAttribute("style", ""); // The window could have been resized above or below `inline` // limits since the ZoomPane was shown. Because of this, we // can't rely on `this._isInline` here. if (this.el.parentElement === this.settings.container) { this.settings.container.removeChild(this.el); } else if (this.el.parentElement === this.settings.inlineContainer) { this.settings.inlineContainer.removeChild(this.el); } } }, { key: "_handleLoad", value: function _handleLoad() { this.imgEl.removeEventListener("load", this._handleLoad, false); removeClasses(this.el, this.loadingClasses); } }, { key: "_isInline", get: function get() { var inline = this.settings.inline; return inline === true || typeof inline === "number" && window.innerWidth <= inline; } }]); return ZoomPane; }(); function _classCallCheck$4(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties$4(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass$4(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties$4(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties$4(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } var Drift = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Drift(triggerEl) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; _classCallCheck$4(this, Drift); this.VERSION = "1.4.0"; this.triggerEl = triggerEl; this.destroy = this.destroy.bind(this); if (!isDOMElement(this.triggerEl)) { throw new TypeError("`new Drift` requires a DOM element as its first argument."); } // Prefix for generated element class names (e.g. `my-ns` will // result in classes such as `my-ns-pane`. Default `drift-` // prefixed classes will always be added as well. var namespace = options["namespace"] || null; // Whether the ZoomPane should show whitespace when near the edges. var showWhitespaceAtEdges = options["showWhitespaceAtEdges"] || false; // Whether the inline ZoomPane should stay inside // the bounds of its image. var containInline = options["containInline"] || false; // How much to offset the ZoomPane from the // interaction point when inline. var inlineOffsetX = options["inlineOffsetX"] || 0; var inlineOffsetY = options["inlineOffsetY"] || 0; // A DOM element to append the inline ZoomPane to var inlineContainer = options["inlineContainer"] || document.body; // Which trigger attribute to pull the ZoomPane image source from. var sourceAttribute = options["sourceAttribute"] || "data-zoom"; // How much to magnify the trigger by in the ZoomPane. // (e.g., `zoomFactor: 3` will result in a 900 px wide ZoomPane imag // if the trigger is displayed at 300 px wide) var zoomFactor = options["zoomFactor"] || 3; // A DOM element to append the non-inline ZoomPane to. // Required if `inlinePane !== true`. var paneContainer = options["paneContainer"] === undefined ? document.body : options["paneContainer"]; // When to switch to an inline ZoomPane. This can be a boolean or // an integer. If `true`, the ZoomPane will always be inline, // if `false`, it will switch to inline when `windowWidth <= inlinePane` var inlinePane = options["inlinePane"] || 375; // If `true`, touch events will trigger the zoom, like mouse events. var handleTouch = "handleTouch" in options ? !!options["handleTouch"] : true; // If present (and a function), this will be called // whenever the ZoomPane is shown. var onShow = options["onShow"] || null; // If present (and a function), this will be called // whenever the ZoomPane is hidden. var onHide = options["onHide"] || null; // Add base styles to the page. See the "Theming" // section of README.md for more information. var injectBaseStyles = "injectBaseStyles" in options ? !!options["injectBaseStyles"] : true; // An optional number that determines how long to wait before // showing the ZoomPane because of a `mouseenter` event. var hoverDelay = options["hoverDelay"] || 0; // An optional number that determines how long to wait before // showing the ZoomPane because of a `touchstart` event. // It's unlikely that you would want to use this option, since // "tap and hold" is much more intentional than a hover event. var touchDelay = options["touchDelay"] || 0; // If true, a bounding box will show the area currently being previewed // during mouse hover var hoverBoundingBox = options["hoverBoundingBox"] || false; // If true, a bounding box will show the area currently being previewed // during touch events var touchBoundingBox = options["touchBoundingBox"] || false; // A DOM element to append the bounding box to. var boundingBoxContainer = options["boundingBoxContainer"] || document.body; if (inlinePane !== true && !isDOMElement(paneContainer)) { throw new TypeError("`paneContainer` must be a DOM element when `inlinePane !== true`"); } if (!isDOMElement(inlineContainer)) { throw new TypeError("`inlineContainer` must be a DOM element"); } this.settings = { namespace: namespace, showWhitespaceAtEdges: showWhitespaceAtEdges, containInline: containInline, inlineOffsetX: inlineOffsetX, inlineOffsetY: inlineOffsetY, inlineContainer: inlineContainer, sourceAttribute: sourceAttribute, zoomFactor: zoomFactor, paneContainer: paneContainer, inlinePane: inlinePane, handleTouch: handleTouch, onShow: onShow, onHide: onHide, injectBaseStyles: injectBaseStyles, hoverDelay: hoverDelay, touchDelay: touchDelay, hoverBoundingBox: hoverBoundingBox, touchBoundingBox: touchBoundingBox, boundingBoxContainer: boundingBoxContainer }; if (this.settings.injectBaseStyles) { injectBaseStylesheet(); } this._buildZoomPane(); this._buildTrigger(); } _createClass$4(Drift, [{ key: "_buildZoomPane", value: function _buildZoomPane() { this.zoomPane = new ZoomPane({ container: this.settings.paneContainer, zoomFactor: this.settings.zoomFactor, showWhitespaceAtEdges: this.settings.showWhitespaceAtEdges, containInline: this.settings.containInline, inline: this.settings.inlinePane, namespace: this.settings.namespace, inlineOffsetX: this.settings.inlineOffsetX, inlineOffsetY: this.settings.inlineOffsetY, inlineContainer: this.settings.inlineContainer }); } }, { key: "_buildTrigger", value: function _buildTrigger() { this.trigger = new Trigger({ el: this.triggerEl, zoomPane: this.zoomPane, handleTouch: this.settings.handleTouch, onShow: this.settings.onShow, onHide: this.settings.onHide, sourceAttribute: this.settings.sourceAttribute, hoverDelay: this.settings.hoverDelay, touchDelay: this.settings.touchDelay, hoverBoundingBox: this.settings.hoverBoundingBox, touchBoundingBox: this.settings.touchBoundingBox, namespace: this.settings.namespace, zoomFactor: this.settings.zoomFactor, boundingBoxContainer: this.settings.boundingBoxContainer }); } }, { key: "setZoomImageURL", value: function setZoomImageURL(imageURL) { this.zoomPane._setImageURL(imageURL); } }, { key: "disable", value: function disable() { this.trigger.enabled = false; } }, { key: "enable", value: function enable() { this.trigger.enabled = true; } }, { key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.trigger._hide(); this.trigger._unbindEvents(); } }, { key: "isShowing", get: function get() { return this.zoomPane.isShowing; } }, { key: "zoomFactor", get: function get() { return this.settings.zoomFactor; }, set: function set(zf) { this.settings.zoomFactor = zf; this.zoomPane.settings.zoomFactor = zf; this.trigger.settings.zoomFactor = zf; this.boundingBox.settings.zoomFactor = zf; } }]); return Drift; }(); // Public API Object.defineProperty(Drift.prototype, "isShowing", { get: function get() { return this.isShowing; } }); Object.defineProperty(Drift.prototype, "zoomFactor", { get: function get() { return this.zoomFactor; }, set: function set(value) { this.zoomFactor = value; } }); Drift.prototype["setZoomImageURL"] = Drift.prototype.setZoomImageURL; Drift.prototype["disable"] = Drift.prototype.disable; Drift.prototype["enable"] = Drift.prototype.enable; Drift.prototype["destroy"] = Drift.prototype.destroy; /* eslint-enable no-self-assign */ var ProductGallery = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ProductGallery(element, options) { _classCallCheck(this, ProductGallery); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.viewInSpaceElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-shopify-xr]'); this.options = options; // The media property will hold all the media manages by the gallery so we can easily turn them off. They are // indexed by the media ID this.media = {}; this.previouslySelectedMedia = null; this._createCarousel(); this._createZoom(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(ProductGallery, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { if (this.flickityInstance) { this.flickityInstance.destroy(); } for (var mediaId in this.media) { if (this.media.hasOwnProperty(mediaId)) { this.media[mediaId].destroy(); } } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { var _this = this; this.delegateElement.on('model:played', this._disableDrag.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('video:played', this._disableDrag.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('model:paused', this._enableDrag.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('video:paused', this._enableDrag.bind(this)); if (this.options['enableImageZoom']) { window.addEventListener('resize', this._handleZoomForMediaQuery.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '.product-gallery__image', this._openMobileZoom.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '.pswp__button', this._doPswpAction.bind(this)); } var lastWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { if (window.innerWidth !== lastWidth && _this.flickityInstance) { _this.flickityInstance.resize(); lastWidth = window.innerWidth; } }); } /** * This method must be called whenever the variant is changed */ }, { key: "variantHasChanged", value: function variantHasChanged(newVariant) { var _this2 = this; // We may have selected a variant that will cause the set of images to change completely. To do that we need to iterate through all images, // check for the attribute "data-group-name" and verify if some images need to be filtered or not var shouldReload = false; fastdom.mutate(function () { _this2.productGalleryCellsElements.forEach(function (cell, imageIndex) { if (cell.hasAttribute('data-group-name')) { // If it has an attribute, we get the group name, and match it against the option var groupName = cell.getAttribute('data-group-name'); _this2.options['productOptions'].forEach(function (option, optionIndex) { if (option.toLowerCase() === groupName) { // groupName from attribute is already lowercased in Liquid // Now we compare the value: if it's the same or that the image is part of the variant we keep it, otherwise we filter it if (newVariant["option".concat(optionIndex + 1)].toLowerCase() === cell.getAttribute('data-group-value') || newVariant['featured_media'] && newVariant['featured_media']['id'] === parseInt(cell.getAttribute('data-media-id'))) { cell.classList.remove('is-filtered'); _this2.productThumbnailsCellsElements[imageIndex].classList.remove('is-filtered'); } else { cell.classList.add('is-filtered'); _this2.productThumbnailsCellsElements[imageIndex].classList.add('is-filtered'); } } }); shouldReload = true; } }); if (shouldReload) { _this2.flickityInstance.deactivate(); _this2.flickityInstance.activate(); } if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('lap-and-up')) { var slides = _this2.element.querySelectorAll('.product-gallery__carousel-item'); slides.forEach(function (slide) { slide.classList.remove('product-gallery__carousel-item--hidden'); }); } if (_this2.flickityInstance && newVariant && newVariant['featured_media']) { _this2.flickityInstance.selectCell("[data-media-id=\"".concat(newVariant['featured_media']['id'], "\"]")); } }); } }, { key: "_createCarousel", value: function _createCarousel() { var _this3 = this; this.productGalleryElement = this.element.querySelector('.product-gallery__carousel'); this.productGalleryCellsElements = this.productGalleryElement ? this.productGalleryElement.querySelectorAll('.product-gallery__carousel-item') : []; if (this.productGalleryElement) { // We need to create a list of media (for now we only handle video and model a bit differently) this.productGalleryCellsElements.forEach(function (item) { switch (item.getAttribute('data-media-type')) { case 'external_video': case 'video': _this3.media[item.getAttribute('data-media-id')] = new ProductVideo(item, _this3.options['enableVideoLooping']); break; case 'model': _this3.media[item.getAttribute('data-media-id')] = new ProductModel(item); break; } }); if (parseInt(this.productGalleryElement.getAttribute('data-media-count')) > 1) { // Due to the fact that some images may be filtered, we have to do additional logic to compute the initial index var filteredCells = [].slice.call(this.productGalleryCellsElements).filter(function (item) { return !item.classList.contains('is-filtered'); }); var initialIndex = 0; filteredCells.forEach(function (item, index) { if (item.getAttribute('data-media-id') === _this3.productGalleryElement.getAttribute('data-initial-media-id')) { initialIndex = index; } }); // For some reason (and I have spent hours trying to understand), Flickity set a zero height at start, before // replacing it with the correct height. Unfortunately this cause the carousel to jump, which is detrimental // to both user experience and PageSpeed score. As a consequence, I am pre-setting the height var firstSlide = filteredCells[initialIndex]; firstSlide.classList.add('is-selected'); this.productGalleryElement.style.height = "".concat(firstSlide.clientHeight, "px"); this.flickityInstance = new flickityFade(this.productGalleryElement, { accessibility: false, prevNextButtons: false, pageDots: false, resize: false, adaptiveHeight: true, draggable: !Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('supports-hover'), fade: this.options['galleryTransitionEffect'] === 'fade', cellSelector: '.product-gallery__carousel-item:not(.is-filtered)', initialIndex: initialIndex, on: { ready: function ready() { // Remove the pre-set height (that was used to pre-allocate the space) so that it can react properly to // changes of height. setTimeout(function () { _this3.productGalleryElement.style.height = null; }, 1000); } } }); } } // If there are thumbnails, we need to synchronize the thumbnails this.productThumbnailsListElement = this.element.querySelector('.product-gallery__thumbnail-list'); this.delegateElement.on('click', '.product-gallery__thumbnail', this._onThumbnailClicked.bind(this)); if (this.productThumbnailsListElement && this.flickityInstance) { this.productThumbnailsCellsElements = this.productThumbnailsListElement.querySelectorAll('.product-gallery__thumbnail'); this.flickityInstance.on('select', this._onGallerySlideChanged.bind(this)); if (this.options['galleryTransitionEffect'] === 'fade') { this.flickityInstance.on('select', this._onGallerySlideSettled.bind(this)); } else { this.flickityInstance.on('settle', this._onGallerySlideSettled.bind(this)); } this._onGallerySlideChanged(false); // We call it once initially to force adjust the thumbnails this._onGallerySlideSettled(); } } }, { key: "_createZoom", value: function _createZoom() { var _this4 = this; if (!this.options['enableImageZoom']) { return; } // On desktop, we uses Drift to power the zoom if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('lap-and-up')) { this.driftObjects = []; var zoomWrapper = this.element.querySelector('.product__zoom-wrapper'); this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-gallery__image').forEach(function (image) { _this4.driftObjects.push(new Drift(image, { containInline: _this4.options['zoomEffect'] === 'outside', inlinePane: window.innerWidth < 1024 ? true : _this4.options['zoomEffect'] !== 'outside', hoverBoundingBox: _this4.options['zoomEffect'] === 'outside', handleTouch: false, inlineOffsetY: window.innerWidth < 1024 ? -85 : 0, paneContainer: zoomWrapper })); }); } } }, { key: "_openMobileZoom", value: function _openMobileZoom() { var _this5 = this; // On mobile, we use instead PhotoSwipe var pswpElement = this.element.querySelector('.pswp'); if (!pswpElement || !Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('pocket')) { return; } var filteredItems = this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-gallery__carousel-item:not(.is-filtered)[data-media-type="image"]'), defaultIndex = 0, items = []; filteredItems.forEach(function (filteredItem, index) { var image = filteredItem.querySelector('.product-gallery__image'); items.push({ src: image.getAttribute('data-zoom'), w: parseInt(image.getAttribute('data-zoom-width')), h: parseInt(image.getAttribute('data-zoom-width')) * (image.height / image.width), msrc: image.currentSrc }); if (filteredItem.classList.contains('is-selected')) { defaultIndex = index; } }); var prevNextElement = pswpElement.querySelector('.pswp__prev-next'); prevNextElement.style.display = items.length > 1 ? 'flex' : 'none'; // Initializes and opens PhotoSwipe // Initializes and opens PhotoSwipe this.photoSwipeInstance = new photoswipe(pswpElement, false, items, { index: defaultIndex, closeOnVerticalDrag: false, closeOnScroll: false, history: false, showHideOpacity: true, pinchToClose: false, maxSpreadZoom: 1, showAnimationDuration: false, allowPanToNext: false }); // We need to patch PhotoSwipe update size to solve iOS 15 issue var originalUpdateSize = this.photoSwipeInstance.updateSize, lastWidth = null; this.photoSwipeInstance.updateSize = function () { if (lastWidth === null || lastWidth !== window.innerWidth) { originalUpdateSize(this, arguments); } lastWidth = window.innerWidth; }; this.photoSwipeInstance.listen('destroy', function () { _this5.photoSwipeInstance = null; }); this.photoSwipeInstance.listen('beforeChange', function () { var currentItem = _this5.element.querySelector('.pswp__pagination-current'), paginationCount = _this5.element.querySelector('.pswp__pagination-count'); currentItem.textContent = _this5.photoSwipeInstance.getCurrentIndex() + 1; paginationCount.textContent = _this5.photoSwipeInstance.options.getNumItemsFn(); }); this.photoSwipeInstance.init(); } }, { key: "_doPswpAction", value: function _doPswpAction(event, element) { if (!this.photoSwipeInstance) { return; } if (element.classList.contains('pswp__button--close')) { this.photoSwipeInstance.close(); } else if (element.classList.contains('pswp__button--arrow--left')) { this.photoSwipeInstance.prev(); } else if (element.classList.contains('pswp__button--arrow--right')) { this.photoSwipeInstance.next(); } } }, { key: "_handleZoomForMediaQuery", value: function _handleZoomForMediaQuery() { if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('lap-and-up') && this.photoSwipeInstance) { this.photoSwipeInstance.close(); this.photoSwipeInstance = null; } } }, { key: "_onGallerySlideChanged", value: function _onGallerySlideChanged() { var _this6 = this; var animate = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; var previousNavElement = null, newNavElement = null; this.productThumbnailsCellsElements.forEach(function (item) { if (item.classList.contains('is-nav-selected')) { previousNavElement = item; } if (item.getAttribute('data-media-id') === _this6.flickityInstance.selectedElement.getAttribute('data-media-id')) { newNavElement = item; } }); previousNavElement && previousNavElement.classList.remove('is-nav-selected'); newNavElement.classList.add('is-nav-selected'); // We animate to move the selected nav item if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('pocket')) { var scrollX = newNavElement.offsetLeft - (this.productThumbnailsListElement.parentNode.clientWidth - newNavElement.clientWidth) / 2; this.productThumbnailsListElement.parentNode.scrollTo({ left: scrollX, behavior: animate ? 'smooth' : 'auto' }); } else { var scrollY = newNavElement.offsetTop - (this.productThumbnailsListElement.clientHeight - newNavElement.clientHeight) / 2; this.productThumbnailsListElement.scrollTo({ top: scrollY, behavior: animate ? 'smooth' : 'auto' }); } } /** * The difference with "change" is that this function is called after the item has transitioned */ }, { key: "_onGallerySlideSettled", value: function _onGallerySlideSettled() { this._handleMedia(this.flickityInstance.selectedElement); if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('lap-and-up')) { var slides = this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-gallery__carousel-item:not(.is-selected)'); slides.forEach(function (slide) { slide.classList.add('product-gallery__carousel-item--hidden'); }); } } }, { key: "_onThumbnailClicked", value: function _onThumbnailClicked(event, target) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.flickityInstance) { this.flickityInstance.selectCell("[data-media-id=\"".concat(target.getAttribute('data-media-id'), "\"]")); if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('lap-and-up')) { var slides = this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-gallery__carousel-item'); slides.forEach(function (slide) { slide.classList.remove('product-gallery__carousel-item--hidden'); }); } } } }, { key: "_disableDrag", value: function _disableDrag() { this.flickityInstance.options.draggable = false; this.flickityInstance.updateDraggable(); } }, { key: "_enableDrag", value: function _enableDrag() { this.flickityInstance.options.draggable = !Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('supports-hover'); this.flickityInstance.updateDraggable(); } /** * This method will handle the given media (for now model and video) to do the appropriate actions (such as launching * a video for instance) */ }, { key: "_handleMedia", value: function _handleMedia(item) { var isInitialLoading = this.previouslySelectedMedia === null; // First, we need to turn off the previous media (if any) if (this.previouslySelectedMedia && this.previouslySelectedMedia !== item) { switch (this.previouslySelectedMedia.getAttribute('data-media-type')) { case 'video': case 'external_video': case 'model': this.media[this.previouslySelectedMedia.getAttribute('data-media-id')].hasBeenDeselected(); } // If the previous media was a model, we need to adjust the "view in space" button to go back to initial value if (this.previouslySelectedMedia.getAttribute('data-media-type') === 'model' && this.viewInSpaceElement) { this.viewInSpaceElement.setAttribute('data-shopify-model3d-id', this.viewInSpaceElement.getAttribute('data-shopify-model3d-default-id')); } } // Then, we have to handle the currently selected media switch (item.getAttribute('data-media-type')) { case 'video': case 'external_video': case 'model': this.media[item.getAttribute('data-media-id')].hasBeenSelected(isInitialLoading); this.element.querySelector('.product-gallery__carousel').classList.remove('product-gallery__carousel--zoomable'); break; case 'image': this.element.querySelector('.product-gallery__carousel').classList.add('product-gallery__carousel--zoomable'); break; } // If the media is a model, we need to adjust the "view in space" button if (item.getAttribute('data-media-type') === 'model' && this.viewInSpaceElement) { this.viewInSpaceElement.setAttribute('data-shopify-model3d-id', item.getAttribute('data-media-id')); } // We set the previously selected media to the currently new one, so that when it changes it can be properly accounted this.previouslySelectedMedia = item; } }]); return ProductGallery; }(); var QuantityPicker = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function QuantityPicker(element) { _classCallCheck(this, QuantityPicker); if (!element) { return; } this.element = element; this.inputElement = this.element.querySelector('[name="quantity"]'); this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(QuantityPicker, [{ key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="decrease-picker-quantity"]', this._onDecrease.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="increase-picker-quantity"]', this._onIncrease.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('keyup', this._onInputValueChanged.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('focusout', this._onInputFocusOut.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_onDecrease", value: function _onDecrease() { this.inputElement.value = Math.max(1, parseInt(this.inputElement.value) - 1); } }, { key: "_onIncrease", value: function _onIncrease() { this.inputElement.value = parseInt(this.inputElement.value) + 1; } }, { key: "_onInputValueChanged", value: function _onInputValueChanged(event) { var value = event.target.value; if (value !== '' && isNaN(value)) { event.target.value = Math.max(1, parseInt(value) || 1); } } }, { key: "_onInputFocusOut", value: function _onInputFocusOut(event) { event.target.value = Math.max(1, parseInt(event.target.value) || 1); } }]); return QuantityPicker; }(); var ShippingEstimator = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ShippingEstimator(element, options) { _classCallCheck(this, ShippingEstimator); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = options; this.countrySelector = new CountrySelector(this.element.querySelector('[name="country"]'), this.element.querySelector('[name="province"]')); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(ShippingEstimator, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off('click'); this.countrySelector.destroy(); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="estimate-shipping"]', this._fetchRates.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_fetchRates", value: function _fetchRates() { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); if (this.options['singleProduct']) { this._fetchRatesForProduct(); } else { this._fetchRatesForCart(); } } }, { key: "_fetchRatesForCart", value: function _fetchRatesForCart() { var _this = this; var country = this.element.querySelector('[name="country"]').value, province = this.element.querySelector('[name="province"]').value, zip = this.element.querySelector('[name="zip"]').value; fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartUrl, "/shipping_rates.json?shipping_address[zip]=").concat(zip, "&shipping_address[country]=").concat(country, "&shipping_address[province]=").concat(province), { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET' }).then(function (response) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); response.json().then(function (result) { _this._formatResults(response.ok, result); }); }); } /** * Technique is coming from this website: https://freakdesign.com.au/blogs/news/get-shipping-estimates-on-a-product-page */ }, { key: "_fetchRatesForProduct", value: function _fetchRatesForProduct() { var _this2 = this; // grab the current cookie for the cart and we store it var cartCookie = this._getCookie('cart'), tempCookieValue = 'temp-cart-cookie___' + Date.now() + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000), fakeCookieValue = 'fake-cart-cookie___' + Date.now() + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000); // if not found, make a new temp cookie if (!cartCookie) { this._updateCartCookie(tempCookieValue); cartCookie = this._getCookie('cart'); } // if found but has a weird length, bail if (cartCookie.length < 32) { return; } // change the cookie value to a new 32 character value this._updateCartCookie(fakeCookieValue); // add the product to our fake cart var formElement = document.querySelector('form[action*="/cart/add"]'); fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartAddUrl, ".js"), { body: JSON.stringify(Form.serialize(formElement)), credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header }, method: 'POST' }).then(function (response) { response.json().then(function () { var country = _this2.element.querySelector('[name="country"]').value, province = _this2.element.querySelector('[name="province"]').value, zip = _this2.element.querySelector('[name="zip"]').value; fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartUrl, "/shipping_rates.json?shipping_address[zip]=").concat(zip, "&shipping_address[country]=").concat(country, "&shipping_address[province]=").concat(province), { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET' }).then(function (response) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); response.json().then(function (result) { _this2._formatResults(response.ok, result); }); _this2._updateCartCookie(cartCookie); // We can restore the cookie })["catch"](function () { _this2._updateCartCookie(cartCookie); }); })["catch"](function () { // We have error so we have to reset cookie _this2._updateCartCookie(cartCookie); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); }); }); } }, { key: "_formatResults", value: function _formatResults(isOk, results) { var resultsElement = this.element.querySelector('.shipping-estimator__results'); resultsElement.innerHTML = ''; if (isOk) { var shippingRates = results['shipping_rates']; if (shippingRates.length === 0) { resultsElement.innerHTML = "

".concat(window.languages.shippingEstimatorNoResults, "

"); } else { if (shippingRates.length === 1) { resultsElement.innerHTML = "

".concat(window.languages.shippingEstimatorOneResult, "

"); } else { resultsElement.innerHTML = "

".concat(window.languages.shippingEstimatorMultipleResults.replace('{{count}}', shippingRates.length), "

"); } var listRatesHtml = ''; shippingRates.forEach(function (item) { listRatesHtml += "
  • ".concat(item['name'], ": ").concat(Currency.formatMoney(parseInt(item['price'] * 100), window.theme.moneyFormat), "
  • "); }); resultsElement.innerHTML += ""); } } else { resultsElement.innerHTML = "

    ".concat(window.languages.shippingEstimatorErrors, "

    "); var errorHtml = ''; Object.keys(results).forEach(function (key) { errorHtml += "
  • ".concat(key, " ").concat(results[key], "
  • "); }); resultsElement.innerHTML += ""); } resultsElement.style.display = 'block'; } }, { key: "_getCookie", value: function _getCookie(name) { var value = "; ".concat(document.cookie), parts = value.split('; ' + name + '='); if (parts.length === 2) { return parts.pop().split(';').shift(); } } }, { key: "_updateCartCookie", value: function _updateCartCookie(value) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + 14 * 86400000); document.cookie = "cart=".concat(value, "; expires=").concat(date.toUTCString(), "; path=/"); } }]); return ShippingEstimator; }(); /** * The given ID must be the value picker itself (the element that contains the class "value-picker", not the button that toggles it */ var ValuePicker = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ValuePicker(id) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; _classCallCheck(this, ValuePicker); this.id = id; this.delegateRoot = new Delegate(document.documentElement); this.isOpen = false; this.togglerElement = document.querySelector("[data-action=\"open-value-picker\"][aria-controls=\"".concat(this.id, "\"]")); this.onSelect = options['onValueSelect'] || function () {}; this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(ValuePicker, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateRoot.off(); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateRoot.on('click', "[data-action=\"open-value-picker\"][aria-controls=\"".concat(this.id, "\"]"), this._toggle.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', "[data-action=\"close-value-picker\"][aria-controls=\"".concat(this.id, "\"]"), this._toggle.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', "#".concat(this.id, " [data-action=\"select-value\"]"), this._selectValue.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('click', this._detectOutsideClick.bind(this), true); this.delegateRoot.on('focusout', "#".concat(this.id), this._onFocusOut.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_toggle", value: function _toggle(event) { if (this.isOpen) { this._close(event); } else { this._open(event); } } }, { key: "_open", value: function _open() { document.querySelector("[data-action=\"open-value-picker\"][aria-controls=\"".concat(this.id, "\"]")).setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); document.getElementById(this.id).setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); // This is quite ugly, but in order to avoid an issue with the header that has a higher z-index, we have to temporarily reduce // it while we have the element open if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone')) { var headerElement = document.querySelector('.shopify-section__header'); headerElement.style.zIndex = '3'; } this.isOpen = true; document.body.classList.add('no-mobile-scroll'); } }, { key: "_close", value: function _close() { document.querySelector("[data-action=\"open-value-picker\"][aria-controls=\"".concat(this.id, "\"]")).setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); document.getElementById(this.id).setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); // This is quite ugly, but in order to avoid an issue with the header that has a higher z-index, we have to temporarily reduce // it while we have the element open var headerElement = document.querySelector('.shopify-section__header'); headerElement.style.zIndex = ''; this.isOpen = false; document.body.classList.remove('no-mobile-scroll'); } }, { key: "_selectValue", value: function _selectValue(event, target) { this.onSelect(target.getAttribute('data-value')); this._close(); } }, { key: "_onFocusOut", value: function _onFocusOut(event) { var container = document.getElementById(this.id); // If the element that get the new focus is not contains within the value picker, we close it if (!container.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { this._close(); } } }, { key: "_detectOutsideClick", value: function _detectOutsideClick(event) { // If already closed, nothing to do if (!this.isOpen || this.togglerElement === event.target || this.togglerElement.contains(event.target)) { return; } if (!event.target.closest('.value-picker__inner') && this.isOpen) { this._close(event); } } }]); return ValuePicker; }(); var AccountSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function AccountSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, AccountSection); this.element = element; this.domDelegate = new Delegate(this.element); this.element.querySelectorAll('[action*="/account/addresses"]').forEach(function (addressForm) { new CountrySelector(addressForm.querySelector('[name="address[country]"]'), addressForm.querySelector('[name="address[province]"]')); }); this.pageSelector = new ValuePicker('account-selector'); } _createClass(AccountSection, [{ key: "_onUnload", value: function _onUnload() { this.pageSelector.destroy(); } }]); return AccountSection; }(); var AnnouncementBarSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function AnnouncementBarSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, AnnouncementBarSection); this.element = element; this.domDelegate = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); this.isOpen = false; // We set the new width of the announcement bar button if any if (this.options['showNewsletter']) { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--announcement-bar-button-width', this.element.querySelector('.announcement-bar__button').clientWidth + 'px'); } else { document.documentElement.style.removeProperty('--announcement-bar-button-width'); } this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(AnnouncementBarSection, [{ key: "onSelect", value: function onSelect() { if (this.options['showNewsletter'] && !this.isOpen) { this._toggleNewsletter(); } } }, { key: "onDeselect", value: function onDeselect() { if (this.options['showNewsletter'] && this.isOpen) { this._toggleNewsletter(); } } }, { key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.domDelegate.off(); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-newsletter"]', this._toggleNewsletter.bind(this)); this.domDelegate.on('keyup', this._handleKey.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_toggleNewsletter", value: function _toggleNewsletter() { var togglerElement = this.element.querySelector('.announcement-bar__button'), newsletterElement = this.element.querySelector('.announcement-bar__newsletter'); if (togglerElement.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'false') { togglerElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); newsletterElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); Animation.slideDown(newsletterElement, function () { Accessibility.trapFocus(newsletterElement, 'announcement-bar'); }); } else { togglerElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); newsletterElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); Animation.slideUp(newsletterElement); Accessibility.removeTrapFocus(newsletterElement, 'announcement-bar'); } this.isOpen = !this.isOpen; } }, { key: "_handleKey", value: function _handleKey(event) { if (event.key === 'Escape' && this.isOpen) { this._toggleNewsletter(); } } }]); return AnnouncementBarSection; }(); var BlogSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function BlogSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, BlogSection); this.element = element; this.blogTagSelector = new ValuePicker('blog-tag-selector'); if (Shopify.designMode) { var elementToAdd = this.element.querySelector('.page__header'); if (elementToAdd) { document.querySelector('.blog-container').previousElementSibling.remove(); document.querySelector('.blog-container').insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', elementToAdd); } } } _createClass(BlogSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.blogTagSelector.destroy(); } }]); return BlogSection; }(); var BlogPostSection = function BlogPostSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, BlogPostSection); this.element = element; if (Shopify.designMode) { var elementToAdd = this.element.querySelector('.page__header'); if (elementToAdd) { document.querySelector('.blog-container').previousElementSibling.remove(); document.querySelector('.blog-container').insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', elementToAdd); } } }; var BlogSidebarSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function BlogSidebarSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, BlogSidebarSection); this.element = element; if (window.theme.pageType === 'blog') { this._fixItemsPerRow(); } } /** * If sidebar is not visible, then we must do some adjustments to the grid of article (especially, we must change how many items per row are displayed). * Because Shopify sections are independent, I didn't find a better approach than changing it in JavaScript */ _createClass(BlogSidebarSection, [{ key: "_fixItemsPerRow", value: function _fixItemsPerRow() { var blocks = this.element.querySelectorAll('.blog-sidebar__item'); if (blocks.length === 0) { document.querySelector('.blog-container').classList.add('blog-container--without-sidebar'); document.querySelectorAll('.shopify-section__blog-posts .block-list__item').forEach(function (item) { if (item.classList.contains('1/2--lap-and-up')) { item.classList.remove('1/2--lap-and-up'); item.classList.add('1/3--lap-and-up'); } }); } else { document.querySelector('.blog-container').classList.remove('blog-container--without-sidebar'); document.querySelectorAll('.shopify-section__blog-posts .block-list__item').forEach(function (item) { if (item.classList.contains('1/3--lap-and-up')) { item.classList.remove('1/3--lap-and-up'); item.classList.add('1/2--lap-and-up'); } }); } } }]); return BlogSidebarSection; }(); var ProductSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ProductSection(element) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, ProductSection); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); this.productGallery = new ProductGallery(this.element, this.options); this._initShopifyReviews(); // If loaded by quick view, we need to do various initialization stuff if (this.options['isQuickView'] && this.options['showPaymentButton'] && window.Shopify.PaymentButton) { Shopify.PaymentButton.init(); } this.productVariants = new ProductVariants(this.element, this.options); if (this.options['showShippingEstimator']) { this.shippingEstimator = new ShippingEstimator(this.element.querySelector('.shipping-estimator'), { singleProduct: true }); } if (this.options['showQuantitySelector']) { var quantityPickerElement = this.element.querySelector('.quantity-selector--product'); if (quantityPickerElement) { this.quantityPicker = new QuantityPicker(quantityPickerElement); } } var productInfoElement = this.element.querySelector('.product-block-list__item--info .card'); if (productInfoElement) { this.element.querySelector('.product-block-list__wrapper').style.minHeight = "".concat(productInfoElement.clientHeight, "px"); if (window.ResizeObserver) { this.productInfoResizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function (event) { if (event[0].contentBoxSize) { _this.element.querySelector('.product-block-list__wrapper').style.minHeight = "".concat(event[0].contentBoxSize[0].blockSize, "px"); } else { _this.element.querySelector('.product-block-list__wrapper').style.minHeight = "".concat(event[0].contentRect.height, "px"); } }); this.productInfoResizeObserver.observe(productInfoElement); } if (this.options['infoOverflowScroll']) { this.infoOverflowScroller = new OverflowScroller(productInfoElement, { offsetTop: document.documentElement.style.getPropertyValue('--header-is-sticky') * parseInt(document.documentElement.style.getPropertyValue('--header-height') + 30), offsetBottom: 30 }); } } this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(ProductSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.productVariants.destroy(); this.productGallery.destroy(); if (this.options['showShippingEstimator']) { this.shippingEstimator.destroy(); } if (this.options['infoOverflowScroll']) { this.infoOverflowScroller.destroy(); } if (window.ResizeObserver && this.productInfoResizeObserver) { this.productInfoResizeObserver.disconnect(); } this.delegateElement.off(); this.element.removeEventListener('variant:changed', this._onVariantChangedListener); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._onVariantChangedListener = this._onVariantChanged.bind(this); this.element.addEventListener('variant:changed', this._onVariantChangedListener); } /** * Shopify Reviews app is quite funky and hard to extend... excuse this code */ }, { key: "_initShopifyReviews", value: function _initShopifyReviews() { var _this2 = this; if (Shopify.designMode && window.SPR) { window.SPR.initDomEls(); window.SPR.loadProducts(); } window.SPRCallbacks = {}; // This allows us to add some class to adjust the styling window.SPRCallbacks.onFormSuccess = function () { _this2.element.querySelector('#shopify-product-reviews .spr-form').classList.add('spr-form-submitted'); }; // If loaded by quick view, we need to do various initialization stuff if (this.options['isQuickView'] && this.options['showPaymentButton'] && window.Shopify.PaymentButton) { Shopify.PaymentButton.init(); } } /** * This method is called when the variant is changed due to option */ }, { key: "_onVariantChanged", value: function _onVariantChanged(event) { this.productGallery.variantHasChanged(event.detail.variant); } }]); return ProductSection; }(); var CartSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function CartSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, CartSection); this.element = element; this.domDelegate = new Delegate(this.element); this.delegateRoot = new Delegate(document.documentElement); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); if (this.options['showShippingEstimator']) { this.shippingEstimator = new ShippingEstimator(this.element.querySelector('.shipping-estimator'), { singleProduct: false }); } this._attachListeners(); this._enforceMinimumHeight(); } _createClass(CartSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { if (this.options['showShippingEstimator']) { this.shippingEstimator.destroy(); } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="add-to-cart"]', this._addToCart.bind(this)); this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="save-note"]', this._saveNote.bind(this)); this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-secondary-action="open-quick-view"]', this._openQuickView.bind(this)); this.delegateRoot.on('cart:rerendered', this._onCartRerendered.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_saveNote", value: function _saveNote() { var noteValue = this.element.querySelector('[name="note"]').value; fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartUrl, "/update.js"), { body: JSON.stringify({ note: noteValue }), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }); // Hide or show the note edit button depending on content this.element.querySelector('.cart-recap__note-edit').classList.toggle('is-visible', noteValue !== ''); // Close the button by sending a global event document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('collapsible:toggle', { detail: { id: 'order-note' } })); } }, { key: "_addToCart", value: function _addToCart(event, target) { var _this = this; if (window.theme.cartType === 'page') { return; // When using a cart type of page, we just simply redirect to the cart page } event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form to be submitted event.stopPropagation(); // First, we switch the status of the button target.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); // Then we add the product in Ajax var formElement = target.closest('form[action*="/cart/add"]'); fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartAddUrl, ".js"), { body: JSON.stringify(Form.serialize(formElement)), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }).then(function (response) { if (response.ok) { target.removeAttribute('disabled'); // We simply trigger an event so the mini-cart can re-render _this.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('product:added', { bubbles: true, detail: { variant: null, quantity: parseInt(formElement.querySelector('[name="quantity"]').value) } })); } else { target.removeAttribute('disabled'); } }); event.preventDefault(); } }, { key: "_openQuickView", value: function _openQuickView(event, target) { var modal = document.getElementById(target.getAttribute('aria-controls')); modal.classList.add('is-loading'); fetch("".concat(target.getAttribute('data-product-url'), "?view=quick-view"), { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET' }).then(function (response) { response.text().then(function (content) { modal.querySelector('.modal__inner').innerHTML = content; modal.classList.remove('is-loading'); // Register a new section to power the JS var modalProductSection = new ProductSection(modal.querySelector('[data-section-type="product"]')); // We set a listener so we can cleanup on close var doCleanUp = function doCleanUp() { modalProductSection.onUnload(); modal.removeEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }; modal.addEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }); }); } /** * On desktop we need to enforce a minimum height for the cart-wrapper */ }, { key: "_enforceMinimumHeight", value: function _enforceMinimumHeight() { var cartWrapperElement = this.element.querySelector('.cart-wrapper'), cartRecapScrollerElement = this.element.querySelector('.cart-recap__scroller'); if (cartWrapperElement && cartRecapScrollerElement) { cartWrapperElement.style.minHeight = "".concat(cartRecapScrollerElement.clientHeight, "px"); if (window.ResizeObserver) { var resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function (entries) { var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(entries), _step; try { for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { var entry = _step.value; cartWrapperElement.style.minHeight = "".concat(parseInt(entry.contentRect.height), "px"); } } catch (err) { _iterator.e(err); } finally { _iterator.f(); } }); resizeObserver.observe(cartRecapScrollerElement); } } } /* When the cart re-render, we have some operations to do */ }, { key: "_onCartRerendered", value: function _onCartRerendered() { // For now the only thing we have to do is re-create the shipping estimator if (this.options['showShippingEstimator'] && this.element.querySelector('.shipping-estimator')) { this.shippingEstimator.destroy(); this.shippingEstimator = new ShippingEstimator(this.element.querySelector('.shipping-estimator'), { singleProduct: false }); } this._enforceMinimumHeight(); } }]); return CartSection; }(); var CollectionListSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function CollectionListSection(element) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, CollectionListSection); this.element = element; var collectionListElement = this.element.querySelector('.collection-list'); this.flickityInstance = new js(collectionListElement, { watchCSS: true, prevNextButtons: true, draggable: !window.matchMedia('(-moz-touch-enabled: 0), (hover: hover)').matches, pageDots: false, resize: false, cellAlign: collectionListElement.childElementCount < 6 ? 'center' : 'left', contain: true, groupCells: true }); var lastWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { if (window.innerWidth !== lastWidth) { _this.flickityInstance.resize(); lastWidth = window.innerWidth; } }); } _createClass(CollectionListSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.flickityInstance.destroy(); } }, { key: "onBlockSelect", value: function onBlockSelect(event) { if (this.flickityInstance.isActive) { this.flickityInstance.selectCell(parseInt(event.target.getAttribute('data-collection-index')), null, event.detail.load); } } }]); return CollectionListSection; }(); var CollectionSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function CollectionSection(element) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, CollectionSection); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); this.currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href); this.mobileFilterDrawer = new CollectionFilterDrawer(this.options); this.displayByValuePicker = new ValuePicker('display-by-selector', { onValueSelect: this._showingCountChanged.bind(this) }); this.sortByValuePicker = new ValuePicker('sort-by-selector', { onValueSelect: this._sortByChanged.bind(this) }); this.productItemColorSwatch = new ProductItemColorSwatch(this.element); // If we are in the template search and that we are supposed to show pages and blog posts, we do more work if (window.theme.pageType === 'search' && window.theme.searchMode !== 'product') { this._loadContentResults(); } window.addEventListener('popstate', function () { _this.currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href); _this._reload(false); }); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(CollectionSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.delegateElement.off(); this.mobileFilterDrawer.destroy(); this.displayByValuePicker.destroy(); this.sortByValuePicker.destroy(); this.productItemColorSwatch.destroy(); } }, { key: "onSelect", value: function onSelect(event) { if (Shopify.designMode && event.detail.load) { // We also force the layout and number of items per page in the editor, no matter if you have choose an explicit mode this.element.querySelector(".collection__layout-button[data-layout-mode=\"".concat(this.options['defaultLayout'], "\"]")).click(); this._showingCountChanged(this.options['defaultProductsPerPage']); } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="change-layout"]', this._changeLayout.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('change', '#mobile-sort-by, #desktop-sort-by', this._sortByChanged.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('change', '#showing-count', this._showingCountChanged.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '.pagination [data-page]', this._paginationPageChanged.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-secondary-action="open-quick-view"]', this._openQuickView.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="add-to-cart"]', this._addToCart.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('change', '[name^="filter."]', this._onFilterChanged.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="clear-filters"]', this._onFiltersCleared.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_openQuickView", value: function _openQuickView(event, target) { var productUrl = new URL("".concat(window.location.origin).concat(target.getAttribute('data-product-url')).concat(window.location.search)); // If we are on mobile or tablet, we redirect to product page directly if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone') || Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('tablet')) { window.location.href = productUrl.href; return false; } var modal = document.getElementById(target.getAttribute('aria-controls')); modal.classList.add('is-loading'); productUrl.searchParams.set('view', 'quick-view'); fetch(productUrl.href, { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET' }).then(function (response) { response.text().then(function (content) { modal.querySelector('.modal__inner').innerHTML = content; modal.classList.remove('is-loading'); // Register a new section to power the JS var modalProductSection = new ProductSection(modal.querySelector('[data-section-type="product"]')); // We set a listener so we can cleanup on close var doCleanUp = function doCleanUp() { modalProductSection.onUnload(); modal.removeEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }; modal.addEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }); }); } /** * Switch layout mode */ }, { key: "_changeLayout", value: function _changeLayout(event, target) { var _this2 = this; if (target.classList.contains('is-selected')) { return; } var newLayoutMode = target.getAttribute('data-layout-mode'); // We save the new attribute so that we can select the appropriate mode without causing reflow fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartUrl, "/update.js"), { body: JSON.stringify({ attributes: { 'collection_layout': newLayoutMode } }), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }); // Finally, we change everything! fastdom.mutate(function () { Dom.getSiblings(target, '.is-selected').forEach(function (button) { return button.classList.remove('is-selected'); }); target.classList.add('is-selected'); _this2.element.querySelectorAll('.product-item').forEach(function (item) { if (newLayoutMode === 'grid') { item.className = "product-item product-item--vertical ".concat(_this2.options['gridClasses']); } else { item.className = 'product-item product-item--list'; } }); // Reload the swatches _this2.productItemColorSwatch.recalculateSwatches(); }); } /** * Update the URL and reload products */ }, { key: "_sortByChanged", value: function _sortByChanged(value) { this.currentUrl.searchParams.set('sort_by', value); this.currentUrl.searchParams["delete"]('page'); this._reload(true); } /** * When the number of items has changed */ }, { key: "_showingCountChanged", value: function _showingCountChanged(value) { var _this3 = this; this.currentUrl.searchParams["delete"]('page'); // We save the new value as a cart attribute, so it can be retrieved in Liquid easily :) fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartUrl, "/update.js"), { body: JSON.stringify({ attributes: { 'collection_products_per_page': value } }), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }).then(function () { _this3._reload(true); }); } /** * When the page has changed */ }, { key: "_paginationPageChanged", value: function _paginationPageChanged(event, target) { event.preventDefault(); this.currentUrl.searchParams.set('page', parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-page'))); this._reload(true); } }, { key: "_onFilterChanged", value: function _onFilterChanged(event, target) { var formData = new FormData(target.closest('form')); var searchParamsAsString = new URLSearchParams(formData).toString(); this.currentUrl = new URL("".concat(window.location.pathname, "?").concat(searchParamsAsString), window.location.origin); this._reload(true); } }, { key: "_onFiltersCleared", value: function _onFiltersCleared(event, target) { this.currentUrl = new URL(target.getAttribute('data-url'), window.location.origin); this._reload(true); } /** * Reload all products from the current URL * * @private */ }, { key: "_reload", value: function _reload(pushState) { var _this4 = this; if (this.abortController) { this.abortController.abort(); } // Then, we replace the URL if (pushState) { window.history.pushState({ path: this.currentUrl.toString() }, '', this.currentUrl.toString()); } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); // We scroll to the top var computedStyles = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement); // To load the content we use the newly introduced "Sections API", which also to get data much more efficiently var sectionUrl = ''; if (this.currentUrl.search) { sectionUrl = "".concat(this.currentUrl.pathname, "/").concat(this.currentUrl.search, "§ion_id=").concat(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-id')); } else { sectionUrl = "".concat(this.currentUrl.pathname, "?section_id=").concat(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-id')); } try { this.abortController = new AbortController(); return fetch(sectionUrl, { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET', signal: this.abortController.signal }).then(function (response) { response.text().then(function (content) { var tempElement = document.createElement('div'); tempElement.innerHTML = content; _this4.element.querySelector('.collection__dynamic-part').innerHTML = tempElement.querySelector('.collection__dynamic-part').innerHTML; var desktopFilters = _this4.element.querySelector('#desktop-filters-form'), mobileFilters = _this4.element.querySelector('#mobile-collection-filters'), previousMobileScrollTop = 0; if (mobileFilters) { previousMobileScrollTop = mobileFilters.querySelector('.collection-drawer__inner').scrollTop; } // A given collection may not have any filters if (desktopFilters) { Array.from(_this4.element.querySelectorAll('.collection__filter-group-name[aria-controls]')).forEach(function (groupName) { // Get the corresponding group from new filters var newGroup = tempElement.querySelector("[aria-controls=\"".concat(groupName.getAttribute('aria-controls'), "\"]")); if (groupName.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { newGroup.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); newGroup.nextElementSibling.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); newGroup.nextElementSibling.style.height = 'auto'; newGroup.nextElementSibling.style.overflow = 'visible'; } else { newGroup.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); newGroup.nextElementSibling.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); newGroup.nextElementSibling.style = ''; } }); desktopFilters.innerHTML = tempElement.querySelector('#desktop-filters-form').innerHTML; mobileFilters.innerHTML = tempElement.querySelector('#mobile-collection-filters').innerHTML; mobileFilters.querySelector('.collection-drawer__inner').scrollTop = previousMobileScrollTop; _this4.mobileFilterDrawer._computeDrawerHeight(); } // Reload the swatches _this4.productItemColorSwatch.recalculateSwatches(); var elementOffset = _this4.element.querySelector('.collection').getBoundingClientRect().top - 25 - parseInt(computedStyles.getPropertyValue('--header-is-sticky')) * parseInt(computedStyles.getPropertyValue('--header-height')); if (elementOffset < 0) { window.scrollBy({ top: elementOffset, behavior: 'smooth' }); } // Reload the product count var countJson = JSON.parse(tempElement.querySelector('[data-collection-products-count]').innerHTML); var showingProductsCount = _this4.element.querySelector('.collection__products-count-showing'); if (showingProductsCount) { showingProductsCount.innerHTML = countJson['showingCount']; } _this4.element.querySelector('.collection__products-count-total').innerHTML = countJson['productsCount']; // Finally, we scroll to the element document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); }); }); } catch (e) {// Ignore the exception } } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SEARCH PAGE SPECIFIC METHOD * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }, { key: "_loadContentResults", value: function _loadContentResults() { var _this5 = this; var currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href); fetch("".concat(window.routes.searchUrl, "?section_id=search-content&q=").concat(currentUrl.searchParams.get('q'), "&type=").concat(window.theme.searchMode.replace('product,', '')), { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then(function (response) { response.text().then(function (content) { var linkSearchResults = _this5.element.querySelector('.link-search-results'), fakeDiv = document.createElement('div'); fakeDiv.innerHTML = content; if (linkSearchResults && content.trim() !== '') { linkSearchResults.innerHTML = fakeDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML; linkSearchResults.style.display = 'block'; } }); }); } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INTERNAL CODE THAT HANDLE PRODUCT ADD TO CART * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }, { key: "_addToCart", value: function _addToCart(event, target) { var _this6 = this; if (window.theme.cartType === 'page') { return; // When using a cart type of page, we just simply redirect to the cart page } event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form to be submitted event.stopPropagation(); // First, we switch the status of the button target.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); // Then we add the product in Ajax var formElement = target.closest('form[action*="/cart/add"]'); fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartAddUrl, ".js"), { body: JSON.stringify(Form.serialize(formElement)), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }).then(function (response) { target.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (response.ok) { // We simply trigger an event so the mini-cart can re-render _this6.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('product:added', { bubbles: true, detail: { button: target, variant: null, quantity: parseInt(formElement.querySelector('[name="quantity"]').value) } })); } else { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); } }); event.preventDefault(); } }]); return CollectionSection; }(); var FeaturedCollectionSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function FeaturedCollectionSection(element) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, FeaturedCollectionSection); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); if (!this.options['stackable']) { this.flickityInstance = new js(this.element.querySelector('.product-list'), { watchCSS: true, pageDots: false, prevNextButtons: true, contain: true, resize: false, groupCells: true, cellAlign: 'left', draggable: !window.matchMedia('(-moz-touch-enabled: 0), (hover: hover)').matches }); var lastWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { if (window.innerWidth !== lastWidth) { _this.flickityInstance.resize(); lastWidth = window.innerWidth; } }); } this.productItemColorSwatch = new ProductItemColorSwatch(this.element); this._fixSafari(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(FeaturedCollectionSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { if (!this.options['stackable']) { this.flickityInstance.destroy(); } window.removeEventListener('resize', this._fixSafariListener); this.delegateElement.off('change'); this.productItemColorSwatch.destroy(); if (this.resizeObserver) { this.resizeObserver.disconnect(); } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { var _this2 = this; this._fixSafariListener = this._fixSafari.bind(this); window.addEventListener('resize', this._fixSafariListener); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="add-to-cart"]', this._addToCart.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-secondary-action="open-quick-view"]', this._openQuickView.bind(this)); // If the browser supports ResizeObserver we use it to detect when the size of the items in the carousel change, // and if that's the case we force Flickity to resize if (window.ResizeObserver && this.flickityInstance) { this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function () { _this2.flickityInstance.resize(); }); this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-item').forEach(function (item) { _this2.resizeObserver.observe(item); }); } } /** * On Safari 11.1 and lower, the browser incorrectly calculate the height of flex and grid items due to a bug * on how padding percentage is calculated (that we use for allocating image space). This is solved in Safari 11.1 and higher. * * For those browsers, we fix that in JavaScript by setting the height directly for each aspect ratio image * * @private */ }, { key: "_fixSafari", value: function _fixSafari() { var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (userAgent.includes('safari') && (userAgent.includes('version/10.1') || userAgent.includes('version/10.3') || userAgent.includes('version/11.0'))) { var isPhone = Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone'); this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-item__image-wrapper .aspect-ratio, .product-item__image-wrapper .placeholder-svg').forEach(function (image) { if (isPhone) { image.parentNode.style.height = null; } else { image.parentNode.style.height = "".concat(image.clientHeight, "px"); } }); } } }, { key: "_openQuickView", value: function _openQuickView(event, target) { var productUrl = new URL("".concat(window.location.origin).concat(target.getAttribute('data-product-url'))); // If we are on mobile or tablet, we redirect to product page directly if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone') || Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('tablet')) { window.location.href = productUrl.href; return false; } var modal = document.getElementById(target.getAttribute('aria-controls')); modal.classList.add('is-loading'); productUrl.searchParams.set('view', 'quick-view'); fetch(productUrl.href, { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET' }).then(function (response) { response.text().then(function (content) { modal.querySelector('.modal__inner').innerHTML = content; modal.classList.remove('is-loading'); // Register a new section to power the JS var modalProductSection = new ProductSection(modal.querySelector('[data-section-type="product"]')); // We set a listener so we can cleanup on close var doCleanUp = function doCleanUp() { modalProductSection.onUnload(); modal.removeEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }; modal.addEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }); }); } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INTERNAL CODE THAT HANDLE PRODUCT ADD TO CART * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }, { key: "_addToCart", value: function _addToCart(event, target) { var _this3 = this; if (window.theme.cartType === 'page') { return; // When using a cart type of page, we just simply redirect to the cart page } event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form to be submitted event.stopPropagation(); // First, we switch the status of the button target.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); // Then we add the product in Ajax var formElement = target.closest('form[action*="/cart/add"]'); fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartAddUrl, ".js"), { body: JSON.stringify(Form.serialize(formElement)), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }).then(function (response) { target.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (response.ok) { // We simply trigger an event so the mini-cart can re-render _this3.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('product:added', { bubbles: true, detail: { button: target, variant: null, quantity: parseInt(formElement.querySelector('[name="quantity"]').value) } })); } else { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); } }); event.preventDefault(); } }]); return FeaturedCollectionSection; }(); var GiftCardSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function GiftCardSection(container) { _classCallCheck(this, GiftCardSection); this.element = container; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this._createQrCode(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(GiftCardSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.delegateElement.off(); } }, { key: "_createQrCode", value: function _createQrCode() { var qrCodeElements = document.querySelectorAll('.gift-card__qr'); qrCodeElements.forEach(function (qrCodeElement) { new QRCode(qrCodeElement, { text: qrCodeElement.getAttribute('data-identifier'), width: 200, height: 200 }); }); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="print"]', this._print.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="select-code"]', this._selectCode.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_print", value: function _print() { window.print(); } }, { key: "_selectCode", value: function _selectCode(event, element) { element.select(); } }]); return GiftCardSection; }(); var FooterSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function FooterSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, FooterSection); this.element = element; this.domDelegate = new Delegate(this.element); this.localeValuePicker = new ValuePicker('footer-locale-picker'); this.currencyValuePicker = new ValuePicker('footer-currency-picker'); this.cookieBarElement = this.element.querySelector('.cookie-bar'); this._setupCollapsibles(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(FooterSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this._setupCollapsiblesListener); this.domDelegate.off(); this.localeValuePicker.destroy(); this.currencyValuePicker.destroy(); } }, { key: "onSelect", value: function onSelect() { if (this.cookieBarElement) { this.cookieBarElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); } } }, { key: "onDeselect", value: function onDeselect() { if (this.cookieBarElement) { this.cookieBarElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._setupCollapsiblesListener = this._setupCollapsibles.bind(this); window.addEventListener('resize', this._setupCollapsiblesListener); this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="accept-terms"]', this._acceptCookieBarTerms.bind(this)); this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="decline-terms"]', this._declineCookieBarTerms.bind(this)); } /** * On mobile, some block items are collapsed, so we must slightly edit their HTML */ }, { key: "_setupCollapsibles", value: function _setupCollapsibles() { var collapsibleToggles = this.element.querySelectorAll('[data-action="toggle-collapsible"]'), isPhone = Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone'); collapsibleToggles.forEach(function (collapsibleToggle) { if (isPhone) { collapsibleToggle.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { collapsibleToggle.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.getElementById(collapsibleToggle.getAttribute('aria-controls')).style.height = ''; } }); } }, { key: "_setupCookieBar", value: function _setupCookieBar() { // We check if we should make it visible try { if (window.Shopify.customerPrivacy.shouldShowGDPRBanner()) { this.cookieBarElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); } } catch (e) {// Adblockers may prevent the customerPrivacy API from being loaded, so we catch errors here. } } }, { key: "_acceptCookieBarTerms", value: function _acceptCookieBarTerms() { var _this = this; window.Shopify.customerPrivacy.setTrackingConsent(true, function () { return _this.cookieBarElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); }); } }, { key: "_declineCookieBarTerms", value: function _declineCookieBarTerms() { var _this2 = this; window.Shopify.customerPrivacy.setTrackingConsent(false, function () { return _this2.cookieBarElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); }); } }]); return FooterSection; }(); var SearchBar = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function SearchBar(element) { _classCallCheck(this, SearchBar); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.headerElement = this.element.closest('.header'); this.searchBarElement = this.element.querySelector('.search-bar'); this.inputElement = this.element.querySelector('[name="q"]'); this.searchMenuElement = this.element.querySelector('.search-bar__menu-wrapper'); this.searchResultsElement = this.element.querySelector('.search-bar__results'); this.closeButtonElement = this.element.querySelector('.search-bar__close-button'); this.productTypeFilter = ''; this.isSearchOpen = false; this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(SearchBar, [{ key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.delegateElement.off(); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="clear-input"]', this._clearInput.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="unfix-search"]', this._unfixMobileSearch.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('focusin', '[name="q"]', this._onInputFocus.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('click', this._onFocusOut.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('keydown', '[name="q"]', this._handleTab.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('input', '[name="q"]', this._debounce(this._doSearch.bind(this), 250)); this.delegateElement.on('change', '#search-product-type', this._productTypeChanged.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('submit', this._onFormSubmit.bind(this)); } /** * Toggle the mobile search (only applicable if the show condensed search is shown) */ }, { key: "toggleMobileSearch", value: function toggleMobileSearch() { if (this.isSearchOpen) { this.headerElement.classList.remove('header--search-expanded'); this.element.classList.remove('is-visible'); } else { this.headerElement.classList.add('header--search-expanded'); this.element.classList.add('is-visible'); } this.isSearchOpen = !this.isSearchOpen; } }, { key: "_unfixMobileSearch", value: function _unfixMobileSearch() { this.element.classList.remove('is-fixed'); this.closeButtonElement.style.width = ''; this.searchBarElement.classList.remove('is-expanded'); this.searchResultsElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); this.inputElement.classList.remove('is-filled'); document.body.classList.remove('no-mobile-scroll'); if (this.searchMenuElement) { this.searchMenuElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } } /** * Only on mobile */ }, { key: "_clearInput", value: function _clearInput() { this.inputElement.value = ''; this.inputElement.classList.remove('is-filled'); this.searchResultsElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); if (this.searchMenuElement) { this.searchMenuElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); } } /** * When the input get focus, we display the quick links if they were specified by the merchant, or we open results if * results were previously loaded */ }, { key: "_onInputFocus", value: function _onInputFocus() { this.element.classList.add('is-fixed'); this.closeButtonElement.style.width = "".concat(this.closeButtonElement.firstElementChild.offsetWidth, "px"); document.body.classList.add('no-mobile-scroll'); if (this.inputElement.value === '') { if (this.searchMenuElement) { this.searchMenuElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); } this.searchResultsElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } else { if (this.searchMenuElement) { this.searchMenuElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } this.searchResultsElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); this.inputElement.classList.add('is-filled'); this.searchBarElement.classList.add('is-expanded'); } if (this.searchMenuElement) { this.searchBarElement.classList.add('is-expanded'); } } /** * Whenever the focus leaves the search, we close everything (both search results and quick links) */ }, { key: "_onFocusOut", value: function _onFocusOut(event) { var _this = this; // On phone, nothing happens on focus out if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone')) { return; } if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone') || event.target.classList.contains('search-bar__input') || event.target.closest('.search-bar__inner')) { return; } setTimeout(function () { _this.element.classList.remove('is-fixed'); document.body.classList.remove('no-mobile-scroll'); if (!_this.element.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { if (_this.searchMenuElement) { _this.searchMenuElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } _this.searchResultsElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); _this.searchBarElement.classList.remove('is-expanded'); } }, 150); } /** * This allows to slightly improve the accessibility and user experience by directly focusing on the first search results (if any) */ }, { key: "_handleTab", value: function _handleTab(event) { if (event.key !== 'Tab') { return; } // Try to get the first link into the results to give focus to this element var firstFocusableElement = this.searchResultsElement.querySelector('a'); if (firstFocusableElement) { firstFocusableElement.focus(); event.preventDefault(); } } /** * Fire the different Ajax requests */ }, { key: "_doSearch", value: function _doSearch() { var _this2 = this; // Unfortunately, fetch does not support as of today cancelling a request. As a consequence what we do is that we manually // keep track of sent requests, and only use the results of the last one var currentInput = this.inputElement.value; this.lastInputValue = currentInput; if (currentInput === '') { if (this.searchMenuElement) { this.searchMenuElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); } else { this.searchBarElement.classList.remove('is-expanded'); } this.searchResultsElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } else { if (this.searchMenuElement) { this.searchMenuElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } this.searchResultsElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); this.searchBarElement.classList.add('is-expanded', 'is-loading'); var queryOptions = { method: 'GET', credentials: 'same-origin' }, productQuery = "".concat(this.productTypeFilter !== '' ? "product_type:".concat(this.productTypeFilter, " AND ") : '').concat(encodeURIComponent(this.lastInputValue)), queries = [fetch("".concat(window.routes.searchUrl, "?section_id=search-ajax&q=").concat(productQuery, "&options[prefix]=last&options[unavailable_products]=").concat(window.theme.searchUnavailableProducts, "&type=product").concat('&',window.location.search.substr(1)), queryOptions)]; // if (window.theme.searchMode !== 'product') { // queries.push(fetch("".concat(window.routes.searchUrl, "?section_id=search-ajax&q=").concat(encodeURIComponent(this.lastInputValue), "&options[prefix]=last&type=").concat(window.theme.searchMode.replace('product,', '')), queryOptions)); // } Promise.all(queries).then(function (responses) { // If we receive the result for a query that is not the last one, we simply do not process the result if (_this2.lastInputValue !== currentInput) { return; } Promise.all(responses.map(function (response) { return response.text().then(function (responseAsText) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = responseAsText; return div.querySelector('.search-ajax').innerHTML; }); })).then(function (contents) { _this2.searchBarElement.classList.remove('is-loading'); var searchContent = document.createElement('div'); searchContent.innerHTML = contents.join('').trim(); // If there is a "view all" button, we move it at the end of the results var viewAll = searchContent.querySelector('.search-bar__view-all'); if (viewAll) { searchContent.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', viewAll); } _this2.searchBarElement.querySelector('.search-bar__results-inner').innerHTML = searchContent.innerHTML; }); }); } } /** * Warehouse allows to display a filter by type. When its value change, we re-do a new search to get the new data */ }, { key: "_productTypeChanged", value: function _productTypeChanged(event, target) { target.closest('.search-bar__filter').querySelector('.search-bar__filter-active').innerText = target.options[target.selectedIndex].innerText; this.productTypeFilter = target.value; if (this.inputElement.value !== '') { this._doSearch(); } } /** * Called when the form is submitted using the Enter key. We have to capture it and transform the query to include the wildcard */ }, { key: "_onFormSubmit", value: function _onFormSubmit(event) { var cloneNode = this.inputElement.cloneNode(); cloneNode.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); cloneNode.value = ''; if (this.productTypeFilter !== '') { cloneNode.value += "product_type:".concat(this.productTypeFilter); if (this.inputElement.value !== '') { cloneNode.value += ' AND '; } } cloneNode.value += this.inputElement.value; // We remove the "q" attribute on existing node so it's not submitted this.inputElement.removeAttribute('name'); // And we insert it into the DOM this.inputElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', cloneNode); } /** * Simple function that allows to debounce */ }, { key: "_debounce", value: function _debounce(fn, delay) { var _this3 = this; var timer = null; return function () { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { fn.apply(_this3, args); }, delay); }; } }]); return SearchBar; }(); var HeaderSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function HeaderSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, HeaderSection); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); this.searchBar = new SearchBar(this.element.querySelector('.header__search-bar-wrapper')); this.cart = new Cart(this.element.querySelector('.header__action-item--cart'), { useStickyHeader: this.options['useStickyHeader'] }); // We create the desktop and mobile navigation conditionally as we've found that some merchants may have no menu var desktopNavigationElement = this.element.querySelector(this.options['navigationLayout'] === 'inline' ? '.nav-bar' : '.header__desktop-nav'); if (desktopNavigationElement) { this.desktopNavigation = new DesktopNavigation(desktopNavigationElement, this.options['navigationLayout'], this.options['desktopOpenTrigger']); } var mobileNavigationElement = this.element.querySelector('.header__mobile-nav'); if (mobileNavigationElement) { this.mobileNavigation = new MobileNavigation(mobileNavigationElement); } this._setupCssVariables(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(HeaderSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.searchBar.destroy(); this.cart.destroy(); if (this.desktopNavigation) { this.desktopNavigation.destroy(); } if (this.mobileNavigation) { this.mobileNavigation.destroy(); } window.removeEventListener('resize', this._setupCssVariablesListener); } }, { key: "onBlockSelect", value: function onBlockSelect(event) { if (this.desktopNavigation) { this.desktopNavigation.onBlockSelect(event); } } }, { key: "onBlockDeselect", value: function onBlockDeselect(event) { if (this.desktopNavigation) { this.desktopNavigation.onBlockDeselect(event); } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._setupCssVariablesListener = this._setupCssVariables.bind(this); window.addEventListener('resize', this._setupCssVariablesListener); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-search"]', this._toggleMobileSearch.bind(this)); } /** * We have some positioning that is based on the CSS variables, so we must make sure to update them whenever * the section is reloaded into the editor */ }, { key: "_setupCssVariables", value: function _setupCssVariables() { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--header-height', this.element.parentNode.clientHeight + 'px'); } /** * Toggle the mobile search */ }, { key: "_toggleMobileSearch", value: function _toggleMobileSearch(event) { this.searchBar.toggleMobileSearch(); event.preventDefault(); } }]); return HeaderSection; }(); var LoginSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function LoginSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, LoginSection); this.element = element; this.domDelegate = new Delegate(this.element); this.customerLoginForm = this.element.querySelector('#customer_login'); this.recoverPasswordForm = this.element.querySelector('#recover_customer_password'); this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-login-form"]', this._showRecoverPassword.bind(this)); } _createClass(LoginSection, [{ key: "_showRecoverPassword", value: function _showRecoverPassword() { var isLoginActive = this.customerLoginForm.style.display === 'block'; if (isLoginActive) { this.customerLoginForm.style.display = 'none'; this.recoverPasswordForm.style.display = 'block'; } else { this.customerLoginForm.style.display = 'block'; this.recoverPasswordForm.style.display = 'none'; } } }]); return LoginSection; }(); var MapSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function MapSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, MapSection); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); this.mapPositions = []; this.desktopMarkers = []; this.desktopMapElement = null; this.mobileMarkers = []; this.mobileMapElements = []; if (this.options['apiKey'] && this.options['mapAddresses'].length > 0) { this._loadScript().then(this._initMaps.bind(this)); } this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(MapSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.delegateElement.off('click'); if (this.options['apiKey'] && this.options['mapAddresses'].length > 0) { google.maps.event.clearInstanceListeners(window); } } }, { key: "onBlockSelect", value: function onBlockSelect(event) { this._showStore(event.target); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { var _this = this; this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="toggle-store"]', function (event, target) { _this._showStore(target.closest('.map__store-item')); }); } }, { key: "_showStore", value: function _showStore(storeItem) { var _this2 = this; var toggleButton = storeItem.querySelector('[data-action="toggle-store"]'); // If already open, we do nothing unless we are on mobile (as we need at least one store visible on desktop) if (Responsive.getCurrentBreakpoint() !== 'phone' && toggleButton.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { return; } // Otherwise, we activate it if (toggleButton.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); Animation.slideUp(storeItem.querySelector('.map__store-collapsible')); } else { toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); Animation.slideDown(storeItem.querySelector('.map__store-collapsible')); } // Finally, we close the other ones (if any is open) Dom.getSiblings(storeItem).forEach(function (storeItemToClose) { storeItemToClose.querySelector('[data-action="toggle-store"]').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); Animation.slideUp(storeItemToClose.querySelector('.map__store-collapsible')); }); // We need to move the map to the new center, and we need to change its color to make it active var storeIndex = parseInt(storeItem.getAttribute('data-store-index')); if (!this.desktopMapElement) return this.desktopMapElement.panTo(this.mapPositions[storeIndex]); this.desktopMarkers.forEach(function (marker, index) { marker.setMap(_this2.desktopMapElement); if (index === storeIndex) { marker.icon.fillColor = _this2.options['markerActiveColor']; } else { marker.icon.fillColor = _this2.options['markerColor']; } }); } }, { key: "_loadScript", value: function _loadScript() { var _this3 = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var script = document.createElement('script'); document.body.appendChild(script); script.onload = resolve; script.onerror = reject; script.async = true; script.src = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=".concat(_this3.options['apiKey']); }); } }, { key: "_initMaps", value: function _initMaps() { var _this4 = this; // First, we gather all the maps (desktop and mobile) var mapOptions = { zoom: this.options['zoom'], draggable: this.options['draggableMap'], clickableIcons: false, scrollwheel: this.options['draggableMap'], disableDoubleClickZoom: true, disableDefaultUI: !this.options['showMapControls'], styles: JSON.parse(this.element.querySelector('[data-gmap-style]').innerHTML) }; this.desktopMapElement = new google.maps.Map(this.element.querySelector('.map__map-container--desktop .map__gmap'), mapOptions); this.mobileMapElements = []; this.element.querySelectorAll('.map__map-container--mobile .map__gmap').forEach(function (item, index) { _this4.mobileMapElements[index] = new google.maps.Map(item, mapOptions); }); // Then we geocode all addresses this._geocodeAddresses(); // Make sure we attach the listeners so that it's properly resized google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'resize', function () { var desktopCenter = _this4.desktopMapElement.getCenter(); google.maps.event.trigger(_this4.desktopMapElement, 'resize'); _this4.desktopMapElement.setCenter(desktopCenter); _this4.mobileMapElements.forEach(function (mobileMap) { var mobileCenter = mobileMap.getCenter(); google.maps.event.trigger(mobileMap, 'resize'); mobileMap.setCenter(mobileCenter); }); }); } }, { key: "_onMarkerClicked", value: function _onMarkerClicked(address) { window.open("https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=".concat(address), '_blank'); } }, { key: "_geocodeAddresses", value: function _geocodeAddresses() { var _this5 = this; // Then, we geocode all the addresses, and place them on the map var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); this.options['mapAddresses'].forEach(function (address, index) { geocoder.geocode({ address: address }, function (results, status) { if (status !== google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { if (Shopify.designMode) ; } else { var position = results[0].geometry.location; _this5.mapPositions[index] = position; // The desktop map holds all the markers, so we add it to the desktop global map. _this5.desktopMarkers[index] = new google.maps.Marker({ map: index === 0 ? _this5.desktopMapElement : null, position: position, icon: { path: 'M12.5,0 C6.388889,0 0,4.7304348 0,12.5217391 C0,19.8956522 11.111111,31.1652174 11.527778,31.5826087 C11.805556,31.8608696 12.083333,32 12.5,32 C12.916667,32 13.194444,31.8608696 13.472222,31.5826087 C13.888889,31.1652174 25,19.8956522 25,12.5217391 C25,4.7304348 18.611111,0 12.5,0 Z M12,16 C9.733333,16 8,14.2666667 8,12 C8,9.7333333 9.733333,8 12,8 C14.266667,8 16,9.7333333 16,12 C16,14.2666667 14.266667,16 12,16 Z', fillColor: index === 0 ? _this5.options['markerActiveColor'] : _this5.options['markerColor'], fillOpacity: 1, anchor: new google.maps.Point(12, 30), strokeWeight: 0 } }); // We then add it on the corresponding mobile map _this5.mobileMarkers[index] = new google.maps.Marker({ map: _this5.mobileMapElements[index], position: position, icon: { path: 'M12.5,0 C6.388889,0 0,4.7304348 0,12.5217391 C0,19.8956522 11.111111,31.1652174 11.527778,31.5826087 C11.805556,31.8608696 12.083333,32 12.5,32 C12.916667,32 13.194444,31.8608696 13.472222,31.5826087 C13.888889,31.1652174 25,19.8956522 25,12.5217391 C25,4.7304348 18.611111,0 12.5,0 Z M12,16 C9.733333,16 8,14.2666667 8,12 C8,9.7333333 9.733333,8 12,8 C14.266667,8 16,9.7333333 16,12 C16,14.2666667 14.266667,16 12,16 Z', fillColor: _this5.options['markerActiveColor'], fillOpacity: 1, anchor: new google.maps.Point(12, 30), strokeWeight: 0 } }); _this5.desktopMarkers[index].addListener('click', _this5._onMarkerClicked.bind(_this5, address)); _this5.mobileMarkers[index].addListener('click', _this5._onMarkerClicked.bind(_this5, address)); if (index === 0) { _this5.desktopMapElement.setCenter(position); } _this5.mobileMapElements[index].setCenter(position); } }); }); } }]); return MapSection; }(); var MinimalHeaderSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function MinimalHeaderSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, MinimalHeaderSection); this.element = element; this._setupCssVariables(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(MinimalHeaderSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this._setupCssVariablesListener); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._setupCssVariablesListener = this._setupCssVariables.bind(this); window.addEventListener('resize', this._setupCssVariablesListener); } /** * We have some positioning that is based on the CSS variables, so we must make sure to update them whenever * the section is reloaded into the editor */ }, { key: "_setupCssVariables", value: function _setupCssVariables() { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--header-height', this.element.parentNode.clientHeight + 'px'); } }]); return MinimalHeaderSection; }(); var QuickLinksSection = function QuickLinksSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, QuickLinksSection); this.element = element; // Make sure that the section is always visible in the editor, even if the option to hide it on desktop is checked if (Shopify.designMode) { this.element.classList.remove('hidden-lap-and-up'); } }; /** * This class handles both the newsletter popup and exit popup */ var PopupsSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function PopupsSection(element) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, PopupsSection); element.querySelectorAll('[data-popup-type]').forEach(function (popup) { if (popup.getAttribute('data-popup-type') === 'exit') { _this.exitPopup = new ExitPopup(popup); } else if (popup.getAttribute('data-popup-type') === 'newsletter') { _this.newsletterPopup = new NewsletterPopup(popup); } }); } _createClass(PopupsSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { if (this.exitPopup) { this.exitPopup.destroy(); } if (this.newsletterPopup) { this.newsletterPopup.destroy(); } } }, { key: "onBlockSelect", value: function onBlockSelect(event) { if (event.target.getAttribute('data-popup-type') === 'exit' && this.exitPopup) { this.exitPopup._openPopup(); } else if (event.target.getAttribute('data-popup-type') === 'newsletter' && this.newsletterPopup) { this.newsletterPopup._openPopup(); } } }, { key: "onBlockDeselect", value: function onBlockDeselect() { if (this.exitPopup) { this.exitPopup._closePopup(); } if (this.newsletterPopup) { this.newsletterPopup._closePopup(); } } }]); return PopupsSection; }(); var ProductRecommendationsSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ProductRecommendationsSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, ProductRecommendationsSection); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); if (this.options['useRecommendations']) { this._loadRecommendations().then(this._createSlideshow.bind(this)); } else { this._createSlideshow(); } this.productItemColorSwatch = new ProductItemColorSwatch(this.element); this._fixSafari(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(ProductRecommendationsSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { if (!this.options['stackable']) { this.flickityInstance.destroy(); } window.removeEventListener('resize', this._fixSafariListener); this.delegateElement.off('change'); this.productItemColorSwatch.destroy(); if (this.resizeObserver) { this.resizeObserver.disconnect(); } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this._fixSafariListener = this._fixSafari.bind(this); window.addEventListener('resize', this._fixSafariListener); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="add-to-cart"]', this._addToCart.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-secondary-action="open-quick-view"]', this._openQuickView.bind(this)); } /** * On Safari 11.1 and lower, the browser incorrectly calculate the height of flex and grid items due to a bug * on how padding percentage is calculated (that we use for allocating image space). This is solved in Safari 11.1 and higher. * * For those browsers, we fix that in JavaScript by setting the height directly for each aspect ratio image * * @private */ }, { key: "_fixSafari", value: function _fixSafari() { var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (userAgent.includes('safari') && (userAgent.includes('version/10.1') || userAgent.includes('version/10.3') || userAgent.includes('version/11.0'))) { var isPhone = Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone'); this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-item__image-wrapper .aspect-ratio, .product-item__image-wrapper .placeholder-svg').forEach(function (image) { if (isPhone) { image.parentNode.style.height = null; } else { image.parentNode.style.height = "".concat(image.clientHeight, "px"); } }); } } /** * This section uses the native product recommendations feature of Shopify (https://help.shopify.com/en/themes/liquid/objects/recommendations) */ }, { key: "_loadRecommendations", value: function _loadRecommendations() { var _this = this; var url = "".concat(window.routes.productRecommendationsUrl, "?section_id=").concat(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-id'), "&product_id=").concat(this.options['productId'], "&limit=").concat(this.options['recommendationsCount']); return fetch(url).then(function (response) { return response.text().then(function (content) { var container = document.createElement('div'); container.innerHTML = content; _this.element.querySelector('.product-recommendations').innerHTML = container.querySelector('.product-recommendations').innerHTML; _this.productItemColorSwatch.recalculateSwatches(); }); }); } }, { key: "_createSlideshow", value: function _createSlideshow() { var _this2 = this; if (!this.options['stackable']) { this.flickityInstance = new js(this.element.querySelector('.product-list'), { watchCSS: true, pageDots: false, prevNextButtons: true, contain: true, resize: false, groupCells: true, cellAlign: 'left', draggable: !window.matchMedia('(-moz-touch-enabled: 0), (hover: hover)').matches }); var lastWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { if (window.innerWidth !== lastWidth) { _this2.flickityInstance.resize(); lastWidth = window.innerWidth; } }); } // If the browser supports ResizeObserver we use it to detect when the size of the items in the carousel change, // and if that's the case we force Flickity to resize if (window.ResizeObserver && this.flickityInstance) { this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function () { _this2.flickityInstance.resize(); }); this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-item').forEach(function (item) { _this2.resizeObserver.observe(item); }); } } }, { key: "_openQuickView", value: function _openQuickView(event, target) { var productUrl = new URL("".concat(window.location.origin).concat(target.getAttribute('data-product-url'))); // If we are on mobile or tablet, we redirect to product page directly if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone') || Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('tablet')) { window.location.href = productUrl.href; return false; } var modal = document.getElementById(target.getAttribute('aria-controls')); modal.classList.add('is-loading'); productUrl.searchParams.set('view', 'quick-view'); fetch(productUrl.href, { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET' }).then(function (response) { response.text().then(function (content) { modal.querySelector('.modal__inner').innerHTML = content; modal.classList.remove('is-loading'); // Register a new section to power the JS var modalProductSection = new ProductSection(modal.querySelector('[data-section-type="product"]')); // We set a listener so we can cleanup on close var doCleanUp = function doCleanUp() { modalProductSection.onUnload(); modal.removeEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }; modal.addEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }); }); } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INTERNAL CODE THAT HANDLE PRODUCT ADD TO CART * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }, { key: "_addToCart", value: function _addToCart(event, target) { var _this3 = this; if (window.theme.cartType === 'page') { return; // When using a cart type of page, we just simply redirect to the cart page } event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form to be submitted event.stopPropagation(); // First, we switch the status of the button target.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); // Then we add the product in Ajax var formElement = target.closest('form[action*="/cart/add"]'); fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartAddUrl, ".js"), { body: JSON.stringify(Form.serialize(formElement)), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }).then(function (response) { target.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (response.ok) { // We simply trigger an event so the mini-cart can re-render _this3.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('product:added', { bubbles: true, detail: { button: target, variant: null, quantity: parseInt(formElement.querySelector('[name="quantity"]').value) } })); } else { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); } }); event.preventDefault(); } }]); return ProductRecommendationsSection; }(); var RecentlyViewedProductsSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function RecentlyViewedProductsSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, RecentlyViewedProductsSection); this.element = element; this.delegateElement = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); this.productItemColorSwatch = new ProductItemColorSwatch(this.element); this._fetchProducts(); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(RecentlyViewedProductsSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { if (this.flickityInstance) { this.flickityInstance.destroy(); } this.productItemColorSwatch.destroy(); if (this.resizeObserver) { this.resizeObserver.disconnect(); } } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-action="add-to-cart"]', this._addToCart.bind(this)); this.delegateElement.on('click', '[data-secondary-action="open-quick-view"]', this._openQuickView.bind(this)); } /** * In order to get the products to display, we hit the search template with the given IDs. */ }, { key: "_fetchProducts", value: function _fetchProducts() { var _this = this; var queryString = this._getSearchQueryString(); if (queryString === '') { return; } fetch("".concat(window.routes.searchUrl, "?section_id=").concat(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-id'), "&type=product&q=").concat(queryString), { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET' }).then(function (response) { response.text().then(function (content) { var tempElement = document.createElement('div'); tempElement.innerHTML = content; // Set the content _this.element.querySelector('.recently-viewed-products-placeholder').innerHTML = tempElement.querySelector('[data-section-type="recently-viewed-products"] .recently-viewed-products-placeholder').innerHTML; // By default the section hide the products, so we force the section to be visible _this.element.parentNode.style.display = 'block'; _this.productItemColorSwatch.recalculateSwatches(); // Create the slideshow _this.flickityInstance = new js(_this.element.querySelector('.product-list'), { watchCSS: true, pageDots: false, prevNextButtons: true, contain: true, resize: false, groupCells: true, cellAlign: 'left', draggable: !window.matchMedia('(-moz-touch-enabled: 0), (hover: hover)').matches }); var lastWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { if (window.innerWidth !== lastWidth) { _this.flickityInstance.resize(); lastWidth = window.innerWidth; } }); // If the browser supports ResizeObserver we use it to detect when the size of the items in the carousel change, // and if that's the case we force Flickity to resize if (window.ResizeObserver && _this.flickityInstance) { _this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function () { _this.flickityInstance.resize(); }); _this.element.querySelectorAll('.product-item').forEach(function (item) { _this.resizeObserver.observe(item); }); } }); }); } }, { key: "_getSearchQueryString", value: function _getSearchQueryString() { var items = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('recentlyViewedProducts') || '[]'); // If we are on a product template, we make sure to remove the main product from the related product if (items.includes(this.options['currentProductId'])) { items.splice(items.indexOf(this.options['currentProductId']), 1); } return items.map(function (item) { return 'id:' + item; }).join(' OR '); } }, { key: "_openQuickView", value: function _openQuickView(event, target) { var productUrl = new URL("".concat(window.location.origin).concat(target.getAttribute('data-product-url'))); // If we are on mobile or tablet, we redirect to product page directly if (Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('phone') || Responsive.matchesBreakpoint('tablet')) { window.location.href = productUrl.href; return false; } var modal = document.getElementById(target.getAttribute('aria-controls')); modal.classList.add('is-loading'); productUrl.searchParams.set('view', 'quick-view'); fetch(productUrl.href, { credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'GET' }).then(function (response) { response.text().then(function (content) { modal.querySelector('.modal__inner').innerHTML = content; modal.classList.remove('is-loading'); // Register a new section to power the JS var modalProductSection = new ProductSection(modal.querySelector('[data-section-type="product"]')); // We set a listener so we can cleanup on close var doCleanUp = function doCleanUp() { modalProductSection.onUnload(); modal.removeEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }; modal.addEventListener('modal:closed', doCleanUp); }); }); } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INTERNAL CODE THAT HANDLE PRODUCT ADD TO CART * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }, { key: "_addToCart", value: function _addToCart(event, target) { var _this2 = this; if (window.theme.cartType === 'page') { return; // When using a cart type of page, we just simply redirect to the cart page } event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form to be submitted event.stopPropagation(); // First, we switch the status of the button target.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:start')); // Then we add the product in Ajax var formElement = target.closest('form[action*="/cart/add"]'); fetch("".concat(window.routes.cartAddUrl, ".js"), { body: JSON.stringify(Form.serialize(formElement)), credentials: 'same-origin', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' // This is needed as currently there is a bug in Shopify that assumes this header } }).then(function (response) { target.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (response.ok) { // We simply trigger an event so the mini-cart can re-render _this2.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('product:added', { bubbles: true, detail: { button: target, variant: null, quantity: parseInt(formElement.querySelector('[name="quantity"]').value) } })); } else { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:loading:end')); } }); event.preventDefault(); } }]); return RecentlyViewedProductsSection; }(); /** * This code is extracted from Slate */ var SectionContainer = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function SectionContainer() { _classCallCheck(this, SectionContainer); this.constructors = []; this.instances = []; this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(SectionContainer, [{ key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { document.addEventListener('shopify:section:load', this._onSectionLoad.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('shopify:section:unload', this._onSectionUnload.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('shopify:section:select', this._onSelect.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('shopify:section:deselect', this._onDeselect.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('shopify:section:reorder', this._onReorder.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('shopify:block:select', this._onBlockSelect.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('shopify:block:deselect', this._onBlockDeselect.bind(this)); } }, { key: "register", value: function register(type, constructor) { var _this = this; this.constructors[type] = constructor; document.querySelectorAll("[data-section-type=".concat(type, "]")).forEach(function (container) { _this._createInstance(container, constructor); }); } /** * Return an object from an array of objects that matches the provided key and value */ }, { key: "_findInstance", value: function _findInstance(array, key, value) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i][key] === value) { return array[i]; } } } /** * Remove an object from an array of objects by matching the provided key and value */ }, { key: "_removeInstance", value: function _removeInstance(array, key, value) { var i = array.length; while (i--) { if (array[i][key] === value) { array.splice(i, 1); break; } } return array; } }, { key: "_onSectionLoad", value: function _onSectionLoad(event) { var container = event.target.querySelector('[data-section-id]'); if (container) { this._createInstance(container); } } }, { key: "_onSectionUnload", value: function _onSectionUnload(event) { var instance = this._findInstance(this.instances, 'id', event.detail.sectionId); if (!instance) { return; } if (typeof instance.onUnload === 'function') { instance.onUnload(event); } this.instances = this._removeInstance(this.instances, 'id', event.detail.sectionId); } }, { key: "_onSelect", value: function _onSelect(event) { var instance = this._findInstance(this.instances, 'id', event.detail.sectionId); if (instance && typeof instance.onSelect === 'function') { instance.onSelect(event); } } }, { key: "_onDeselect", value: function _onDeselect(event) { var instance = this._findInstance(this.instances, 'id', event.detail.sectionId); if (instance && typeof instance.onDeselect === 'function') { instance.onDeselect(event); } } }, { key: "_onReorder", value: function _onReorder(event) { var instance = this._findInstance(this.instances, 'id', event.detail.sectionId); if (instance && typeof instance.onReorder === 'function') { instance.onReorder(event); } } }, { key: "_onBlockSelect", value: function _onBlockSelect(event) { var instance = this._findInstance(this.instances, 'id', event.detail.sectionId); if (instance && typeof instance.onBlockSelect === 'function') { instance.onBlockSelect(event); } } }, { key: "_onBlockDeselect", value: function _onBlockDeselect(event) { var instance = this._findInstance(this.instances, 'id', event.detail.sectionId); if (instance && typeof instance.onBlockDeselect === 'function') { instance.onBlockDeselect(event); } } }, { key: "_createInstance", value: function _createInstance(container, constructor) { var id = container.getAttribute('data-section-id'), type = container.getAttribute('data-section-type'); constructor = constructor || this.constructors[type]; if (typeof constructor === 'undefined') { return; } try { var instance = Object.assign(new constructor(container), { id: id, type: type, container: container }); this.instances.push(instance); } catch (exception) { console.error('Logged exception (this may happen if you have tried to edit the code without properly adjusting the JavaScript): ' + exception.message); } } }]); return SectionContainer; }(); var SlideshowSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function SlideshowSection(element) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, SlideshowSection); this.element = element; this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); this.flickityInstance = new flickityFade(element.querySelector('.slideshow'), { pageDots: this.options['pageDots'], prevNextButtons: this.options['prevNextButtons'], wrapAround: true, dragThreshold: 12, resize: false, draggable: '>1', fade: this.options['transitionEffect'] === 'fade', setGallerySize: this.options['setGallerySize'], adaptiveHeight: this.options['adaptiveHeight'], autoPlay: this.options['autoPlay'] ? this.options['cycleSpeed'] : false }); var lastWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { if (window.innerWidth !== lastWidth) { _this.flickityInstance.resize(); lastWidth = window.innerWidth; } }); } _createClass(SlideshowSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.flickityInstance.destroy(); } }, { key: "onBlockSelect", value: function onBlockSelect(event) { if (this.flickityInstance.isActive) { this.flickityInstance.selectCell(parseInt(event.target.getAttribute('data-block-index')), false, event.detail.load); this.flickityInstance.pausePlayer(); } } }, { key: "onBlockDeselect", value: function onBlockDeselect() { if (this.flickityInstance.isActive) { this.flickityInstance.unpausePlayer(); } } }]); return SlideshowSection; }(); var TextWithIconsSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function TextWithIconsSection(element) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, TextWithIconsSection); this.flickityInstance = new js(element.querySelector('.text-with-icons'), { pageDots: true, prevNextButtons: false, wrapAround: true, autoPlay: 5000, resize: false, watchCSS: true }); var lastWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { if (window.innerWidth !== lastWidth) { _this.flickityInstance.resize(); lastWidth = window.innerWidth; } }); } _createClass(TextWithIconsSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.flickityInstance.destroy(); } }, { key: "onBlockSelect", value: function onBlockSelect(event) { if (this.flickityInstance.isActive) { this.flickityInstance.selectCell(parseInt(event.target.getAttribute('data-block-index')), false, event.detail.load); this.flickityInstance.pausePlayer(); } } }, { key: "onBlockDeselect", value: function onBlockDeselect() { if (this.flickityInstance.isActive) { this.flickityInstance.unpausePlayer(); } } }]); return TextWithIconsSection; }(); var VideoSection = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function VideoSection(element) { _classCallCheck(this, VideoSection); this.element = element; this.domDelegate = new Delegate(this.element); this.options = JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-section-settings')); this._attachListeners(); } _createClass(VideoSection, [{ key: "onUnload", value: function onUnload() { this.domDelegate.off('click'); } }, { key: "_attachListeners", value: function _attachListeners() { this.domDelegate.on('click', '[data-action="play-video"]', this._playVideo.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_playVideo", value: function _playVideo(event, target) { // To start the video, we simply replace the iframe source var iframe = target.querySelector('iframe'); iframe.src = iframe.getAttribute('data-src'); target.classList.add('is-playing'); } }]); return VideoSection; }(); var smoothscroll = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { /* smoothscroll v0.4.4 - 2019 - Dustan Kasten, Jeremias Menichelli - MIT License */ (function () { function polyfill() { // aliases var w = window; var d = document; // return if scroll behavior is supported and polyfill is not forced if ('scrollBehavior' in d.documentElement.style && w.__forceSmoothScrollPolyfill__ !== true) { return; } // globals var Element = w.HTMLElement || w.Element; var SCROLL_TIME = 468; // object gathering original scroll methods var original = { scroll: w.scroll || w.scrollTo, scrollBy: w.scrollBy, elementScroll: Element.prototype.scroll || scrollElement, scrollIntoView: Element.prototype.scrollIntoView }; // define timing method var now = w.performance && w.performance.now ? w.performance.now.bind(w.performance) : Date.now; /** * indicates if a the current browser is made by Microsoft * @method isMicrosoftBrowser * @param {String} userAgent * @returns {Boolean} */ function isMicrosoftBrowser(userAgent) { var userAgentPatterns = ['MSIE ', 'Trident/', 'Edge/']; return new RegExp(userAgentPatterns.join('|')).test(userAgent); } /* * IE has rounding bug rounding down clientHeight and clientWidth and * rounding up scrollHeight and scrollWidth causing false positives * on hasScrollableSpace */ var ROUNDING_TOLERANCE = isMicrosoftBrowser(w.navigator.userAgent) ? 1 : 0; /** * changes scroll position inside an element * @method scrollElement * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @returns {undefined} */ function scrollElement(x, y) { this.scrollLeft = x; this.scrollTop = y; } /** * returns result of applying ease math function to a number * @method ease * @param {Number} k * @returns {Number} */ function ease(k) { return 0.5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * k)); } /** * indicates if a smooth behavior should be applied * @method shouldBailOut * @param {Number|Object} firstArg * @returns {Boolean} */ function shouldBailOut(firstArg) { if (firstArg === null || _typeof(firstArg) !== 'object' || firstArg.behavior === undefined || firstArg.behavior === 'auto' || firstArg.behavior === 'instant') { // first argument is not an object/null // or behavior is auto, instant or undefined return true; } if (_typeof(firstArg) === 'object' && firstArg.behavior === 'smooth') { // first argument is an object and behavior is smooth return false; } // throw error when behavior is not supported throw new TypeError('behavior member of ScrollOptions ' + firstArg.behavior + ' is not a valid value for enumeration ScrollBehavior.'); } /** * indicates if an element has scrollable space in the provided axis * @method hasScrollableSpace * @param {Node} el * @param {String} axis * @returns {Boolean} */ function hasScrollableSpace(el, axis) { if (axis === 'Y') { return el.clientHeight + ROUNDING_TOLERANCE < el.scrollHeight; } if (axis === 'X') { return el.clientWidth + ROUNDING_TOLERANCE < el.scrollWidth; } } /** * indicates if an element has a scrollable overflow property in the axis * @method canOverflow * @param {Node} el * @param {String} axis * @returns {Boolean} */ function canOverflow(el, axis) { var overflowValue = w.getComputedStyle(el, null)['overflow' + axis]; return overflowValue === 'auto' || overflowValue === 'scroll'; } /** * indicates if an element can be scrolled in either axis * @method isScrollable * @param {Node} el * @param {String} axis * @returns {Boolean} */ function isScrollable(el) { var isScrollableY = hasScrollableSpace(el, 'Y') && canOverflow(el, 'Y'); var isScrollableX = hasScrollableSpace(el, 'X') && canOverflow(el, 'X'); return isScrollableY || isScrollableX; } /** * finds scrollable parent of an element * @method findScrollableParent * @param {Node} el * @returns {Node} el */ function findScrollableParent(el) { while (el !== d.body && isScrollable(el) === false) { el = el.parentNode || el.host; } return el; } /** * self invoked function that, given a context, steps through scrolling * @method step * @param {Object} context * @returns {undefined} */ function step(context) { var time = now(); var value; var currentX; var currentY; var elapsed = (time - context.startTime) / SCROLL_TIME; // avoid elapsed times higher than one elapsed = elapsed > 1 ? 1 : elapsed; // apply easing to elapsed time value = ease(elapsed); currentX = context.startX + (context.x - context.startX) * value; currentY = context.startY + (context.y - context.startY) * value; context.method.call(context.scrollable, currentX, currentY); // scroll more if we have not reached our destination if (currentX !== context.x || currentY !== context.y) { w.requestAnimationFrame(step.bind(w, context)); } } /** * scrolls window or element with a smooth behavior * @method smoothScroll * @param {Object|Node} el * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @returns {undefined} */ function smoothScroll(el, x, y) { var scrollable; var startX; var startY; var method; var startTime = now(); // define scroll context if (el === d.body) { scrollable = w; startX = w.scrollX || w.pageXOffset; startY = w.scrollY || w.pageYOffset; method = original.scroll; } else { scrollable = el; startX = el.scrollLeft; startY = el.scrollTop; method = scrollElement; } // scroll looping over a frame step({ scrollable: scrollable, method: method, startTime: startTime, startX: startX, startY: startY, x: x, y: y }); } // ORIGINAL METHODS OVERRIDES // w.scroll and w.scrollTo w.scroll = w.scrollTo = function () { // avoid action when no arguments are passed if (arguments[0] === undefined) { return; } // avoid smooth behavior if not required if (shouldBailOut(arguments[0]) === true) { original.scroll.call(w, arguments[0].left !== undefined ? arguments[0].left : _typeof(arguments[0]) !== 'object' ? arguments[0] : w.scrollX || w.pageXOffset, // use top prop, second argument if present or fallback to scrollY arguments[0].top !== undefined ? arguments[0].top : arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : w.scrollY || w.pageYOffset); return; } // LET THE SMOOTHNESS BEGIN! smoothScroll.call(w, d.body, arguments[0].left !== undefined ? ~~arguments[0].left : w.scrollX || w.pageXOffset, arguments[0].top !== undefined ? ~~arguments[0].top : w.scrollY || w.pageYOffset); }; // w.scrollBy w.scrollBy = function () { // avoid action when no arguments are passed if (arguments[0] === undefined) { return; } // avoid smooth behavior if not required if (shouldBailOut(arguments[0])) { original.scrollBy.call(w, arguments[0].left !== undefined ? arguments[0].left : _typeof(arguments[0]) !== 'object' ? arguments[0] : 0, arguments[0].top !== undefined ? arguments[0].top : arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0); return; } // LET THE SMOOTHNESS BEGIN! smoothScroll.call(w, d.body, ~~arguments[0].left + (w.scrollX || w.pageXOffset), ~~arguments[0].top + (w.scrollY || w.pageYOffset)); }; // Element.prototype.scroll and Element.prototype.scrollTo Element.prototype.scroll = Element.prototype.scrollTo = function () { // avoid action when no arguments are passed if (arguments[0] === undefined) { return; } // avoid smooth behavior if not required if (shouldBailOut(arguments[0]) === true) { // if one number is passed, throw error to match Firefox implementation if (typeof arguments[0] === 'number' && arguments[1] === undefined) { throw new SyntaxError('Value could not be converted'); } original.elementScroll.call(this, // use left prop, first number argument or fallback to scrollLeft arguments[0].left !== undefined ? ~~arguments[0].left : _typeof(arguments[0]) !== 'object' ? ~~arguments[0] : this.scrollLeft, // use top prop, second argument or fallback to scrollTop arguments[0].top !== undefined ? ~~arguments[0].top : arguments[1] !== undefined ? ~~arguments[1] : this.scrollTop); return; } var left = arguments[0].left; var top = arguments[0].top; // LET THE SMOOTHNESS BEGIN! smoothScroll.call(this, this, typeof left === 'undefined' ? this.scrollLeft : ~~left, typeof top === 'undefined' ? this.scrollTop : ~~top); }; // Element.prototype.scrollBy Element.prototype.scrollBy = function () { // avoid action when no arguments are passed if (arguments[0] === undefined) { return; } // avoid smooth behavior if not required if (shouldBailOut(arguments[0]) === true) { original.elementScroll.call(this, arguments[0].left !== undefined ? ~~arguments[0].left + this.scrollLeft : ~~arguments[0] + this.scrollLeft, arguments[0].top !== undefined ? ~~arguments[0].top + this.scrollTop : ~~arguments[1] + this.scrollTop); return; } this.scroll({ left: ~~arguments[0].left + this.scrollLeft, top: ~~arguments[0].top + this.scrollTop, behavior: arguments[0].behavior }); }; // Element.prototype.scrollIntoView Element.prototype.scrollIntoView = function () { // avoid smooth behavior if not required if (shouldBailOut(arguments[0]) === true) { original.scrollIntoView.call(this, arguments[0] === undefined ? true : arguments[0]); return; } // LET THE SMOOTHNESS BEGIN! var scrollableParent = findScrollableParent(this); var parentRects = scrollableParent.getBoundingClientRect(); var clientRects = this.getBoundingClientRect(); if (scrollableParent !== d.body) { // reveal element inside parent smoothScroll.call(this, scrollableParent, scrollableParent.scrollLeft + clientRects.left - parentRects.left, scrollableParent.scrollTop + clientRects.top - parentRects.top); // reveal parent in viewport unless is fixed if (w.getComputedStyle(scrollableParent).position !== 'fixed') { w.scrollBy({ left: parentRects.left, top: parentRects.top, behavior: 'smooth' }); } } else { // reveal element in viewport w.scrollBy({ left: clientRects.left, top: clientRects.top, behavior: 'smooth' }); } }; } { // commonjs module.exports = { polyfill: polyfill }; } })(); }); /*! instant.page v5.1.0 - (C) 2019-2020 Alexandre Dieulot - https://instant.page/license */ var mouseoverTimer; var lastTouchTimestamp; var prefetches = new Set(); var prefetchElement = document.createElement('link'); var isSupported = prefetchElement.relList && prefetchElement.relList.supports && prefetchElement.relList.supports('prefetch') && window.IntersectionObserver && 'isIntersecting' in IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype; var allowQueryString = ('instantAllowQueryString' in document.body.dataset); var allowExternalLinks = ('instantAllowExternalLinks' in document.body.dataset); var useWhitelist = ('instantWhitelist' in document.body.dataset); var mousedownShortcut = ('instantMousedownShortcut' in document.body.dataset); var DELAY_TO_NOT_BE_CONSIDERED_A_TOUCH_INITIATED_ACTION = 1111; var delayOnHover = 65; var useMousedown = false; var useMousedownOnly = false; var useViewport = false; if ('instantIntensity' in document.body.dataset) { var intensity = document.body.dataset.instantIntensity; if (intensity.substr(0, 'mousedown'.length) == 'mousedown') { useMousedown = true; if (intensity == 'mousedown-only') { useMousedownOnly = true; } } else if (intensity.substr(0, 'viewport'.length) == 'viewport') { if (!(navigator.connection && (navigator.connection.saveData || navigator.connection.effectiveType && navigator.connection.effectiveType.includes('2g')))) { if (intensity == "viewport") { /* Biggest iPhone resolution (which we want): 414 × 896 = 370944 * Small 7" tablet resolution (which we don’t want): 600 × 1024 = 614400 * Note that the viewport (which we check here) is smaller than the resolution due to the UI’s chrome */ if (document.documentElement.clientWidth * document.documentElement.clientHeight < 450000) { useViewport = true; } } else if (intensity == "viewport-all") { useViewport = true; } } } else { var milliseconds = parseInt(intensity); if (!isNaN(milliseconds)) { delayOnHover = milliseconds; } } } if (isSupported) { var eventListenersOptions = { capture: true, passive: true }; if (!useMousedownOnly) { document.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstartListener, eventListenersOptions); } if (!useMousedown) { document.addEventListener('mouseover', mouseoverListener, eventListenersOptions); } else if (!mousedownShortcut) { document.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownListener, eventListenersOptions); } if (mousedownShortcut) { document.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownShortcutListener, eventListenersOptions); } if (useViewport) { var triggeringFunction; if (window.requestIdleCallback) { triggeringFunction = function triggeringFunction(callback) { requestIdleCallback(callback, { timeout: 1500 }); }; } else { triggeringFunction = function triggeringFunction(callback) { callback(); }; } triggeringFunction(function () { var intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) { entries.forEach(function (entry) { if (entry.isIntersecting) { var linkElement = entry.target; intersectionObserver.unobserve(linkElement); preload(linkElement.href); } }); }); document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(function (linkElement) { if (isPreloadable(linkElement)) { intersectionObserver.observe(linkElement); } }); }); } } function touchstartListener(event) { /* Chrome on Android calls mouseover before touchcancel so `lastTouchTimestamp` * must be assigned on touchstart to be measured on mouseover. */ lastTouchTimestamp = performance.now(); var linkElement = event.target.closest('a'); if (!isPreloadable(linkElement)) { return; } preload(linkElement.href); } function mouseoverListener(event) { if (performance.now() - lastTouchTimestamp < DELAY_TO_NOT_BE_CONSIDERED_A_TOUCH_INITIATED_ACTION) { return; } var linkElement = event.target.closest('a'); if (!isPreloadable(linkElement)) { return; } linkElement.addEventListener('mouseout', mouseoutListener, { passive: true }); mouseoverTimer = setTimeout(function () { preload(linkElement.href); mouseoverTimer = undefined; }, delayOnHover); } function mousedownListener(event) { var linkElement = event.target.closest('a'); if (!isPreloadable(linkElement)) { return; } preload(linkElement.href); } function mouseoutListener(event) { if (event.relatedTarget && event.target.closest('a') == event.relatedTarget.closest('a')) { return; } if (mouseoverTimer) { clearTimeout(mouseoverTimer); mouseoverTimer = undefined; } } function mousedownShortcutListener(event) { if (performance.now() - lastTouchTimestamp < DELAY_TO_NOT_BE_CONSIDERED_A_TOUCH_INITIATED_ACTION) { return; } var linkElement = event.target.closest('a'); if (event.which > 1 || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { return; } if (!linkElement) { return; } linkElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) { if (event.detail == 1337) { return; } event.preventDefault(); }, { capture: true, passive: false, once: true }); var customEvent = new MouseEvent('click', { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, detail: 1337 }); linkElement.dispatchEvent(customEvent); } function isPreloadable(linkElement) { if (!linkElement || !linkElement.href) { return; } if (useWhitelist && !('instant' in linkElement.dataset)) { return; } if (!allowExternalLinks && linkElement.origin != location.origin && !('instant' in linkElement.dataset)) { return; } if (!['http:', 'https:'].includes(linkElement.protocol)) { return; } if (linkElement.protocol == 'http:' && location.protocol == 'https:') { return; } if (!allowQueryString && linkElement.search && !('instant' in linkElement.dataset)) { return; } if (linkElement.hash && linkElement.pathname + linkElement.search == location.pathname + location.search) { return; } if ('noInstant' in linkElement.dataset) { return; } return true; } function preload(url) { if (prefetches.has(url)) { return; } var prefetcher = document.createElement('link'); prefetcher.rel = 'prefetch'; prefetcher.href = url; document.head.appendChild(prefetcher); prefetches.add(url); } var lazysizes = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { (function (window, factory) { var lazySizes = factory(window, window.document, Date); window.lazySizes = lazySizes; if ( module.exports) { module.exports = lazySizes; } })(typeof window != 'undefined' ? window : {}, function l(window, document, Date) { /*jshint eqnull:true */ var lazysizes, lazySizesCfg; (function () { var prop; var lazySizesDefaults = { lazyClass: 'lazyload', loadedClass: 'lazyloaded', loadingClass: 'lazyloading', preloadClass: 'lazypreload', errorClass: 'lazyerror', //strictClass: 'lazystrict', autosizesClass: 'lazyautosizes', srcAttr: 'data-src', srcsetAttr: 'data-srcset', sizesAttr: 'data-sizes', //preloadAfterLoad: false, minSize: 40, customMedia: {}, init: true, expFactor: 1.5, hFac: 0.8, loadMode: 2, loadHidden: true, ricTimeout: 0, throttleDelay: 125 }; lazySizesCfg = window.lazySizesConfig || window.lazysizesConfig || {}; for (prop in lazySizesDefaults) { if (!(prop in lazySizesCfg)) { lazySizesCfg[prop] = lazySizesDefaults[prop]; } } })(); if (!document || !document.getElementsByClassName) { return { init: function init() {}, cfg: lazySizesCfg, noSupport: true }; } var docElem = document.documentElement; var supportPicture = window.HTMLPictureElement; var _addEventListener = 'addEventListener'; var _getAttribute = 'getAttribute'; /** * Update to bind to window because 'this' becomes null during SSR * builds. */ var addEventListener = window[_addEventListener].bind(window); var setTimeout = window.setTimeout; var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout; var requestIdleCallback = window.requestIdleCallback; var regPicture = /^picture$/i; var loadEvents = ['load', 'error', 'lazyincluded', '_lazyloaded']; var regClassCache = {}; var forEach = Array.prototype.forEach; var hasClass = function hasClass(ele, cls) { if (!regClassCache[cls]) { regClassCache[cls] = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)'); } return regClassCache[cls].test(ele[_getAttribute]('class') || '') && regClassCache[cls]; }; var addClass = function addClass(ele, cls) { if (!hasClass(ele, cls)) { ele.setAttribute('class', (ele[_getAttribute]('class') || '').trim() + ' ' + cls); } }; var removeClass = function removeClass(ele, cls) { var reg; if (reg = hasClass(ele, cls)) { ele.setAttribute('class', (ele[_getAttribute]('class') || '').replace(reg, ' ')); } }; var addRemoveLoadEvents = function addRemoveLoadEvents(dom, fn, add) { var action = add ? _addEventListener : 'removeEventListener'; if (add) { addRemoveLoadEvents(dom, fn); } loadEvents.forEach(function (evt) { dom[action](evt, fn); }); }; var triggerEvent = function triggerEvent(elem, name, detail, noBubbles, noCancelable) { var event = document.createEvent('Event'); if (!detail) { detail = {}; } detail.instance = lazysizes; event.initEvent(name, !noBubbles, !noCancelable); event.detail = detail; elem.dispatchEvent(event); return event; }; var updatePolyfill = function updatePolyfill(el, full) { var polyfill; if (!supportPicture && (polyfill = window.picturefill || lazySizesCfg.pf)) { if (full && full.src && !el[_getAttribute]('srcset')) { el.setAttribute('srcset', full.src); } polyfill({ reevaluate: true, elements: [el] }); } else if (full && full.src) { el.src = full.src; } }; var getCSS = function getCSS(elem, style) { return (getComputedStyle(elem, null) || {})[style]; }; var getWidth = function getWidth(elem, parent, width) { width = width || elem.offsetWidth; while (width < lazySizesCfg.minSize && parent && !elem._lazysizesWidth) { width = parent.offsetWidth; parent = parent.parentNode; } return width; }; var rAF = function () { var running, waiting; var firstFns = []; var secondFns = []; var fns = firstFns; var run = function run() { var runFns = fns; fns = firstFns.length ? secondFns : firstFns; running = true; waiting = false; while (runFns.length) { runFns.shift()(); } running = false; }; var rafBatch = function rafBatch(fn, queue) { if (running && !queue) { fn.apply(this, arguments); } else { fns.push(fn); if (!waiting) { waiting = true; (document.hidden ? setTimeout : requestAnimationFrame)(run); } } }; rafBatch._lsFlush = run; return rafBatch; }(); var rAFIt = function rAFIt(fn, simple) { return simple ? function () { rAF(fn); } : function () { var that = this; var args = arguments; rAF(function () { fn.apply(that, args); }); }; }; var throttle = function throttle(fn) { var running; var lastTime = 0; var gDelay = lazySizesCfg.throttleDelay; var rICTimeout = lazySizesCfg.ricTimeout; var run = function run() { running = false; lastTime = Date.now(); fn(); }; var idleCallback = requestIdleCallback && rICTimeout > 49 ? function () { requestIdleCallback(run, { timeout: rICTimeout }); if (rICTimeout !== lazySizesCfg.ricTimeout) { rICTimeout = lazySizesCfg.ricTimeout; } } : rAFIt(function () { setTimeout(run); }, true); return function (isPriority) { var delay; if (isPriority = isPriority === true) { rICTimeout = 33; } if (running) { return; } running = true; delay = gDelay - (Date.now() - lastTime); if (delay < 0) { delay = 0; } if (isPriority || delay < 9) { idleCallback(); } else { setTimeout(idleCallback, delay); } }; }; //based on http://modernjavascript.blogspot.de/2013/08/building-better-debounce.html var debounce = function debounce(func) { var timeout, timestamp; var wait = 99; var run = function run() { timeout = null; func(); }; var later = function later() { var last = Date.now() - timestamp; if (last < wait) { setTimeout(later, wait - last); } else { (requestIdleCallback || run)(run); } }; return function () { timestamp = Date.now(); if (!timeout) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); } }; }; var loader = function () { var preloadElems, isCompleted, resetPreloadingTimer, loadMode, started; var eLvW, elvH, eLtop, eLleft, eLright, eLbottom, isBodyHidden; var regImg = /^img$/i; var regIframe = /^iframe$/i; var supportScroll = 'onscroll' in window && !/(gle|ing)bot/.test(navigator.userAgent); var shrinkExpand = 0; var currentExpand = 0; var isLoading = 0; var lowRuns = -1; var resetPreloading = function resetPreloading(e) { isLoading--; if (!e || isLoading < 0 || !e.target) { isLoading = 0; } }; var isVisible = function isVisible(elem) { if (isBodyHidden == null) { isBodyHidden = getCSS(document.body, 'visibility') == 'hidden'; } return isBodyHidden || !(getCSS(elem.parentNode, 'visibility') == 'hidden' && getCSS(elem, 'visibility') == 'hidden'); }; var isNestedVisible = function isNestedVisible(elem, elemExpand) { var outerRect; var parent = elem; var visible = isVisible(elem); eLtop -= elemExpand; eLbottom += elemExpand; eLleft -= elemExpand; eLright += elemExpand; while (visible && (parent = parent.offsetParent) && parent != document.body && parent != docElem) { visible = (getCSS(parent, 'opacity') || 1) > 0; if (visible && getCSS(parent, 'overflow') != 'visible') { outerRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); visible = eLright > outerRect.left && eLleft < outerRect.right && eLbottom > outerRect.top - 1 && eLtop < outerRect.bottom + 1; } } return visible; }; var checkElements = function checkElements() { var eLlen, i, rect, autoLoadElem, loadedSomething, elemExpand, elemNegativeExpand, elemExpandVal, beforeExpandVal, defaultExpand, preloadExpand, hFac; var lazyloadElems = lazysizes.elements; if ((loadMode = lazySizesCfg.loadMode) && isLoading < 8 && (eLlen = lazyloadElems.length)) { i = 0; lowRuns++; for (; i < eLlen; i++) { if (!lazyloadElems[i] || lazyloadElems[i]._lazyRace) { continue; } if (!supportScroll || lazysizes.prematureUnveil && lazysizes.prematureUnveil(lazyloadElems[i])) { unveilElement(lazyloadElems[i]); continue; } if (!(elemExpandVal = lazyloadElems[i][_getAttribute]('data-expand')) || !(elemExpand = elemExpandVal * 1)) { elemExpand = currentExpand; } if (!defaultExpand) { defaultExpand = !lazySizesCfg.expand || lazySizesCfg.expand < 1 ? docElem.clientHeight > 500 && docElem.clientWidth > 500 ? 500 : 370 : lazySizesCfg.expand; lazysizes._defEx = defaultExpand; preloadExpand = defaultExpand * lazySizesCfg.expFactor; hFac = lazySizesCfg.hFac; isBodyHidden = null; if (currentExpand < preloadExpand && isLoading < 1 && lowRuns > 2 && loadMode > 2 && !document.hidden) { currentExpand = preloadExpand; lowRuns = 0; } else if (loadMode > 1 && lowRuns > 1 && isLoading < 6) { currentExpand = defaultExpand; } else { currentExpand = shrinkExpand; } } if (beforeExpandVal !== elemExpand) { eLvW = innerWidth + elemExpand * hFac; elvH = innerHeight + elemExpand; elemNegativeExpand = elemExpand * -1; beforeExpandVal = elemExpand; } rect = lazyloadElems[i].getBoundingClientRect(); if ((eLbottom = rect.bottom) >= elemNegativeExpand && (eLtop = rect.top) <= elvH && (eLright = rect.right) >= elemNegativeExpand * hFac && (eLleft = rect.left) <= eLvW && (eLbottom || eLright || eLleft || eLtop) && (lazySizesCfg.loadHidden || isVisible(lazyloadElems[i])) && (isCompleted && isLoading < 3 && !elemExpandVal && (loadMode < 3 || lowRuns < 4) || isNestedVisible(lazyloadElems[i], elemExpand))) { unveilElement(lazyloadElems[i]); loadedSomething = true; if (isLoading > 9) { break; } } else if (!loadedSomething && isCompleted && !autoLoadElem && isLoading < 4 && lowRuns < 4 && loadMode > 2 && (preloadElems[0] || lazySizesCfg.preloadAfterLoad) && (preloadElems[0] || !elemExpandVal && (eLbottom || eLright || eLleft || eLtop || lazyloadElems[i][_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.sizesAttr) != 'auto'))) { autoLoadElem = preloadElems[0] || lazyloadElems[i]; } } if (autoLoadElem && !loadedSomething) { unveilElement(autoLoadElem); } } }; var throttledCheckElements = throttle(checkElements); var switchLoadingClass = function switchLoadingClass(e) { var elem = e.target; if (elem._lazyCache) { delete elem._lazyCache; return; } resetPreloading(e); addClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.loadedClass); removeClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.loadingClass); addRemoveLoadEvents(elem, rafSwitchLoadingClass); triggerEvent(elem, 'lazyloaded'); }; var rafedSwitchLoadingClass = rAFIt(switchLoadingClass); var rafSwitchLoadingClass = function rafSwitchLoadingClass(e) { rafedSwitchLoadingClass({ target: e.target }); }; var changeIframeSrc = function changeIframeSrc(elem, src) { try { elem.contentWindow.location.replace(src); } catch (e) { elem.src = src; } }; var handleSources = function handleSources(source) { var customMedia; var sourceSrcset = source[_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr); if (customMedia = lazySizesCfg.customMedia[source[_getAttribute]('data-media') || source[_getAttribute]('media')]) { source.setAttribute('media', customMedia); } if (sourceSrcset) { source.setAttribute('srcset', sourceSrcset); } }; var lazyUnveil = rAFIt(function (elem, detail, isAuto, sizes, isImg) { var src, srcset, parent, isPicture, event, firesLoad; if (!(event = triggerEvent(elem, 'lazybeforeunveil', detail)).defaultPrevented) { if (sizes) { if (isAuto) { addClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.autosizesClass); } else { elem.setAttribute('sizes', sizes); } } srcset = elem[_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr); src = elem[_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.srcAttr); if (isImg) { parent = elem.parentNode; isPicture = parent && regPicture.test(parent.nodeName || ''); } firesLoad = detail.firesLoad || 'src' in elem && (srcset || src || isPicture); event = { target: elem }; addClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.loadingClass); if (firesLoad) { clearTimeout(resetPreloadingTimer); resetPreloadingTimer = setTimeout(resetPreloading, 2500); addRemoveLoadEvents(elem, rafSwitchLoadingClass, true); } if (isPicture) { forEach.call(parent.getElementsByTagName('source'), handleSources); } if (srcset) { elem.setAttribute('srcset', srcset); } else if (src && !isPicture) { if (regIframe.test(elem.nodeName)) { changeIframeSrc(elem, src); } else { elem.src = src; } } if (isImg && (srcset || isPicture)) { updatePolyfill(elem, { src: src }); } } if (elem._lazyRace) { delete elem._lazyRace; } removeClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.lazyClass); rAF(function () { // Part of this can be removed as soon as this fix is older: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=7731 (2015) var isLoaded = elem.complete && elem.naturalWidth > 1; if (!firesLoad || isLoaded) { if (isLoaded) { addClass(elem, 'ls-is-cached'); } switchLoadingClass(event); elem._lazyCache = true; setTimeout(function () { if ('_lazyCache' in elem) { delete elem._lazyCache; } }, 9); } if (elem.loading == 'lazy') { isLoading--; } }, true); }); var unveilElement = function unveilElement(elem) { if (elem._lazyRace) { return; } var detail; var isImg = regImg.test(elem.nodeName); //allow using sizes="auto", but don't use. it's invalid. Use data-sizes="auto" or a valid value for sizes instead (i.e.: sizes="80vw") var sizes = isImg && (elem[_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.sizesAttr) || elem[_getAttribute]('sizes')); var isAuto = sizes == 'auto'; if ((isAuto || !isCompleted) && isImg && (elem[_getAttribute]('src') || elem.srcset) && !elem.complete && !hasClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.errorClass) && hasClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.lazyClass)) { return; } detail = triggerEvent(elem, 'lazyunveilread').detail; if (isAuto) { autoSizer.updateElem(elem, true, elem.offsetWidth); } elem._lazyRace = true; isLoading++; lazyUnveil(elem, detail, isAuto, sizes, isImg); }; var afterScroll = debounce(function () { lazySizesCfg.loadMode = 3; throttledCheckElements(); }); var altLoadmodeScrollListner = function altLoadmodeScrollListner() { if (lazySizesCfg.loadMode == 3) { lazySizesCfg.loadMode = 2; } afterScroll(); }; var onload = function onload() { if (isCompleted) { return; } if (Date.now() - started < 999) { setTimeout(onload, 999); return; } isCompleted = true; lazySizesCfg.loadMode = 3; throttledCheckElements(); addEventListener('scroll', altLoadmodeScrollListner, true); }; return { _: function _() { started = Date.now(); lazysizes.elements = document.getElementsByClassName(lazySizesCfg.lazyClass); preloadElems = document.getElementsByClassName(lazySizesCfg.lazyClass + ' ' + lazySizesCfg.preloadClass); addEventListener('scroll', throttledCheckElements, true); addEventListener('resize', throttledCheckElements, true); addEventListener('pageshow', function (e) { if (e.persisted) { var loadingElements = document.querySelectorAll('.' + lazySizesCfg.loadingClass); if (loadingElements.length && loadingElements.forEach) { requestAnimationFrame(function () { loadingElements.forEach(function (img) { if (img.complete) { unveilElement(img); } }); }); } } }); if (window.MutationObserver) { new MutationObserver(throttledCheckElements).observe(docElem, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true }); } else { docElem[_addEventListener]('DOMNodeInserted', throttledCheckElements, true); docElem[_addEventListener]('DOMAttrModified', throttledCheckElements, true); setInterval(throttledCheckElements, 999); } addEventListener('hashchange', throttledCheckElements, true); //, 'fullscreenchange' ['focus', 'mouseover', 'click', 'load', 'transitionend', 'animationend'].forEach(function (name) { document[_addEventListener](name, throttledCheckElements, true); }); if (/d$|^c/.test(document.readyState)) { onload(); } else { addEventListener('load', onload); document[_addEventListener]('DOMContentLoaded', throttledCheckElements); setTimeout(onload, 20000); } if (lazysizes.elements.length) { checkElements(); rAF._lsFlush(); } else { throttledCheckElements(); } }, checkElems: throttledCheckElements, unveil: unveilElement, _aLSL: altLoadmodeScrollListner }; }(); var autoSizer = function () { var autosizesElems; var sizeElement = rAFIt(function (elem, parent, event, width) { var sources, i, len; elem._lazysizesWidth = width; width += 'px'; elem.setAttribute('sizes', width); if (regPicture.test(parent.nodeName || '')) { sources = parent.getElementsByTagName('source'); for (i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { sources[i].setAttribute('sizes', width); } } if (!event.detail.dataAttr) { updatePolyfill(elem, event.detail); } }); var getSizeElement = function getSizeElement(elem, dataAttr, width) { var event; var parent = elem.parentNode; if (parent) { width = getWidth(elem, parent, width); event = triggerEvent(elem, 'lazybeforesizes', { width: width, dataAttr: !!dataAttr }); if (!event.defaultPrevented) { width = event.detail.width; if (width && width !== elem._lazysizesWidth) { sizeElement(elem, parent, event, width); } } } }; var updateElementsSizes = function updateElementsSizes() { var i; var len = autosizesElems.length; if (len) { i = 0; for (; i < len; i++) { getSizeElement(autosizesElems[i]); } } }; var debouncedUpdateElementsSizes = debounce(updateElementsSizes); return { _: function _() { autosizesElems = document.getElementsByClassName(lazySizesCfg.autosizesClass); addEventListener('resize', debouncedUpdateElementsSizes); }, checkElems: debouncedUpdateElementsSizes, updateElem: getSizeElement }; }(); var init = function init() { if (!init.i && document.getElementsByClassName) { init.i = true; autoSizer._(); loader._(); } }; setTimeout(function () { if (lazySizesCfg.init) { init(); } }); lazysizes = { cfg: lazySizesCfg, autoSizer: autoSizer, loader: loader, init: init, uP: updatePolyfill, aC: addClass, rC: removeClass, hC: hasClass, fire: triggerEvent, gW: getWidth, rAF: rAF }; return lazysizes; }); }); var ls_rias = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { (function (window, factory) { var globalInstall = function globalInstall() { factory(window.lazySizes); window.removeEventListener('lazyunveilread', globalInstall, true); }; factory = factory.bind(null, window, window.document); if ( module.exports) { factory(lazysizes); } else if (window.lazySizes) { globalInstall(); } else { window.addEventListener('lazyunveilread', globalInstall, true); } })(window, function (window, document, lazySizes) { var config, riasCfg; var lazySizesCfg = lazySizes.cfg; var replaceTypes = { string: 1, number: 1 }; var regNumber = /^\-*\+*\d+\.*\d*$/; var regPicture = /^picture$/i; var regWidth = /\/w=\d+/; // var regWidth = /\s*\{\s*width\s*\}\s*/i; var regHeight = /\s*\{\s*height\s*\}\s*/i; var regPlaceholder = /\s*\{\s*([a-z0-9]+)\s*\}\s*/ig; var regObj = /^\[.*\]|\{.*\}$/; var regAllowedSizes = /^(?:auto|\d+(px)?)$/; var anchor = document.createElement('a'); var img = document.createElement('img'); var buggySizes = 'srcset' in img && !('sizes' in img); var supportPicture = !!window.HTMLPictureElement && !buggySizes; (function () { var prop; var noop = function noop() {}; var riasDefaults = { prefix: '', postfix: '', srcAttr: 'data-src', absUrl: false, modifyOptions: noop, widthmap: {}, ratio: false, traditionalRatio: false, aspectratio: false }; config = lazySizes && lazySizes.cfg; if (!config.supportsType) { config.supportsType = function (type /*, elem*/ ) { return !type; }; } if (!config.rias) { config.rias = {}; } riasCfg = config.rias; if (!('widths' in riasCfg)) { riasCfg.widths = []; (function (widths) { var width; var i = 0; while (!width || width < 3000) { i += 5; if (i > 30) { i += 1; } width = 36 * i; widths.push(width); } })(riasCfg.widths); } for (prop in riasDefaults) { if (!(prop in riasCfg)) { riasCfg[prop] = riasDefaults[prop]; } } })(); function getElementOptions(elem, src) { var attr, parent, setOption, options; var elemStyles = window.getComputedStyle(elem); parent = elem.parentNode; options = { isPicture: !!(parent && regPicture.test(parent.nodeName || '')) }; var prefix = '' if (typeof src === 'string') { src.replace(/\/w=\d+/, function ($0) { prefix = $0; }) if (prefix) { options.prefix = prefix } } setOption = function setOption(attr, run) { var attrVal = elem.getAttribute('data-' + attr); if (!attrVal) { // no data- attr, get value from the CSS var styles = elemStyles.getPropertyValue('--ls-' + attr); // at least Safari 9 returns null rather than // an empty string for getPropertyValue causing // .trim() to fail if (styles) { attrVal = styles.trim(); } } if (attrVal) { if (attrVal == 'true') { attrVal = true; } else if (attrVal == 'false') { attrVal = false; } else if (regNumber.test(attrVal)) { attrVal = parseFloat(attrVal); } else if (typeof riasCfg[attr] == 'function') { attrVal = riasCfg[attr](elem, attrVal); } else if (regObj.test(attrVal)) { try { attrVal = JSON.parse(attrVal); } catch (e) {} } options[attr] = attrVal; } else if (attr in riasCfg && typeof riasCfg[attr] != 'function') { options[attr] = riasCfg[attr]; } else if (run && typeof riasCfg[attr] == 'function') { options[attr] = riasCfg[attr](elem, attrVal); } }; for (attr in riasCfg) { setOption(attr); } src.replace(regPlaceholder, function (full, match) { if (!(match in options)) { setOption(match, true); } }); return options; } function replaceUrlProps(url, options) { var candidates = []; var replaceFn = function replaceFn(full, match) { return replaceTypes[_typeof(options[match])] ? options[match] : full; }; candidates.srcset = []; if (options.absUrl) { anchor.setAttribute('href', url); url = anchor.href; } url = ((options.prefix || '') + url + (options.postfix || '')).replace(regPlaceholder, replaceFn); if (typeof options.widths === 'string') { options.widths = options.widths.replace(/,\]/, ']') options.widths = JSON.parse(options.widths) } options.widths.forEach(function (width) { var widthAlias = options.widthmap[width] || width; var ratio = options.aspectratio || options.ratio; var traditionalRatio = !options.aspectratio && riasCfg.traditionalRatio; var candidate = { u: url.replace(regWidth, `/w=${widthAlias}`).replace(regHeight, ratio ? traditionalRatio ? Math.round(width * ratio) : Math.round(width / ratio) : ''), w: width }; candidates.push(candidate); candidates.srcset.push(candidate.c = candidate.u + ' ' + width + 'w'); }); return candidates; } function setSrc(src, opts, elem) { var elemW = 0; var elemH = 0; var sizeElement = elem; if (!src) { return; } if (opts.ratio === 'container') { // calculate image or parent ratio elemW = sizeElement.scrollWidth; elemH = sizeElement.scrollHeight; while ((!elemW || !elemH) && sizeElement !== document) { sizeElement = sizeElement.parentNode; elemW = sizeElement.scrollWidth; elemH = sizeElement.scrollHeight; } if (elemW && elemH) { opts.ratio = opts.traditionalRatio ? elemH / elemW : elemW / elemH; } } src = replaceUrlProps(src, opts); src.isPicture = opts.isPicture; if (buggySizes && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG') { elem.removeAttribute(config.srcsetAttr); } else { elem.setAttribute(config.srcsetAttr, src.srcset.join(', ')); } Object.defineProperty(elem, '_lazyrias', { value: src, writable: true }); } function createAttrObject(elem, src) { var opts = getElementOptions(elem, src); riasCfg.modifyOptions.call(elem, { target: elem, details: opts, detail: opts }); lazySizes.fire(elem, 'lazyriasmodifyoptions', opts); console.log('opts;',opts); return opts; } function getSrc(elem) { return elem.getAttribute(elem.getAttribute('data-srcattr') || riasCfg.srcAttr) || elem.getAttribute(config.srcsetAttr) || elem.getAttribute(config.srcAttr) || elem.getAttribute('data-pfsrcset') || ''; } addEventListener('lazybeforesizes', function (e) { if (e.detail.instance != lazySizes) { return; } var elem, src, elemOpts, parent, sources, i, len, sourceSrc, sizes, detail, hasPlaceholder, modified, emptyList; elem = e.target; if (!e.detail.dataAttr || e.defaultPrevented || riasCfg.disabled || !((sizes = elem.getAttribute(config.sizesAttr) || elem.getAttribute('sizes')) && regAllowedSizes.test(sizes))) { return; } src = getSrc(elem); elemOpts = createAttrObject(elem, src); hasPlaceholder = regWidth.test(elemOpts.prefix) || regWidth.test(elemOpts.postfix); if (elemOpts.isPicture && (parent = elem.parentNode)) { sources = parent.getElementsByTagName('source'); for (i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { if (hasPlaceholder || regWidth.test(sourceSrc = getSrc(sources[i]))) { setSrc(sourceSrc, elemOpts, sources[i]); modified = true; } } } if (hasPlaceholder || regWidth.test(src)) { setSrc(src, elemOpts, elem); modified = true; } else if (modified) { emptyList = []; emptyList.srcset = []; emptyList.isPicture = true; Object.defineProperty(elem, '_lazyrias', { value: emptyList, writable: true }); } if (modified) { if (supportPicture) { elem.removeAttribute(config.srcAttr); } else if (sizes != 'auto') { detail = { width: parseInt(sizes, 10) }; polyfill({ target: elem, detail: detail }); } } }, true); // partial polyfill var polyfill = function () { var ascendingSort = function ascendingSort(a, b) { return a.w - b.w; }; var reduceCandidate = function reduceCandidate(srces) { var lowerCandidate, bonusFactor; var len = srces.length; var candidate = srces[len - 1]; var i = 0; for (i; i < len; i++) { candidate = srces[i]; candidate.d = candidate.w / srces.w; if (candidate.d >= srces.d) { if (!candidate.cached && (lowerCandidate = srces[i - 1]) && lowerCandidate.d > srces.d - 0.13 * Math.pow(srces.d, 2.2)) { bonusFactor = Math.pow(lowerCandidate.d - 0.6, 1.6); if (lowerCandidate.cached) { lowerCandidate.d += 0.15 * bonusFactor; } if (lowerCandidate.d + (candidate.d - srces.d) * bonusFactor > srces.d) { candidate = lowerCandidate; } } break; } } return candidate; }; var getWSet = function getWSet(elem, testPicture) { var src; if (!elem._lazyrias && lazySizes.pWS && (src = lazySizes.pWS(elem.getAttribute(config.srcsetAttr || ''))).length) { Object.defineProperty(elem, '_lazyrias', { value: src, writable: true }); if (testPicture && elem.parentNode) { src.isPicture = elem.parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'PICTURE'; } } return elem._lazyrias; }; var getX = function getX(elem) { var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; var optimum = lazySizes.getX && lazySizes.getX(elem); return Math.min(optimum || dpr, 2.4, dpr); }; var getCandidate = function getCandidate(elem, width) { var sources, i, len, media, srces, src; srces = elem._lazyrias; if (srces.isPicture && window.matchMedia) { for (i = 0, sources = elem.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('source'), len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { if (getWSet(sources[i]) && !sources[i].getAttribute('type') && (!(media = sources[i].getAttribute('media')) || (matchMedia(media) || {}).matches)) { srces = sources[i]._lazyrias; break; } } } if (!srces.w || srces.w < width) { srces.w = width; srces.d = getX(elem); src = reduceCandidate(srces.sort(ascendingSort)); } return src; }; var _polyfill = function polyfill(e) { if (e.detail.instance != lazySizes) { return; } var candidate; var elem = e.target; if (!buggySizes && (window.respimage || window.picturefill || lazySizesCfg.pf)) { document.removeEventListener('lazybeforesizes', _polyfill); return; } if (!('_lazyrias' in elem) && (!e.detail.dataAttr || !getWSet(elem, true))) { return; } candidate = getCandidate(elem, e.detail.width); if (candidate && candidate.u && elem._lazyrias.cur != candidate.u) { elem._lazyrias.cur = candidate.u; candidate.cached = true; lazySizes.rAF(function () { elem.setAttribute(config.srcAttr, candidate.u); elem.setAttribute('src', candidate.u); }); } }; if (!supportPicture) { addEventListener('lazybeforesizes', _polyfill); } else { _polyfill = function _polyfill() {}; } return _polyfill; }(); }); }); var ls_unveilhooks = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { /* This plugin extends lazySizes to lazyLoad: background images, videos/posters and scripts Background-Image: For background images, use data-bg attribute:
    Video: For video/audio use data-poster and preload="none": For video that plays automatically if in view: Scripts: For scripts use data-script:
    Script modules using require: For modules using require use data-require:
    */ (function (window, factory) { var globalInstall = function globalInstall() { factory(window.lazySizes); window.removeEventListener('lazyunveilread', globalInstall, true); }; factory = factory.bind(null, window, window.document); if ( module.exports) { factory(lazysizes); } else if (window.lazySizes) { globalInstall(); } else { window.addEventListener('lazyunveilread', globalInstall, true); } })(window, function (window, document, lazySizes) { var bgLoad, regBgUrlEscape; var uniqueUrls = {}; if (document.addEventListener) { regBgUrlEscape = /\(|\)|\s|'/; bgLoad = function bgLoad(url, cb) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.onload = function () { img.onload = null; img.onerror = null; img = null; cb(); }; img.onerror = img.onload; img.src = url; if (img && img.complete && img.onload) { img.onload(); } }; addEventListener('lazybeforeunveil', function (e) { if (e.detail.instance != lazySizes) { return; } var tmp, load, bg, poster; if (!e.defaultPrevented) { var target = e.target; if (target.preload == 'none') { target.preload = target.getAttribute('data-preload') || 'auto'; } if (target.getAttribute('data-autoplay') != null) { if (target.getAttribute('data-expand') && !target.autoplay) { try { target.play(); } catch (er) {} } else { requestAnimationFrame(function () { target.setAttribute('data-expand', '-10'); lazySizes.aC(target, lazySizes.cfg.lazyClass); }); } } tmp = target.getAttribute('data-link'); if (tmp) { addStyleScript(tmp, true); } // handle data-script tmp = target.getAttribute('data-script'); if (tmp) { addStyleScript(tmp); } // handle data-require tmp = target.getAttribute('data-require'); if (tmp) { if (lazySizes.cfg.requireJs) { lazySizes.cfg.requireJs([tmp]); } else { addStyleScript(tmp); } } // handle data-bg bg = target.getAttribute('data-bg'); if (bg) { e.detail.firesLoad = true; load = function load() { target.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + (regBgUrlEscape.test(bg) ? JSON.stringify(bg) : bg) + ')'; e.detail.firesLoad = false; lazySizes.fire(target, '_lazyloaded', {}, true, true); }; bgLoad(bg, load); } // handle data-poster poster = target.getAttribute('data-poster'); if (poster) { e.detail.firesLoad = true; load = function load() { target.poster = poster; e.detail.firesLoad = false; lazySizes.fire(target, '_lazyloaded', {}, true, true); }; bgLoad(poster, load); } } }, false); } function addStyleScript(src, style) { if (uniqueUrls[src]) { return; } var elem = document.createElement(style ? 'link' : 'script'); var insertElem = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; if (style) { elem.rel = 'stylesheet'; elem.href = src; } else { elem.src = src; } uniqueUrls[src] = true; uniqueUrls[elem.src || elem.href] = true; insertElem.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, insertElem); } }); }); var ls_bgset = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { (function (window, factory) { var globalInstall = function globalInstall() { factory(window.lazySizes); window.removeEventListener('lazyunveilread', globalInstall, true); }; factory = factory.bind(null, window, window.document); if ( module.exports) { factory(lazysizes); } else if (window.lazySizes) { globalInstall(); } else { window.addEventListener('lazyunveilread', globalInstall, true); } })(window, function (window, document, lazySizes) { if (!window.addEventListener) { return; } var lazySizesCfg = lazySizes.cfg; var regWhite = /\s+/g; var regSplitSet = /\s*\|\s+|\s+\|\s*/g; var regSource = /^(.+?)(?:\s+\[\s*(.+?)\s*\])(?:\s+\[\s*(.+?)\s*\])?$/; var regType = /^\s*\(*\s*type\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*\)*\s*$/; var regBgUrlEscape = /\(|\)|'/; var allowedBackgroundSize = { contain: 1, cover: 1 }; var proxyWidth = function proxyWidth(elem) { var width = lazySizes.gW(elem, elem.parentNode); if (!elem._lazysizesWidth || width > elem._lazysizesWidth) { elem._lazysizesWidth = width; } return elem._lazysizesWidth; }; var getBgSize = function getBgSize(elem) { var bgSize; bgSize = (getComputedStyle(elem) || { getPropertyValue: function getPropertyValue() {} }).getPropertyValue('background-size'); if (!allowedBackgroundSize[bgSize] && allowedBackgroundSize[elem.style.backgroundSize]) { bgSize = elem.style.backgroundSize; } return bgSize; }; var setTypeOrMedia = function setTypeOrMedia(source, match) { if (match) { var typeMatch = match.match(regType); if (typeMatch && typeMatch[1]) { source.setAttribute('type', typeMatch[1]); } else { source.setAttribute('media', lazySizesCfg.customMedia[match] || match); } } }; var createPicture = function createPicture(sets, elem, img) { var picture = document.createElement('picture'); var sizes = elem.getAttribute(lazySizesCfg.sizesAttr); var ratio = elem.getAttribute('data-ratio'); var optimumx = elem.getAttribute('data-optimumx'); if (elem._lazybgset && elem._lazybgset.parentNode == elem) { elem.removeChild(elem._lazybgset); } Object.defineProperty(img, '_lazybgset', { value: elem, writable: true }); Object.defineProperty(elem, '_lazybgset', { value: picture, writable: true }); sets = sets.replace(regWhite, ' ').split(regSplitSet); picture.style.display = 'none'; img.className = lazySizesCfg.lazyClass; if (sets.length == 1 && !sizes) { sizes = 'auto'; } sets.forEach(function (set) { var match; var source = document.createElement('source'); if (sizes && sizes != 'auto') { source.setAttribute('sizes', sizes); } if (match = set.match(regSource)) { source.setAttribute(lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr, match[1]); setTypeOrMedia(source, match[2]); setTypeOrMedia(source, match[3]); } else { source.setAttribute(lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr, set); } picture.appendChild(source); }); if (sizes) { img.setAttribute(lazySizesCfg.sizesAttr, sizes); elem.removeAttribute(lazySizesCfg.sizesAttr); elem.removeAttribute('sizes'); } if (optimumx) { img.setAttribute('data-optimumx', optimumx); } if (ratio) { img.setAttribute('data-ratio', ratio); } picture.appendChild(img); elem.appendChild(picture); }; var proxyLoad = function proxyLoad(e) { if (!e.target._lazybgset) { return; } var image = e.target; var elem = image._lazybgset; var bg = image.currentSrc || image.src; if (bg) { var event = lazySizes.fire(elem, 'bgsetproxy', { src: bg, useSrc: regBgUrlEscape.test(bg) ? JSON.stringify(bg) : bg }); if (!event.defaultPrevented) { elem.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + event.detail.useSrc + ')'; } } if (image._lazybgsetLoading) { lazySizes.fire(elem, '_lazyloaded', {}, false, true); delete image._lazybgsetLoading; } }; addEventListener('lazybeforeunveil', function (e) { var set, image, elem; if (e.defaultPrevented || !(set = e.target.getAttribute('data-bgset'))) { return; } elem = e.target; image = document.createElement('img'); image.alt = ''; image._lazybgsetLoading = true; e.detail.firesLoad = true; createPicture(set, elem, image); setTimeout(function () { lazySizes.loader.unveil(image); lazySizes.rAF(function () { lazySizes.fire(image, '_lazyloaded', {}, true, true); if (image.complete) { proxyLoad({ target: image }); } }); }); }); document.addEventListener('load', proxyLoad, true); window.addEventListener('lazybeforesizes', function (e) { if (e.detail.instance != lazySizes) { return; } if (e.target._lazybgset && e.detail.dataAttr) { var elem = e.target._lazybgset; var bgSize = getBgSize(elem); if (allowedBackgroundSize[bgSize]) { e.target._lazysizesParentFit = bgSize; lazySizes.rAF(function () { e.target.setAttribute('data-parent-fit', bgSize); if (e.target._lazysizesParentFit) { delete e.target._lazysizesParentFit; } }); } } }, true); document.documentElement.addEventListener('lazybeforesizes', function (e) { if (e.defaultPrevented || !e.target._lazybgset || e.detail.instance != lazySizes) { return; } e.detail.width = proxyWidth(e.target._lazybgset); }); }); }); var ls_respimg = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { (function (window, factory) { if (!window) { return; } var globalInstall = function globalInstall() { factory(window.lazySizes); window.removeEventListener('lazyunveilread', globalInstall, true); }; factory = factory.bind(null, window, window.document); if ( module.exports) { factory(lazysizes); } else if (window.lazySizes) { globalInstall(); } else { window.addEventListener('lazyunveilread', globalInstall, true); } })(typeof window != 'undefined' ? window : 0, function (window, document, lazySizes) { var polyfill; var lazySizesCfg = lazySizes.cfg; var img = document.createElement('img'); var supportSrcset = 'sizes' in img && 'srcset' in img; var regHDesc = /\s+\d+h/g; var fixEdgeHDescriptor = function () { var regDescriptors = /\s+(\d+)(w|h)\s+(\d+)(w|h)/; var forEach = Array.prototype.forEach; return function () { var img = document.createElement('img'); var removeHDescriptors = function removeHDescriptors(source) { var ratio, match; var srcset = source.getAttribute(lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr); if (srcset) { if (match = srcset.match(regDescriptors)) { if (match[2] == 'w') { ratio = match[1] / match[3]; } else { ratio = match[3] / match[1]; } if (ratio) { source.setAttribute('data-aspectratio', ratio); } source.setAttribute(lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr, srcset.replace(regHDesc, '')); } } }; var handler = function handler(e) { if (e.detail.instance != lazySizes) { return; } var picture = e.target.parentNode; if (picture && picture.nodeName == 'PICTURE') { forEach.call(picture.getElementsByTagName('source'), removeHDescriptors); } removeHDescriptors(e.target); }; var test = function test() { if (!!img.currentSrc) { document.removeEventListener('lazybeforeunveil', handler); } }; document.addEventListener('lazybeforeunveil', handler); img.onload = test; img.onerror = test; img.srcset = 'data:,a 1w 1h'; if (img.complete) { test(); } }; }(); if (!lazySizesCfg.supportsType) { lazySizesCfg.supportsType = function (type /*, elem*/ ) { return !type; }; } if (window.HTMLPictureElement && supportSrcset) { if (!lazySizes.hasHDescriptorFix && document.msElementsFromPoint) { lazySizes.hasHDescriptorFix = true; fixEdgeHDescriptor(); } return; } if (window.picturefill || lazySizesCfg.pf) { return; } lazySizesCfg.pf = function (options) { var i, len; if (window.picturefill) { return; } for (i = 0, len = options.elements.length; i < len; i++) { polyfill(options.elements[i]); } }; // partial polyfill polyfill = function () { var ascendingSort = function ascendingSort(a, b) { return a.w - b.w; }; var regPxLength = /^\s*\d+\.*\d*px\s*$/; var reduceCandidate = function reduceCandidate(srces) { var lowerCandidate, bonusFactor; var len = srces.length; var candidate = srces[len - 1]; var i = 0; for (i; i < len; i++) { candidate = srces[i]; candidate.d = candidate.w / srces.w; if (candidate.d >= srces.d) { if (!candidate.cached && (lowerCandidate = srces[i - 1]) && lowerCandidate.d > srces.d - 0.13 * Math.pow(srces.d, 2.2)) { bonusFactor = Math.pow(lowerCandidate.d - 0.6, 1.6); if (lowerCandidate.cached) { lowerCandidate.d += 0.15 * bonusFactor; } if (lowerCandidate.d + (candidate.d - srces.d) * bonusFactor > srces.d) { candidate = lowerCandidate; } } break; } } return candidate; }; var parseWsrcset = function () { var candidates; var regWCandidates = /(([^,\s].[^\s]+)\s+(\d+)w)/g; var regMultiple = /\s/; var addCandidate = function addCandidate(match, candidate, url, wDescriptor) { candidates.push({ c: candidate, u: url, w: wDescriptor * 1 }); }; return function (input) { candidates = []; input = input.trim(); input.replace(regHDesc, '').replace(regWCandidates, addCandidate); if (!candidates.length && input && !regMultiple.test(input)) { candidates.push({ c: input, u: input, w: 99 }); } return candidates; }; }(); var runMatchMedia = function runMatchMedia() { if (runMatchMedia.init) { return; } runMatchMedia.init = true; addEventListener('resize', function () { var timer; var matchMediaElems = document.getElementsByClassName('lazymatchmedia'); var run = function run() { var i, len; for (i = 0, len = matchMediaElems.length; i < len; i++) { polyfill(matchMediaElems[i]); } }; return function () { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(run, 66); }; }()); }; var createSrcset = function createSrcset(elem, isImage) { var parsedSet; var srcSet = elem.getAttribute('srcset') || elem.getAttribute(lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr); if (!srcSet && isImage) { srcSet = !elem._lazypolyfill ? elem.getAttribute(lazySizesCfg.srcAttr) || elem.getAttribute('src') : elem._lazypolyfill._set; } if (!elem._lazypolyfill || elem._lazypolyfill._set != srcSet) { parsedSet = parseWsrcset(srcSet || ''); if (isImage && elem.parentNode) { parsedSet.isPicture = elem.parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'PICTURE'; if (parsedSet.isPicture) { if (window.matchMedia) { lazySizes.aC(elem, 'lazymatchmedia'); runMatchMedia(); } } } parsedSet._set = srcSet; Object.defineProperty(elem, '_lazypolyfill', { value: parsedSet, writable: true }); } }; var getX = function getX(elem) { var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; var optimum = lazySizes.getX && lazySizes.getX(elem); return Math.min(optimum || dpr, 2.5, dpr); }; var _matchesMedia = function matchesMedia(media) { if (window.matchMedia) { _matchesMedia = function matchesMedia(media) { return !media || (matchMedia(media) || {}).matches; }; } else { return !media; } return _matchesMedia(media); }; var getCandidate = function getCandidate(elem) { var sources, i, len, source, srces, src, width; source = elem; createSrcset(source, true); srces = source._lazypolyfill; if (srces.isPicture) { for (i = 0, sources = elem.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('source'), len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { if (lazySizesCfg.supportsType(sources[i].getAttribute('type'), elem) && _matchesMedia(sources[i].getAttribute('media'))) { source = sources[i]; createSrcset(source); srces = source._lazypolyfill; break; } } } if (srces.length > 1) { width = source.getAttribute('sizes') || ''; width = regPxLength.test(width) && parseInt(width, 10) || lazySizes.gW(elem, elem.parentNode); srces.d = getX(elem); if (!srces.src || !srces.w || srces.w < width) { srces.w = width; src = reduceCandidate(srces.sort(ascendingSort)); srces.src = src; } else { src = srces.src; } } else { src = srces[0]; } return src; }; var p = function p(elem) { if (supportSrcset && elem.parentNode && elem.parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'PICTURE') { return; } var candidate = getCandidate(elem); if (candidate && candidate.u && elem._lazypolyfill.cur != candidate.u) { elem._lazypolyfill.cur = candidate.u; candidate.cached = true; elem.setAttribute(lazySizesCfg.srcAttr, candidate.u); elem.setAttribute('src', candidate.u); } }; p.parse = parseWsrcset; return p; }(); if (lazySizesCfg.loadedClass && lazySizesCfg.loadingClass) { (function () { var sels = []; ['img[sizes$="px"][srcset].', 'picture > img:not([srcset]).'].forEach(function (sel) { sels.push(sel + lazySizesCfg.loadedClass); sels.push(sel + lazySizesCfg.loadingClass); }); lazySizesCfg.pf({ elements: document.querySelectorAll(sels.join(', ')) }); })(); } }); }); var PriceRange = /*#__PURE__*/function (_HTMLElement) { _inherits(PriceRange, _HTMLElement); var _super = _createSuper(PriceRange); function PriceRange() { _classCallCheck(this, PriceRange); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(PriceRange, [{ key: "connectedCallback", value: function connectedCallback() { var _this = this; this.rangeLowerBound = this.querySelector('.price-range__range-group input:first-child'); this.rangeHigherBound = this.querySelector('.price-range__range-group input:last-child'); this.textInputLowerBound = this.querySelector('.price-range__input:first-child input'); this.textInputHigherBound = this.querySelector('.price-range__input:last-child input'); // Select whole text on focus for text field to improve user experience this.textInputLowerBound.addEventListener('focus', function () { return _this.textInputLowerBound.select(); }); this.textInputHigherBound.addEventListener('focus', function () { return _this.textInputHigherBound.select(); }); // Keep in sync the range with the text input fields this.textInputLowerBound.addEventListener('change', function (event) { event.target.value = Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(event.target.value), parseInt(_this.textInputHigherBound.value || event.target.max) - 1), event.target.min); _this.rangeLowerBound.value = event.target.value; _this.rangeLowerBound.parentElement.style.setProperty('--range-min', "".concat(parseInt(_this.rangeLowerBound.value) / parseInt(_this.rangeLowerBound.max) * 100, "%")); }); this.textInputHigherBound.addEventListener('change', function (event) { event.target.value = Math.min(Math.max(parseInt(event.target.value), parseInt(_this.textInputLowerBound.value || event.target.min) + 1), event.target.max); _this.rangeHigherBound.value = event.target.value; _this.rangeHigherBound.parentElement.style.setProperty('--range-max', "".concat(parseInt(_this.rangeHigherBound.value) / parseInt(_this.rangeHigherBound.max) * 100, "%")); }); this.rangeLowerBound.addEventListener('change', function (event) { _this.textInputLowerBound.value = event.target.value; _this.textInputLowerBound.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); }); this.rangeHigherBound.addEventListener('change', function (event) { _this.textInputHigherBound.value = event.target.value; _this.textInputHigherBound.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); }); // We also have to bound the two range sliders this.rangeLowerBound.addEventListener('input', function (event) { _this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('collection:abort-loading', { bubbles: true })); event.target.value = Math.min(parseInt(event.target.value), parseInt(_this.textInputHigherBound.value || event.target.max) - 1); // Bound the value event.target.parentElement.style.setProperty('--range-min', "".concat(parseInt(event.target.value) / parseInt(event.target.max) * 100, "%")); _this.textInputLowerBound.value = event.target.value; }); this.rangeHigherBound.addEventListener('input', function (event) { _this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('collection:abort-loading', { bubbles: true })); event.target.value = Math.max(parseInt(event.target.value), parseInt(_this.textInputLowerBound.value || event.target.min) + 1); // Bound the value event.target.parentElement.style.setProperty('--range-max', "".concat(parseInt(event.target.value) / parseInt(event.target.max) * 100, "%")); _this.textInputHigherBound.value = event.target.value; }); } }]); return PriceRange; }( /*#__PURE__*/_wrapNativeSuper(HTMLElement)); window.customElements.define('price-range', PriceRange); (function () { var bootTheme = function bootTheme() { // Some polyfills not provided yet by polyfills.io if (window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) { NodeList.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { thisArg = thisArg || window; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { callback.call(thisArg, this[i], i, this); } }; } // Use for the smooth scroll polyfill smoothscroll.polyfill(); // Instantiate global plugins new CollapsibleManager(); new LoadingBar(); new ModalManager(); new PopoverManager(); // Then, we instantiate specific sections that may appear in all pages, and then only the template specific sections var sections = new SectionContainer(); sections.register('account', AccountSection); sections.register('announcement-bar', AnnouncementBarSection); sections.register('blog', BlogSection); sections.register('blog-sidebar', BlogSidebarSection); sections.register('blog-post', BlogPostSection); sections.register('cart', CartSection); sections.register('collection-list', CollectionListSection); sections.register('collection', CollectionSection); sections.register('featured-collection', FeaturedCollectionSection); sections.register('footer', FooterSection); sections.register('gift-card', GiftCardSection); sections.register('header', HeaderSection); sections.register('login', LoginSection); sections.register('map', MapSection); sections.register('minimal-header', MinimalHeaderSection); sections.register('popups', PopupsSection); sections.register('product-recommendations', ProductRecommendationsSection); sections.register('product', ProductSection); sections.register('quick-links', QuickLinksSection); sections.register('recently-viewed-products', RecentlyViewedProductsSection); sections.register('slideshow', SlideshowSection); sections.register('text-with-icons', TextWithIconsSection); sections.register('video', VideoSection); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RTE * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function () { // We wrap each RTE table by a specific class to allow wrapping document.querySelectorAll('.rte table').forEach(function (table) { table.outerHTML = '
    ' + table.outerHTML + '
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    ' + iframe.outerHTML + '
    '; // Re-set the src attribute on each iframe after page load for Chrome's "incorrect iFrame content on 'back'" bug. // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=395791. Need to specifically target video and admin bar iframe.src = iframe.src; } }); })(); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FLICKITY * * Starting from iOS 11, Safari on iOS is experiencing a bug that prevents * event.preventDefault to be called on dynamically added listeners, which is * what Flickity is using. * * The bug is coming from iOS but it impacts indirectly Flickity. A temporary * fix has been suggested here: https://github.com/metafizzy/flickity/issues/740 * and that we are using here as a temporary workaround, that should be removed * once the bug is fixed on iOS * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function () { var touchingCarousel = false, touchStartCoords; document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', function (e) { var flickitySliderElement = e.target.closest('.flickity-slider'); if (flickitySliderElement) { var flickity = js.data(flickitySliderElement.closest('.flickity-enabled')); if (flickity.isDraggable) { touchingCarousel = true; } else { touchingCarousel = false; return; } } else { touchingCarousel = false; return; } touchStartCoords = { x: e.touches[0].pageX, y: e.touches[0].pageY }; }); document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) { if (!(touchingCarousel && e.cancelable)) { return; } var moveVector = { x: e.touches[0].pageX - touchStartCoords.x, y: e.touches[0].pageY - touchStartCoords.y }; if (Math.abs(moveVector.x) > 8) e.preventDefault(); }, { passive: false }); })(); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * UTILS * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * NOTE: I'm really not satisfied with the way this is handled, but this has been asked by design at the very * end of the process. This should be abstracted at some point to make it easier to re-use and with slightly * cleaner code! */ (function () { // In card, elements that have a "card__section" with a [aria-expanded] attribute can be clickable to open the content // of the card itself var documentDelegate = new Delegate(document.body); documentDelegate.on('click', '.expandable-content__toggle', function (item, expandableButton) { var parentSection = expandableButton.closest('.expandable-content'); if (parentSection.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { // Previously expanded, so we have to close it parentSection.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); parentSection.style['max-height'] = "".concat(parentSection.offsetHeight, "px"); parentSection.offsetHeight; // Use to force a redraw parentSection.style['max-height'] = null; // Remove the attribute to let the CSS decide the max-height var expandableText = expandableButton.querySelector('.expandable-content__toggle-text'); expandableText.innerHTML = expandableText.getAttribute('data-view-more'); // We also have to scroll back to the top to preserve scroll position var parentCard = parentSection.closest('.card'); if (parentCard) { var amountToScroll = parentCard.getBoundingClientRect().top - 15 - parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--header-height')); window.scrollBy({ top: amountToScroll, behavior: 'smooth' }); } } else { // Previously collapsed, so we have to open it parentSection.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); // Because the expandable button is still positioned absolutely, we need to add margin to the sibling // text to account the button. It's a bit ugly and hacky but this was the simplest I've found if (expandableButton.previousElementSibling) { expandableButton.previousElementSibling.style['margin-bottom'] = "".concat(parseInt(expandableButton.clientHeight), "px"); } Animation.slideDown(parentSection, null, 'max-height'); var _expandableText = expandableButton.querySelector('.expandable-content__toggle-text'); _expandableText.innerHTML = _expandableText.getAttribute('data-view-less'); } }); var processCollapsibles = function processCollapsibles() { document.querySelectorAll('.expandable-content[aria-expanded]').forEach(function (item) { if (item.scrollHeight > item.clientHeight) { item.classList.add('expandable-content--expandable'); } else { item.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } }); }; document.addEventListener('shopify:section:load', function (event) { processCollapsibles(); }); processCollapsibles(); })(); (function () { // Mobile browsers (like iOS) do not support opening keyboard, so we simply prevent the autofocus by unblurring // all the fields if (Responsive.getCurrentBreakpoint() === 'phone') { var autoFocusedElements = document.querySelectorAll('input[autofocus]'); for (var i = 0; i < autoFocusedElements.length; i++) { autoFocusedElements[i].blur(); autoFocusedElements[i].removeAttribute('autofocus'); } } })(); (function () { var documentDelegate = new Delegate(document.body); documentDelegate.on('click', '[href^="#"], [data-href]', function (event, target) { var selector = target.hasAttribute('href') ? target.getAttribute('href') : target.getAttribute('data-href'); if (selector === '#' || selector === '#main') { return; } var element = null; try { element = document.querySelector(selector); } catch (exception) { // We may have an invalid selector, so if we catch it we just return return; } var offset = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-offset') || 0), toTop = 0; while (element.offsetParent.tagName !== 'BODY') { toTop += element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent; } toTop += element.offsetTop; window.scrollTo({ behavior: 'smooth', top: toTop - offset }); event.preventDefault(); }); })(); (function () { function handleFirstTab(event) { if (event.key === 'Tab') { document.body.classList.add('is-tabbing'); window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleFirstTab); } } window.addEventListener('keydown', handleFirstTab); })(); (function () { var documentDelegate = new Delegate(document.body); documentDelegate.on('keyup', 'input, textarea', function (event, target) { target.classList.toggle('is-filled', target.value !== ''); }); documentDelegate.on('change', 'select', function (event, target) { target.parentNode.classList.toggle('is-filled', target.value !== ''); }); })(); // This snippet allows to automatically adds a target="_blank" to any link that is external. This is actually // somewhat always desired by merchant and will allow to reduce support (function () { var links = document.links; fastdom.mutate(function () { for (var i = 0, linksLength = links.length; i < linksLength; i++) { if (links[i].hostname !== window.location.hostname) { links[i].target = '_blank'; links[i].relList.add('noopener'); links[i].setAttribute('aria-describedby', 'a11y-new-window-message'); } } }); })(); }; // In order to prevent loading polyfills on modern browser, we first detect if the browser support fetch and assign (if // it does then it supports actually all the features we need). If that's not the case we first load the polyfill from // polyfill.io and then boot the theme, otherwise we can skip this step completely if ('fetch' in window && 'assign' in Object) { bootTheme(); } else { var scriptEl = document.createElement('script'); scriptEl.src = '//cdn.polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?unknown=polyfill&features=fetch,Element.prototype.closest,Element.prototype.matches,Element.prototype.remove,Element.prototype.classList,Array.prototype.includes,String.prototype.includes,Object.assign,CustomEvent,URL,DOMTokenList'; scriptEl.async = false; scriptEl.onload = function () { bootTheme(); }; document.head.appendChild(scriptEl); } })(); })));